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Centre Number Student Number 2006 H I G H E R S C H O O L C E R T I F I C AT E E X A M I N AT I O N Italian Extension Written Examination Total marks 40 S ection I General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 1 hour and 50 minutes Write using black or blue pen Monolingual and/or bilingual print dictionaries may be used Write your Centre Number and Student Number at the top of this page or page 11 Pages 2 19 25 marks This section has two parts, Part A and Part B Allow about 1 hour and 10 minutes for this section Answer the TWO questions that relate to the prescribed text that you have studied Film Jack Frusciante uscito dal gruppo (Pages 2 10) Part A 15 marks Attempt Question 1 Part B 10 marks Attempt Question 2 OR Novel Jack Frusciante uscito dal gruppo (Pages 11 19) Part A 15 marks Attempt Question 3 Part B 10 marks Attempt Question 4 S ection II Page 21 15 marks Attempt either Question 5 or Question 6 Allow about 40 minutes for this section 391 Section I Response to Prescribed Text: Film Jack Frusciante uscito dal gruppo 25 marks Allow about 1 hour and 10 minutes for this section Please note that Questions 3 4, relating to the novel Jack Frusciante uscito dal gruppo, are on pages 11 19 Part A 15 marks Attempt Question 1 Answer the question in the spaces provided. In your answer you will be assessed on how well you: respond critically to the prescribed text analyse how meaning is conveyed demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the prescribed text and prescribed issues Question 1 (15 marks) Read the extract from the film, Jack Frusciante uscito dal gruppo, then answer in ENGLISH the questions that follow. ALEX Chi si vede. Come va? AIDI Ho bisogno di parlarti. ALEX Adesso? AIDI S . **** ALEX quasi ora di andare in classe, vero? RAGAZZO UNO Che cazzo vuole, questo? RAGAZZO DUE Dai, lascia perdere andiamo. ALEX Mi passi la boccia, per favore? Allora? AIDI Ti fermi un attimo? Mi sei mancato Sei stato male vero? ALEX Perch , non si capiva? ALEX Sai qual il problema? che pensavo che fossi diversa dalle altre, e invece hai fatto una gran parte del cazzo, da telefilm, camminare per i corridoi, senza neanche dirmi come va? o vaffanculo! con quelle tue amichette poi AIDI Lo sapevo che non potevi capire. Sei un po stronzo sai. Question 1 continues on page 3 2 Question 1 (continued) ALEX Si vedeva lontano un miglio che recitavi, della serie io non ti devo niente . AIDI Hai proprio una sensibilit da elefante. Senti Alex mi sono accorta che strano con te Noi due per certi versi siamo arrivati oltre lo stare insieme Ti capisco, so sempre quello che pensi, come se ti fossi dentro e mi piace ma non colpa mia se non me la sento di mettermi con nessuno Dai lo sai, sei una persona che non si accontenta di stare insieme cos Sarebbe un impegno troppo grande. ALEX E adesso cosa succede? AIDI So che penserai che sono un po stronza, ma io voglio uscire con te, voglio vederti se vuoi. ALEX Non so, adesso vedo che sto facendo un sacco di cose in questo periodo. AIDI Allora? ALEX Dai andiamo in classe. AIDI La conosci la canzone dell orso? ALEX Dell orso? AIDI Yoghi has a little friend Bubu Bubu. Yoghi has a little friend Bubu Bubu bear. VFC ROCCO E poi niente, se ne rimane l con la faccia di chi vede partire il traghetto probabilmente, il momento pi buio di questa storia. Senza scherzi. Dovrebbe darvi l idea del punto di follia a cui era arrivato il vecchio Alex. Oltre ogni decenza. Marks (a) Explain the tone of Alex s remark Chi si vede . ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... Question 1 continues on page 4 3 2 Marks Question 1 (continued) (b) Noi due per certi versi siamo arrivati oltre lo stare insieme 3 Comment on Aidi s expectations of their relationship. In your answer, refer to the quotation and the extract as a whole. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (c) Analyse the significance of the director s use of visual techniques in these scenes. