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Pune University - SY BSc (Sem – III) : HOME MANAGEMENT, APRIL 2010

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*3716302* [3716] 302 S.Y. B. Sc. (Semester III) Home Science Examination, 2010 Paper 10 : HOME MANAGEMENT Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100 Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 1. Attempt any ten out of thirteen of the following in one to two sentences each : (20) a) Elements of Art. b) Meaning of Art. c) Types of lines. d) Types of Texture. e) Pattern. f) Define Texture. g) Name of principles of Art. h) Proportion. i) Harmony. j) Types of Rhythm. k) Emphasis. l) Design. m) Interior Decoration. P.T.O. [3716] 302 -2- *3716302* 2. Attempt any five out of seven in five to six sentences each : (20) a) Needs related to family housing. b) Principles of flower arrangement. c) Furniture arrangement for drawing room. d) Characteristics of colour. e) Factors affecting selection of site for housing. f) Floor covering. g) Application of colour schemes. 3. Attempt any three questions in 25-35 sentences each : (30) a) Define the principles of Art in short and write about harmony. b) Explain the concept of design and explain its type with suitable diagrams. c) Explain colour wheel. d) Different types of flower arrangements. e) Different housing schemes. 4. Attempt any two of the following in 50-60 sentences each : a) Write in detail on interior decoration. b) Write the importance of different floor covering and draperies. c) Selection, use and care of furniture. (30) *3716302* -3- [3716] 302 _amR>r $nm Va gyMZm : 1) gd Z gmoS>dUo Amd `H$ Amho. 2) Amd `H$ VoWo AmH $ `m H$mT>m `m. 3) COdrH$S>rb A H$ nyU JwU Xe dVmV. 1. nwT>rbn H$s Xhm Zm Mr EH$ Vo XmoZ dm `mV C mao {bhm : (20) A) H$bo `m _y `KQ>H$m Mr Zmdo {bhm. B) H$boMr `m `m gm Jm. C) aofm Mo H$ma {bhm. D) nmoVmMo H$ma. E) AmH $Vr~ Y. F) nmoVmMr `m `m {bhm. G) H$bo `m V dm Mr Zmdo {bhm. H) _mU~ Vm. I) g JVr. J) b`mMo H$ma. K) mYm `. L) S>rPmBZ. M) J hA VJ V gOmdQ>. 2. nwT>rbn H$s H$moU `mhr nmM Zm Mr nmM Vo ghm dm `mV C mao {bhm : A) Hw$Q>w>~m `m {Zdmgmg ~ Yr JaOm. B) nw naMZoMr V do. C) ~ R>H$ ImobrVrb \$ZuMaMr _m S>Ur. (20) [3716] 302 -4- *3716302* D) a Jm Mo JwUY_ . E) KamgmR>r OmJoMr {ZdS> H$aVmZm {dMmamV Ko `m `m ~m~r. F) Vi Am N>mXZo. G) gOmdQ>rgmR>r {ddrY a J`moOZm Mm Cn`moJ. 3. nwT>rbn H$s H$moU `mhr VrZ Zm Mr 25 Vo 35 dm `mV C mao {bhm : (30) A) H$bo `m V dm Mr WmoS> `mV `m `m X`m d g JVr `m V dm~ b {bhm. B) {S>PmBZ Mr g H$ nZm n Q> H$ Z {S>PmBZMo H$ma AmH $ `m `m ghm `mZo n Q> H$am. C) a JMH $mMr AmH $Vr H$mTy>Z n Q>rH$aU m. D) nw naMZoMo {ddrY H$ma. E) {ddrY J h{Z_m U `moOZm. 4. nwT>rbn H$s H$moU `mhr XmoZ Zm Mr 50 Vo 60 dm `mV C mao {bhm : (30) A) A VJ V J hgOmdQ> `m ~ b gdr Va {bhm. B) J hgOmdQ>rgmR>r nS>Xo Am{U JmbrMo `m Mo _h d n Q> H$am. C) J hgOmdQ>rgmR>r \$ZuMaMr {ZdS, Cn`moJ Am{U H$miOr `m ~ b {bhm. ___________________ B/I/10/65

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Additional Info : S.Y. B. Sc. Home Science (Semester – III) Examination, 2010. Paper 10 : HOME MANAGEMENT, Pune University
Tags : bsc home science pune, sy bsc home science exam papers, sybsc home science paper 10, home management, pune university exam papers, university of pune question papers, pune university science, pune university courses, bsc pune university, msc pune university, pune university solved question papers, pune university model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers pune university  

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