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2008 H I G H E R S C H O O L C E R T I F I C AT E E X A M I N AT I O N Studies of Religion II Total marks 100 S ection I Pages 2 11 30 marks This section has two parts, Part A and Part B Allow about 50 minutes for this section Part A 15 marks Attempt Questions 1 11 General Instructions Reading time 5 minutes Working time 3 hours Write using black or blue pen Write your Centre Number and Student Number at the top of pages 5 and 11 Part B 15 marks Attempt Questions 12 22 S ection II Pages 13 14 30 marks Attempt TWO questions from Questions 1 5 Allow about 1 hour for this section S ection III Page 15 20 marks Attempt ONE question from Questions 1 5 Allow about 35 minutes for this section S ection IV Page 16 20 marks Attempt Question 1 Allow about 35 minutes for this section 459SOR2 Section I 30 marks Allow about 50 minutes for this section Part A Religion and Belief Systems in Australia post-1945 15 marks Attempt Questions 1 11 Use the multiple-choice answer sheet for Questions 1 10. 1 What is a totem in Aboriginal spirituality? (A) A symbol of unity among all Aboriginal people (B) A burning stick that is carried between Aboriginal camps (C) A wooden pipe used to create musical sounds at ceremonies (D) A fish, plant or animal that represents a spirit ancestor in a region 2 What was a consequence of the Mabo decision? (A) Aboriginal people gained the right to vote. (B) The policy of assimilation was abandoned. (C) The concept of terra nullius was overturned. (D) Aboriginal people gained equal citizenship status. 3 What relationship between Aboriginal people and the land is central to Aboriginal spirituality? (A) They should conserve the land. (B) They have obligations to the land. (C) The land provides them with an income. (D) The land provides them with food and shelter. 4 What is the main purpose of initiation for young Aboriginal people? (A) To ensure continuation of the law (B) To celebrate kinship relationships (C) To train the leaders of the Land Rights movement (D) To enable them to resist the effects of dispossession 2 5 In Australia, which of the following has gained the greatest number of followers as a result of denominational switching? (A) Catholicism (B) Anglicanism (C) Pentecostal churches (D) Uniting Church of Australia 6 Which statement describes a change that has occurred in Australia s religious landscape since 1945? (A) An increasing proportion of Jews and a decreasing proportion of Buddhists (B) An increasing proportion of Buddhists and an increasing proportion of Hindus (C) A decreasing proportion of Christians and a decreasing proportion of Muslims (D) A decreasing proportion of Buddhists and an increasing proportion of Christians 7 In the 1990s the Catholic Church overtook the Anglican Church as the largest religious group in Australia. What is the best explanation of this trend? (A) Changing immigration patterns (B) The implementation of World Youth Days (C) The increased role of Catholics in political activities (D) The inclusion of women in leadership roles in the Anglican Church 8 What would followers of New Age spirituality reject? (A) Spirituality focused on deity (B) Modern materialistic values (C) Neo-pagan belief systems (D) Self-awareness 3 9 In a religious context, what is the meaning of the term adherent? (A) A person who becomes a religious leader (B) A person who follows a secular perspective (C) A person who follows a religious perspective (D) A person who takes part in religious dialogue 10 What has been an effect of interfaith dialogue in Australia? (A) The formation of the Uniting Church in 1977 (B) Joint social welfare work of the Christian churches in Australia (C) The Reconciliation walk across the Sydney Harbour Bridge in 2000 (D) Joint statements on homelessness by representatives of religious traditions 4 Board of Studies NSW 2008 2 008 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFIC ATE EXAMINATION Studies of Religion Centre Number Section I (continued) Attempt Question 11 Student Number Answer the question in the space provided. Question 11 (5 marks) Awaiting copyright With reference to the statement above and using your own knowledge, discuss the continuing effect of dispossession on Aboriginal spirituality. ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... 460 5 BLANK PAGE 6 Board of Studies NSW 2008 2 008 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFIC ATE EXAMINATION Studies of Religion II Section I (continued) Part B Religion and Non-Religion 15 marks Attempt Questions 12 22 Use the multiple-choice answer sheet for Questions 12 21. 12 Which is an example of polytheism? (A) Islam (B) Judaism (C) Greek Orthodoxy (D) Ancient Greek religion 13 What does an agnostic believe? (A) There is no transcendent or divine reality. (B) There is some transcendent or divine reality. (C) There is a range of transcendent or divine realities. (D) There is uncertainty about a transcendent or divine reality. 