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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : Mathematics

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Puhabi Das
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[15) 8 suue he aea of o as of Surtaee slnm 1 sheet Par S m tie tota answers. same bracketsI! the tolal thenthe B. then separateiy, Section the to the halves, the equai on halves, to writing from done marks,in equsl 700025 minutes. cqual peper is given provided cqual be obtained questions (2024-2025) EXAMINATION PRE-BOARD is of Section.) for qestion must KOLKATAsCHOOL loss ane provided. obtaincd two ailowed opuons. two hours 13 inte questions paperfirst and in SECTIONA (40 MARKS) cylinders into four this result during answer. cut haij the 80 Marks: AMaimun shown, SECONDARYMATHEMATICS the givenoniy.)cut cvlindersi5 time incorec reaing any are from ROAD, and will on Class-X of is cvlindet circular and cleariythe partstables Two writtenwTi e the questions he answers cviinder working is HARBOUR circular A uf from allosed: is to in Paper Section or Matheratical spent right 2 be rest circutar TERESA'S be allowed questions correct Satemen must tie essential quesions circular al! must cight be this cyludet. snialler from Time be to uf (Attempt DIAMOND rigitt work paper cyl1nder. the is rightstnaller ot time head questions ST. bt of for the write hollaw two circular rougn Umission this wil maris correct te solid This the answers questions,twocircular ihe to You 72, at all a of riht Answers including intended a given W.ea Iis Whernthe areas Attempt of right origiai Staicment correct time areas the 1: 2: suriace The working, originalSHtement copy tutehent The sutice tlic lQueston the Choose ot pf a) the Al (Do a ef nsorcot incorroct. StaiemetIs are 2 but and intcget. odd xisaposiuve LBOU of tricasure the is 70,what LDAE the is O he in (W} given ligure, the of centre If circle. -5s-4where = (1.3,5,7) inequslity (d (1} he (c) 1 correctStatements of 1,3,5) set is Statee solution 2 Statenent b) the he (1,3) BothBoth the Find () (b)C) (d) (0) 80 (d) 160 (c) 140 (b) 70* (0) 42. LROS Grven O. is oentre whose circle the of diameter a is PQ figure, givencalculate LitS the In (iv) 67 (d) 68 (o) 69 (b) 70 0) Page B of 2 ato streiched (neatcost be ia to string assumed the is lengthof itot attached The metre ground. thresd 138 d) Thelevel metre( metre.the with 142 123 (c) 60' of metre of height anyle 139 a n (b) AAIyng metie nurnber) whole 140 is fiy kite (a) intcrocpt whose and 7), (2, point the through these ol +C 28 = 2X A+ that auch X rnatrix the fad istail no getting of find the Assertion. 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In arthe Find () x-XIS. the on and the Rnd yaiS x-XIS, is AIwhich originingure mapped on in Al zetleciion perpendicuiars draw B, and A From J. fo andin geonetrical points retiection line. number the by paid number). whole ncarest lhe to 1 (correct = cot8 iavestment + tanb that his received.prove dividend the at If discount. Seutiot. onthk set solution 10% MMARKS) this frum EZ 10x,xshures available he (40 qscstions represent B SECTIOS four and -2) Ipoins any on t 50 inequation question the (-3, gets (Ateipt 24 Rs then to of 10Sin B divdend be of on 225500 name co-ordinates this and co-ordinates return V3, A 10xs13x+ following caleinlate: of special = origin respectively for 2) Rs image cose anrual of paper(3, ate invests A 12%. + the the the points graph thethe Write Solve-2+Ram The The sin WriteNameAssign is (u) (6) istion 4 the If ()compaiy aUse Plot (a)b) (d) ( ) ) (c) (ii) atT meet produced Sk and PQ quadrnisteral, cyclic isa rQRS 41 line (31 P. nt the intersoct divides 31 Ra marurity. gets AD BC A where and be If of A, distribution: interess. amout 0-50 PC=5cm. through Chords paues which :3. n and2 and ratio em is the PA=7.5 stope 9cn, whose Q(3,-4) line and ofthe = 6) AB (-2, figure equation P Nementthe (0Ped In (G) 6uestlonthejoiitnggiven ef recuring 10-20 t me 20 siep-deviation the hasat interest Sumit rcq ency Using Class as Me 3996 (1) (6) method, cm sinpie the -27 and frequency APTS pa. instanent TR6. of following at area years monthly and If PQRS 3 the RQ4en for the for bnk quadrikaternl find mean ATRQ. a tn maturity, find deposit em, TPS-SPifTP-1S of aren the Prove Find Find that figure, (a) (b) (c) given 5Questinn he In () PCD A of :Area PAB-&PCD. PAB Cu of ofA Arua A length that the be ProveFind Find (a) (b)(c) 6Page ul3 50 40 32 12 is GST 300 20 of rale The goods of transaction intra-state 250 following the for bill of aount (70) Price Discount )Find the S) Marked an 5 asEuming makesAfier tower. boiat boat, Thethc the fromof tower. speed metres thc from approximate 60 of uway distance speeding the aat is What man'becomes s boatwhen a eye 30. tower a of topthe the with from 45 still of watching depresson in running is 7VOuetion Aman is of ieitthat angle it ) the estiate and 40-50 distribution frequency30.40 0 following |20-30 the for Ogive 10-20 an drawOgive. the paper of 0-10 help graph the Using with obtaiteu SlteLS ()median|Marks 7than [3) persons many be more how total full, agetting halftop? be the to at of it dianeter probab1lity Supposing hat prove in the c, ind and the 4glasses dice, a tound of betwcencmhemispherical pair 176 proportional ofa is tirow bowiin it simnultattcous from mean kenispherical served the 3xQuestionis Ifb a A In () (u) (i) 8 of 7Pa 5 15 30 10 the equation quadratic the and 0 2r+px-15 k: of value the of +k0 root a is pr+*) If-5 (ii) has quadratic cqual the cquation find roots, the of ratio mode. cormimon thc find gruphis GP ona ofa histogram term fitst Tbe 90, distribution, is terms abovefifth and the third representing its of sum pper1The 100-110 70-8080-9090-100 HenceFind follows as are workers of camings Ra)60-70 daily No. the (itn ofworkens carnings factory Ina Daily 9Qnestion aDraw ()GP 30 is side longer Ifthe side, shorier th n the chord point Mark Xand PQRS. a mattix draw the PQ. Mark and quadrilateral and of Q. PS order cm, 4.5 and from the radius P points equidistant the write of of RS B, circle the from are side AX a which the B-.ifConstruct equidistant of points, leigth do Tind ()PO a the Ose and the where X matrixrulerof Find Joia pointJoin 6cm,a) ) ) a Asin30 Gi()ven than the question. are Kthe me the as that S. of circle, measure 60 the And as locus is find this points tield citcle, 4sin the side, o 30 for the and rectangain compassthethe find meets shorter of RS, meets and and itwhere 0cos the it PS, QR aof diagonal 10 Question more The metes ()

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