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... Question 1 continues on page 5 4 4 Marks Question 1 (continued) (d) Il momento pi buio di questa storia. Senza scherzi. Dovrebbe darvi l idea del punto di follia a cui era arrivato il vecchio Alex. Oltre ogni decenza. This comment from Rocco reflects the group s attitude to the changes in Alex. Discuss their attitude in reference to this extract and at least ONE other extract you have studied. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... End of Question 1 5 6 BLANK PAGE 6 BLANK PAGE 7 BLANK PAGE 8 Board of Studies NSW 2006 2 006 HIGHER SCHOOL CER TIFIC A TE EXAMINA TION Italian Extension Section I Film Jack Frusciante uscito dal gruppo (continued) Part B 10 marks Attempt Question 2 Answer the question in a writing booklet. Extra writing booklets are available. In your answer you will be assessed on how well you: demonstrate an understanding of the prescribed text write in Italian for a specific context Question 2 (10 marks) Question 2 continues on page 10 391a 9 Question 2 (10 marks) Read the extract from the film, Jack Frusciante uscito dal gruppo, then answer the question that follows. Write approximately 200 words in ITALIAN. AIDI Ah, mia madre. MADRE AIDI Ciao. AIDI Ciao, e lui Alex. ALEX Buongiorno, oh MADRE Il famoso Alex. ALEX Scusi, buongiorno. MADRE AIDI Ci pensi tu? AIDI S , s . MADRE AIDI Vi lascio ai vostri studi. Bella camicia. ALEX Grazie. AIDI Vai in palestra? MADRE S , ciao. AIDI Ciao. ALEX Arrivederci. **** PADRE Alex Alex. ALEX Eh PADRE Lo sai che quando ero giovane io, al massimo invitavo una ragazzina in casa di pomeriggio, con i genitori in casa, e sfilando la porta della camera dai cardini. Immagina di essere Alex. Commenta nel tuo diario le differenze tra il tuo ambiente familiare e quello di Aidi. Imagine you are Alex. Write a diary entry in which you reflect on the differences between your home environment and that of Aidi. 10 Board of Studies NSW 2006 2 006 HIGHER SCHOOL CER TIFIC A TE EXAMINA TION Italian Extension Centre Number Section I Response to Prescribed Text: Novel Jack Frusciante uscito dal gruppo Student Number 25 marks Allow about 1 hour and 10 minutes for this section Do NOT attempt Questions 3 4 if you have already answered Questions 1 2, relating to the film Jack Frusciante uscito dal gruppo Part A 15 marks Attempt Question 3 Answer the question in the spaces provided. In your answer you will be assessed on how well you: respond critically to the prescribed text analyse how meaning is conveyed demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the prescribed text and prescribed issues Question 3 (15 marks) Read the extract from the novel, Jack Frusciante uscito dal gruppo, then answer in ENGLISH the questions that follow. Ciao, Alex Mi arrivata la tua lettera. Come stai, davvero. Davvero? S . Come stai. Sto male, Aidi. Come cavolo dovrei stare, se no. L ascoltava respirare. Volevo vorrei che ricominciassimo a vederci, ecco. Okay. Lui, adesso, era contento. Ma sarebbe servito? Okay, andava bene. Bisognava provare. Bisognava provare e basta, perch il solo vederla gli dava gioia, e sfiorarla, e guardarla sottovoce negli occhi. Alex? Question 3 continues on page 12 391b 11 Question 3 (continued) Mi hai fatto male, Aidi. Uh. Un sacco di male. E mi sei mancata Uh. Credevo fosse tutto finito, ma sapevo che non era possible. Perch tu , perdon telo perdon telo perdon telo, sei diversa da tutte le altre ragazze che ho conosciuto Quando c incontravamo in corridoio, a scuola, io lo sapevo che recitavi; quando passavi oltre senza fermarti a parlare, io lo sapevo, e lo sapevi benissimo anche tu. Perch fai cos . Mi dispiace, e giuro che non lo dico per dire, giuro che lo sento al cento per cento. Mi sono accorta di essere stata molto stronza, ecco ma non l ho fatto per farti star male, mi credi? Alex, mi credi? Cosa devo dire? Che tu non l hai fatto apposta per farmi star male ci credo, se me lo dici, per vorrei capire che senso ha, o ha avuto, tutta questa storia. Non rispondermi, quella sera, non farti pi sentire, non considerami in nessun modo che avevo paura, ti giuro