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Pune University - SY BSc (Sem – IV) : BASIC NUTRITIONAL BIOCHEMISTRY, April 2010

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[3716] 403 *3716403* S.Y.B.Sc. (Semester IV) Examination, 2010 HOME SCIENCE Paper 14 : Basic Nutritional Biochemistry Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100 Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 3) Draw neat diagrams whenever necessary. 1. Attempt any ten questions. (in 1 or 2 sentences or in 20 words each ). 20 1) Objectives of Biochemistry 2) Write the name of Compound Lipids. 3) Define acid value. 4) Classification of coenzymes. 5) Write the sources of Vitamin C. 6) Write full forms of LDL and HDL. 7) What is invisible fat ? 8) Define non essential amino acid and write names of any three amino acids. 9) Which food are to be avoided in low cholesterol diet ? 10) Write the long form of NAD and NADH. 11) Write the sources of Vitamin A. 12) What is fatty liver ? 13) Define basal metabolic rate. P.T.O. [3716] 403 -2- *3716403* 2. Attempt any five questions (in 5 or 6 sentences or in 50 words each). 20 1) Write the nomenclature of enzymes. 2) Explain the oxidative deamination. 3) Draw the diagram of Bomb calorimeter. 4) Explain the glycemic index. 5) Types of coenzymes. 6) Scope of Biochemistry in nutrition. 7) Significance of Saponification value. 3. Answer any three questions (in 25 to 30 sentences or in 200 words). 30 1) Explain the urea cycle in detail. 2) Write down the function of Vitamin A, E and K. 3) Write on heat regulation in the body mechanism of production of heat from body. 4) Define oxidative phosphorylation. 5) Explain Ketogenesis. 4. Answer any two questions (in 50 to 60 sentences or in 500 words). 1) Explain the Basal metabolic rate and factors affecting it. 2) Explain the reaction of deamination and transamination. 3) Determination of energy count of protein fat and carbohydrates. 30 *3716403* -3- [3716] 403 _amR>r $nm Va gyMZm : 1) gd Z gmoS>{dUo Amd `H$ Amho. 2) COdrH$S>rb A H$ nyU JU Xe {dVmV. w 3) Amd `H$ VoWo gw~H$ AmH $ `m H$mT>m. 4) g X^m gmR>r _yi B J Or Zn{ H$m nhmdr . 1. Imbrbn H$s H$moU `mhr Xhm ZmMr 1-2 dm `mV qH$dm `oH$s 20 e XmV C mao X m . 20 1) Ordagm`Zem mMr C{ Q>o {bhm. 2) g `w V _ooXm bmMo Zmd {bhm. 3) A grS> h `w hUOo H$m` ? 4) H$moB PmB _Mo dJuH$aU X m. 5) OrdZg d H$ Mo moV {bhm. 6) LDL d HDL Mm \w$b\$m_ {bhm. 7) BZ hrOr~b \ $Q> hUOo H$m` ? 8) AZmd `H$ A_m`Zmo Am bmMr `m `m m d H$moU `mhr VrZ AZmd `H$ Am bmMr Zmdo {bhm. 9) H$mobo Q>oam b Amhmam_ `o H$moUVo A ZnXmW Q>miio OmZmd ? 10) NAD d NADH Mo {d VmarV $n {bhm. 11) OrdZg d A Mo moV {bhm. 12) \ $Q>r br ha hUOo H$m` ? 13) AmYma M`mnM` XamMr `m `m X m. 2. H$moU `mhr nmM ZmMr C mao {bhm (5 Vo 6 dm `mV qH$dm `oH$s 50 e XmV). 1) B PmB _Mo Zm_H$aU `mda {bhm. 2) Am grS>oQ>r h S>rA _rZoeZda MMm H$am. 3) ~m ~ H $bar_rQ>aMr AmH $Vr H$mTy>Z Zmdo m. 20 [3716] 403 -4- *3716403* 4) bm`go_rH$ B S>o g da {bhm. 5) H$moB PmB gMr H$ma {bhm. 6) nmofUem mV Ordagm`Zem mMr `mp V n Q> H$am. 7) g nmoZr\$sHo$eZ h `wMo _h d {bhm. 3. Imbrbn H$s H$moU `mhr VrZ ZmMr (25 Vo 30 dm `mV qH$dm `oH$s 200 e XmV C mao {bhm). 30 1) `war`m MH $ gdr Va g_Odm. 2) OrdZg d A, B$d H $ Mo H$m` n Q> H$am. 3) earam_Yrb C UVm Zr`_Z {bh Z earam_ `o C UVm H$er V`ma hmoVo `m~ b {bhm. 4) Am grS>oQ>r h \$m \$moarboeZda {bhm. 5) H$sQ>moOoZrgrg g_OmdwZ gm Jm. 4. H$moU `mhr XmoZ ZmMr 50 Vo 60 dm `mV qH$dm `oH$s 500 e XmV C mao {bhm. 30 1) AmYma M`mnM` JVrMr `m `m XodwZ `mda narUm_ H$aUmao KQ>H$ `mda gdr Va {bhm. 2) S>rA _rZoeZ d Q >m gA_m`ZoeZda {H $`m gdr Va g_Odm. 3) WrZo, H$~m}XHo$ d Zr Y nXmWm Mo COm _w ` H$mT>Uo `mda gdr Va {bhm. B/I/10/105

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Additional Info : S.Y.B.Sc. Home Science (Semester – IV) Examination, 2010. Paper – 14 : Basic Nutritional Biochemistry, Pune University
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