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Pune University - SY BSc (Sem - II) CHEMISTRY : Analytical Chemistry, April 2010

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Total No. of Questions :4] [Total No. of Pages : 2 [3717] - 206 S.Y. B.Sc. CHEMISTRY CH - 222 : Analytical Chemistry (51322) (Sem. - II) (New Course) P484 Time :2 Hours] [Max. Marks : 40 Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 3) Use of logarithmic tables and calculator is allowed. 4) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. Q1) Answer the following : [10] a) Distinguish between dry ashing and wet ashing. b) Concentrated HCl can not be used in place of dilute HCl as a group reagent for group I. Why? c) What is a functional group? d) Define Equivalence point in volumetric analysis. e) What are the disadvantages of starch indicator? f) Define the term standard deviation. g) How is Tollen s reagent prepared? h) Which is a group reagent for III B group? i) Give any two advantages of solvent extraction. j) Why should a primary standard substance have a high molecular weight? Q2) a) Answer any two of the following : [6] i) ii) Write a note on borate removal scheme in qualitative analysis. iii) b) Explain applications of solvent extraction. Explain the method of estimation of copper in crystallised copper sulphate. 0.450 gm of an organic compound gave 0.5 gm of silver chloride in a carius estimation. Find the percentage of chloride in the compound.[4] P.T.O. Q3) a) Answer any two of the following : [6] i) ii) Give the classification of errors with suitable examples. iii) b) What is a displacement titration? Illustrate it with a suitable example. How is phenol detected? Give two characteristic tests for phenolicOH group. Solve any one of the following : [4] i) ii) Q4) a) The percentage of sulpher in an organic compound was found by four different students as 10.10, 10.30,10.40, and 10.50. Calculate the mean deviation, standard deviation and relative mean deviation. In solvent extraction of a metal using ether, the volume of aqueous and organic phase was 30 ml each. When the percentage extraction was 98%; calculate the distribution ratio. Explain the titration curve of strong acid and strong base. Which indicator will you choose for this titration? [6] OR Explain Duma s method of nitrogen estimation with labelled diagram. b) Answer any one of the following : [4] i) Describe the Mohr s method for estimation of chloride in a given sample. ii) What is solubility product? Explain one application of it in qualitative analysis. #### [3717]-206 2

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Additional Info : S.Y. B.Sc. Chemistry (Semister - II), CH - 222 : Analytical Chemistry (New Course), Pune University
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