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C) l\'ICM'I C.N.M.&N.D.PAREKH ICIISOClal Shri Vile Parle KelavanJ Mandal's C.N.M. School & N.D. Parekh Pre-Primarv School UNIT TEST 2023-24 PHYSICS DATE STD 24.07.2023 X Number of printed pages - 2 MAX TIME MAR.KS 35 min. 20 Read the question paper carefully before answering the questions. The time given at the head ofthis paper is the time allottedfor writing the answers. The intended marks for questions or parts ofquestions are given in bracket. D (5] 1. Choose the correct option: (i) Centre of gravity of a hollow sphere is_ _ __ (a) (b) (c) (d) Geometric centre radius Midpoint none of the above (ii) A moment of couple has a tendem;y to rotate the bo~y in an anticlockwise direction. Then the moment of couple is taken~as: (a) (b) (c) (d) positive negative maximum zero .. , , r ,:. .,.: ,. J # ,..... I. :, (iii) The kinetic-ene rgy of a given body depends on the: (a). (b)' (c) (d) position -~enter of gravity of the body. mpmentum displaceme nt (iv) Energy of 6000 J is spent in raising a suitcase of mass 50 kg to a vertical height. Calculate the vertical height. (g = IO m s 2) (a) 12 m (b) 12 cm (c) 120 m (d) 1200 m ----------- -------------- ------------- -Std. X - Physics Unit Test -2023-24 Page 1 of2 I (v) 3 kWh= ----J. (a) (b) (c) (d) 10.8 x 105 10.8 X )0~ 1.08 X 106 10.8 X 106 Q2. Two forces each of magnitude 10 N are applied in opposite direction at the ends of a uniform rod of length 0.4 m. Draw dia1,1Tam of the arrangement and find the total moment of the two forces . [2 Q3 It is easier to turn the steering wheel of a large diameter than that of a small diameter. Explain. Q4. State the energy conversion in the following: [2. (i) loudspeaker (ii) photoelectric cell [2] Q5. A body of mass 'm' is released from height 'h '. What energy will the body possess when: (i) it has fallen by a distance x (x<h). (ii) it reaches the ground. [2] Q6. A spring is kept compressed by a toy cart of mass 140 g. On releasing the cart, it moves with a speed of 0.3 m s 1 Calculate the potential energy,"q( ~e spting. . [2] Q7. A stone of mass 'm' is rotated in a circular pa~ - ~ th-a uaj.f6fm1 speed by tying a strong string with !; : ). 4?~ . ~ :. ~; , the help of your hand. Answer the following questions: (i) Is the stone moving with a unifomt;Q.r non- uniform speed? .,-~,.;,~ (ii) What kind of force acts on the h~~ ~ ~:.,state its direction? Q8. A coolie, with a load of 30 kg~4?,P.J!js h~ad, on the platform. Ifhe walks a distance of 60 m, how much is the work 9one th~gravity? Explain your answer. ~~;:Jlq{ h/ iii; :~gahisJ ',.},~ . [2] [2] Q9. Two men, X and Y, try to niQ:ve idefittcal heavy boxes, P and Q. Man X tries to push box P along . .. the floor. Man Y lifts box Q from the floor onto the shelf. ,.\, :::.:r A X X -- - -p a C V p 0 V a ---- - ------- - -- ---- ------ ---- -- - ---------Std. X - Physics [ I] . . --- - -------------- ------------ - -------------- Unit Test -2023-24 Page 2 of 2 a# l'ARHM C,N.M. ~ ~ lhdl.,._. ht ~ wt;U.., Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal's C.N.M. School & N.D. Parekh Pre-Primary School UNIT TEST 2022 -23 PHYSICS DATE D A 27.07.2022 X ber of printed pages - 2 TIME MAX MARKS 35 min. 20 Read the question paper carefully before answering the questions. ' \'. _e;i.:It~" The time given at the head ofthis paper is the time allotted/or writing,.:fhVa~ ' I(' \. lo The intended marks for questions or parts ofquestions are given in brpcket. 'rJ. ~ ! ' .J> Attempt all questions. , ., .,, . , ,,, .C ,,., ~ ( ' t4 , ,;; [2] 1. What is a couple? Give it's S.I. unit. .,, ' .. .-. ~ ,., . ) .. ">-, "' . ht of 50 gf at the 40 cm mark 2. A unifonn meter rule is balanced at 70 cm m!1fk by suspeh4,ip.g ~:weig ~~;t ;~~~f~;~t:~-,- : . . [2] and 200 gf at the 95 cm mark. Calculate the wefgnfof the meter rule. [2] Q3. Derive the relation between kinetic energy,; _and momentum. ' - -'.~.' ->..~.. -,_. .r > ~.