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Pune University - TY BSc (Sem – V) : FOOD SCIENCE AND NUTRITION, April 2010

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[3716] 504 *3716504* T.Y. B.Sc. Home Science (Semester V) Examination, 2010 FOOD SCIENCE AND NUTRITION Paper No. 15 : Institutional Food Service Management Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100 N.B. : 1) Solve all questions. 2) Draw the figures wherever necessary. 1. Solve any ten questions out of following in 1-2 sentences each : 20 1) Food Service. 2) Food Service Institutions. 3) Characteristics of food service. 4) Any one principle of food service management. 5) Planning. 6) Controlling. 7) Evaluating management tools. 8) Resource management. 9) Employee benefits. 10) Human relations. 11) Cost control. 12) Profit. 13) Human relations at work place. P.T.O. [3716] 504 -2- *3716504* 2. Attempt any five questions out of following in 5-6 sentences each : 20 1) Development of food service institutes in India. 2) Write about characteristics of food service establishments. 3) Cost control policy. 4) Traditional management system. 5) System approach. 6) How to manage finance ? 7) Equipments in food service institute. 3. Attempt any three questions out of following in 25-30 sentences each : 30 1) Staff time and energy management. 2) Functions of food service management. 3) Tools in food service management. 4) Management by objectives. 5) Maximizing the use of resources. 4. Attempt any 2 questions in 55-60 sentences each : 1) Write about the types of cost involve in food services and how to control them to maximise the profit. 2) Write on various techniques of man power management. 3) Discuss the effects of environmental changes on different types of food service institutions. 30 *3716504* -3- [3716] 504 _amR>r $nm Va gyMZm : 1) gd Z gmoS>dUo Amd `H$ Amho. 2) COdrH$S>rb A H$ ZmMo JwU Xe {dVmV. 3) g X^m H$arVm B J Or Zn{ H$m nmhmdr. 1. nw{T>bn H$s H$moU `mhr 10 Zm Mr 1-2 dm `mV C mao {bhm : 20 1) A godm. 2) A {df`H$ godm XoUm `m g Wm. 3) A godoMr JwU d {e R> o. 4) A godm `d WmnZmMo H$moUVohr EH$ V d. 5) {Z`moOZ. 6) {Z` U. 7) `md WmnZm V mMo _w `_mnZ. 8) gmYZgm_wJ rMo (Resources) `d WmnZ. 9) H$_ Mm `m gmR>r bm^ (Employee Benefits). 10) _mZdr g ~ Y (Human Relations). 11) {H$_Vrda {Z` U R>odUo. 12) \$m`Xm qH$dm bm^ (Profit). 13) H$m_m `m {R>H$mUr _mZdr g ~ Y. 2. nwT>rbn H$s H$moU `mhr nmM Zm Mr 5-6 dm `mV C mao {bhm : 1) ^maVmVrb A godm g WoMr {dH$gZ. 2) A godmMo JwU{deoe (Characteristics of food services). 3) {H$_Vt `m {Z` Umg ~ Yr YmoaU. 20 [3716] 504 -4- *3716504* 4) nma nmarH$ `d WmnZ n Vr. 5) gr Q>r_ A moM (System Approach). 6) {d m `md WmnZ (Finance Management). 7) A godm g WoVrb Cn`w V ` gm_wJ r d CnH$aUo. 3. nwT>rbn H$s VrZ Zm Mr 25-30 dm `mV C mao {bhm : 30 1) H$_ Mmar, doi AmUr l_ `m Mo `d WmnZ. 2) A godm `d WmnZmMr H$m`}. 3) A godm `d WmnZmMr gmYZo (Tools). 4) C{ R>m da AmYmarV `d WmnZ. 5) gmYZ gm_wJ r (Resources) Mm gr_m V Cn`moJ. 4. nwT>rbn H$s H$moU `mhr XmoZ Zm Mr 55-60 dm `mV C mao {bhm : 30 1) A godmg X^m Vrb doJdoJ `m d Vy `m dmT> `m {H$_Vr~ b {bhm Am{U Om VrV Om V \$m`Xm {_idr `m `m Q>rZo {H$_Vr YmoaUmg ~ Yr {bhm. 2) _Zw `~i `d WmnZm `m {d{dY V m~ b g{d Va {bhm. 3) dmVmdaUmV KS>Um `m ~Xbm Mm A -godm g Wm da hmoUmam narUm_ `m ~ b {bhm. ________________ B/I/10/80

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Additional Info : T.Y. B.Sc. Home Science (Semester – V) Examination, 2010. FOOD SCIENCE AND NUTRITION Paper No. – 15 : Institutional Food Service Management, Pune University
Tags : bsc home science pune, ty bsc home science exam papers, tybsc home science paper 15, food science and nutrition, Institutional Food Service Management, pune university exam papers, university of pune question papers, pune university science, pune university courses, bsc pune university, msc pune university, pune university solved question papers, pune university model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers pune university  

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