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Pune University - TY BSc (Sem – VI) : APPAREL MAKING, April 2010

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*3717602* [3716] 602 T.Y. B.Sc. (Semester VI) (Home Science) Examination, 2010 APPAREL MAKING Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100 Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 3) Draw neat diagram wherever necessary. 1. Attempt any 10 (out of 13) of the following (1 or 2 sentences each ) : i) Give the definition of drafting. ii) List out the basic parts of garment. iii) Explain the basic stage in garment construction. iv) Which measurements are required for housecoat ? v) List out the 5 types of necklines. vi) What is dart manipulation ? vii) Explain the use of curtains. viii) ix) x) xi) xii) xiii) 20 Give the definition of sleeves block. How to construct the skirt ? List out the types of silhoutte. Explain the use of bed covering. How to construct the kimono sleeve ? Give the two methods of taking body measurements. 2. Attempt any 5 (out of 7) of the following (5 or 6 sentences each) : 20 i) Write about curtains and bed coverings. ii) As a fashion designer how would you select fabric for thin and short figure. iii) Explain the kimono sleeve with diagram. iv) Write on three methods of garment construction. v) Which are important points in the pattern making ? vi) Give the information of lay out with diagram. vii) Which points should be taken in consideration while selecting the fabric for curtains ? P.T.O. [3716] 602 -2- *3716602* 3. Attempt any 3 (out of 5) of the following (25 to 30 sentences each) : 30 i) Draping. ii) Write on collars. iii) Give the detail information of Kalidar Kurta. iv) Which points are to be considered while selecting the material for making skirts ? v) How to store the silk and cotton garments ? Give some tips. 4. Attempt any 2 (out of 3) of the following ( 50 - 60 sentences each ) : 30 i) Application of Raglan sleeves and Kimono sleeves to the kamiz with diagram. ii) Write on the different methods of pattern making. iii) Explain the different body-types and how would you select garment for them. gyMZm : 1) 2) 3) 4) _amR>r $nm Va gd Z gmoS>{dUo Amd `H$ Amho. COdrH$S>rb A H$ nyU JwU Xe {dVmV. Amd `H$ VoWo gwOH$ AmH $ `m H$mT>m. g X^m gmR>r _yi B J Or Z { H$m nhmdr. 1. Imbrb Voam Zm n H$s H$moU `mhr Xhm Zm Mr C mao `H$s 1 Vo 2 dm `mV {bhm. i) S >m Q>tJMr `m `m. ii) d ~ZmdQ>r `m nm` `m Z_wX H$am. iii) d ~ZmdQ>rgmR>r H$moU `m _yb^yV Jmo >r Amd `H$ AgVmV ? iv) hmD$gH$moQ> gmR>r H$moUVr _mno Amd `H$ AgVmV? v) nmM J `mMo H$ma Z_wX H$am. vi) S>mQ> _ `w `wboeZ hUOo H$m`. vii) naX mMm dmna {bhm. viii) ~mhr `m bm H$Mr `m `m {bhm. 20 *3716602* -3- [3716] 602 ix) H$Q> H$gm ~Zdmb qH$dm Z_wZm H$gm V`ma H$amb. x) {gb hoQ>Mo n H$ma {bhm. xi) MmXarMm Cn`moJ gm Jm xii) {H$_moZmo ~mQ>r ~X Xb {bhm. xiii) earamMo _mn H$moU `m XmoZ n VrZo KoVbr OmVmV. 2. Imbrb gmV n H$s H$moU `mhr nmM Zm Mr C mao 5 Vo 6 dm `mV {bhm. 20 i) nS>Xo Am{U MmXar ~X Xb g{d Va {bhm. ii) ~wQ> `m Am{U gS>nmVi ` VrgmR>r H$nS>o {ZdS>VmZm H$moU `m Jmo >r bjmV KoD$Z g m X mb. iii) {H$_moZmo ~mhr AmH $Vrgh n Q> H$am. iv) d ~ZmdQ>r `m VrZ n {V Z_yX H$ $Z `m ~X Xb g{d Va {bhm. v) n Q>Z _|H$s J H$aVmZm H$moUVo _hm dmMo Jmo >r bjmV KoV `m OmVmV. vi) bo-AmD$Q> ~X Xb g{d Va _mhrVr X`m. vii) nS>Xo {ZdS>VmZm H$mnS>mMo {gboH$eZgmR>r H$moUVo _wX Xo {dMma `mb. 3. Imbrb nmM n H$s VrZ Zm Mr C mao 25 Vo 30 dm `mV {bhm. 30 i) S >ontJ ii) H$m ba ~XXb g{d Va {bhm. iii) H$brXma Hw$Vm g{d Va n Q> H$am. iv) H$Q> ~Zdr `mgmR>r H$mnS>mMr {ZdS>H$aVmZm H$moUVo _w o bjmV `mb. v) {g H$ Am{U gyVr H$nS>o `m Mr gmR>dU. 4. Imbrb VrZ n H$s XmoZ Zm Mr C mao 50 Vo 60 dm `mV {bhm. 30 i) H$_rO _ `o {H$_moZmo Am{U a Jb Z ~mhr dmnam AmH $Vrgh XmIdm. ii) n Q>Z _oH$s J `m {d{dY n Vr n Q> H$am. iii) {d{dY eara H$ma gm JyU `m `m gmR>r H$nS>o {ZdS>VmZm H$moU `m Jmo >r bjmV `mb. B/I/10/80

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Additional Info : T.Y. B.Sc. Home Science(Semester – VI) Examination, 2010. APPAREL MAKING, Pune University
Tags : bsc home science pune, ty bsc home science exam papers, tybsc home science question paper, apparel making, pune university exam papers, university of pune question papers, pune university science, pune university courses, bsc pune university, msc pune university, pune university solved question papers, pune university model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers pune university  

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