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Pune University - Sem - I : Advanced Database Concepts, April 2010

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Total No. of Questions :5] [Total No. of Pages : 4 P1059 [3733]-103 M.Sc. COMPUTER SCIENCE CS -103 : Advanced Database Concepts (ADC) (Sem. - I) Time :3Hours] [Max. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 3) Draw the neat diagrams if necessary. 4) Make necessary assumptions. Q1) Answer the following : [8 2 = 16] a) What is workload? How to measure it? b) How to achieve reliability through the distributed transaction. c) What is DBMS Benchmark? d) What is mean term selectivity & access frequency? e) Explain the role played by distributed query processor. f) What is search space and search strategy? g) Explain what is phantom. h) Differentiate between MTBF & MTTR. Q2) Answer the following (any four) : [4 4 = 16] a) Explain how inplace update and out of place updating takes place. b) What is basic purpose of conservative time stamp ordering. c) Explain with diagram the working of distributed execution monitor. d) What are the problems which arises during query processing? e) What are categories of information need to be maintained in case of a fragmentation. P.T.O. Q3) a) Answer the following : [2 4 = 8] i) ii) b) Explain MDBMS architecture with GCS and without GCS. Explain the steps involved in generation of CA. [2 4 = 8] Attempt the following : i) Give at least one serializable and one Non serializable schedule for the following transaction. T2 T1 T3 Read (y) Read (x) y = y 10 Read (y) x = x 50 Read (x) Read (z) Write (x) x = x 100 x = x 10 Read (y) Write (y) y = y 50 y = y 100 Write (x) z = z 10 Write (y) Read (z) Write (x) Read (z) z=z x Write (y) z=x y Write (z) ii) Read (x) Write (z) Write (z) Consider the following schedule and explain which schedules are conflict-equivalent and complete. S1={R2(z),W2(x),W2(y),C2,W1(x),R1(x),A1, R3(x),R3(z),R3(y),C3} S2={R3(z),W2(x),W2(y),R1(x),R3(x), R2(z),R3(y),C3,W1(x),C2,C1} Q4) Attempt the following (Any four) : a) [4 4 = 16] Simplify the following query and check whether it is semantically correct or not. Select eno from ASG where Resp = Analyst [3733]-103 2 AND NOT ( pno = p2 OR DUR = 12 ) AND pno p2 AND DUR = 12 b) Given the relation EMP (ENO, ENAME, TITLE) Let P1 & P2 be the two simple predicates where P1 : TITLE < programmer P2 : TITLE > programmer Assume that char strings has order amongs then based on alphabetical order. i) ii) Explain whether the resulting fragmentation emp1& emp2 fulfills the correctness rules of fragmentation or not? iii) c) Perform the horizontal fragmentation of EMP with respect to P1 & P2 Modify the predicates P1 & P2 . if needed to satisfy correctness rules. Apply the algorithm INGRES to the following query and illustrate the successive detachment and substitutions by giving mono-relation sub queries generated. Select ename, sal from EMP, ASG , PROJ, Pay Where EMP. eno = ASG . eno AND EMP. title = Pay, title AND Budget > 200000 OR DUR = 24 AND ASG . pno = PROJ. Pno d) Let Q = {q1,q2,q3,q4,q5} be the set of queries A = {A1,A2,A3,A4,A5} be the set of attributes and S = { S1,S2,S3} be the set of sites. Use the attribute usage values and access frequencies and Do the vertical fragmentation of set of attributes using BE algorithm. [3733]-103 3 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 Attribute usage matrix S3 S1 S2 q1 10 q2 5 q3 0 q4 0 q5 0 20 0 10 5 0 0 0 35 10 15 Access frequencies. e) Select ENAME from EMP, PROJ, 0 1 1 0 1 q1 ASG . ENO AND ASG . PNO = PROJ.PNO Where EMP. ENO = ASG 1 1 1 0 1 AND PNAME = CAD/CAM q2 AND DUR = 12 or DUR = 24 q3 1 0 0 1 1 AND ENAME < > xyz q4 0 0 1 0 0 Convert the above query into the 1 1 tree. 0 0 operator 1 q5 Q5) Answer the following : (any four) [4 4 = 16] a) What is deadlock? How deadlock can be managed? b) Explain the problems why DBMS bypass OS buffer manager and manage the disk & main memory. c) Explain the issues of global directory. d) Explain the process of localization. e) Which drawbacks of PC2PL are removed by D2PL? #### [3733]-103 4

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Additional Info : M.Sc. COMPUTER SCIENCE, CS -103 : Advanced Database Concepts (ADC) (Semister - I), Pune University
Tags : msc computer science pune university, msc computer science pune exam papers, Advanced Database Concepts,ADC, pune university exam papers, university of pune question papers, pune university science, pune university courses, bsc pune university, msc pune university, pune university solved question papers, pune university model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers pune university  

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