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2007 H I G H E R S C H O O L C E R T I F I C AT E E X A M I N AT I O N Studies of Religion I Total marks 50 S ection I General Instructions Reading time 5 minutes 1 Working time 1 hours 2 Write using black or blue pen Write your Centre Number and Student Number at the top of page 5 Pages 2 5 15 marks Attempt Questions 1 11 Allow about 25 minutes for this section S ection II Pages 7 8 15 marks Attempt ONE question from Questions 1 5 Allow about 30 minutes for this section S ection III Page 9 20 marks Attempt ONE question from Questions 1 5 Allow about 35 minutes for this section 459SOR1 Section I Religion and Belief Systems in Australia post-1945 15 marks Attempt Questions 1 11 Allow about 25 minutes for this section Use the multiple-choice answer sheet for Questions 1 10. 1 How is Aboriginal spirituality determined by the Dreaming? (A) It explains the concept of terra nullius . (B) It forms the basis for the covenant with God. (C) It explains why the ancestral spirits are no longer alive. (D) It explains how the world was formed and how it is sustained. 2 Which of the following was the first legal recognition of the spiritual connection of the Aboriginal people to the land ? (A) Mabo v Queensland 1992 (B) The Native Title Act 1993 (C) Wik Peoples v Queensland 1996 (D) The Native Title Amendment Act 1998 3 What has been the traditional role of Aboriginal elders? (A) To develop the independence of the Aboriginal community (B) To organise the purchase of Crown Land by Aboriginal communities (C) To protect the integrity of Aboriginal sacred texts which embody the Dreaming (D) To preserve and transmit the most sacred meaning of Aboriginal ritual and ceremonies 4 How is the kinship group of an Aboriginal person determined? (A) By personal choice (B) By being born into the group (C) By completing initiation rites (D) By the location of their birthplace 2 5 What was the main reason for removing many Aboriginal children from their families after 1945? (A) To lessen the burden on large Aboriginal families (B) To force them to adopt European culture and behaviour (C) To provide them with opportunities to improve their literacy (D) To allow them to share Aboriginal spirituality with Europeans 6 What is an impact of Aboriginal Reconciliation on Christianity? (A) Loss of traditional Aboriginal culture (B) Reduced awareness of Aboriginal ritual and ceremony (C) Increased acceptance of Aboriginal ritual and ceremony (D) Loss of traditional practices in other religious traditions 7 Which of the following is an example of denominational switching? (A) Changing from Catholicism to Zen Buddhism (B) Changing from Uniting Church to Humanism (C) Changing from Orthodox Judaism to Reform Judaism (D) Changing from Christianity to new religious expressions 8 What is the main cause of the increasing religious diversity in Australia since 1945? (A) The declining impact of secularism (B) The changing patterns of immigration (C) The adoption of a policy of assimilation (D) The strengthening of the ecumenical movement 3 Use the following statement to answer Questions 9 and 10. At a meeting in December 2006, leaders from all religious traditions agreed that their faiths required Australians to take care of God s creation and immediately tackle climate change. 9 Which of the following does this statement reflect? (A) Ecumenism (B) Sectarianism (C) Interfaith dialogue (D) New Age religions 10 What is a likely outcome of this statement? (A) Combined religious pressure on politicians (B) Conflict between leaders of religious traditions (C) Decreased peace and tolerance in the wider community (D) Encouragement for religious leaders to become politicians 4 Board of Studies NSW 2007 2 007 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFIC ATE EXAMINATION Studies of Religion Centre Number Section I (continued) Attempt Question 11 Student Number Answer the question in the space provided. Question 11 (5 marks) The churches should act together in all matters except those in which deep differences of conviction compel them to act separately. Conference on Faith and Order, 1952 Using the above statement and your own knowledge, describe the impact of Christian ecumenical movements in Australia. ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... 460 5 BLANK PAGE 6 Board of Studies NSW 2007 2 007 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFIC ATE EXAMINATION Studies of Religion I Section II Religious Tradition Depth Study 15 marks Attempt ONE question from Questions 1 5 Allow about 30 minutes for this section Answer the question in a SEPARATE Studies of Religion Section II Answer Booklet. Marks Question 1 Buddhism (15 marks) (a) Outline TWO contributions to Buddhism made by ONE significant person or school of thought, other than Buddha. 4 (b) Describe the effect on Buddhism of ONE person or school of thought, other than Buddha. 5 (c) 6 Explain how Buddhist ethical teachings influence the lives of adherents. Choose an aspect from ONE of the following areas: bioethics environmental ethics sexual ethics. Question 2 Christianity (15 marks) (a) Link ONE significant Christian practice to TWO Christian beliefs. (b) Describe the significance for the individual of ONE of the following Christian practices: 3 6 baptism marriage ceremony Saturday/Sunday worship. (c) Explain how Christian ethical teachings influence the lives of adherents. Choose an aspect from ONE of the following areas: bioethics environmental ethics sexual ethics. 463SOR1 7 6 Marks Question 3 Hinduism (15 marks) (a) Link ONE significant Hindu practice to TWO Hindu beliefs. (b) Explain how Hindu ethical teachings influence the lives of adherents. Choose an aspect from ONE of the following areas: 3 6 bioethics environmental ethics sexual ethics. (c) Describe the contribution to Hinduism made by ONE significant person or school of thought, other than the Vedas. 6 Question 4 Islam (15 marks) Outline TWO contributions to Islam made by ONE significant person or school of thought, other than Muhammad and the Four Rightly Guided Caliphs. 4 (b) Describe the effect on Islam of ONE significant person or school of thought, other than Muhammad and the Four Rightly Guided Caliphs. 5 (c) 6 (a) Demonstrate how ONE of the following practices expresses the beliefs of Islam: Friday prayer at the mosque Funeral ceremony Hajj. Question 5 Judaism (15 marks) (a) Link ONE significant Jewish practice to TWO Jewish beliefs. (b) Explain the significance of ONE of the following practices for the Jewish community: 3 6 death and mourning marriage synagogue service. (c) Explain the impact on Judaism of ONE significant person or school of thought, other than Abraham or Moses. 8 6 Section III Religious Tradition Depth Study 20 marks Attempt ONE question from Questions 1 5 Choose a DIFFERENT Religious Tradition from the one you chose in Section II Allow about 35 minutes for this section Answer the question in a Studies of Religion Writing Booklet. Extra Studiess of Relgion writing booklets are available. In your answer you will be assessed on how well you: incorporate significant aspects of religion to illustrate your answer use language and terminology appropriate to the study of religion present ideas clearly in a well-structured answer Question 1 Buddhism (20 marks) Analyse how ONE significant practice expresses the beliefs of Buddhism. Choose from: Pilgrimage; Temple Puja; Wesak. Question 2 Christianity (20 marks) Assess the effect on Christianity of ONE significant person or school of thought in Christianity, other than Jesus. Question 3 Hinduism (20 marks) Assess the significance of ONE Hindu practice. Choose from: marriage ceremony; pilgrimage; temple worship. Question 4 Islam (20 marks) Discuss Islamic ethical teachings in ONE area. Choose from: bioethics; environmental ethics; sexual ethics. Question 5 Judaism (20 marks) Discuss Jewish ethical teachings in ONE area. Choose from: bioethics; environmental ethics; sexual ethics. End of paper 9 BLANK PAGE 10 Board of Studies NSW 2007

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