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Pune University - TY BSc (Sem – VI) : TRADITIONAL TEXTILES & COSTUMES OF INDIA, April 2010

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[3716] 601 *3716601* T.Y. B.Sc. (Semester VI) Examination, 2010 HOME SCIENCE Traditional Textiles and Costumes of India Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100 Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 3) Draw neat diagram whenever necessary. 1. Attempt any 10 (out of 13) of the following (1 or 2 sentences) : 20 1) Which type of dyed and printed textiles famous in Orissa ? 2) Give the examples of woven textiles in India. 3) Explain male costume in Rajasthan. 4) Which type of traditional dance costume used in Kathak? 5) Explain the type of Ekat. 6) Explain the type of Kalmakari. 7) Give the examples of tie and dye methods. 8) Which type of motif used in Kashmiri shawl ? 9) Explain the type of similar saree of Amru saree. 10) What is Telia rumal ? 11) List out the material required for batik. 12) Give the example of resist printing. 13) Which types of dyes are used for batik ? P.T.O. [3716] 601 -2- *3716601* 2. Attempt any 5 (out of 7) of the following (5 or 6 sentences each) : 20 1) Traditional dance costume in Oddissi -Explain. 2) Explain the Patola. 3) Describe the Bunjara Garment . 4) Explain Double Ikat. 5) Which type of drapery use in Kathakali dance ? 6) Explain Brocades. 7) Explain Muslins of Bengal. 3. Attempt any 3 (out of 5) of the following (25 to 30 sentences each) : 30 1) Describe in short Brocades . 2) Give the history of Tie and Dye . 3) Describe in short Kalamkari . 4) Explain the cotton of Kerala. 5) Explain the characteristics of Pochampally and Telia rumals. 4. Attempt any 2 (out of 3) of the following (50 to 60 sentences each) : 1) Give the detail information about Batik . 2) Describe the male and female costumes in Maharashtra. 3) Define the information about traditional dance costume. 30 *3716601* -3- [3716] 601 _amR>r $nm Va gyMZm : 1) gd Z gmoS>{dUo Amd `H$ AmhoV. 2) COdrH$S>rb A H$ nyU JwU Xe {dVmV. 3) Amd `H$ VoWo gw~H$ AmH $ `m H$mT>m. 4) g X^m gmR>r _yi B J Or Zn{ H$m nhmdr. 1. Imbrb Voam Zm n H$s H$moU `mhr Xhm Zm Mr C mao `oH$s EH$ Vo XmoZ dm `mV {bhm. 1) AmoargmVrb {g Ago S>mB S> A S> {n Q>oS> Q>o gQ>mB b H$moUVo ? 2) ^maVmVrb dmo hZ Q>o gQ>mB bMr H$mhr CXmhaUo m. 3) amO WmZr nw fm Mm nmoemI gm Jm. 4) H$ WH$_ `o H$moU `m n H$maMr nma nm[aH$ doe^yfm Ho$br OmVo ? 5) B H$VMo H$ma {bhm. 6) H$b_H$marMo n H$ma n Q> H$am. 7) Q>m` A S> S>m` `m doJdoJ `m n Vr {bhm. 8) H$mp _ar em bda H$moU `m H$maMo motifs Z_yZo AgVmV ? 9) A_ gm{S>MmM AmUIr Xwgam H$ma H$moUVm ? 10) V br $_mb hUOo H$m` ? 11) ~m{Q>H$gmR>r bmJUm `m gm{h `m Mr `mXr H$am. 12) {VamoY N>nmB Mo CXmhaUo m. 13) ~m{Q>H$gmR>r H$moUVo a J dmna `mV `oVmV ? 20 [3716] 601 -4- *3716601* 2. Imbrb gmV Zm n H$s H$moU `mhr nmM Zm Mr C mao nmM$ Vo ghm dm `mV {bhm. 20 1) Amo{S>gmVrb nma nm[aH$ Z `mV dmnaUmao d n Q> H$am. 2) "nQ>mobm' WmoS> `mV gm Jm. 3) "~ Omam Jma_o Q>' n Q> H$am. 4) S>~b B H$V hm H$ma n Q> H$am. 5) H$ WmH$br S>m g gmR>r H$moU `m n H$maMr S >onar Amd `H$ AgVo ? 6) n Q> H$am "~ moHo$S>g '. 7) ~ JmbMo _gbrZ n Q> H$am. 3. Imbrb nmM Zm n H$s H$moU `mhr VrZ Zm Mr C mao n Mdrg$ Vo Vrg AmoirV C mao {bhm. 30 1) ~ moHo$S>g Mo g{d Va dU Z H$am. 2) ~m YUrMm B{Vhmg g{d Va {bhm. 3) "H$b_H$mar' n Q> H$am. 4) H$oaimVrb H$m Q>Z n Q> H$am. 5) nmoM_n r d V br $_mbMo d {e Q> o gm Jm. 4. Imbrb VrZ Zm n H$s H$moUVohr XmoZ Z n mg Vo gmR> dm `mV {bhm. 30 1) "~m{Q>H$ ' g X^m V n[anyU Aer _m{hVr m. 2) _hmam Q >mVrb r d nw fm `m nmoemIm ~ b g{d Va dU Z H$am. 3) nma nm[aH$ Z `mgmR>r dmna `mV `oUm `m nmoemIm~ b g{d Va _m{hVr m. ___________ B/I/10/80

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Additional Info : T.Y. B.Sc. Home Science (Semester – VI) Examination, 2010. Traditional Textiles and Costumes of India, Pune University
Tags : bsc home science pune, ty bsc home science exam papers, tybsc home science question paper, Traditional Textiles and Costumes of India, pune university exam papers, university of pune question papers, pune university science, pune university courses, bsc pune university, msc pune university, pune university solved question papers, pune university model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers pune university  

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