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Pune University - SY BSc (Sem – III) : EXTENSION EDUCATION , April 2010

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3716303 [3716] 303 S.Y. B.Sc. (Home Science) (Semester III) Examination, 2010 Paper II : EXTENSION EDUCATION Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100 Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 1. Attempt any ten out of thirteen of the following in one or two sentences each : 20 a) Meaning of extension teaching b) Principles of teaching c) Communication process d) Formal teaching e) Extension teaching f) Need of communication in extension g) Communication model h) Mass Communication i) Audio-aids j) Appropriate technologies in Home Science k) Vocational courses in Home Science l) Job opportunities in Home Science m) Barriers in Communication. 2. Attempt any five out of seven in five to six sentences each : 20 a) Wall paper b) Any one communication element c) Barriers in communication d) Exhibition e) Behaviour center method f) Method demonstration g) Characteristics of group contact method. P.T.O. [3716] 303 -2- 3716303 3. Attempt any three questions in 25-35 sentences each : a) Importance of audio-visual aids in extension teaching. b) Evaluate the various group teaching methods used in communication. c) Meaning, principles and steps in extension teaching. d) Write about various self employment opportunities in Home Science. e) Write about the elements in communication process. 30 4. Attempt any two of the following in 55-65 sentences each : 30 a) Write about various appropriate technologies for rural people. b) Write about the vocationalisation in Home Science. c) Write about the selection and uses of various teaching methods for effective extension teaching. _amR>r $nm Va gyMZm : 1) gd Z A{Zdm` . 2) COdrH$S>rb A H$ nyU JwU Xe {dVmV. 3) Amd `H$ VoWo AmH $Vr H$mT>m. 1. nwT>rbn H$s H$moU `mhr 10 ZmMr C mao EH$ Vo XmoZ dm `mV {bhm. a) {d Vma {ejUmMm AW b ) {ejUmMr V do c) g ofU {H $`m d ) Am nMmarH$ {ejU e) {d Vma {ejU f) {d Vma {ejUmV g ojUmMr JaO g) g ofU AmamIS>m h) OZ g nH $ i) lm ` gmYZo j) J h{dkmZmVrb gw`mo ` V kmZ k) J h{dkmZmVrb `dgm{`H$ A `mgH $_ l) J h{dkmZmVrb `dgm{`H$ g Yr m) g ojUmVrb AS>Wio. 20 3716303 -3- [3716] 303 2. nwT>rbn H$s nmM Zm Mr C mao 5 Vo 6 dm `mV {bhm. a) {^ mrn Ho$ b) H$moUVmhr EH$ g ofU AmamIS> mMm KQ>H$ 20 c) g XoedhZ _mJm Vrb AS>Wio d) Xe Zr e) dV ZmMm A `mg (Behaviour centered method) n Vr f) H $Vr m `jrH$ (Method demonstration) g) JQ> g nH $ n VrMr d er Q>o. 3. nwT>rbn H$s H$moU `mhr 3 Zm Mr C mao 25 Vo 35 dm `mV {bhm : a) J h{dkmZ {d Vma {ejUmV H$lm ` gmYZm Mo _h d. 30 b) g_yh g oeUmgmR>r Cn`moJmV `oUm `m {d{dY n Vr~ b JwUXmofm g{hV _m{hVr X m. c) {d Vma {ejUmMm AW , V do Am{U nm` `m n Q> H$am. d) J h{dkmZ {df`m `m {d{dY emImVrb d` amoOJmam `m g Yr ~ b _m{hVr {bhm. e) g ofU H $s`oVrb {d{dY KQ>H$m ~ b g{d Va _m{hVr {bhm. 4. nwT>rbn H$s H$moU `mhr XmoZ Zm Mr 55 Vo 65 dm `m V C mao {bhm. 30 a) J m_rU ZmJarH$m Mo {OdZ_mZ CMmdUm `m {d{dY gw`mo ` V kmZm~ b ( Appropriate technologies) _m{hVr {bhm. b) J h{dkmZ {df`mMo `mdgm`rH$sH$aU `mda _m{hVr {bhm. c) {d Vma {ejUmgmR>r Amd `H$ AgUm `m {d{^ Z {ejU n VrMr {ZdS> Am{U Cn`moJ, `m~ b g{d Va {bhm. B/I/10/65

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Additional Info : S.Y. B.Sc. Home Science (Semester – III) Examination, 2010. Paper – II : EXTENSION EDUCATION, Pune University
Tags : bsc home science pune, sy bsc home science exam papers, sybsc home science paper II, extension education, pune university exam papers, university of pune question papers, pune university science, pune university courses, bsc pune university, msc pune university, pune university solved question papers, pune university model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers pune university  

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