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Pune University - FY BSc CHEMISTRY - I, April 2010 (Old Course)

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Total No. of Questions : 5] [Total No. of Pages : 3 [3717] - 56 F.Y. B.Sc. P224 CHEMISTRY - I Physical and Inorganic Chemistry (Paper - I) (2004 Old Course) (Theory) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary. 4) Use of logarithmic table/calculator is allowed. [Max. Marks :80 Q1) Attempt the following: a) [16] Explain the terms. i) Open system ii) Entropy. b) List the different parts of computer. c) State and explain Pauli s exclusion principle. d) Calculate the pH of 1.2 10 3 M HCl solution. e) Explain the terms. i) f) Q2) a) Auto catalysis. Oxidising agent. ii) Reducing agent. Convert the following quantities into moles. i) h) ii) Define the following terms with suitable examples. i) g) Catalytic poisons. 18 gms of CH4. Define: ii) i) Covalent bond ii) 90 gms of C6H12O6. Co-ordinate bond. Attempt any four of the following: [8] i) State any four rules of logarithm. ii) Find the value of x if 10x = 33.48. iii) Find the equation of line that passes through the point ( 3, 2) and has slope 2. P.T.O. iv) What is the slope and intercept if the equation of line is 5x + 7 y 1 1 = 0. 2 dy . dx v) vi) If y = ax2. Find vii) (2x2 + 12x3 + 15) dx = ? viii) b) If y = x3 5x + 3 Find 2 x2 dx = ? Write notes on: i) c) 4 dy . dx [4] Floppy disk ii) Magnetic tape. Attempt any one of the following: i) [4] Calculate the RMS velocity of oxygen gas molecules at 37 C. (Given : Atomic wt. O = 16, R = 8.314 107 erg mole 1 k 1). ii) Q3) a) Calculate the wave number and frequency of radiation with wave length. 1) 250 nm 2) 470 nm. Attempt any three of the following: [12] i) ii) Describe homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis giving one example each. iii) State and explain first law of thermodynamics. Write its mathematical expression. iv) b) State and explain the different assumptions of kinetic gas theory. Explain the set of four quantum numbers. Solve any one of the following: [4] i) ii) [3717]-56 Three moles of an ideal gas expands reversibly at constant temperature of 10 C from 2.2 105 Nm 2 to 2.2 104 Nm 2.Calculate maximum work done during the change. (Given R = 8.314 Joules mole 1 k 1) Calculate the velocity of the electron in the first orbit of hydrogen atom. (Given : h = 6.62 10 27 erg.sec, e = 4.80 10 10 esu). 2 Q4) a) Attempt any three of the following: i) Explain the lock and key model of enzyme catalysis. ii) [12] Define: 1) Surface tension 2) Coefficient of viscosity, mention their units. iii) iv) b) Explain the causes for deviation of real gases from ideal behaviour. Describe the Rutherford s atomic model with the help of - ray scattering experiment. Attempt any one of the following: i) [4] Balance the following reaction by Ion-electron method. 2 Cr2 O 7 + H+ + Fe2+ Cr3+ + Fe3+ ii) Q5) a) Explain the bonding and shape of PCl5. Attempt any two of the following: [6] i) ii) Explain the formation of O2 molecule on the basis of valence bond theory. iii) b) What volume of carbon dioxide gas will be evolved at NTP by heating 7.3 gms of Mg (HCO3)2? (Given : Mol.wt. of Mg (HCO3)2 = 146). Explain volcanoes are a major sources of atmospheric pollutants. Attempt any two of the following: [10] i) How Oxygen plays an important role in the troposphere and Ozone in stratosphere? ii) What is hybridization? Explain formation of CH4 molecule. iii) State postulates of VSEPR thoery. TTT [3717]-56 3

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Additional Info : F.Y.B.Sc. CHEMISTRY - I Physical and Inorganic Chemistry (Paper - I) (2004 Old Course) (Theory), Pune University
Tags : pune university exam papers, university of pune question papers, pune university science, pune university courses, bsc pune university, msc pune university, pune university solved question papers, pune university model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers pune university  

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