-~... , ( Q4. Give one relevant exainple of'ea,ch & tlieJollowing: " , I. . electrical energy Heat eJ?,~~S .' t9-._ . ~':; > ,-, /: . 11. Electrical ener~Y to magnetic energy ,.. [2] v on of force in 2.5 s. Q5. 6.4 kJ ol energy causes a displacement of 64 min a body in the directi Calculate the-power developed. [2] ce of the applied forces, the body Q6. i. When a body remains in the same state of motion, under the influen [1] is said to be in _ __ _ _ equilibriwn. force is anticlockwise? ii. What sign is assigned to moment of force, if the turning tendency of the negative. Justify. Q7. The work done by a fielder, when he takes a catch in a cricket match is Std. X - Physics Unit Test -2022-23 [l] [2] Page 1 of 2 Q8. Draw a diagram of an oscillating simple pendulum to show the energy changes in it. Q9. A force is applied on a body of mass 20 kg moving with the velocity of 40 ms ' and the body , a velocity of 50 ms ' in 2 s. Calculate the work done on the body. Q 10. State the position of the centre of gravity for the following: 1. Rhombus 11. Hollow cone . :~<:~r\~i,:j<~. \ -. ;;~~:~r:,;.i;. ,c~ .. .:- ~. t~Y~ , ;~{{\~ .. ' >':-_. ~'.v . , . ..,,. Std. X - Physics ,. -------------------- . . . . - ----- - -- - - - -- - - -- - -- Unit Test -2022-23 . _ _ .. ------------------------------------ page 2 M C.N."'-t:~~AUICH 11 1,--;.!!!-'91!!~ ' Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal's C.N.M. School & N.D. Parekh Pre-Primary School DATE J 27.07.2022 aber of printed pages B UNIT TEST TIME 2022 -23 PHYSICS MAX MARKS 35 min. 20 2 ,. Read the question paper carefully before answering the questions. '' \ ,e~f \ ..,, The time given at the head ofthis paper is the time allotted for writingih'it~ ,,,iP t The intended marks for questions or parts ofquestions are given_in 61:apket. ,..~ ;t1t. .,,. I\ g t;" /~ <, ,/"Ji,<.'' .J. . ".~- II 1 .. ~ h: Attempt a question!;,~.. ) ''"it~,. ',~~;.:;w1 :;~\ nt ~ , i. When a body remains in the state of rest, under the influi~se' rih),!! a;i}ied forces, the body is ~ ''! .. said to be in - -- -- - - equilibriumc .( t' ,,,.. ' Y . ,~~~~; ~ 1 ~ <:.;{\. , ,. [1] ' :f , (1) ii. What sign is assigned to moment of forcei!{f~\h~J~ i.t~kdi ncy of the force is clockwise? - ~:i: 1 _.r.. ~~)~ . . :. =~).:~;~.i;.- [2] Give one relevant example for each ;ofilthe following transfonnatton of energy: ~\~', Sound ener~:.~ J;J; ,ctric~ .eng~"!/ 1. ' ~~~\\-) V~?.: ~~:.,;f~;_ h~ ;,: .H I ii. ' fo ) Chemical' e~ergy1 q~~i~ci'ttfu'~~energy :5, 'X~-~ 3. 64 kJ of energy.:;~!~~e~\~;1~ ~~te~~t'of 64 min a body in the direction of force in 2 .5 s. Calculate -~ -: , ; " (f...,;;.; .-1;;:.., (2) the forcp.-applied. ,, ..~ ~ > : ,,_... r [2] 24. Derive:~e relation between power, force and velocity. QS. A unifonn half meter rule balances horizontally on a knife edge at 29 cm mark when a weight of 20 gf is suspended from one end. 1. Draw diagram of the arrangement 11. Calculate the weight of the half meter rule. Std. X - Physics (2) ---- ------------- ----------- - ----------- -------Unit Test -2022-23 Page 1 of2 Q6. State the position of the centre of gravity for the following: 1. Scalene triangle ii. Solid cone Q7. State moment of force. What is it's C.G.S. unit? Q8. Compare the kinetic energy of a car of mass m moving with a velocity of 80 Janh 1and a truck c mass 2m moving with the velocity of 40 kmh 1 it.,,.,,.. Q9. Work done on the moon when it revolves around the earth is zero. Justify. ' ,; / -------------------Std. X Physics d) absorbs, reflects iv. What is the relati onshi p betwe en M.A. and V.R. for a practical mach ine? a) M.A. = V.R. b) M.A.> V.R. c) M.A.