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Pune University - FY BSc CHEMISTRY - II, April 2010

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Total No. of Questions : 5] P184 [Total No. of Pages : 4 [3717] - 6 F.Y. B.Sc. CHEMISTRY - II Organic and Inorganic Chemistry (Paper - II) (New Course) (2008 Pattern) (Theory) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. [Max. Marks : 80 Q1) Answer the following questions : [16] a) Hexane is soluble in benzene while ethyl alcohol is soluble in water. Explain. b) Give important sources of organic compounds. c) Alcohols have higher boiling point than hydrocarbons of comparable molecular weight. Explain. d) Define the following terms : i) Asymmetric carbon atom. ii) Specific rotation. e) In benzene all C C bond lengths are identical. Explain. f) What is oxidation number of i) Si in Na2SiO3 ii) P in (PO4)3 g) Write names and symbols of group - IA elements in S block of periodic table. h) Draw the structures of following i) XeF2 ii) XeOF4. Q2) a) Attempt any two of the following : [8] i) What are phenols? What is the action of following reagents on phenol? 1) Dil. HNO3 2) Br2 / water. P.T.O. ii) b) What is inductive effect? Explain, why chloroacetic acid is stronger acid than acetic acid? iii) What is conformational isomerism? Discuss the conformational isomerism in n-butane. Attempt any two of the following : [8] i) What are alcohols? Give classification of alcohols. How will you prepare ethyl alcohol from acetaldehyde? ii) What is Friedel-craft reaction? Explain F.C. alkylation and acylation with one example each. iii) What are alkanes? How will you prepare propane from 1) 2) Q3) a) Propene Grignard s reagent. Answer any two of the following : i) What are ethers? How will you prepare diethyl ether from 1) Ethyl bromide. 2) ii) Ethanol. What is hybridisation? Discuss the formation of methane molecule using concept of hybridisation. iii) Assign E and Z configuration of following compounds. 1) 2) iv) What are alkynes? How will you prepare propyne from 1) 1, 2 dibromo propane. 2) [3717] -6 [8] Acetylene. 2 b) Q4) a) Attempt any two of the following : [8] i) What is resonance effect? What are conditions necessary for resonance? Explain with suitable examples. ii) What are alkyl halides? How are they classified? What is the action of alcoholic KOH on 2-bromopropane? iii) Write short note on 1) Ozonolysis. 2) Markovnikoff rule. Attempt any three of the following : i) Draw the structures for the following compounds. 1) 2 - jodo - 3 - methylbutane. 2) 2, 2, 3, 3 - tetramethyl pentane. ii) Define the following : 1) Bond angle. 2) Steric effect. iii) Assign R or S configuration of following compound. [6] iv) Draw all possible isomers of the compound having molecular formula C3H6O. b) [3717] -6 Identify the products A and B and rewrite the reactions. (Any two) [4] 3 c) Attempt any one of the following : [6] i) What is long form of the periodic table and what are types of elements according to their number of electrons in the outermost shell? ii) Q5) a) Draw the structures of 12-crown-4 and 15-crown-5. Explain their use in the separation of alkalimetals. [6] Attempt any two of the following : i) Calculate the screening constant and hence Z* for the valance electron of Nitrogen Z = 7. ii) Define the following terms with suitable example. 1) 2) Reduction. Reducing agent. 3) Oxidation number. iii) What are the noble gases? Write their electronic configuration. b) Attempt any two of the following : i) Discuss the bonding and shape of 1) XeF4. ii) [10] 2) [XeO6] 4. Define periodicity. Discuss the periodicity in the properties related to 1) Size of atoms and ions. 2) Ionisation energy. iii) What are the applications of alkalimetals and their compounds? [3717] -6 4

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Additional Info : F.Y.B.Sc.CHEMISTRY - II : Organic and Inorganic Chemistry (Paper - II) (New Course) (2008 Pattern) (Theory), Pune University
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