14 What was the purpose of sacrifice in animistic traditions? (A) To control the physical environment (B) To diminish fertility (C) To worship God (D) To forgive sins 15 Which of the following religions has the smallest number of adherents world-wide? (A) Islam (B) Judaism (C) Hinduism (D) Buddhism 461SOR2 7 16 What is a characteristic of atheism? (A) A belief in reincarnation (B) A belief that there is no afterlife (C) Uncertainty regarding scientific progress (D) Uncertainty regarding the existence of an immanent divinity Use the map to answer Question 17. Awaiting copyright 8 17 With reference to the map, consider the following statements: Statement 1: More Australian Muslims were born in Australia than in any other country. Statement 2: The smallest group of Australian Muslims who were born outside Australia comes from a country where Islam is the dominant religion. Which of the following is correct? (A) Both statements are true. (B) Both statements are false. (C) Statement 1 is true and 2 is false. (D) Statement 2 is true and 1 is false. 18 Which of the following is the main religion in India? (A) Buddhism (B) Christianity (C) Hinduism (D) Judaism 19 The religious dimension has been a significant influence for social transformation. Which of the following is an example of this influence? (A) The United Nations (B) The Salvation Army (C) Amnesty International (D) The Live Aid concerts 20 Which belief is characteristic of rational humanism? (A) Humans are the highest form of intelligence. (B) Science is the key to human development. (C) Human nature is fundamentally flawed. (D) People should develop their intuition. Please turn over 9 21 What best explains the growth of ecological awareness within new religious expressions and spiritualities? (A) Fear of the economic impact of climate change (B) Disagreement with traditional religious practice (C) The idea that God is the transcendent creator of the Earth (D) The belief that the human community and the Earth form a unity 10 Board of Studies NSW 2008 2 008 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFIC ATE EXAMINATION Studies of Religion II Centre Number Section I (continued) Attempt Question 22 Student Number Answer the question in the space provided. Question 22 (5 marks) Compare the responses to social responsibility of ONE religious and ONE non-religious belief system. ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... 462SOR2 11 BLANK PAGE 12 Board of Studies NSW 2008 2 008 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFIC ATE EXAMINATION Studies of Religion II Section II Religious Tradition Depth Study 30 marks Attempt TWO questions from Questions 1 5 Allow about 1 hour for this section Answer the question in a SEPARATE Studies of Religion Section II Answer Booklet. Marks Question 1 Buddhism (15 marks) (a) Outline ONE significant practice within Buddhism drawn from ONE of the following: 3 Pilgrimage Temple Puja Wesak. (b) Explain the significance for the individual of the practice outlined in part (a). 6 (c) 6 Explain the contribution to Buddhism made by ONE significant person or school of thought other than the Buddha. Question 2 Christianity (15 marks) (a) Outline ONE significant practice within Christianity drawn from ONE of the following: Baptism 3 Marriage ceremony Saturday/Sunday worship. (b) Explain the significance of the practice outlined in part (a) for the Christian community. 6 (c) 6 Explain the reasons for Christianity s ethical teachings on ONE of the following areas: bioethics environmental ethics sexual ethics. 463SOR2 13 Marks Question 3 Hinduism (15 marks) Describe ONE significant practice within Hinduism drawn from ONE of the following: Marriage ceremony Pilgrimage Temple worship. 4 (b) Demonstrate how the practice described in part (a) expresses the beliefs of Hinduism. 5 (c) 6 (a) Explain the reasons for Hinduism s ethical teachings on ONE of the following areas: bioethics environmental ethics sexual ethics. Question 4 Islam (15 marks) (a) Outline the main sources of Islamic ethical teachings. 3 (b) Explain the reasons for Islam s ethical teachings on ONE of the following areas: bioethics environmental ethics sexual ethics. 6 (c) 6 Explain the impact on Islam of ONE significant person or school of thought other than Muhammad and the Four Rightly Guided Caliphs. Question 5 Judaism (15 marks) (a) Outline ONE significant practice within Judaism drawn from ONE of the following: death and mourning marriage synagogue services. 3 (b) Explain the significance for the individual of the practice outlined in part (a). 6 (c) 6 Explain the reasons for Judaism s ethical teachings on ONE of the following areas: bioethics environmental ethics sexual ethics. 