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ICSE Prelims 2016 : Geography 2 (R. B. K. School (RBK), Mira Road)

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SECOND PRELIM EXAMINATION 2015-16 STD: 10 Marks: 80 Date: 12/01/16 Subject: Geography Dur. : 2hrs ______________________________________________________________________________ PART I (30 Marks) (Attempt all questions from this part.) Question I Study the extract of the survey of India Map Sheet No. 45 D/7(Easting76 to 86 and Northing 90 to 00) and answer the following questions: - (Year-1986) a) What does the following indicate? 3 i) 200 in grid 7797 ii) 5r in grid 8494 iii) Black dotted line in grid 8090 b) Identify the feature as per the given six figure grid reference. 2 i) 80 6 96 8 ii) 83 4 96 9 c) Give the four figure grid reference1 i) Settlement Rampura. ii) Stony waste d) Calculate the distance along the cart track from Panthwada to Santarwada in kilometers. 1 e) Calculate the area south of Northing 94. 1 f) Name two probable occupations in settlement Panswala. 1 g) Which is the chief mode of irrigation in the settlement Jegol? 1 h) Name two man-made features in grid 7991. 1 i) What is the length of the map extract in metres? 1 j) Name a special feature in the river bed in grid 8597. 1 k) What does QC indicate? 1 l) Mention the drainage pattern in grid:1 i) 7896 ii) 8399 m) Name the two kinds of vegetation in the map extract. 1 n) In which direction is the main river flowing? Give evidence to support your answer. 2 o) Which is the most important settlement in the map extract? Give two reasons to justify. 2 Question 2 On the outline map of India provided, mark, name and label the following:a) Mark and name Singhbum. b) The mountain responsible for scanty rainfall in Rajasthan. c) Shade and label the Northern Circars coastal region. d) Label River Ghaghra. e) An area of leached soil above the Tropic of Cancer. f) Mark and name the winds that bring winter rain to the South East Coast of India. g) Mark and name The Indo Gangetic Plains. h) Mark and name City Kolkata. i) Shade and label Malwa Plateau. j) Shade and name Gulf of Mannar. PART II (50 Marks) (Attempt any five questions from this Part) Page 1 of 4 10 Question 3:a) What is meant by Burst of the Monsoon ? b) What is the economic importance of cyclonic rainfall in Punjab? c) Describe the main features of cold season (Dec.-Feb) under the following heads:I. Pressure Conditions II. Prevailing Winds d) Give Reason:I. The Monsoon rain is unevenly distributed over India. II. Chennai has more rainy months but less rain than Mumbai. III. Delhi has a high annual range of temperature. e) Study the table given below and answer the questions that follow:Station B Temp. in c JAN FE B 23. 24. 1 8 Rainfall in 15. cm. 3 I. II. III. 10. 1 1 1 2 3 3 MA R 26.5 AP R 29.3 MAY JUN E 32 32.8 JULY AU G 33.1 32.1 SEP T 30.5 OC T 29.3 NO V 28.7 DE C 26.1 0.3 0.1 1.3 6.1 10.5 20.1 16.8 19.0 4.5 10.2 Calculate the annual range of temperature in Station B Calculate the annual rainfall of Station B. What is the source of rainfall? To which coast does the Station B lie? Justify your answer. Question 4:a) Place in two broad categories the soil of India on the basis of their formation. Give one example of each. 2 b) Give a geographical term for each of the following:- Process of soil formation. Finger shaped grooves developing due to silt laden run off. c) Account for the following:i. Black colour of Regur Soil ii. Laterite soil has low fertility d) With reference to Red Soil answer the followingi. Name two states in India which has extensive areas of Red Soil. ii. State two disadvantages of Red Soil. iii. Name two crops best suited for Red Soil e) Define Soil Conservation. 2 i. ii. 2 3 1 Question 5:a) What is the name given to the Natural Vegetation found on the coastal strips of the Ganga Delta? Name the typical tree found in this region. b) i. Which is the commercially most important vegetation belt in India? 2 2 ii. State its characteristics feature. (Any one) c) Name the tree the uses of which is given below:2 I. The tree with white flowers found in Western Himalayas used in perfume II. making. The tree whose leaves and bark can also be used as an insecticide. Page 2 of 4 d) Under what climatic conditions do Evergreen forests develop? Why do they 2 appear green? e) How does forest influence human environment?(Any two points) 2 Question 6:a) What is irrigation? Mention any two primitive methods of irrigation. b) State any two favourable conditions necessary for digging wells. Mention a region where this type of irrigation is mainly used. c) Answer: i. How is drip irrigation useful for the farmers? ii. Why is a tube well useful during drought conditions? d) Give reason:i. India faces acute shortage of water. ii. Canal Irrigation has proved to be a boon in Rajasthan. 2 2 2 2 2 e) I. II. Mention any two commonly used groundwater recharging methods. Mention any two advantages of Tank Irrigation. Question 7:a) Name the following:I. II. 2 A mineral that regulates blood sugar level. The city which has largest integrated aluminum plant. b) Differentiate between the quality of coal found in Gondwana and Tertiary coal field. 2 c) 3 i) Mention two main uses of Petroleum. ii) Name one new and one old oil field in India. d) i) Which iron ore is light brown or yellow in colour? 3 ii) Name two states where it is found. iii) State two uses of iron ore. Question 8:a) What is meant byTransplantation? State any one of its advantage. b) State two features of Plantation Farming. c) Compare the climatic conditions for wheat cultivation with those for rice 2 2 2 cultivation. (Any two points) d) i) Name any two oilseeds the yield edible oil. 2 ii)State two uses of linseed oil. e) I) State any one advantage of pruning. ii) What is meant by Clonal Planting? Question9:Page 3 of 4 2 a) Give Reason: i)Woollen Industry is mainly confined to the Northern India. ii) Mumbai has a large number of cotton textile centers. b) What is the significance of textile Industry for the Indian economy? c) Which agro-based industry has a tendency to migrate to the south? Give reason to justify your answer.(Any two reason) d) i) Name any two chief centers of Jute Industry in West Bengal. ii) Name two major jute products. e) i) Give two reasons responsible for reducing the popularity of silk. ii) Name any two non-mulberry silk produced in India. Question 10 a) What are petrochemicals? Name any two products made from petrochemicals. b) Why has electronics industry grown in importance? 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 c) Mention any three advantages that a mini steel plant has over an integrated steel plant. 3 d) Name: 3 I. II. III. A city on the east coast of India which has a ship building yard. The iron and steel plant set up with German collaboration. A city which has a plant manufacturing Maruti cars. Question11 a) 2 I. II. What is the principal mode of transportation for freight and passengers? Mention any two problems of that means of transport. b) 2 Mention two advantages of air transport. State a reason why the northern rivers are more suitable for navigation than the Deccan Rivers. c) What is waste Management? Mention any one method of waste management. 2 d) 2 I. Mention any two source of Marine Pollution? II. Mention any two effect of Marine Pollution on aquatic life. e) 2 I. Why is nuclear waste harmful? II. Explain briefly how as a student, you can help in the reduction of waste generation. I. II. Page 4 of 4

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