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Pune University - SY BSc (Sem - III) : FOOD SCIENCE AND NUTRITION, APRIL 2010

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*3716301* [3716] 301 S.Y. B.Sc. (Semester III) Examination, 2010 Home Science Paper 09 : FOOD SCIENCE AND NUTRITION Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100 Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 3) Diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 1. Attempt any ten out of thirteen of the following in one or two sentences each : 1.1) Write the types of milk processing. 1.2) What is meant by Dough ? 1.3) Write the chemical composition of protein. 1.4) Give the types of milk products. 1.5) Which nutrients are present in meat ? 1.6) Write the sources of oil and fats. 1.7) What is meant by yogurt ? 1.8) 1.9) 1.10) 1.11) 1.12) 1.13) 20 Give the names of derived proteins. What is Batter ? Write the components of milk. Which nutrients are present in vegetables ? Write the composition of fats and oil. Which nutrients are present in cereals ? 2. Attempt any 5 out of 7 of the following (5-6 sentences each ) : 2.1) What is meant by whey ? 2.2) What is Frozen Dessert ? 2.3) Which toxic constituents are found in pulses and legumes ? 2.4) What is meant by cheese ? 2.5) Write the composition of meat. 2.6) Which are the fat substitutes ? 2.7) Draw the structure of egg. 20 P.T.O. [3716] 301 -2- *3716301* 3. Attempt any 3 out of five of the following (25-30 sentences each) : 3.1) What is Non-Enzymatic Browning ? 3.2) Which products are substitutes to dairy products ? 3.3) What is meant by fat deterioration and antioxidants ? 3.4) What is by products of fish ? 3.5) What are the newer products of fish ? 30 4. Attempt any 2 out of 3 of the following (50-60 sentences each ) : 30 4.1) Which are the food groups and the nutrients contributed by each group to the diet ? 4.2) Explain the changes in fish and sea food during processing. 4.3) Describe the changes in eggs during processing. _amR>r $nm Va gyMZm: 1) gd Z Amd `H$ AmhoV. 2) CO `m ~mOyg {Xbobm AmH$ S>m EHy$U JwU Xe {dVmo. 3) Amd `H$ VoWo AmH $ `m H$m T>m. 1. nwT>rb 13 Zm n H$s H$moUVohr 10 Z gmoS>dm (1-2 dm `mV ) : 1.1) XyYmdarb {H $`m Mo H$ma gm Jm. 1.2) Dough hUOo H$m` ? 1.3) {WZm Mo amgm`{ZH$ g KQ>Z {bhm. 1.4) Xw YO ` nXmWm Mo H$ma {bhm. 1.5) _m gm_ `o H$moUVr nmofH$ V do AmhoV ? 1.6) Vob d VwnmMo moV H$moUVo AmhoV ? 1.7) Yogurt hUOo H$m` ? 1.8) C nmXH$ {WZo H$moUVr Vo {bhm. 1.9) Batter hUOo H$m` ? 1.10) XyYmVrb KQ>H$m Mo Zmdo {bhm. 1.11) ^m `m _ `o H$moUVr nmofH$V do AgVmV ? 1.12) Vob d VwnmMo g KQ>Z {bhm. 1.13) V UYm `m _ `o AgUm `m nmofH$ V dm Mr Zmdo {bhm. 20 *3716301* -3- 2. Imbrb 7 Zm n H$s 5 Z gmoS>dm (5-6 dm `mV) : [3716] 301 20 2.1) Whey hUOo H$m` ? 2.2) Frozen Dessert hUOo H$m` ? 2.3) S>mir d H$aYm `m _Ybo {dUmar KQ>H$ H$moUVo ? 2.4) Cheese hUOo H$m` ? 2.5) _m gmMo g KQ>Z {bhm. 2.6) _oXmbm n`m `r nXmW H$moUVo Vo {bhm ? 2.7) A S >`mMr aMZm H$m T>m. 3. Imbrb 5 Zm n H$s 3 Z gmoS>dm (25-30 dm `mV) : 30 3.1) Non-Enzymatic Browning hUOo H$m` ? 3.2) Dairy `m nXmWm Zm n`m `r nXmW -H$moUVo ? 3.3) _oXmMr Iam~ hmo `mMr {H $`m d {U{X ^dZmMr {H $`m hUOo H$m` ? 3.4) _mgm Mo BVa nXmW hUOo H$m` ? 3.5) _mgmnmgyZ V`ma hmoUmao ZdrZ nXmW H$moUVo ? 4. Imbrb 3 Zm n H$s 2 Z gmoS>dm (50-60 dm `mV) : 30 4.1) AmhmamVrb A ZJQ> H$moU-H$moUVo Vo {bh Z `mVrb nmofH$V dm Mo g KQ>Z {bhm. 4.2) _mgo d g_w r A Z gmR>dUr `m H$mimV hmoUmao ~ b {bhm. 4.3) A S >`m `m gmR>dUr Xa `mZ hmoUmao ~Xb {bhm. B/I/10/65

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Additional Info : S.Y. B.Sc. Home Science (Semester – III) Examination, 2010. Paper – 09 : FOOD SCIENCE AND NUTRITION, Pune University
Tags : bsc home science pune, sy bsc home science exam papers, sybsc home science paper 09, food science and nutrition, pune university exam papers, university of pune question papers, pune university science, pune university courses, bsc pune university, msc pune university, pune university solved question papers, pune university model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers pune university  

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