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2008 H I G H E R S C H O O L C E R T I F I C AT E E X A M I N AT I O N Entertainment Industry Total marks 80 S ection I General Instructions Reading time 5 minutes Working time 2 hours Write using black or blue pen Board-approved calculators may be used Write your Centre Number and Student Number at the top of pages 9 and 13 Pages 2 5 15 marks Attempt Questions 1 15 Allow about 15 minutes for this section S ection II Pages 9 15 35 marks Attempt Questions 16 20 Allow about 45 minutes for this section S ection III Pages 17 18 30 marks Attempt TWO questions from Questions 21 23 Allow about 1 hour for this section 359 Section I 15 marks Attempt Questions 1 15 Allow about 15 minutes for this section Use the multiple-choice answer sheet for Questions 1 15. 1 How many points of contact should a person maintain when working at heights? (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 2 What type of set piece can you float, lash and toggle? (A) Flat (B) Revolve (C) Tread (D) Truck 3 Which employer group provides information about workplace relations in the entertainment industry? (A) ACTU (B) AEIA (C) EIAA (D) MEAA 4 Which set of terms refers to the same area of a stage? (A) Stage left, OP, and camera left (B) Stage left, PS, and camera right (C) Stage right, OP, and camera right (D) Stage right, PS, and camera left 2 5 What documentation would be the most appropriate to take to an interview for a job in an entertainment workplace? (A) Supervisor reports and rosters (B) Competency record and rosters (C) Qualifications and work schedules (D) Learning portfolio and qualifications 6 An accident has occurred, and many people have been injured. Which person should be treated first? The person who is (A) screaming in pain. (B) unconscious and bleeding. (C) conscious and spurting blood. (D) unconscious with a distorted limb. 7 What should a box office attendant do first when allocating a seat to a customer with a vision impairment? (A) Notify the ushers (B) Offer seating near an exit (C) Ensure there is appropriate access (D) Establish the customer requirements 8 With what type of lantern can an accessory be used to produce a patterned effect? (A) Fresnel (B) PC (C) Par Can (D) Profile 9 What is managed for workers by WorkCover NSW? (A) Accounts (B) Awards (C) Compensation (D) Wages 3 10 The management at an indoor entertainment venue wants to ensure that patrons can access the venue and audiences can enjoy performances without distraction. Which group of symbols is most appropriate for management to display? (A) (B) (C) (D) 11 A stage manager has been informed that several musicians seated in an orchestra pit below stage level have become unconscious. A strange odour has also been reported. What is the appropriate safe work practice for the stage manager to follow? (A) Commence first aid then evacuate the building (B) Contact appropriate personnel and start evacuation procedures (C) Call for help then proceed to the orchestra pit to assist evacuation (D) Seek help and instruct conscious musicians to carry out casualties 4 12 With which of the following personnel would a stage manager communicate during a performance? (A) Audio operator, FOH manager and lighting operator (B) Costume designer, lighting operator and ushers (C) Director, lighting operator and performers (D) Lighting operator, production manager and stage crew 13 What light is created in additive colour mixing when blue, green and red are used in equal intensity? (A) Amber (B) Brown (C) Magenta (D) White 14 What frequencies correspond to the High, Mid and Low controls on an audio desk? High Low (A) 1200 Hz 1 kHz 20 Hz (B) 6000 kHz 600 Hz 60 Hz (C) 12 kHz 1 kHz 60 Hz (D) 15 Mid 12 kHz 600 Hz 20 kHz You have been asked to set up vision system equipment for a daytime, outdoor event. The main consideration to ensure visibility of the projected images at this event is the position of the (A) power source. (B) projector. (C) screen. (D) stage. 5 BLANK PAGE 6 BLANK PAGE 7 BLANK PAGE 8 Board of Studies NSW 2008 2 008 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFIC ATE EXAMINATION Entertainment Industry Centre Number Section II 35 marks Attempt Questions 16 20 Allow about 45 minutes for this section Student Number Answer the questions in the spaces provided. Marks Question 16 (9 marks) You are responsible for the staff at a daytime, outdoor entertainment event. (a) What communication techniques would you advise the box office attendant to use to ensure quality service when responding to telephone enquiries? 2 ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (b) Describe appropriate personal presentation and safety considerations for ushers at this event. