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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : History and Civics (The Bhawanipur Gujarati Education Society School (BGES), Kolkata)

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Pravin Nirmal
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NAME THE BGES SCHOOL (ICSE) KOLKATA- 700020 12B, HEYSHAM ROAD, 24 EVALUATION 2023 PRELIMINARY MM: 80 CLASS 10 DATE: 10.01.2024 HISTORY H.C.G. PAPER -1 Maximum Marks: 80 Time allowed: Two hours AnSwers must be to this-Paper writlen om the a n s w e r sheet provided write You will not be allowed to This time is during the first to he spent in reading the tOal OJve quesTions are to be attempled from Part 1, two out from given to the questions Choose the correct answers the correct a n s w e r s only.) (Do not copy the question, writ the below: AA of 9 Section A arna Section B are given in bracke:s1T Question 1 Page 1 amswers. from of three questions paris of questions intended marksfor questioms or the image given i) Answer by referring the for writing PartI(Compulsory). out of five questjons from The 15 mimules question paper. is the time allowed h e ime given at the head ofthis Paper Auempt all questionsfrom separaley options. 16 hree says The Image that Indian inter b) It is independent d) It is most likely to be [1] linked a) It is c) It is judiciary is inter-dependent inter-disciplinary to became determine opposition. They, the motion will X move? Leader of the i) X is the nam the Lok Sabha, bring down the existing majority party in a) Cut Motion b) Censure Motion c) Adjournment Motion d) No Confidence Motion iii) Which is not an exclusive power of the -a)It may declare the Parliament b) It may pa:s c)Only Rajy a a resolution that Raya Sabha ? in the national interest a new Sabh may initiate to enact alaw on a matter in the State List. in the national interest. Al-India Service may be created legal proceedings to impeach the President of India. dlt cannot be dissolved by the President of India. iv) The President assumed power of State M, yesterday evening broke down. This power falls into category. a) Legislatu re b) Executive c) Judiciary d Emerge icy Page 2 of 9 when it's Constitutional Machinery v) Tenure of Finance Minister: 5 years of Judge of Supreme Court: 27 a) Till completes the age 65 years ) Till completes the age 62 years c) Till completes the age 60 years d) Every 6 vi ldentify the highest Criminal Court of the District, year a) High Court b) Lok Adalat c) Court of the District Judge d) Court of the Sessions Judge vii) Assertion{A}-The British Government adopted the Policy of Divide and Rule after the Mutiny.ended Reason-iR} The General Service Act implied that soldiers would have to travel overseas to fight. a) A is the corre:t assertion of R bA is True but R is False c) R is the corret reason of A d) A andR is True but not the correct reason of A. vii) Mshini, an iassetive member of Congress was angry with the repressive policies adapted by Lord Lytonand opposed vehemeaty against it. Whichofthe following Actshehasagitnted?v a) Rovlatt Act b) Iltvert Bill Acd Creneral Enlistnent Act d Government offIndia Ac:1947 & Page 3 of 9 ix) Mr Shah is a follower of the charismatic leader who inspired Indians by stating 'Swaraj is my birthright and I shall have it. Name the leader. a) Bal Gangadhar Tilak b) Surrendranath Banerjee c) Dadabhai Naoraji d) Raja Rammohan Roy x) ldentify the impact of the Lucknow Pact P. Unity of INC and Muslim League 1916 Q. Acceptance of the act by Lord Ripon R. Lord Dalhousie went against the Pact. S. Hindu and Muslims stood together. a) P&Q b) P &S c)Q &R d)R&S xi) Threat ofaf an instigated Mohandas Karamchad Gandhi and INC to start the a) Quit India b) Swadeshi Non Cooperation d)Civil Disob edience i ) Subhas Chandra Bose hoisted the tri coloured flag and declare a) Delhi b) Kolkate c) Kohimna Page 4 of 9 independent. movement. Singapore qxii) a) Atlee's Plan Identify the personality and mention the plan proposed by him b) Cripps Mission Plan c) Cabinet Mission Plan d) Mountbatten Plan xiv) Stock piling ofcertain things created suspicion among the nations of Europe before World War 1. Mention what was they stock piling. a) fuel