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Pune University - FY BSc ELECTRONICS - I, April 2010

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Total No. of Questions : 5] P199 [Total No. of Pages : 3 [3717] - 21 F.Y. B.Sc. ELECTRONICS EL1 - T1 : Principles of Analog Electronics (New Course) (2008) (Paper - I) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicates full marks. 3) Draw neat labelled diagrams wherever necessary. 4) Use of calculator & log table is allowed. [Max. Marks : 80 Q1) Attempt the following questions in brief : a) Wire wound resistors are inductive comment . b) [16] Draw circuit symbols of i) ii) c) SPDT DPDT Explain meaning of i) STP ii) FRC d) Give two types of signals with wave forms used in Electronics. e) Define i) ii) f) Input offset voltage. Slew rate. Draw circuit symbols of i) ii) g) SCR Triac State i) ii) h) KCL Superposition theorem. A typical transistor has = 90, IC = 15mA calculate IB. P.T.O. Q2) Attempt any Four questions : [16] a) b) c) d) Describe construction and working of e.m. relay. Draw bridge rectifier circuit with proper waveforms Write a short note on step response of RC circuit. Use Thevenin s theorem to find current flowing through galvanometer e) f) What are clippers? Explain series +ve clipper. Explain working of opamp an adder. Q3) Attempt any Four of the following : [16] a) What is battery? Explain construction and working of lead acid accumulator. b) Obtain an expression for resonant frequency of series LCR circuit. c) Obtain Norton equivalent of the following d) e) f) Explain construction and working of zener diode. Draw CB, CC, CE configuration of transistor which configuration is mostly used. Explain working of opamp as non inverting amplifier. Q4) Attempt any Two of the following : [16] a) i) Draw circuit symbols of 1) TDR 2) Step down Transformer 3) Fuse 4) Iron core Inductor ii) In capacitive circuit show that current leads applied voltage. [3717]-21 2 b) i) Verify maximum power transfer theorem for following c) ii) i) With the help of equivalent circuit, explain working of UJT. Draw circuit symbols of n & p channel enhancement and depletion type MOSFETs. Write a short note on transistor as a switch. ii) Q5) Attempt any two questions : a) i) Find equivalent resistance between terminals A & B ii) b) i) ii) c) i) ii) The arms of network has following values Ra = 10 Rb = 20 Rc = 30 find equivalent T Network Draw I-V characteristics of 1) JFET 2) n-p-n transistor With the help of forward biased rectifying diode circuit explain its I-V characteristics. Define : 1) Voltage gain 2) Current gain 3) Power gain 4) Input resistance of an amplifier. Find of a transistor for = 50 & 190. vvvv [3717]-21 [16] 3

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Additional Info : F.Y. B.Sc. ELECTRONICS EL1 - T1 : Principles of Analog Electronics (New Course) (2008) (Paper - I), Pune University
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