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Pune University - FY BSc ZOOLOGY - I, April 2010

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Total No. of Questions : 6] P187 [Total No. of Pages : 3 [3717] - 9 F.Y. B.Sc. ZOOLOGY NOn - Chordates and Chordates (Theory) (2008 Pattern) (New Course) (Paper-I) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80 Instructions to the Candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Draw neat labelled diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. SECTION - I Non-Chordates Q1) Define / Explain (Any ten) : a) Entomology. b) Genus. c) Cyclosis. d) Spicules. e) Radial Symmetry. f) Regeneration. g) Vermiculture. h) Mimicry. i) Foodvacuole. j) Systematics. k) Monera. l) [10] Osmoregulation. Q2) Write short notes on (Any three) : a) b) Diagnostic features of plantae. Pearl formation in Mollusca. c) [15] Leuconoid type of canal system in sponges. P.T.O d) Biotechnology. e) Binary fission in Paramoecium. Q3) Attempt the following : [15] a) Mention the general characters of Arthropoda. b) Economic importance of Helminthes. c) Give general characters of class Hydrozoa. OR Mention the distinguishing characters and classification of phylum Annelida. Give suitable examples and characters of each class. SECTION - II Chordates Q4) Define/Explain (Any ten) : a) Hemichordata. b) Anadromous migration. c) Divergent evolution. d) Monotremes. e) Vocal sac. f) Aestivation. g) Acrodont teeth. h) Pace maker. i) Acraniata. j) Urodela. k) Agranulocytes. l) [10] Brow spot. [3717]-9 2 Q5) Write short notes on (Any three) [15] a) Terrestrial adaptations of reptiles. b) Habits and habitat of Myxine. c) Diversity of placental mammals in aquatic habitat. d) Marsupial mammals. e) Sexual dimorphism in frog. Q6) Attempt the following. [15] a) Sketch and label female reproductive system of frog. b) Explain general organization of fishes. c) Give general characters of cephalochordata. OR Describe the central nervous system of frog. #### oooookkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkm m m m m m m m m m mnnhm # oooookkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk m m m m m m m m m m nnnh m # ### # [3717]-9 3

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Additional Info : F.Y. B.Sc. ZOOLOGY : Non - Chordates and Chordates (Theory) (2008 Pattern) (New Course) (Paper-I), Pune University
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