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Pune University - MSc - II (Sem - III) : Enivironmental Botany & Plant, April 2010

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Total No. of Questions : 8] P1040 [Total No. of Pages : 2 [3727]- 302 M.Sc. - II BOTANY BO - 3.2 : Environmental Botany & Plant Diversity (Sem.- III) (New Course) (2008 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answer any five questions, selecting atleast two questions from each section. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. 3) All questions carry equal marks. 4) Neat labelled diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. SECTION - I Q1) Define ecosystem. Explain it s structure and function in detail. Add a note on ecological pyramids. Q2) a) b) Q3) a) b) Define population. Enlist characters of population. Explain any two of them. What is GIS? Explain it s applications in environmental botany. Define air pollution. Enlist different air pollutants. Explain the impact of SO2 and PAN on plants. Explain the nature and ecological effect of heavy metals on environment. Q4) Write notes on any two of the following : a) Concept of biosphere. b) Environment (Protection) Act. c) Phototropism and metabolism in community ecology. d) Kyoto Protocol. P.T.O. SECTION - II Q5) What is biodiversity? Enlist it s types. Describe in detail genetic diversity. Q6) a) b) Q7) a) b) Explain the basis for phytogeographical classification and describe any two phytogeographic regions of India. Explain the concept of phytoremediation with suitable examples. Discuss the impact of anthropogenic factor on biodiversity. Explain nature and origin of genetic variations. Q8) Write notes on any two of the following : a) Medicinal value of biodiversity. b) CBD. c) Endemism. d) Role of mycofertilizers in restoration ecology. EEE [3727]-302 2

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Additional Info : M.Sc. - II BOTANY, BO - 3.2 : Environmental Botany and Plant Diversity (New Course) (2008 Pattern)(Semister - III), Pune University
Tags : msc botany pune, msc botany pune papers, msc botany question paper pune, Environmental Botany and Plant Diversity, pune university exam papers, university of pune question papers, pune university science, pune university courses, bsc pune university, msc pune university, pune university solved question papers, pune university model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers pune university  

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