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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : Biology (Smt. Sulochanadevi Singhania School, Thane)

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Parshveer Jain
Smt. Sulochanadevi Singhania School, Thane
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Class 10 OOL THANE SMT.SULOCHANADEVJ SINGHANIA SCH ' No.of Time Date Marks Exam Subject sides Biology Prelims[B] l0/0l/2025 80 2 hrs s Section A tions from this section) ques all (Attempt QUESTION 1. from the given options. Choose the correct answers to the questions answer only.) ct corre the (Do not copy the questions, write than that of the cell sap. i. A solution whose concentration is greater (d) Water nic (b) Hypotonic (c) Isoto (a) Hypertonic [15] in ii. Chromosomes are arranged at equatorial plate j.d) telophase (a) prophase (b) metaphase (c) anaphase an gametes. iii. Number of chromosomes present in hum [a] 46 [b] 46 pairs [c] 23 [d] 23 pairs ure. or cut surfaces of the plant due to root press iv. The escape of plant sap from the ruptured [d] Bleeding olysis [a] Guttation [b] .Imbibition [c] Plasm from the plant. v.Leaves get wilted if _ _ _ _ is removed [d] Companion cells [a] Phloem [b] Sieve cells [c] Xylem joined. is the tendency of water molecules to remain force ion Suct [d] sion [a]. Adhesion [b]. Capillarity [c] Cohe vi. _ _ _ _ v11._ _ _ _ is an example of mutation. t blindness [d] Cholera [a] Scurvy (b] Sickle cell anaemia [c] Nigh viii. Centromere is - - - - [a] Present between 2 chromatids [b] Present between 2 centrioles le fibres [c] Present between the chromatids and spind ceIIs of2 [d] Present at the junction . ix. The structure which temporarily stores urine ary Bladder (d) Nephron Urin (c) (b) Ureter (a) Kidney bin? tance in blood by combining with haemoglo x. Which of the following forms a toxic subs n monoxide (d) Oxygen (a) carbon dioxide (b) methane (c) carbo ;' i I i( entration to t of molecules from a region of its higher conc xi.Assertion (A)-Diffusion is the movemen t contact lower concentration when the two are in direc a homogenous diffuse in a beaker containing water to form als cryst nate anga perm ssium Reason (R) Pota solution (a) Both Assertion and Reason are true (b) Both Assertion and Reason are false (c) Assertion is true and Reason is false (d) Assertion is false and Reason is true f II i II I 1 Shyarn was skating . on the road. He observed a drunken man who was walking clumsily. He was n0 t xm able to balance himself or even stand properly. This was due to (a) improper functioning of cerebellum (b) improper functioning of frontal lobe (c) improper functioning of motor cortex (d) improper functioning of occipital lobe r xiv.Assertion(A)- Testes and ovaries are both gametes Reason (R) Testes is located in scrotal sacs to maintain a temperature 2-3 degree Celsius less than body temperature for production of sperms. (a) Both Assertion and Reason are true (b) Both Assertion and Reason are false (c) Assertion is true and Reason is false (d) Assertion is false and Reason is true \ I, . ' xv. The light dependent phase in photosynthesis takes place in the [a] Stroma (b] Matrix --[c] Grana [d] Fret I t ., ' QUESTION 2. A Name the following:- . [5] i. A single highly coiled tube where sperms are stored and get mature~ ii. The photoreceptor layer of the e y e . ~ iii. The chemical used to test the presence of starch ~ iv. The process by which ions pass from their lower to'higher concentration through a living membrane utilizing energy ~ " v. Organ where urea is produced. LA,7.i.v.., ..J B. Arrange and rewrite the terms in each group in the correct order so as to be in a logical sequence beginning with the term that is underlined. [5] lil;ortical cells, Root hair, Xylem, Soil water, Endodermis (ii) Implantation, Parturition, Ovulation, Gestation, Fertilisation . (iii) Pupil, Fovea, Aqueous humour, Cornea, Lens (iv)K.aryokinesis, S phase, Cytokinesis, G, phase, G2 phase (v) Renal vein, Renal artery, Afferent arteriole, Efferent arteriole, Glomerulus C. Choose the odd one out from the following terms and name the category to which others belong. [S] (a) Cell wall, large vacuole, plastids, centr~ . (b) Hae~hilia, colour blindness, albinism, night blindness (c) Sneezing, coughing, blinking, ty_piug (d) Adrenal gland, 1~, thyroid gland, pituitary gland (e) Malleus, pinna, incus, stapes