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Pune University - FY BSc FOUNDATION COURSE, April 2010

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Total No. of Questions : 4] P247 [Total No. of Pages : 2 [3717]-79 F.Y. B.Sc. FOUNDATION COURSE (Restructuring) (Old Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80 Instructions: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. Q1) Answer in 20 words each : (Any Ten) i) What is Religion? ii) [20] Define Economic Inequality . iii) What is Population Explosion? iv) Define Food problem. v) Define Science. vi) What is Hypothesis? vii) Define Society. viii) Define Nation. ix) What is Equality. x) What is Rule of Law? xi) What is Cast system? xii) What is Globalization? xiii) What is Liberalization? P.T.O. 1 Q2) Answer in 50 words each : (Any Two) i) Write a short note on Self employment. ii) [10] State the meaning of culture. iii) Explain the concept of Fraternity. iv) Explain the concept of Privatization. Q3) Answer in 150 words each : (Any Two) i) State the importance of Religion in Indian Society. ii) [20] Write a effects of Poverty. iii) Explain the merits of Indian Democracy. iv) State the effects of science and technology on Education and Employment. Q4) Answer in 300 words each : (Any Two) [30] i) Explain the causes and effects of growing population in India. ii) Discuss the various obstacles to achieving the goal of National Integration. iii) Explain the various types of Democracy. iv) Explain the causes and effects of Pollution. rrrr [3717]-79 -22 Total No. of Questions : 4] P247 [Total No. of Pages : 2 [3717]-79 F.Y. B.Sc. nm`m^yV A `mgH $_ (_amR>r $nm Va) (OwZm A `mgH $_) doi 3 Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU 80 gyMZm 1) gd Z gmoS>{dUo Amd `H$ AmhoV.$ 2) COdrH$S>rb A H$ nyU JwU Xe {dVmV. 3) g X^m gmR>r _yi B J Or Zn{ H$m nhmdr. Z 1) Imbrbn H$s H$moU `mhr Xhm Zm Mr C mao `oH$s 20 e Xm V {bhm. i) Y_ hUOo H$m` ? ii) [20] "Am{W H$ {df_Vm' `m `m m. iii) bmoH$g `m {d \$moQ> hUOo H$m` ? iv) "A g_ `m' `m `m m. v) "{dkmZ' `m `m m. vi) J {hVH$ hUOo H$m` ? vii) g_mOmMr `m `m gm Jm. viii) "am >' `m `m m. ix) g_Vm hUOo H$m` ? x) "H$m` mMo A{Yam `' hUOo H$m` ? xi) OmVr `d Wm hUOo H$m` ? xii) OmJ{VH$sH$aU hUOo H$m` ? xiii) CXmarH$aU hUOo H$m` ? P.T.O. 3 Z 2) Imbrbn H$s H$moU `mhr XmoZ Zm Mr C mao `oH$s 50 e Xm V {bhm. i) " d` amoOJma' {Q>n {bhm. ii) [10] g H $VrMm AW gm Jm. iii) ~ YwVm hr g H$ nZm n > H$am. iv) ImOJrH$aU hr g H$ nZm n > H$am. Z 3) Imbrbn H$s H$moU `mhr XmoZ Zm Mr C mao `oH$s 150 e Xm V {bhm. i) ^maVr` g_mOmVrb Y_m Mo _h d gm Jm. ii) [20] Xm[a mMo n[aUm_ {bhm. iii) ^maVr` bmoH$emhrMo JwU n > H$am. iv) {dkmZ d V kmZmMo {ejU Am{U amoOJmamdarb n[aUm_ gm Jm. Z 4) Imbrbn H$s H$moU `mhr XmoZ Zm Mr C mao `oH$s 300 e Xm V {bhm. i) ^maVmVrb dmT> `m bmoH$g `oMr H$maUo d n[aUm_ n > H$am. ii) [30] ^maVmVrb am >r` EH$m _Vm gm ` H$a `mV `oUm `m AS>W `m Mr MMm H$am. iii) bmoH$emhrMo {d{dY H$ma n > H$am. iv) XwfUmMr H$maUo d n[aUm_ n > H$am. rrrr [3717]-79 -24

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Additional Info : F.Y. B.Sc. FOUNDATION COURSE (Restructuring) (Old Pattern), Pune University
Tags : pune university exam papers, university of pune question papers, pune university science, pune university courses, bsc pune university, msc pune university, pune university solved question papers, pune university model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers pune university  

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