14 Section III Religious Tradition Depth Study 20 marks Attempt ONE question from Questions 1 5 Choose a DIFFERENT Religious Tradition from the ones you chose in Section II Allow about 35 minutes for this section Answer the question in a Studies of Religion Writing Booklet. Extra Studies of Religion Writing Booklets are available. In your answer you will be assessed on how well you: incorporate significant aspects of religion to illustrate your answer use language and terminology appropriate to the study of religion present ideas clearly in a well-structured answer Question 1 Buddhism (20 marks) Buddhist ethics are based on the principles of causing no harm to living beings and striving for the welfare of all beings. With reference to this statement, explain Buddhist ethical teachings on bioethics OR environmental ethics OR sexual ethics. Question 2 Christianity (20 marks) Analyse how Christian religious practices influence the lives of adherents. In your answer refer to ONE of the following: Baptism; Marriage ceremony; Saturday/Sunday worship. Question 3 Hinduism (20 marks) Hindus have long looked to holy men and women to instruct them on how to obtain liberation from the endless cycle of life and death. Evaluate the relevance of this statement to the contribution to Hinduism of ONE significant person or school of thought other than the Vedas. Question 4 Islam (20 marks) Analyse how Islamic religious practices influence the lives of adherents. In your answer refer to ONE of the following: Friday prayer at the mosque; Funeral ceremony; Hajj. Question 5 Judaism (20 marks) Assess the extent to which a significant person or school of thought, other than Abraham or Moses, has challenged and/or upheld Jewish tradition. Please turn over 15 Section IV Religion and Peace 20 marks Attempt Question 1 Allow about 35 minutes for this section Answer the question in a writing booklet. Extra writing booklets are available. In your answer you will be assessed on how well you: incorporate significant aspects of religion to illustrate your answer use language and terminology appropriate to the study of religion present ideas clearly in a well-structured answer Question 1 (20 marks) To what extent are the principal teachings about peace in ONE religious tradition reflected in that tradition s contribution to world peace? End of paper 16 Board of Studies NSW 2008 Centre Number Student Number 2008 H I G H E R S C H O O L C E R T I F I C AT E E X A M I N AT I O N Studies of Religion Section II Answer Booklet Instructions Answer ONE question from Questions 1 5 in this answer booklet Write the question number in the space provided Write your Centre Number and Student Number at the top of this page 464 Question Number (a) ....................................................................... ...................................................................... ....................................................................... ...................................................................... ....................................................................... ...................................................................... ....................................................................... ...................................................................... ....................................................................... ...................................................................... ....................................................................... ...................................................................... ....................................................................... ...................................................................... ....................................................................... ...................................................................... ....................................................................... ...................................................................... ....................................................................... ...................................................................... (b) ....................................................................... ...................................................................... ....................................................................... ...................................................................... ....................................................................... ...................................................................... ....................................................................... ...................................................................... ....................................................................... ...................................................................... ....................................................................... ...................................................................... ....................................................................... 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Additional Info : New South Wales Higher School Certificate Studies Of Religion Question Paper
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