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Pune University - Sem - III : Embedded Systems, April 2010

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Total No. of Questions : 05] P1160 [Total No. of Pages : 02 [3729]- 301 M.Sc. - II (Sem. - III) ELECTRONIC SCIENCE EL3 UT05 : Embedded Systems (New) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) All questions are compulsory. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Draw neat diagram wherever necessary. Q1) Attempt any FOUR of the following : [4 4 = 16] a) Explain the ports along with their functions of 8051 microcontroller. b) Describe TMOD register in short of 8051 controller. c) Write short note on Harvard and von-neuman architecture. d) Write the help of neat diagram, explain LCD interfacing to 8051 controller in short. e) Write an assembly language program to toggle bits P1.0 and P1.7 continuously of 8051. Q2) Write any FOUR of the following : [4 4 = 16] a) Describe any two methods of delay generation in short. b) With the help of neat diagram, interface ADC to 8051 controller and explain its working in short. c) Describe logical and branch group of instructions with suitable example of 8051 microcontroller. d) List five interrupts of 8051. Explain their priority. e) Draw a neat diagram to show connection of 8051 microcontroller to relay . Write a program to on and off the lamp using relay switching. P.T.O.

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Additional Info : M.Sc. -II Electronic Science, EL1 UT 05 : Embedded Systems ( New Course) (2008 Pattern) (Semister - III), Pune University
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