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Pune University - FY BSc (Vocational) SEED TECHNOLOGY - II , April 2010

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Total No. of Questions :5] [Total No. of Pages : 2 [3717] - 42 F.Y. B.Sc. (Vocational) SEED TECHNOLOGY Seed Physiology and Seed Production (New Course ) ( Paper- II ) P-218 Time :3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 3) Draw neat labelled diagrams wherever necessary. Q1) Attempt the following :a) What are recalcitrant seeds? b) Define seed vigour. c) What is seed ageing? d) What are synthetic seeds? e) Define genetic purity of seed. f) What is roughing? g) [16] Enlist the crops require transplantation of seedlings. h) What are breeder s seeds? Q2) Attempt any four of the following :a) Give chemical composition of seed. b) Comment on seed deterioration during storage. c) [16] Explain Factors affecting seed vigour. d) Comment on methods of maintenance and enrichment of soil Fertility. e) Explain methods of sowing for straight varieties. f) Describe the sources and methods of irrigation. Q3) Write notes on (any Four) a) Orthodox seeds. b) [16] Seed pelleting and coating. P.T.O. c) Seed village concept. d) Harvesting and threshing of seeds. e) Synthesis of food reserves. f) Soil types. Q4) Attempt any two of the following :- [16] a) Explain invigoration treatment to improve seedling establishment. b) Describe types of seed germination. Add a note on seedling abnormalities. c) Comment on importance of quality sowing and methods of sowing for hybrid and transplanting crops. d) Explain importance of agronomic management in high value seed production. Q5) Define seed dormancy. Explain various causes and methods to break seed dormancy. [16] OR Explain systems and methods of production of nucleus, breeder, Foundation and certified seeds. #### [3717] - 42 2

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Additional Info : F.Y. B.Sc. (Vocational) SEED TECHNOLOGY Seed Physiology and Seed Production (New Course ) ( Paper- II), Pune University
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