b) coal c) arms d) gold xv) Fascism is derived from the word 'fasces, means a) Bundle of Rods c) Bundle of Wire c)Bundle ofJoy d) Bundle of Agitation Page 5 of 9 *vi) Which one DOES a) State of extreme NOT define Cold War correctly? Unfriendliness between countries. b) Condition of neither a c) A state War nor of Peace. of uneasy Peace. dyPeace, Security and Faith in Human Dignity. Question 2 that takes i )Name the session place usually between July ii) Explain Ministers. "All council of Ministers i) Specify the are to September. but not Cabinet ministers (21 all Cabinet Ministers are Council o 21 Proclamation 1858. British India after the Queen's biggest change took place in iv) Mention any two contribution [2 of Jyotiba Phule. y}Name the founder of the Forward Bloc and mention one objective of INA. [2] [2 vi) Image taken from the film-The Great Dictator' by Charlie Chaplin (1940) Citing the above image specify two of the traits of the regime. (2 vii) I have proudly noted down whatever my leader of Yugoslavia pointed oul along with the o architects of NAM. Mention my leaders' name. 12 PART 11 Section-A Question 3 TOportional tepresentation is enshrined in India's constitution. which governs the allocation ot seats the Lok Sabha. Hindustan times,Tuesday 1Dec 05 a) Mention the maximum the members of the seat? b) Specify the term number of seats Lok Sabha has. Mention the of the member of the Lok Sabha. t c) Mention any four Legislative poers of the Parliament. qualification requires becoming 13 trai i t wofi 13] hrurgd) afun binacg a d y 4 Question 4 With reference to the power and position of the Prime Minister of India, answer the questions a) Justify that the real h ad of the nation is the Prime Minister of India. 13 b) What is the procedure to become the Leader of the Nation and creates the ministry? c) Mention four of India. major functions of the Prime Minister in relation to the Cabinet 141 Question5 The In Country's Judicial System has a Supteme Court at its apex. It has an extensive jurisdiction. this cotextdiscuss 'hefollowing a) Original Juri sdiction 131 byAppellate Jurisdiction 13 c) Judicial Review 141 Page 7 of 9 Section-B Question 6 With reference to the causes of the First National War of India 1857, elaborate the causes that lead w its outburst. a) Military Causes (3 b) Political Causes (3] c) Fconomic Causes 14 Question 7 The rise of nationalism leads the path of foundation of Indian National Congress. In this context answer the following a) How press ignited the mind of the Indians? [31 b) Name the first president of Indian national Congress and where was its first Session? 13] c) Mention three of INC's objectives and why were they considered moderates? 1412 Question 8 Read the excerpt given below and answer the questions that follow- Gandhi-Irwin Pact agreement signed on March 5, 1931, between Mohandas K. Gandhi, leader of the Indian nationalist movement, and Lord Irwin (later Lord Halifax), British viceroy (1926-31) of India It marked th: end of a period of civil disobedience (satyagr ha) in India against British rule that Gandhi and his followers had initiated with the Salt March (March-April 1930). Gandhi's arrest and imprisonm nt at the end of the march, for illegally making salt, sparked one of his more effective civil disobedier ce movetoents. https:/ a) Why the pact wa:: named so? 131 b) Mention two sign ficant auses of the Civil Disobedience Movement. 131 Page8 of 9 e) Specify tvo programmes and fwo impacts of ivil Disobedience Movement. 14F Question 9 Wilh reterence to ) the World War 1, answer the following questions for other countries is Justily."Love lor onc's country and hate b) Name the two power blocscreated bef re one of the maor cause World War ) Name the Crisis that triggered the War and how it had triggered? of World War 13 14) Question 10 a) ldentify the Logs. Name twoofits agencies(Full Form). 13 b) What is the com position ofthe Gener il Assembly? c) Name the UN organ that is. cntitled o take necessary steps (if situation requires so) to stop the war ap a between two coun tries. Specify three more functions of the mentioned Organ. BEST OF LUCK FROM PRINCIPAL & BD 41

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