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Pune University - SY BSc (Sem - II) OPTIONAL ENGLISH, April 2010

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Total No. of Questions : 4] P506 [Total No. of Pages : 3 [3717]-230 S.Y. B.Sc. (Sem. - II) OPTIONAL ENGLISH (New Course) Enriching Oral and Written Communication in English Time : 2 Hours] [Max. Marks : 40 Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. Q1) Attempt any two of the following. [10] a) You applied for the post of a Lecturer in Chemistry and have been asked to appear for an interview. Write down five questions that you could be asked and their possible answers regarding qualification, experience, salary, contributions, plans in the concerned field etc. b) Imagine that you are the Chairman of a meeting. List some of the special features of conducting a formal meeting. c) Ashok, Amir, Ramesh and Jyoti are participants in a group discussion on the topic 'Pollution: Causes, Effects and Remedies'. Write a transcript of the discussion using the following points. Introduction - definition - types of pollution - man made and nature caused pollution - urbanisation - overpopulation - industrialisation deforestation - effects - global warming - changes in seasonal cycles preventive measures - population control - eco friendliness - educating the masses - conclusion. Q2) Attempt any two of the following. [10] a) Write a paragraph of about 15 sentences on the topic 'Need of Social Service'. b) Punctuate the following paragraph. a summary is a shortened version of a letter a passage a report an article a chapter it is written in the summarisers own words the skill of summarising is useful in all situations it saves time summaries are of great help in checking of a book or an article. P.T.O. 1 c) Summarize the following paragraph to one third of its length. Suggest a suitable title. Prepare rough draft. Waste can be classified as city waste, industrial waste, organic waste, chemical waste, degradable waste, non-degradable waste etc. One of the important differentiating criteria is 'Degradable' and 'NonDegradable' waste. Every house produces a lot of waste. There are three places in a house that generate Waste: kitchen, other rooms, courtyard or garden. Housewives generally take utmost care to keep the house clean. Domestic waste is thrown carelessly on to the roadside, garbage box and most of the times in the open space. This attracts stray animals and flies. The decomposing waste produces bad smell, as it is wet. Thus, the roadside becomes ugly and obscene. It causes health problem and the air pollution level also increases. There are various ways of disposing the waste. One of the effective and useful means is Terrace Gardening. Nowadays due to bungalow, flat culture and concrete jungle everywhere, there is very little space left for gardening in the courtyard. In semi-urban and urban areas also there is tremendous rise in bungalows, row houses and residential complexes. As very little or no space is left for gardening, terrace can be used for gardening successfully. In large residential complexes and societies more space on ground floor can be made available for garden and job to a family. Q3) Attempt any two of the following. a) [10] Choose the more powerful of the two words or phrases given. i) I was hungry so I (gobbled up/ ate up) my food quickly. ii) I wonder where they got these (dress items/costumes) from. iii) I was busy in the afternoon (attending/receiving) calls. iv) He (looked at/squinted at) the kite flying high above his head. v) [3717]-230 The stream (gushed out/came out) of a crack in the mountainside. -22 b) Write a review of a movie that you watched recently. Take into account the following points: plot, character, setting, theme, message, social/ moral implication, your opinion. c) Write a description of a doctor you know taking into consideration his/her personality, character, mood and thoughts. Q4) Attempt any two of the following. [10] a) Imagine that you are the Sports Secretary of your college. Write an e-mail to sports goods dealer having address asking for trade catalogue. Mention the items you intend to buy and ask for a discount on the catalogue price and early delivery. b) Prepare 5 slides of about 20 words each for power point presentation that you would like to make in a function on the topic: 'Career Opportunities for the Students of Science'. You can make use of the following points :: Introduction market value traditional degree jobs available business research. c) You want to seek admission in Government College of Science. You make a call to clerk asking him about the procedure, fees last date etc. Write a short telephone conversation on this situation. [3717]-230 -33

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Additional Info : S.Y. B.Sc. Optional English (Semister - II) : Enriching Oral and Written Communication in English, (New Course), Pune University
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