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Pune University - FY BSc CHEMISTRY - II, April 2010 (Old Course)

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Total No. of Questions : 5] [Total No. of Pages : 4 [3717] - 57 F.Y.B.Sc. P225 CHEMISTRY - II Organic and Inorganic Chemistry (Theory) (Paper - II) (Old Course) (2004 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. [Max. Marks :80 Q1) Answer the following: [16] a) Alkanes are water insoluble but alcohols are water soluble. Explain. b) What is dehydrogenation? Explain with suitable example. c) Draw structures of cis and trans isomers of 2-butene. d) Explain plane of symmetry with suitable examples. e) What is Friedel - Craft acylation? Give one example. f) Give disadvantages of hard water. g) Write electronic configuration of elements having atomic number 11 and 28. h) Draw the structures of XeF4 and XeF6. Q2) a) Answer any two of the following: [8] i) What are conformations? Discuss the conformational isomerism in ethane using energy profile diagram. ii) What is hybridisation? Explain the formation of ethane using concept of hybridisation. iii) What are alkanes? Discuss any two methods of preparation of alkanes. iv) Assign E and Z configuration of the following. P.T.O. b) Attempt any two of the following: [8] i) What are alcohols? Give their classification. How is ethyl alcohol prepared from ethyl chloride. ii) State and explain Saytzeff rule with suitable examples. iii) What is electrophilic substitution reaction? Explain the following reactions of benzene. 1) Q3) a) Halogenation 2) Sulphonation. Answer any two of the following: [8] i) What are aromatic compounds? Discuss Huckel s rule of aromaticity with suitable examples. ii) What is Grignard reagent? How will you prepare primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols using Grignard reagent? iii) Give any two methods of preparation of ethyl bromide. What is the action of following reagents on ethyl bromide? 1) b) Sodium metal 2) Alc. KoH. Attempt any two of the following: i) What is resonance effect? Draw resonating structures of 1) ii) [8] Aniline 2) Nitrobenzene. Define the following terms. 1) Q4) a) 2) Chiral centre. 3) iii) Dihedral angle. Centre of symmetry. 4) Enantiomers. Give applications of organic compounds in our daily life. Attempt any Three of the following: i) Explain the following terms with suitable examples. 1) ii) [3717]-57 [6] Electrophiles 2) Nucleophiles. Assign R or S configuration of the following compound. 2 iii) Give IUPAC names of the following compounds. iv) Write short note on Homologous Series . v) Trans isomer is more stable than cis isomer. Explain. b) Identify products A and B and rewrite the reactions (Any two) [4] c) Attempt any one of the following: [6] i) ii) Q5) a) What is heavy water? Explain preparation and applications of heavy water. The First element in a group behaves abnormally in certain respects and resembles an element diagonally related to it. Explain the above statement, taking beryllium as an example. Attempt any two of the following: [6] i) ii) Explain the trends in Ionisation energy across the period and group of the periodic table. iii) [3717]-57 Calculate screening constant S and hence Zeff for valence electron of helium. Give the names and write electronic configuration of alkali metals. 3 b) Attempt any two of the following: [10] i) Explain the structure and bonding of XeO2F2. ii) Draw the skeleton of periodic table. Give location of following in it. 1) 2) Li 3) iii) IV A O 4) III B What are alkali metals? Explain the trends in following properties of alkali metals. 1) Size of atom and ion. 2) Oxidation state. TTT [3717]-57 4

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Additional Info : F.Y.B.Sc. CHEMISTRY - II Organic and Inorganic Chemistry (Theory) (Paper - II) (Old Course) (2004 Pattern), Pune University
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