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Pune University - SY BSc (Sem - I) ELECTRONIC SCIENCE - I, April 2010

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Total No. of Questions : 4] P280 [Total No. of Pages : 2 [3717] - 123 S.Y. B.Sc. ELECTRONIC SCIENCE EL - 211 : Analog Circuits and Systems - I (New) (Semester - I) (Paper - I) (22211) Time : 2 Hours] Instructions to the candidates : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 3) Figures to the right indicates full marks. 4) Use of non-programmable calculator is allowed. [Max. Marks : 40 Q1) Attempt all of the following: a) Express power gain in decibels. [1] b) Define the slew rate of an OP - AMP. [1] c) What is harmonic distortion? [1] d) Define the term CMRR. [1] e) Mostly transformer coupling is preferred in large signal amplifiers comment. [2] f) The effect of distortion can be minimized with the use of negative feedback - comment. [2] g) The OP - AMP is used in inverting mode and non - inverting mode with R1 = 1 K and Rf = 100 K , Vin = 10 mV and VCC = 12V. Find V0 in each case. [2] h) A power transistor dissipates 4W. If the junction temperature Tjmax i s 100 C and the thermal resistance = 5 c/W. Calculate the maximum ambient temperature at which it can be operated. [2] Q2) Attempt any TWO of the following: [2 x 4 = 8] a) State the design steps involved in a single stage class - A amplifier circuit. b) Draw a circuit diagram of differential amplifier with constant current source. Explain its need and significance. Explain with block diagram voltage series feedback and shunt feedback. c) P.T.O. Q3) Attempt any TWO of the following: [2 x 4 = 8] a) Draw the circuit diagram of class - B push - pull amplifier. Show that efficiency of class - B amplifier is 78.5%. b) Explain the working of the integration amplifier. Sketch the input and output waveforms. c) What is the effect of negative feedback on the gain of an amplifier? Show that the closed loop gain Af is given by f = , where A is (1 + ) open loop gain of the amplifier, is feedback fraction. Q4) Attempt all of the following: a) Draw the circuit diagram of a two stage RC coupled amplifier. Write an expression for the voltage gain due to two stages in it. Comment on the gain of the amplifier in decibel and voltage gain in volts. [6] b) Discuss the features of commercially available power amplifier TDA 810 or TDA 2020, in audio frequency use. [6] OR Attempt all of the following: a) Design first order low pass Butterworth filter for cutoff frequency 10KHz, select suitable value of C. [4] b) Draw DC load line for a CE amplifier using V CC = + 10 volts, R1 = 10K , R2 = 5K , RC = 800 and RE = 100 . [4] c) Calculate the gain of an amplifier with negative feedback with feedback fraction = 0.05 and open loop gain of 50. [4] Y [3717] - 123 2

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Additional Info : S.Y. B.Sc. Electronic Science (Semister - I), EL - 211 : Analog Circuits and Systems - I (Paper - I) (New Course), Pune University
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