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ITIIIJ Centre N umber BO ARD NEW OF STUD S O UT H W AL S tudent Number IES ES 2007 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Chinese Extension Written Examination Tota l ma rk s - 40 (S ect ion I Genera l Instr uct ions Readin g time - J0 minu tes ) Pages 2-5 25 mark s Thi s sec tio n has two parts, Part A and Part B W orking time - 1 hour and 50 minu tes A llow about 1 hour and 10 minutes for this section Wr ite usin g bl ack or blue pe n Part A - 15 marks M onolin gual and/or bi lingual p rint dict ion aries may be used A tte mpt Qu estion I Wr it e your Centre N umber and Studen t Number at the top of th is page Part B -1 0 marks A tte mpt Qu estion 2 (Sec tion II ) Page 6 15 mark s A ttempt either Question 3 or Question 4 A llow abo ut 40 mi nutes for thi s section 1 28 Section I - Respon se to Pr escrib ed Tex t 25 mar ks A llow about 1 hour a nd 10 minu tes for thi s section Part A - IS ma rks Atte mpt Quest ion 1 A nswer the question in the space provided . In your answers you will be assessed on how wel l you: respond critically to the prescribed text analyse how meaning is conveyed de mon strate an understand ing of the re latio nsh ip betwee n the prescribed text and prescribed issues Q uesl ioo 1 ( 15 marks) Read the extract fro m the film Eat Drink Man Woman, then answer in ENG LIS H the questions that follow. 00 1'0 ii ,~iit JiiIT~ ;jE '" .1. ~ T it f!- ;t.{f !if ,tt ft roc.. 001'0 A~~~ ~~ !~* .ak -~#. A~iit~ -It.;.\l'.W'il"TilZ A ( ~ 0 0 ~~ 0 ~~ ~k-lt.~A-It.* ~~~ o 001'0 -It ~~A ~~ -It ~_~~ ~ k h~ #.A? ii.* ~k~ "~ '~~ ~ +. * ~T . ~ ~ ~~ ~+&~*~~0~ o~.~A '~~.~ -*.~ k~ ~~. ?~~~&~.~~~ "~ ~~ ~~~ A 1. '1"1 " 001'0 ~ ~~T ~~.~ -ffi.Mo ~~ A.~~~ ~k -ffi.M~~~~ ". ~ ~~ " ~~k~ -+* ' (;~ " A~ -. ii+ A~ 8~~.ii ~ ~ "~~ ~-It'~~~~~ 8 l' tt 001'0 d ~ ".~~ d ~A~~~~~ 8 ii:tt 1E:. ? ~,,~ ~ "~~'~.A"~~ Q uest ion 1 contin ues on page 3 - 2 Marks Question I (continued) ' ;&;f.-*cit Jt - tj>iif llt '? (a) What does Guo Lun mean by (b) How is the re lationship between Guo Lun and Jia Ning deve loped in this extract? 3 (c) What is the significance of 'eatin g' in this extract and one other sce ne of your cho ice. 4 Question I continues on page 4 - 3 2 M ar ks Question 1 (conti nued) (d) Which of the THREE prescribed issues do you think best relates to this extract? Justify your response. E nd of Question I - 4 Board of Studies NSW 2007 6 200 7 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Chinese Extension Section I (continued) P art B - 10 marks A tte mpt Quest ion 2 Answer the question in a writing booklet. Extra writing booklets are available. In your answer you will be assessed on how well you: demon strate an understanding of the prescribed text write in Chinese for a specific context Quest ion 2 (10 marks) Read the extract from the film Eat Drink Man Woman, then answer the question that follows. Write appro ximately 250 characters in CHINESE. ~~~ '.~A ,* ~~t. '.~. ~ - k~ A ~ .~~~? ~~~~~.~* 'AOO+' u. ! ~+ .&~ A~~T~~~~m~.~'~~~~~~.~~~A ~~ ~~ A.~~g'~+~ A#* ~~ ~~~~e ~~~ A~~~ . T he two kitchen workers have overheard the conversation between Lao Zhu and Lao Wen, the start of which is reproduced above. After the two old men have left, the kitchen workers talk about what (hey have heard. Write the conversation. Please tur n over 1 29 - 5 Section II - Writin g in Chinese 15 mark s Attempt either Question 3 or Question 4 A llow abo ut 40 m inutes for thi s sect ion A nswe r the question in a SEPA RATE writing boo klet. Extra wr iting book lets are available. Writ e app roxi mate ly 350 charac ters in CH INESE. In your answer you will be assessed on how well you: present and support a po int o f view wr ite for a specific aud ience andlor purpose andlor co ntext d emonstrate accuracy and variety of voca bulary and sentence structures structure and sequence ideas and information Q uest ion 3 ( 15 marks) Write a short essay for your school newspaper, giving your opinion on how high school stude nts should choose their extra-curricular activities. OR Q uest ion 4 (15 marks) W rite a letter to the ed itor of a Chinese newsp aper, giving your opinion on a T V program which is very popula r with young peop le . En d of pap er - 6 Board of Studies NSW 2007

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Additional Info : New South Wales Higher School Certificate Chinese Extension 2007
Tags : new south wales higher school certificate chinese extension 2007, nsw hsc online chinese, nsw hsc chinese extension syllabus, nsw hsc chinese model exam papers, nsw hsc chinese solved sample papers, nsw hsc chinese extension course, nsw hsc chinese question papers., australia new south wales, nsw hsc online, nsw hsc past papers, nsw hsc papers, nsw hsc syllabus, nsw board of studies, higher school certificate new south wales, nsw australia, hsc syllabus, nsw hsc exams, nsw hsc question papers, nsw hsc solved question papers, nsw hsc previous exam papers, nsw university.  

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