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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : Chemistry (J. G. International School (JGIS), Ahmedabad)

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JG INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL a class apart.. II Half Yearly Examination 2022-23 Class: X [ICSE] Date: 14/10/2022 Subject: Chemistry Total Marks: 80 Name: Duration: 2 Hours ction A is compulsory. Atempt any four questions from Section B. i e n d e imurks for questions or parts ofquestions are given in brackets lI SECTION A (Atempt all the questionsfrom this section) Question 1 151 Choose one correct answer to the questions from the given options: Which of these will act as a non-electrolyte? (a) Liquid carbon tetrachloride b) Acetic Acid hydroxide aqueous solution (c) Sodium (d) Potassium Chloride aqueous solution (i) A mineral from which the metal is extracted profitably is known (a) matrix b) ore ()gangue (d) none of these This paper consists of 8 printed pages. 1 as (11) The Aqueous solution of the following molecules is: compounds which contains both ins (a) Sulphuric acid (b) Hydrochloric acid (c) Nitric acid (d) Acetic acid IV) When Dilute Sulphuric Acid reacts with Iron sulphide, the gas evolved 1s, (a)hydrogen sulphide (b) sulphur dioxide (c)sulphurtrioxide (d) carbon dioxide (V) Two neighbors ofa Homologous Series differ by: (a) 14 a.m.u. (b) 28 a.m.u. (c) 7 a.m.u. (d) 35 a.m.u (vi) Which one is the typical reaction of Alkanes? (a) Hydration b) Substituion ()Addition (d) Elimination (vii) Which compound is formed when Dry Ammonia reacts with Dry HCI Gas? (a) Aq. Ammonia (b) Ammonium Hydroxide (c) Ammonium Chloro platinate (d) Ammonium Chloride (vii) Which one of the following is Yellow Explosive liquid? (a) Nitrogen Gas (b) Chloro picrin () Nitrosyl Chloride (d) Blue Viriol nd 1x) In the Electrolysis of Acidified Water, Both Hydroxyl and Sulphate ions migrae towards electrode and ions get discharged. (a) Positive, Hydroxyl (b) Positive, Sulphate (c) Negetive, Hydroxy! d) Negetive, Sulphate () Tetravalency is Property of carbon to make (a) Six lonic Bonds. (b) Four Covalent Bonds. (c)Two ionic bonds (d) Two Coordinate covalent bonds (xi). is the Process of Manufacturing Nitric acid in Industry. (a) Haber's Process (b) HVZ Process (C) Contact Process (d) Ostwald's Process (xii) Alcohol Homologous series member have as suffix. (a) Halo (b) al (c) Oic Acid (d) O (xii) The Article to be Electroplated is always kept at (a) Cathode (b) Anode (c) Either Anode or Cathode (d) Can't say (xiv) Ammonia is than Air. (a) Denser (b) Lighter (c) More volatile (d) Less Volatile (xv) Concentration of Aluminium can also be carried out with (a) Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate (b) Sodium Carbonate (c)Potassium Carbonate (d) Sodium Argento Cyanide 51 Question 2 Write the IUPAC name of the following. (a) CHs- CHO (b)CH3-COOH () CH3-CH2-CH2-CH-OH (d) CH- CH- CH CI (e) CHs-CH-OH (i) Match the Following 51 Column A with Column B: Column BB Column A (1) 2-Butene (a) Alkane (b) Alkene () Alkyl (d) Alcohol (e) Aldehyde (2) Formaldehyde (3) Pentane (4) Propyl (5) 2-propanol by choosing the correct answers (ii) Complete the Following insoluble in Organic Compounds are generally (a) from the bracket: 51 [Water/Organic Solvent] (b) _[Upward/Downward) displacement of Ammonia Gas is Collected by Air. c) (d) (e) Hydrocarbons having Triple bond is Alkyne, Alkane] Electrolysis is always carried out in State. [Solid, Aq. Or Molten] Deposition of_ Observed colored [ Silvery grey, Reddish Brown) at the end of Electrolyis of Molten Lead Bromide. 