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ICSE Prelims 2016 : Computer Applications (R. B. K. School (RBK), Mira Road)

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SECOND PRELIM EXAMINATION 2015-16 Std: X Date: 08 /01/2016 Subject: Computer Application Marks:100 Dur. : 2Hrs SECTION A Question 1 a b c d e f g What is a keyword ? Give two examples. Differentiate between class and object. Write any four features of java language . Define JVM . What is the purpose of dot operator. Name any two wrapper classes. What is subscripted variable ? 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 Question 2 a b c d e Name the data type : i) whose default value is 0.0 and memory storage capacity is 64 bits. ii) of an object . Differentiate between bubble sort and selection sort. Explain empty loop with an example. Write java statement for the following. i) extract second last character from String s1. ii) initialize character array to store vowels. Explain function overloading with an example. 2 2 2 2 2 Question 3 a b c d e Write the value of x after execution . int x = 4 ; x - = (x - -) - (++x) + x++ + x Write the output for the following : String s1 = transformation ; System.out.println(s1.substring(5) ) ; System.out.println (s1.charAt(7) ); System.out.println( ans .equals(s1.substring(2,5) ) ); System.out.println( s1.indexOf( o ) ); Solve the following code. int num1=1 ,num2=4; for(int x = 1 ; x <=3 ; x + =1 ); ++num1; - -num2; System.out.println( num1+ +num2); 2 Rewrite using do while loop int sum = 0; for( int a=5 , b =0 ; a < = 10 ;a++ ,b++) { sum =a +b; System.out.println(sum); } What is the value of x and ch1 ? Page 1 of 3 2 4 2 2 f g h i Q.4 int a = 4 ; char ch = d ; int x = a+ch; char ch1=(char)x; Write a statement to create an object Nokia of class mobile . 2 2 Write java expression ax +by+c / 2a+b. 1 Identify the type of statement. 3 i) int a = 10 ; ii) a++ iii) Math.sqrt(49); Differentiate between actual and formal parameters. 2 SECTION B ( 60 Marks ) ( attempt any four questions from this section. ) (Variable description is necessary to write after each program) Define a class Taxi with following specifications : Data members : String name : to store customer name int taxo_no : to store the taxi number int km : to store amount of kilometers travelled int amt : the amount customer has to pay Member methods : Taxi ( ) - default constructor to initialize variables void input ( )- to take value from user for the variables name , km ,taxi_no void compute ( ) to calculate amt as per following conditions : Kms travelled Amount per km Upto 1 km 25 More than 1 and less than 6 10 More than 6 and less than 12 15 More than 12 and less than 18 20 More than 1 8 25 void display ( ) - to display name , km travelled and amt. 15 Q.5 Design a class to overload a function name Number to perform following Operation . void Number ( int num) - to display sum of digits (e.g. num = 567 sum = 5+6+7=18) void Number (int x , int n) count number of times n is present in number x (e.g. x = 1572757 , number of 7 = 3) void Number( int n1 , int n2 ) display sum of two if n1 is greater than n2 15 else display product. Q.6 Write a menu driven program to perform following operation as per user s choice. i) Print highest common divisor of two numbers inputted by user ii) 2-4+6-8+10-12 ..n iii) Check if number is palindrome number or not. 15 Q.7 Input a string array and perform the following operations: i) display only those words whose first letter is s ii) display the word whose length is maximum. iii) display words at even position Q.8 Write a program to display resultant array R by initializing an array P and Q Page 2 of 3 15 With following nubers. int P [ ] = { 11 ,12 , 13 ,14,15,16} ; int Q [ ] = { 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 } ; int R [ ] = { 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16} Q.9 15 Write a program to input a String array of size 10 and arrange them in ascending order. Display array after sorting.(Use sany one sorting technique.) 15 Page 3 of 3

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