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... Question 16 continues on page 10 360 9 4 Marks Question 16 (continued) (c) You have scheduled a meeting with a team member to discuss their work practices during the event. What work records would you advise the team member to bring to the meeting and why? ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... End of Question 16 10 3 Marks Question 17 (6 marks) (a) Give examples of information sources that can be used to research new technology in vision systems. 2 ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... The director has asked the vision system team to project live images from two cameras, and pre-recorded visual material to a large screen in an auditorium during a performance. (b) Draw a diagram to show the vision system set-up for the production. Label all equipment and the signal flow on the diagram. 11 4 BLANK PAGE 12 Board of Studies NSW 2008 2 008 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFIC ATE EXAMINATION Entertainment Industry Centre Number Section II (continued) Student Number Marks Question 18 (6 marks) Describe a potential complaint situation in an entertainment workplace and the procedures to be followed for its effective resolution. ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... Please turn over 360a 13 6 Marks Question 19 (7 marks) You are the supervisor of the audio team at an outdoor music event. (a) During a pre-show check there is no signal from a radio microphone. 3 Identify possible actions to resolve this problem. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (b) A thunder storm warning has been issued for the day of the performance. Identify potential risks and propose a range of strategies to minimise the impact on team members. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... 14 4 Marks Question 20 (7 marks) You are the production manager of an entertainment organisation. (a) What are the benefits of having employees from culturally diverse backgrounds in your workplace? 3 ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (b) Describe how you could use TWO different information communication systems to share information and enhance work outcomes. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... 15 4 BLANK PAGE 16 Board of Studies NSW 2008 2 008 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFIC ATE EXAMINATION Entertainment Industry Section III 30 marks Attempt TWO questions from Questions 21 23 Allow about 1 hour for this section Answer each question in a SEPARATE writing booklet. Extra writing booklets are available. In your answers you will be assessed on how well you: demonstrate relevant knowledge and understanding communicate ideas and information, using precise industry terminology and appropriate workplace examples organise information in a well-reasoned and cohesive response solve proposed issues or problems Question 21 (15 marks) Exit The diagrams show two stage types. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each stage type for audience seating, entrances, exits, and set pieces. Performance space Exit Audience Exit Performance space Exit Audience Audience Audience Exit Audience Stage Type A Stage Type B Please turn over 360b 17 Exit In your answers you will be assessed on how well you: demonstrate relevant knowledge and understanding communicate ideas and information, using precise industry terminology and appropriate workplace examples organise information in a well-reasoned and cohesive response solve proposed issues or problems Question 22 (15 marks) Discuss the risk-management and first-aid considerations for employees and patrons at a large scale entertainment event. In your response include reference to government legislation and guidelines. Question 23 (15 marks) As the lighting designer of a new stage drama, discuss your role and the tasks you would undertake to ensure the success of the production from pre-production to opening night. End of paper 18 Board of Studies NSW 2008

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Additional Info : New South Wales Higher School Certificate Entertainment Industry 2008
Tags : new south wales higher school certificate entertainment industry 2008, nsw hsc online entertainment industry, nsw hsc entertainment industry syllabus, nsw hsc entertainment industry model exam papers, nsw hsc entertainment industry solved sample papers, nsw hsc entertainment industry course, nsw hsc entertainment industry question papers., australia new south wales, nsw hsc online, nsw hsc past papers, nsw hsc papers, nsw hsc syllabus, nsw board of studies, higher school certificate new south wales, nsw australia, hsc syllabus, nsw hsc exams, nsw hsc question papers, nsw hsc solved question papers, nsw hsc previous exam papers, nsw university.  

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