r-- 2 The heart is a roughly triangular structure, surrounded by a double membrane .The septum divides the heart into right and left half, and further the heart is divided into upper chambers auricles and lower chambers ventricles. The valves present in the heart help in unidirectional flow of blood. Heart beat occurs in two main phases (a)_ _ and (b)_ _ . There are (c) _ _valves in the heart to regulate the unidirectional flow of blood. The sharp closing of these valves produces the sound (d)_ _and ( e)_ _ of the heart. E. Match the items given in Column I with the most appropriate ones in Column II and rewrite the [5] correct matchin airs. Ear Inner the of Parts Column BColumn A- Inner Ear 1. 2. 3. 4. 5., 6. 7. 8. Pinna Stapes Tympanum Cochlea Utriculus Semicircular canal Auditory canal Eustachian tube SECTION-B (Attempt any four questions.) Question 3. i .Define - Osmosis. ii. Distinguish between - Turgor pressure and Wall pressure. iii. Justify- Jams have a high concentration of sugar. iv. The testes in male are contained within A. They descend into the B shortly before birth. [I] [2] [2] [ 1 Name the part A and B. 3 v. Study the given diagrams and answer the queStlons that follow. a A C (a) Name the phenomenon that has been studied with this experiment. (b) What colour change occurs in cobalt chloride paper placed under bell jar in the setup B? (c) What is the role of setup C in the above experiment? Question 4: i. Explain - Mutation. ii. What are the long terms benefits of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan? iii. Give reason- We cannot distinguish colours in moonlight. iv. Draw a neat labelled diagram of the male gamete. v. A homozygous Purple flower [P] is crossed with a homozygous white flower [p] a. Give the phenotype and genotype oft4e F1generation. b. Give the monohy~rid ratio of the phenotype in the F2 generation which is obtained by crossing the FI generation. Question 5: [1] [2] [2] [2] [3] \ i. What is cataract? ii. Give the full form of - a. ATP (b) NADP iii. Distinguish between Cranial nerv~~ an~ spinal nerves V\O..\I\: . iv. Draw .a neat labelled diagram of a"cell when placed in concentrated sugar solution. v. Observe the given diagram and answer the questions that follow: a. Label part B. b. State the function of part labelled A. c. Mention one way by which the spinal cord is protected in our body. 1 [1] [2] [2] [2] [3] .Question 6: [I] i. Define - Micturition. [2] ii. Mention any two measures to control noise pollution. . [2] iii. Explain - Mouth dries up and heart beat increases during public speak~ng. iv. Draw a neat labelled diagram of the animal cell showing metaphase with 4 chromosomes. [2] J ~ . , _,_ ~ ,,.,,,_,: . shows a sectio diagram given below n of a human kid ney. Study the diagram carefull Yand answer . 11 .c. th t "/le . ow. . 11estions a io . q ,e . . , . . : . ~,..,.".. ~ .. . , :--~~-- :..'\ ~. ' : ,' Jdentify the labelled parts 2 and 4. ..~" ~-; ~:(;.=,~ ;,-;'18) h V,,-, .\ , - ~ ( r given structure conta1 n st eh' est (b) Wmch part in the tgh )/, .,_,,. ;~ .:1. ;r.{ 4 ~ ' " ,,,.,, tion of urea? ~~ 2'r ~~ :,..,:;}~ concentra h ed 1 in the given figure s 0 Wn dotted? (c) Why is part labell ~k..~d ,~ .. ' ...... \ [31 ,) _,. .,.= ,~r .rt t-- - i){J~~\if r r\~~~ -..: -=- -- -- -- -\ -- -- 3 ion7. Quest for the -F ov ea centralis. 1 i. Give the exact location ,A and state its function. es, identify blood vessel scl mu art he to od blo es ii.A' suppli transpiration. ptations in plants to reduce iii. Mention any two ada ta. diagram of the open stoma iv. Draw a neat labeJied the fo1lowing questions. given below and answer v Observe the diagram 1 ~ [1] [2] [2] [2] [3] . B? of n ctio fun (b) What is the for this eye son rea ble (c) Give one possi defect. ect (a) Identify the eye def Question 8: [1] [2] [2] [2] l I I ' i. What is pulse? man is a vestigial organ. ii. Explain - Appendix in ear. diagram of the blood sm the function]. iii. Draw a neat labelled ueous Humour [based on Aq and ur mo Hu s ou tre Vi iv. Distinguish between answer the rus. Study the diagram and ute the n thi wi tus foe n [3] gram of the huma -v. Given below is the dia questions that fo1Iow. elled as I. (a) Name the parts lab of the part labelled as 3. (b) State one function as 2. secreted by part labelled (c) Mention the hormones I 5 1 _ _........._. 1 1

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