< V.R. d) M.A. > V .R. -------- ------------------------- ----- ---------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------7 Std. X- Physics First Terminal Exam inatio n -2023 -24 Page 1 of v. A wooden bar is pivoted at its centre so that it can rotate freely. Two equal forces Fare applied 10,! t bar. In which diagram is the turning effect greatest? B A ... pivot F D C pivot F vi. An A.C. has a label 2 kW, 240 V. The electrical energy consumed by it in 30 mins. is _ _ a) 1 kWh b) 60 kWh c) 4 J d) 60 J dtttbt If 8 stone of mass ' m' is released from a height 'h' and falls a vertical rustance 'd', then the decrease in gravitational potential energy is _ _ _ _ _. a) mg(h-d) b) mgd c) mgb ,ngh d) 2 A ray of light incident at an angle of 65 on an equilateral prism gets deviated through an angle of 40 on passing through the prism, the angle of emergence of the ray is _ __ 350 40 65 90 a) b) c) d) xii. a) b) c) d) xiu. ' a) b) c) d) A lens is placed in water instead of air, the focal length of the lens will_...:..;,.:._ ~ - decrease increase not change not be predicted ., >' , Assertion: Fuse wire is made of an alloy of_copper arid lead. Reason: Fuse wire has low resistivity and1ow m'elting:point. . .;., ,>::~{~~~;,,;;;-:;,_'~~-< Assertion and reason both are wrong > ;; Assertion and reason both are co ect -~~_ ,,., Assertion is correct but reason ii _~ ong ?n'~~t. C is Assertion is wrong but reason \x~ .,,,,.,..., ,) ~ : f' ,..... -s: , 1 , . t' - .: '"').,._ > H:.- ,. xiv. Radio waves of speed"'.3<f :I-01 ip s- e sei]t'oy Chandrayan 3 on the moon, to the earth. The time taken between the ,s~~ding'o..f tlie:~ifili~l and receiving it on earth is 1.5 sec. The distance of ,. km. the moon from the eafth is ,:,,,.__ ~,.~.. a) 4.5 x 105 , , . .,,.f. ~, \ ;.. :": >( -~t ' s -~ .. , '<'. ; ~. '; . b) 2 25 X lo c) 9 x 10s d) 22.5 x 105 xv. The work done by;the heart is 1 J per beat. The power of the heart, if it beats 72 times in I w. minute a) 1.2 b) 72 c) 7.2 is _____ d) 60 -Std-.------------ ------------X - Physics ------ First Terminal Examination -2023-24 -------------------Page 3 of7 Que stio n 2: 1. In a dou ble deck er bus, it is not safe to have mor D0 11. e people on the upper deck than in the lo you supp ort this state men t? Justify you r answ ~d er. ec~. ll Clas sify the follo win g levers: a) A hum an fore arm b) Ope ning the doo r 111 [l Dur ing eart hqu akes , som e buil ding s vibrate more vigorously and are seve rely damaged com t o o thers. Wh d . the caus at o you th'mk 1s . your answ e of this? Explain . Pared er. IV. A gey ser is rate d 1.5 kW, 250 V. It is conn ected to 250 V mains. Calculate: ., a) The curr ent draw n by the geys er b) Cos t of ener gy con sum ed at ~4.5 0 per unit, if the geyser is in s~ fq~ 4 -~p rs. ./ ...., V. vi. vii. Two elec tro~ agn etic radi atio ns, P and Q, are of wav el~n rh a) Iden tify P and Q. .: _; , b) Com pere the spee ds of P and Qin vacu um. f-:,_ [1 [l 9{~Pl ~1,p._oI A respectively. ..... ,~... ~ -~)- "d l.:_.; :~, _ ",.. ,: 1 ' ;_~:,, ~ 6~. :') ..::,., v, . : Y' You can burn a piec e of pap er usin g a cortve~ le!].s witpout usipg rti;tch stick. a) Whe re is the obje ct plac ed in sucf ( a case ? ,~;{'1 ,,,,_ ~t} .. ':;:~,... .-.,, -.,t ,;...,t >:-'',.;.,,, ' ~ . -~-'(, b) Whe re 1s the nna ge formed? 'i~{~;,w: :,, ~\(~. .., t ~ -.~ A mac hine is used to lift a 100 k1~1Ji,o ne to a vert ic~-height of 20 m in 80 s. a) Find the usef ul pow er offt i~,~~ chin e. b) If the effic ienc y:Q.f..,,~ e macbi~~~i .B?.~o, find the electric pow er bein g consumed by the ( '" %1<Yffi;;i-2~ --:.~ 'si.\~3:;> mac hine . \ , g = \ ~~---_,,::/ ;<fif ;\ :,:v (''-' ~... 1 Que stio n 3: ,. . , ,, ........ [21 [3) \~~;-:' The diag ram s~ ow {a.pJ~~J~-~~urc e of light S, a convex lens and a plane mirror. These three are plac ed such that rays ofli ght from S retu rn to it after reflection from the mirror. Mlrt"OT s a) Wh at is the distance OS called? b) To whi ch poin t (left of S, on S or right of S) will the ray return, if the mirror is moved to the left and brou ght in contact with the lens? ---- --- -- ---- -------- Std. X _ Physics p; __./ . ---- --- - ---- ---- ---- -------- - ---- ---------- ------ ------ ----- ----- --. ..