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Pune University - TY BSc (Sem – V) : COMMUNITY NUTRITION, April 2010

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*3716506* [3716] 506 T.Y. B.Sc. Home Science (Semester V) Examination, 2010 COMMUNITY NUTRITION Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100 N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Draw neat diagram wherever necessary. 1. Attempt any ten out of following in one to two sentences : a) Methods of nutritional states assessment. b) Biophysical methods of direct nutritional assessment. c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) 20 Growth chart. Clinical signs of iodine deficiency. Nutritional causes of nutritional problems of community. Objectives of nutrition education. Identifying nutritional problems of children. Techniques of group contact for nutrition education. Techniques of mass contact programme for imparting nutrition education. Food behaviour and work pattern. k) Protein energy malnutrition. l) Norms to assess nutritional status. m) Diet survey. 2. Attempt any five questions out of following in 5 to 6 sentences : 20 a) Meaning and methods of nutritional status assessment. b) Bio-chemical tests for nutritional assessment. c) Need and importance of diet survey. d) Adequacy of diet with respect to RDA. e) Techniques of nutrition education. f) Techniques of measuring height, weight, head, chest and arm circumference. g) Interpretation of clinical signs. P.T.O. [3716] 506 -2- *3716506* 3. Attempt any three questions out of following in 25 to 30 sentences : 30 1) Individual and group contact programme for imparting nutrition education. 2) Factors affecting food habits. 3) RDA and common diet of Indian women. 4) Objectives and principles of nutrition education for school going children. 5) Linkage of food behaviour with health. 4. Attempt any two questions out of following in 50 to 60 sentences : 30 a) Write about the nutritional policies and programmes to overcome nutritional problems in India. b) Write about the effect of family size, composition, economic status and working status of mother on food habits of the family. c) Prophylaxis programmes to check the nutritional problems. _amR>r $nm Va gyMZm: 1) gd Z A{Zdm` AmhoV. 2) Amd `H$ VoWo AmH $ `m H$mT>m. 3) COdrH$S>rb A H$ Zm Mo JwU Xe {dVmV. 1. nwT>rbn H$s H$moU `mhr 10 Zm Mr 1-2 dm `mV C mao {bhm : 1) Amhma{df`H$ XOm {ZYm arV H$a `m `m n Vr. 2) nmofU {df`H$ XOm {ZYm arV H$a `m `m `j ~m`mo\$sOrH$b n Vr. 3) dmT> Xe drUmao V Vo. 4) Am`moS>rZ `m H$_VaVoMr emararH$ bjUo. 5) nmofU{df`H$ g_ `m Mr Amhmamer g ~ {YV H$maUo. 6) nmofU{df`H$ {ejUmMr C{ R>o. 7) _wbm `m nmofU{df`H$ g_ `m. 8) nmofU{df`H$ {ejU Xo `mgmR>r JQ> g nH $ n Vr. 9) OZg nH $ (mass contact) n Vr mao nmofU{df`H$ {ejU. 20 *3716506* -3- [3716] 506 10) H$m_mMm Amhma{df`H$ YmoaUmda hmoUmam narUm_. 11) WrZo d H $barMr H$_VaVm. 12) nmofU{df`H$ XOm {ZYm a `mVrb ~m~r (norms). 13) nmofU{df`H$ g h}jU. 2. nwT>rbn H$s 5 Zm Mr 5-6 dm `mV C mao {bhm : 20 1) nmofU{df`H$ XOm hUOo H$m` d Vmo {ZYm arV H$a `m `m n Vr. 2) nmofU{df`H$ XOm {ZYm aUm `m ~m`moHo$_rH$b MmM `m (tests). 3) Amhma{df`H$ g h}jUmMr JaO d _h d. 4) X ZrH$ Amhma{df`H$ JaO (RDA) Am{U AmhmamMr Cnb YVm. 5) Amhma d nmofU {ejUmMr V o. 6) dOZ, C Mr, S>moH$, N>mVr, X S>Yoa B `mXr _moOVmZm bjmV `md`m `m ~m~r. 7) doJdoJir p bZrH$b bjUo Am{U `md Z hmoUmam nmofU{df`H$ ~moY. 3. nwT>rbn H$s 3 Zm Mr `oH$s 25-30 dm `mV C mao {bhm : 30 1) Amhma{df`H$ {ejUm `m d ` VrH$ Am{U JQ>g nH $ n Vr (individual and group contact). 2) Amhma {df`H$ gd`tda narUm_ H$aUmao KQ>H$. 3) {d{dY nmofH$ V dm Mr X ZrH$ Amd `H$Vm Am{U gd gmYmaU ^maVr` rMm Amhma. 4) embo` {d mWm gmR>r Amhma d nmofU {df`H$ {ejUmMr C{ R>o d V do. 5) Amhma{df`H$ gd`r d Amamo `mMm ghg ~ Y. 4. nwT>rbn H$s 2 Zm Mr `oH$s 50-60 dm `mV C mao {bhm : 30 1) doJdoJi`m nmofU {df`H$ g_ `m gmoS>d `mgmR>r `moObobr {d{dY Amhma d nmofU {df`H$ YmoaUo. 2) Hw$Qw> ~mMm AmH$ma Hw$Qw> ~mVrb gX `m Mr g `m Am{W H$ XOm , Amhma{df`H$ gd`r, AmW O Z H$aUmar _mVm B `mXr KQ>H$m Mm Hw$Qw> ~m `m Amhma {df`H$ gd`tda hmoUmam narUm_. 3) doJdoJi`m nmofU {df`H$ g_ `m gmoS>d `mgmR>r am~dbo OmUmao Vr~ Ym _H$ H$m` H $_. B/I/10/80

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Additional Info : T.Y. B.Sc. Home Science (Semester – V) Examination, 2010. COMMUNITY NUTRITION, Pune University
Tags : bsc home science pune, ty bsc home science exam papers, tybsc home science question paper, community nutrition, pune university exam papers, university of pune question papers, pune university science, pune university courses, bsc pune university, msc pune university, pune university solved question papers, pune university model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers pune university  

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