4 Lead is Giv) 5 Identify the Followingg (a) The property by which Carbon bonds with itself to form long chain. (b) The property of Conc. Sulphuric Acid when it removes Blue colour or A Copper Sulphate when passed over it. (c) The Catalyst used in Haber's process. (d) The Third member of Carboxylic acid homologous Family. (e) The Compound having The reaction v) Aluminium as one in of its constituent element of Aluminium. mixture alongwith Bauxite in Electrolytic refining 5 Draw the Stuctural Formula for the following: (a) 2-bromo-3-chloro Pentane. (b) Acetaldehye (c) 3-methyl-pent-2-ene (d) Chloroform (e) 2,2-dimethlyl propane SECTIONB (Attempt any four Questions.) Question 3 () Name the following: (a) The first member of alkene homologous series. A metal which is liquid at room temperature, () (d) (e) The most common ore of aluminium. An organic acid used to make Vinegar. An acid which is added during electrolysis of distilled water. Write balanced equation for each of the following. (a) (b) (c) (d) Thermal decomposition of Nitric Acid. Concentrated Nitric Acid and Copper Metal Dilution of Oleum. Conc. sulphuric acid with So ium Chloride Bromoethane and Alcoholic KOOH 51 Question 4 ror Each of the Sustances given below, What is the role played in the extraction Of Aluminium. (ii) (a) Cryolite (b) Graphite AlsWer the following questions with respect to the electrolysis of molten lead 3 Bromide (a) Write the balanced equations for the following (1) Dissociation of Lead bromide. 2) Reaction at Cathode 3) Reaction at Anode State your observation at the anode and cathode in the above process. (b) (iii) Write three balanced equations for the purification of bauxite by Hall's 121 131 Process. Question 5 Write balanced Methane to Chlorommethane Calcium carbide to Ethyne (c) Give conversions: Sodium Ethanoate into Methane (a) (b) (ii) equations for the following a Acid and dilute chemical test to distinguish between dilute Sulphuric 121 Hydrochloric Acid. (ii) What would you observe when tube containing conc. Sugar crystals are added to a hard glass test 21 Sulphuric acid. Write balanced chemical equation when dil. Sulphuric acid reacts with Zn metal. [1] (iv) for the combustion of methane in: Write balanced equations (a) (b) Sufficient air Insufficient air 21 Question 6 Answer the following Questions: Name the (i) Name the 1) In iv) industrial process used for the [1+1+1+2 manufacture of Sulphur c catalyst used in the above process. [mentioned in Question 6 -()} this process, sulphur trioxide formed is dissolved in 98% sulphuric acid and not in water. Give reason. Write balanced for the equations three chemical reactions that take place during the conversion of Sulphur dioxide to sulphuric acid with necessary conditions] (vi) Write which is the chief metal in the (a) (b) (c) (vii) acid. in this process. following alloys. 3 Stainless Steel Duralumin Brass Write an equation for the reaction which takes place at the anode during the extraction of aluminium by the [2 electrolytic process. Question 7 ) Answer the following questions: 2+1+1+1+1] (a) Explain Why only all - glass apparatus should be used for the preparation of Nitric acid by heating concentrated sulphuric acid and potassium nitrate. (b) Write a chemical equation to illustrate the acidic nature of nitric acid. () Name the gas colored gas produced when nitric acid is thermally decomposed. (d) Why is commercial or nitric acid found in laboratory is yellowish in color? Name the methods to remove the color. (e) Which two properties of Ammonia Gas are demonstrated by Fountain experiment? ii) Write the Balanced equations and relevant Observation for the following reactions: (a) Ammonia and Black Coloured Copper[] (b) Ammonia and Lead[II] Oxide 7 Oxide 4] Question 8 Daw the structural formula of a compound with THREE CARBON ATOMS each of the following cases. in |3] (a) An Alkyne. (b) An Alcohol. (C)An Unsaturated Hydrocarbon witlh First and Second Carbon atoms having double bond. (ii) why water is NOT added to concentrated H2SO4, but acid is added to water in order to dilute (ii) sulphuric acid? Answer the following: 2 (a) IUPAC name of CCl4 () Why are Anodes continuously replaced during Electrolysis of Aluminium? (c) Draw all Posible Isomer of [4) (1) Pentane (Chain Isomers) (2) Organic Compound having Molecular Formula CaHs (Position Isomers)

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