- e 4 of ' FirSt Terminal Examination -2023-24 pag temperature aff. ect: H0' Resistance of a wir e n) (ntemal res ista nce of a cel l vdoes [2] b) When an astronaut loo ks at the ear th fro m . . spa ce it appears bl ue m colour. Justify. ' [2] h . . the cnc ma te . e when he takes a cat ch m ket ativ neg is r lde fie a by e don rk , 'n why the wo [2] EXPIIll bod y to State two conditions nec ess ary for a [2] be in equilibrium. SE CT IO N - B (40 Marks) At tem pt all questions. 0.5 N, I N and 0.2 N are sus pep ded N, 0.1 of ts igh We N. 1.2 s igh we Aunifonn meter rul e ; ,, , .:;:-:. respectively. rks ma cm 80 and cm 60 , cm 20 from the 10 cm, : the rul e wil l balanc~. a) Calculate the ma rk at wh ich -~,:, ,. ,. , em ent . b) Draw a dia gra m of the arr ang [3] < 15 cm at axis of div.e rgi n;"i~ns_oi} ;cal length pal nci pri the on ced pla is ect obj i A 5 cm tall onn ed. geff he ima d siz~ ,oft the positio.n:~ ' '. . .....,'... a distance of 10 cm fro m it. Fin d [3] R~ ,f} tc~ r es plac~) State the cha nge of ene rgy tha t tak ose d to swifight. {C,. a) photographic film bei ng exp .., _,. . .;r :, '"'" ,, ' b) a glowing bulb. ' ,":';.' II. - ....,,. w. J.."; ~ ~ [2] lo.~ .. s~. Dra w a ray diagram to explain thi ili$ ;;1; ual act the or~ bef ible vis is The sun ~-..: t:',?: ,:.;. :: t:: -~ ,, .::,.;. ,.. , -.,. s phe nom eno n. (2] ' ., ..;,.. t-~~" : :' ~estion 5: a 6 i. Three resisfor~ ar.e ~ -o. ~cte~ to 7.2 6V v battery as shown in the figure. Calculate: n + sn 1 12n the circ uit a) the equ iva len t res ista nce of b) total cur ren t in the circ uit r. c) p.d . acr oss the 7.2 n. res isto '--...._ s111. )( - ; ---- ----- -- - ---- - -- --- --- -- - ---- --- - ---- ---- ---- - ---- - hysics [3] - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- --- --- --- ---- - - - - 23- 24 Fir st Ter minal Exa min atio n -20 - -- - - -- Page 5 of 7 11. The stem of a vibrating fork is pressed against the table top. a) Would the above action produce any audible sound? b) Does the above action cause the table to set into vibration? c) Under what condition does the above action lead to resonance? n1. In a submarine, the periscope is made using pair of prisms rather than a pair of plane mirror. Explain why. IV. How long should a motor of power 2.5 kW operate in order to pump 20,000 kg of water from a well of depth 15 m? (g = 10 N kg 1) Question 6: ,, , 1. 11 . ,'<' a) Draw a labelled diagram of a block and tackJe system of pulleys with 2 p~lleys iri'each,block. , , Indicate the directions of the load, effort and tensions in the string. b) Why should the lower block of this puIJey system be of negligible ~eight? Name the material of the prism used to detect: a) Infrared radiations b) Visible light c) Ultraviolet radiations. . : j : ,}, ~-::- ~ .. ., iii. The critical angle for red light is smaller th~:19~tJor:1_),I !~-1ight. ; ; a) Do you agree with the starement? .., . . :-:t. b) Justify your answer. 1v. A boy pulls a toy with a force of St> N ~ough a string which makes an angle of 30 with the horizontal, so as to I,JlO't,e:tfie;Joy by ~ d{sfu ce of 1 m horizontally. If the string was inclined making an angle of 45 with the lio'rizontal, how much force would he apply along the string in order to move it through the same distance of 1 m? . :.. . -:>;.._.... [2. Question 7-: 1. ii. Ill. A bulb is marked 100 W, 220 V and an electric heater is marked 2 kW, 220 V. Calculate: a)' The ratio between the resistance of these two devices. b) the safe current limit that can flow through each of them. [3] A person is standing between two cliffs that are separated by a distance of 1.5 km. He fires a gun and hears the first echo after 2 s. If the speed of sound is 350 m s ', after how much time will he [3] hear the second echo? State the principle on which levers work. ------------------------------ ---Std. X - Physics [I] ---------- -------------------- --- ----------- ---- ------- - ---- --/ First Tenninal Examination -2023-24 Page 6 of1