Tutto questo l ho fatto solo per noi due. Alex io non me la sento di stare con te Guarda che questo l avevo capito anche un minuto dopo che te l avevo chiesto. Uh. Ma non fraintendermi, ti prego. Non me la sento di stare con nessuno, non me la sento di legarmi troppo a una persona e formare una specie di mondo chiuso in cui non pu entrare nessun altro Va be , Aidi. Ma quello che ti voglio dire, ascoltami per favore, che voglio vederti, voglio frequentarti, voglio uscire con te. Mi sono accorta che strano, con te Io non me la sento di metterci insieme, ma per certi versi siamo ben oltre lo stare insieme. Ti sento dentro, Alex, ti capisco, e mi piace Splendido. Datemi solo delle revolverate un po all impazzata, qui. Grazie. Tipo My Way di Vicious. Fate fuoco quando volete. Aidi, ti giuro che sono stato veramente diciamo a pezzi. Ero strasicuro di essere sprofondato in mezzo a tutte quelle cose tremende tipo lui appena stato scaricato da una ragazza non ha voglia di studiare la scuola non gli d nessuna soddisfazione e intorno ha tanti amici ma quelli sinceri, gli amici con cui si pu confidare, sono rarissimi. Non ha mete, nella vita. Essere felice, forse, ma lontanissimo anche solo dall idea di poterlo essere. E intorno tutto va come sempre andato, e forse andr sempre cos . Tutto prevedibilissimo, l ho gi vissuto in cento film tutti uguali e mi sento il personaggio di un libro che non mi piace e odio l autore che mi fa fare queste cose che detesto e non mi fanno minimamente sentire felice e Okay. Noi crediamo che lei dovrebbe fermarlo, prima che sia troppo tardi. Comunque, perdon telo. Anzi, non state pi a sentire neanche me. Aprite il fuoco e basta. Question 3 continues on page 13 12 Marks Question 3 (continued) (a) Explain the tone of Alex s response Davvero? . 2 ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (b) Io non me la sento di metterci insieme, ma per certi versi siamo ben oltre lo stare insieme. Comment on Aidi s expectations of their relationship. In your answer, refer to the quotation and the extract as a whole. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... Question 3 continues on page 14 13 3 Marks Question 3 (continued) (c) Discuss Alex s statement: mi sento il personaggio di un libro che non mi piace e odio l autore che mi fa fare queste cose che detesto e non mi fanno minimamente sentire felice e ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... Question 3 continues on page 15 14 4 Marks Question 3 (continued) (d) Compare Alex s and Aidi s journeys towards attaining a sense of personal identity. In your answer, refer to this extract and at least ONE other extract you have studied. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... End of Question 3 15 6 BLANK PAGE 16 BLANK PAGE 17 BLANK PAGE 18 Board of Studies NSW 2006 2 006 HIGHER SCHOOL CER TIFIC A TE EXAMINA TION Italian Extension Section I Novel Jack Frusciante uscito dal gruppo (continued) Part B 10 marks Attempt Question 4 Answer the question in a writing booklet. Extra writing booklets are available. In your answer you will be assessed on how well you: demonstrate an understanding of the prescribed text write in Italian for a specific context Question 4 (10 marks) Read the extract from the novel, Jack Frusciante uscito dal gruppo, then answer the question that follows. Write approximately 200 words in ITALIAN. Quel sabato pomeriggio in cui si doveva dare il via alla Serata Etilica E Stai A Dormire Da Me, lui era entrato per la prima volta in casa di Martino sudato e a disagio al punto giusto. Fortunatamente, nessun personaggio pi o meno stronzo o in livrea solcava i corridoi, costosissimi, della villa. L arredo del luogo appariva paurosamente simile alla casa della donna che il protagonista ultravivace di Arancia meccanica sprangava a morte servendosi del solito cazzo in ceramica: Quadri Antichissimi, Fucili da Caccia, Arazzi, la Kollezione Kompleta dei Piatti Blu di Danimarca Invece la stanza di Martino era esattamente come Alex aveva immaginato: classica tana di chi si fa i cazzi suoi e ottiene altrettanto dal resto degli abitanti. Tutta gente che si limita a stargli intorno senza soffocarlo, voglio dire. Immagina di essere Alex. Scrivi nel tuo diario le tue riflessioni sul tuo ambiente familiare paragonato a quello di Martino. Imagine you are Alex. Write a diary entry reflecting on your own home compared to that of Martino. 