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Padmaksh Gund
Sveri's College of Engineering, Pandharpur, Pandharpur
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Enhancement of boiler efficiency by solar concentrator Mr. Vishal S. Bhosale (1) Mr. Yogiraj R. Jawale (2) Mr. Padamaksha S. Gund (3) Mr. Hrushikesh S. Ekatpure (4) Mr. Naim J. Bagwan (5) Mr. Vishwajit N. Kadam (6) Mr. Vivek M. Bhosale (7) 1, 2, 3 ,4, 5, 6, 7 UG Student, Mechanical Engineering Department, SVERI's COE, Pandharpur. 1.Abstract This paper based on concentrating maximum on solar energy which is renewable energy. Solar energy offers great potential in terms of supplying world's energy needs. This project is undertaking to show that concentrated solar thermal energy is capable of producing steam at conditions equivalent to modern fossil-fulled boilers. Solar thermal technology comprise flat or parabolic collectors (medium and high temperature collectors ) concentrating sun light mainly using mirrors and lenses. This information will help to decrease use of non-renewable energy sources in boiler as well as helps to restrict global warming. This solar energy by concentrating on water stem can be generate without use of electrical components, non-renewable energy source. Solar energy concentrated by mirrors and lenses gives thermal energy and fluid flow where needed for phase change and minimizes dissipated energy. 2.Introduction:- Fig.(1) The world is depend upon energy.Most people around the world live in areas with insolation levels of 150 to 300 watt per square meter or 3.5 to 7.0 kwhr/m^2 per day from solar radiation. (India also comes in insolation area) The use of renewable energy for the purpose is the best option and has been the topic of research for us . Photo-thermal processes are the most efficient systems developed to harness solar energy into the directly usable form. In concentrated solar system concentration is achieved by reflection or refraction through mirrors or lens The use of renewable energy for the purpose is the best option and has been the topic of research for us . This project is continuation of work perform in thermal plant by built up and economic concentrated solar power. This system must be easy enough to be concentrated and maintained by non technical person . This concentrated solar power system is a method of increasing solar power density by concentrating sun light to a small beam by using lenses or mirror. Generally in thermal power plant non-renewable fuels like coal, uranium,etc. But these fuels are not only costly but also increases pollution. Solar thermal systems tends to be large scale systems in which sun light focused on a vessel containing a fluid such as water. The benefits of heat transfer to water is that it convert steam at high temperature. Comparison between solar energy and coal energy Renewable pollution Initial cost Fuel cost Transportation cost Man power solar energy Yes No High No No Coal energy No Yes High High High Less More More simple design offers potentially lower investment cost Lower optical efficiency compared to parabolic troughs 3.Nomenclature Cp - Specific heat of water U1 - Overall loss coefficient Ap - Area of absorb-er tube Aa - Area of aperture C - Concentration ratio Do - External diameter of water tube Di- Internal diameter of tube M - Mass flow rate of fluid V- velocity of water flow Mf - Mass of coal Mw - Mass of water/day - Angle between sunrays and surface of concentrator P - Pressure of water K - Thermal conductivity of Ta - Ambient temperature of water Ti - Fluid temperature at inlet to concentrator To - Fluid temperature at outlet from concentrator dT - Change in temperature L - Length of tube in concentrator Ec - Energy by coal Es - Energy from sun q1 - Rate of heat loss from absorb-er 4.Methodology/Experimental set up Fig.(2) Principle :By concentrating solar radiation with help of mirror or stainless steel mirror or lenses(as like shown in fig.2). this concentrated energy is converted into thermal energy at two position in steam power plant. Utilize to increasing temperature of feed water. 5.Calculation / Results (sample calculation and graphs tables) **All the readings are taken by considering power coming from solar is as a 100 watt Qs = 100 watt 5.1 Aanalytical calculation : From 1 m2 area of concentrator gives minimum 150 watt and maximum 300 watt ( It given in specification of concentrator) Parameter:Name Expression Do 32.2[mm] Di 24.1[mm] L 1000[mm] Q 0.020[kg/s] fig. (3)Surface: Temperature (K). Inlet temperature(Ta) Outlet temperature(To) Rise in temperature (dT) 288 K 298 K 10 293 K 309 K 16 300 K 319 K 19 fig. (4) Slice: Velocity magnitude (m/s). 5.2 Theoretical calculation Formula - 1) E=MfCpdT 2) Efficiency = (Output power)/(Input power) 3) C= (W-Do)/(3.142*DoL) 4) Concentrator efficiency= Mw*CpdT 5) q1= U1Ap(To-Ta) Mass flow rate Inlet temperature Outlet temperature Change in temperature *Heat from solar 1 Kg/s 293 K 328.93 K 35,93 150 Watt/sq.meter 1 Kg/s 298 K 351.90 K 53,9 225 Watt/sq.meter 71,87 300 Watt/sq.meter 1 Kg/s 303 K 374.87 K *That data taken from Wikipedia 5.3Practical calculation Mass flow rate is 1 Kg/sq.meter **Time Inlet temperature Outlet temperature Change in temperature 10:00AM To 01:30PM 293.24K 320.87K 27,63 01:30PM To 03:30PM 301.37K 345.93K 44,56 03:30 PM To 05:00PM 295.24K 324.55K 29,31 **Readings of inlet temperature are taken as average of above given time . 6.Conclusion Thermal plant is main source of electrical energy in all over the country and it working on non-renewable energy (like coal ) . This sector makes some on renewable energy based. To make future brighter India gear up-to utilize renewable resource The need for the construction of thermal power plant to a solar steam generator arose as an alternative to solve the thermal energy needs of the world . This will also reduce the total dependency on fossil fuels ( like coal ) , It minimize pollution due to gasses which are coming out after combustion of fuel ( like CO2 , CO,SO2 etc. ) and other non-renewable and exhaustible energy source which have be known to be depleted with ages to come as they are being used up .Water boiled faster using the generator than when using ordinary charcoal . The Euro-trough collector or parabolic collector solar steam generator is very efficient heating equipment to fulfill this requirement. 7.Future scope Arrangement for evacuation of tube to maintain perfect vacuum between glass tube and copper tube should be made . This will be help in reducing convective heat loss coefficient . With this arrangement again a series of similar tests has to be conducted to formulate its efficiency . By improving efficiency as well as use of concentrator to make pollution free thermal power plant. Solar energy is radiation light and heat from the Sun harnessed using range of ever evolving technologies such as solar heating, solar thermal energy etc. Achieve solar energy include the use of photo voltaic system , concentrated solar system and solar water heater to harness the energy. 8.Acknowledgment The authors would like to thank Dr. P. S. Kachare, Head, Mechanical Engineering Department, SVERI's COE, Pandharpur for his suggestions and support. Also we thank project guide Mr. D.S Ghodake for his excellent guidance. Mr. S. B. Fand, Mr. S. V. Jadhav, Mr. A.B. Shinde for his co-operation in use of laboratories and Team Super Helios. This work was supported by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVERI'S COE, Pandharpur. 9.Reference 1) Solar concentrator -F. Muhammad-Sukki, R. 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