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Pune University - SY BSc (Sem - I) HINDI, April 2010

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Total No. of Questions : 3] P288 [Total No. of Pages : 3 [3717] - 132 S.Y. B.Sc. (2008 Pattern) (Sem. - I) qhXr (HINDI) (New Syllabus) g_` : 2 K Qo> ] [ nyUm H$ : 40 nmR >`nw VH|$ : ii) {V{Z{Y H$hm{Z`m g nmXH$ - qhXr {d^mJ, Eg . EZ . S>r. Q>r. {d d{d mb`, _w~B ii) N>m`mdmX {V{Z{Y aMZmE g nmXH$ - Zram na_ma gyMZmE : i) g^r Z A{Zdm` h & ii) Xm{hZr Amoa {bIo A H$ Z Ho$ nyUm H$ h & Z 1) A) {Z Z{c{IV _| go {H$ ht Xg dm `m| H$mo ew H$aHo$ {\$a go {b{IE & 1) ~ H$ Xmo ~Oo ~ X hmoVr h & 2) am_ Zo _mohZ H$mo nMmg n`o H$s ZmoQ> Xr & 3) Mm amho na nw{bg I S>o h & 4) `m Vw_Zo dh nw VH$ n T>m ? 5) H$~ra ~hmoV ~ S>o g V Wo & 6) nw VH|$ n T>Zo go h_| `mZ {_bVm h & 7) Vw_Zo n na n mm `m| Zht {bIm ? 8) {V`mo{JVm _| b S>Ho$ ^mJ aho h & 9) [10] eoa {haZ H$s {eH$ma Zht H$a nm`m & 10) Cg g^m _| Mma d Vo ~mob o & 11) Vw hmar Am Im| go Am gy `m| ~h ahm h & 12) ~ Xa no S> Ho$ D$na ~ R>m h & P.T.O. 1 Am) {Z Z{b{IV A J o Or n[a N>oX H$m {h Xr _| AZwdmX H$s{OE & [4] Scientific inventions are neither good nor bad; it is the use we make of them that is good or bad. An aeroplan can take lives by dropping bombs, or save lives by flying medicines to the sick or the injured. It is the human mind. Which is itself can make a hell of heaven when they had tasted the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge. Humanity has tasted the forbidden fruit of science and is waiting to the see the shape of things to come in future. Z 2) A) {Z Z{b{IV J AdVaU H$s gg X^ `m `m H$s{OE & [5] H$) _hmamO ZmamO Z hm|, Amngo Vmo EH$ Q>moH$ar ^a {_ >r Zht CR>mB OmVr Am a Bg Pm|n S>r _| Vmo hOmam| Q>moH$[a`m {_ >r n S>r h , CgH$m ^ma Amn O _ ^a `m| H$a CR>m gH|$Jo ? AWdm VwPo Vmo Iwe hmoZm Mm{hE {H$ CZHo$ {bE EH$ amoO ^yIo ahZo H$m VwPo nw ` {_bm & _ `m| C h| ZmamO H$aVr h ? A~ go ZmamO Z H$ Jr & Am) {Z Z{b{IV n AdVaU H$s gg X^ `m `m H$s{OE & [5] I) {dOZ-dZ-d bar na gmoVr Wr gwhmJ^ar Zoh- d Z-_ -A_b H$mo_b-VZw-V Ur J ~ X {H$`o, {e{Wb n m H$ _| & AWdm hm` ! _ `w H$m Eogm A_a, Anm{W d nyOZ ? O~ {df U, {ZOud n S>m hmo OJ H$m OrdZ ! g J-gm Y _| hmo l Jma _aU H$m emo^Z, Z , jwYmVwa dmg {dhrZ ah| Or{dV OZ ? [3717]-132 -2- 2 Z 3) A) {Z Z{b{IV _| go {H$ ht Xmo Zm| Ho$ C ma {b{IE & J) [8] bhZmqgh H$m M[a {M U H$s{OE & K) Z hHy$qgh Zo amO_mVm n m H$s ajm `m| H$s ? L >) h Hy$ Am a O~am H$s {_ Vm H$m n[aM` Xr{OE & M) Mm Yar nra~ e H$s Ka H$s X`Zr` p W{V H$m {M U boIH$ Zo {H$g H$ma {H$`m h ? Am) {Z Z{b{IV _| go {H$ ht Xmo Zm| Ho$ C ma {b{IE & [8] N>) "OmJmo {\$a EH$ ~ma' H${dVm H$m Ame` n > H$s{OE & O) "EH$ ~ma ~g Am a ZmM Vy `m_m' Eogm {Zambm `m| H$hVo h ? m) "Zm H$m {dhma' H${dVm _| H${d Zo mH ${VH$ gwf_m H$m dU Z {H$g H$ma {H$`m h ? Q>) H${d n V Ho$ AZwgma OrdZ _| gwI-XwI H$m `m _h d h ? rrrr [3717]-132 -3- 3

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Additional Info : S.Y. B.Sc. Hindi (Semister - I), (New Course), Pune University
Tags : pune university exam papers, university of pune question papers, pune university science, pune university courses, bsc pune university, msc pune university, pune university solved question papers, pune university model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers pune university  

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