391c 19 BLANK PAGE 20 Board of Studies NSW 2006 2 006 HIGHER SCHOOL CER TIFIC A TE EXAMINA TION Italian Extension Section II Writing in Italian 15 marks Attempt either Question 5 or Question 6 Allow about 40 minutes for this section Answer the question in a SEPARATE writing booklet. Extra writing booklets are available. Write approximately 300 words in ITALIAN. In your answer you will be assessed on how well you: present and support a point of view write for a specific audience and/or purpose and/or context demonstrate accuracy and variety of vocabulary and sentence structures structure and sequence ideas and information Question 5 (15 marks) Un giornale italiano ha invitato i suoi giovani lettori a rispondere alla domanda Quale contributo possono dare i giovani nel creare una societ pi altruista? . Scrivi una lettera in risposta. An Italian newspaper has invited young readers to respond to the question What contribution can young people make in creating a more caring society? . Write a letter in response. OR Question 6 (15 marks) Scrivi un breve tema per il tuo insegnante d italiano sull argomento: I giovani devono essere flessibili per cogliere tutte le opportunit offerte da un mondo che cambia costantemente . Write a short essay for your Italian teacher on the topic: Young people need to be flexible to make the most of the opportunities offered by a constantly changing world . End of paper 392 21 BLANK PAGE 22 Board of Studies NSW 2006 Centre Number Student Number 2006 H I G H E R S C H O O L C E R T I F I C AT E E X A M I N AT I O N Italian Extension Oral Examination General Instructions Preparation time 10 minutes The examination should take approximately 5 minutes The examination will be recorded on cassette. The cassette recorder should NOT be stopped or paused until the whole examination is completed Dictionaries may NOT be used You may make brief notes in the spaces provided You may refer to these notes during the examination, but you must NOT read directly from them You are NOT permitted to ask the examiner for help with Italian expressions You must state your Student Number and Centre Number in ENGLISH at the beginning of the examination Write your Centre Number and Student Number at the top of this page 015 Total marks 10 Attempt TWO questions from Questions 1 3 Total marks 10 Attempt TWO questions from Questions 1 3 You are to speak for approximately TWO minutes in ITALIAN on each question. State the question number in ENGLISH at the beginning of each question. In your answers you will be assessed on how well you: present and support a point of view demonstrate clarity of expression (pronunciation, intonation, stress) demonstrate accuracy and variety of vocabulary and sentence structures Question 1 (5 marks) Oggigiorno la nostra privacy continuamente minacciata dalle nuove tecnologie. Sei d accordo? In today s world our privacy is increasingly being threatened by technology. Do you agree? CANDIDATE S NOTES. These notes will NOT be marked. 2 Question 2 (5 marks) La societ non incoraggia i giovani all individualismo. Sei d accordo? Society does not encourage individuality in young people. Do you agree? CANDIDATE S NOTES. These notes will NOT be marked. Question 3 (5 marks) Giovani provenienti da ambienti diversi possono certamente fare parte dello stesso gruppo. Sei d accordo? It is definitely possible for young people from different backgrounds to be part of the same group. Do you agree? CANDIDATE S NOTES. These notes will NOT be marked. End of paper 3 BLANK PAGE 4 Board of Studies NSW 2006

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Additional Info : New South Wales Higher School Certificate Italian Extension 2006
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