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Priyanshu Singh
Bishop Johnson School & College, Allahabad
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Soils in India Scope of Syllabus Types of Soil (alluvial, black, red and laterite), composition and characteristics such as colour, texture, minerals and crops associated. Soil Erosion Causes, Preventions and need for Conservation. Prepared by Priyanshu Singh Soil Soil essentially is the loose material which forms the thin surface layer of the Earth and serving as a source of food and moisture for plants. Humus Humus is the organic matter present in the soil formed by the decomposition of plants and animals. Pedogenesis Pedogenesis is the science and study of the processes that led to the formation of soil. Soil Profile As per the Soil Profile, the soil mainly consists of two main layers (a) Topsoil and (b) Subsoil. (a) Topsoil Topsoil is the uppermost layer of Earth s crust which has the highest concentration of organic matters and microorganisms and where the most of soil activity takes place. (b) Subsoil Subsoil is the layer of soil next to the Topsoil. It also contains a part of organic material and moisture but it is not very productive. Soil Erosion Soil Erosion is the removal of Topsoil by various agents of weathering e.g. Wind and Overgrazing. The prime factor of soil erosion is Running Water. There are several ways in which soil erosion takes place due to running water. (a) Sheet Erosion When Topsoil gets eroded from very large areas due to fast flowing rivers. (b) Gully Erosion Gully Erosion takes place when running water cuts deep ravines in the absence of vegetation. It makes soil unfit for cultivation. There are several ways in which soil is eroded (a) (b) (c) (d) Overgrazing Deforestation Wind Erosion Human Beings. Soil Conservation Soil Conservation is an effort, made by man to prevent soil erosion to retain fertility of Soil. There are several ways of Soil Conservation (a) (b) (c) (d) Afforestation Contour Ploughing Check Overgrazing Constructing Dams and Barrages. Need for Soil Conservation Soil formation is a very slow process. Soil is the most precious asset of India and more than 60% of the population is dependent on agriculture. Protective soil also ensures progress of agriculture, forests and industrial development. Classifications of Soil All India Soil Survey Committee (1953) of The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) had divided Indian soils in following major groups (a) (b) (c) (d) Red Soil Alluvial Soil Laterite Soil Black Soil /Regur Soil Red Soil Origin Red Soils are formed due to Weathering of Ancient Crystalline and Metamorphic rocks. Red Soil does not need much moisture therefore it is ideal for dry farming. (i) Colour, (ii) Texture and (iii) Composition (i) Red Soils are red in colour because of its high iron content. (ii) Red Soil are porous and friable (easily crumbled) in nature. (iii) Red Soil lacks lime, magnesia, phosphate, nitrogen and humus. They are rich in potash and become fertile with proper use of fertilizers and irrigation. Suitability for Crops With application of proper fertilizers and irrigation they give excellent yield of wheat, rice, cotton, sugarcane, pulses, millets, tobacco and oilseeds. Areas North India Red Soil extends to part of Bihar, West Bengal and Eastern Rajasthan, parts of Assam, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura and Meghalaya. South India Red Soil are spread over whole of Tamil Nadu, large parts of Southern Karnataka, Goa, North-East Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, South-East Maharashtra and Chotanagpur Plateau. Alluvial Soil Origin These soil originate from the transported alluvium brought down by the rivers. They can be divided into two types on the basis of alluvium. (a) Young Khadar Soils These are newer alluvium of sandy, pale brown composition, found in the lower areas of valley bottom which are flooded almost every year. (b) Old Bhangar Soils These consists of older alluvium, of clayey composition and are dark in colour. These soils are coarse in nature and contain lime nodules, gravels and pebbles. (i) Colour, (ii) Texture and (iii) Composition (i) Alluvial soil are pale brown (newer alluvium) and dark (older alluvium) in colour. (ii) Alluvial soils are finely grained (new alluvium) and coarse (old alluvium). (iii) They are rich in potash and humus which makes it an extremely fertile soil for both rabi and kharif but deficient in phosphorus and nitrogen. Suitability for Crops Alluvial soils are suitable for wheat, sugarcane, rice, cotton and oilseeds. In delta regions they are ideal for jute cultivation. Areas/ States North India Areas Vast tracks of riverine (riverbank) alluvium of Satluj, Ganga and Brahmaputra Plains. States Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal and Assam. South India Areas In the Deccan coastal strip occupying deltas of Godavari, Krishna, Kaveri, Narmada and Tapti. States Parts of Orissa and Other regions Alluvial soils of the Deccan coastal strip are non-porous, clayey and darker in colour as compared to alluvial soils of upper Ganga valley as rivers of Deccan Plateau flowing through black soil region, carry the same to the delta. These soils are called Deltaic Alluvium and are most suited to rice crop. Laterite Soil Origin These soils are formed under conditions of high temperature and heavy rainfall with alternating wet and dry periods. Laterite soil promote leaching of soil. When exposed to air they harden like iron and thus are valuable building materials. Leaching The process of percolation by which valuable mineral nutrients are washed down from the top layer of the soil to deposit them in the lower layers, making thereby the soil infertile. (i) Colour, (ii) Texture and (iii) Composition (i) Laterite soil are red in colour due to the presence of iron oxide. (ii) These soils are generally coarse, friable and porous. (iii) They are very rich in iron and poor in lime, magnesia, phosphoric acid and potash. But, due to intense leaching laterite soils lack in fertility. Suitability for Crops Laterite soils are suitable for plantation crops like tea, coffee, rubber, coconut, etc. Areas/ States Areas In the highland areas of the peninsular plateau i.e., the summits of Western Ghats and the summits of Eastern Ghats. States Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and parts of Maharashtra, Kerala, Bihar, Orissa and Jharkhand. Black Soil/ Regur Soil Origin Black Soil is formed by the Weathering of volcanic (basalt) rock of Deccan Trap and lava tracts of Maharashtra. Black Soils can retain moisture and become sticky wet. This property of retaining moisture and releasing it when required during dry period is very useful for the crops. After the first rain, Black soil has to be tilled for work because it becomes stick. (i) Colour, (ii) Texture and (iii) Composition (i) Black soil vary in colour from deep black to chestnut brown, medium black or even mixture of red and black may be found at some places. (ii) They are fine grained and does not contain gravel or sand. (iii) Black Soil contain lime, alumina, iron, potash, magnesium carbonates and calcium but are deficient in phosphates, nitrogen and humus or organic matter. Suitability for Crops Because of their high fertility and retentivity of moisture, the black soil are widely used for cotton, rice, wheat, jowar, millets, sugarcane, Virginia tobacco and oilseeds. Area/ States Areas Because they are In situ, therefore they are vastly confined to Deccan Plateau. States Maharashtra, Gujrat, Western Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Southern districts of Tamil Nadu.

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