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2006 H I G H E R S C H O O L C E R T I F I C AT E E X A M I N AT I O N Mathematics Extension 1 General Instructions Reading time 5 minutes Working time 2 hours Write using black or blue pen Board-approved calculators may be used A table of standard integrals is provided at the back of this paper All necessary working should be shown in every question 411 Total marks 84 Attempt Questions 1 7 All questions are of equal value BLANK PAGE 2 Total marks 84 Attempt Questions 1 7 All questions are of equal value Answer each question in a SEPARATE writing booklet. Extra writing booklets are available. Marks Question 1 (12 marks) Use a SEPARATE writing booklet. (a) dx Find . 49 + x 2 2 (b) Using the substitution u = x4 + 8 , or otherwise, find x 3 x 4 + 8 dx . 3 (c) Evaluate lim 2 (d) Using the sum of two cubes, simplify: 2 sin 5 x . x 0 3 x sin3 + cos3 1, sin + cos for 0 < < (e) . 2 For what values of b is the line y = 12x + b tangent to y = x3 ? 3 3 Marks Question 2 (12 marks) Use a SEPARATE writing booklet. (a) Let (x) = sin 1 ( x + 5 ) . (i) 2 (ii) Find the gradient of the graph of y = (x) at the point where x = 5 . 2 (iii) (b) State the domain and range of the function (x) . Sketch the graph of y = (x) . 2 (i) By applying the binomial theorem to show that n (1 + x ) (ii) n 1 n n = + 2 x + 1 2 (1 + x )n and differentiating, n + r x r 1 + r n + n x n 1 . n 1 Hence deduce that n n3n 1 = + 1 1 n + r 2r 1 + r n + n 2n 1 . n Question 2 continues on page 5 4 Marks Question 2 (continued) (c) y Q R T U P x The points P (2ap, ap2 ), Q (2aq, aq2 ) and R (2ar, ar2 ) lie on the parabola x2 = 4ay. The chord QR is perpendicular to the axis of the parabola. The chord PR meets the axis of the parabola at U. The equation of the chord PR is y = 1 ( p + r ) x apr . 2 The equation of the tangent at P is y = px ap2 . (Do NOT prove this.) (Do NOT prove this.) (i) Find the coordinates of U. 1 (ii) The tangents at P and Q meet at the point T. Show that the coordinates of T are (a ( p + q), apq) . 2 (iii) Show that TU is perpendicular to the axis of the parabola. 1 End of Question 2 5 Marks Question 3 (12 marks) Use a SEPARATE writing booklet. (a) 4 Find sin 2 x dx . 0 2 (c) By considering ( x ) = 3loge x x , show that the curve y = 3loge x and the line y = x meet at a point P whose x-coordinate is between 1.5 and 2. 1 (ii) Use one application of Newton s method, starting at x = 1.5, to find an approximation to the x-coordinate of P. Give your answer correct to two decimal places. (b) 2 (i) Sophie has five coloured blocks: one red, one blue, one green, one yellow and one white. She stacks two, three, four or five blocks on top of one another to form a vertical tower. (i) How many different towers are there that she could form that are three blocks high? 1 (ii) How many different towers can she form in total? 2 Question 3 continues on page 7 6 Marks Question 3 (continued) (d) P K Q N T M The points P, Q and T lie on a circle. The line MN is tangent to the circle at T with M chosen so that QM is perpendicular to MN. The point K on PQ is chosen so that TK is perpendicular to PQ as shown in the diagram. (i) Show that QKTM is a cyclic quadrilateral. 1 (ii) Show that KMT = KQT . 1 (iii) Hence, or otherwise, show that MK is parallel to TP. 2 End of Question 3 7 BLANK PAGE 8 Marks Question 4 (12 marks) Use a SEPARATE writing booklet. (a) The cubic polynomial P (x) = x3 + rx2 + sx + t , where r, s and t are real numbers, has three real zeros, 1, and . (i) Find the value of r. 1 (ii) Find the value of s + t . 2 (b) A particle is undergoing simple harmonic motion on the x-axis about the origin. It is initially at its extreme positive position. The amplitude of the motion is 18 and the particle returns to its initial position every 5 seconds. (i) Write down an equation for the position of the particle at time t seconds. (ii) How long does the particle take to move from a rest position to the point halfway between that rest position and the equilibrium position? (c) 1 2 3 2 A particle is moving so that x = 18 x + 27 x + 9 x . Initially x = 2 and the velocity, v, is 6. (i) Show that v2 = 9x2 (1 + x)2 . 2 (ii) Hence, or otherwise, show that 2 1 dx = 3t . x (1 + x ) 2 (iii) It can be shown that for some constant c, 1 loge 1 + = 3t + c . x (Do NOT prove this.) Using this equation and the initial conditions, find x as a function of t. 9 Marks Question 5 (12 marks) Use a SEPARATE writing booklet. (a) Show that y = 10 e 0.7t + 3 is a solution of (b) Let ( x ) = loge 1 + e x ( ) dy = 0.7 ( y 3) . dt for all x. Show that (x) has an inverse. 2 2 (c) x cm A hemispherical bowl of radius r cm is initially empty. Water is poured into it at a constant rate of k cm3 per minute. When the depth of water in the bowl is x cm, the volume, V cm3 , of water in the bowl is given by V= 2 x (3r x ) . 3 (Do NOT prove this.) dx k . = dt x ( 2r x ) (i) Show that (ii) Hence, or otherwise, show that it takes 3.5 times as long to fill the bowl 2 2 to the point where x = r as it does to fill the bowl to the point where 3 1 x= r. 3 Question 5 continues on page 11 10 2 Marks Question 5 (continued) (d) (i) Use the fact that tan ( ) = tan tan to show that 1 + tan tan 1 1 + tan n tan ( n + 1) = cot ( tan ( n + 1) tan n ) . (ii) Use mathematical induction to prove that, for all integers n 1, tan tan 2 + tan 2 tan 3 + + tan n tan ( n + 1) = ( n + 1) + cot tan ( n + 1) . End of Question 5 11 3 Question 6 (12 marks) Use a SEPARATE writing booklet. (a) Two particles are fired simultaneously from the ground at time t = 0. Particle 1 is projected from the origin at an angle , 0 < < , with an initial 2 velocity V. Particle 2 is projected vertically upward from the point A, at a distance a to the right of the origin, also with an initial velocity of V. y V V O A x It can be shown that while both particles are in flight, Particle 1 has equations of motion: x = Vt cos y = Vt sin 12 gt , 2 and Particle 2 has equations of motion: x=a y = Vt 12 gt . 2 Do NOT prove these equations of motion. Let L be the distance between the particles at time t. Question 6 continues on page 13 12 Marks Question 6 (continued) (i) Show that, while both particles are in flight, 2 L2 = 2V 2 t 2 (1 sin ) 2aVt cos + a 2 . (ii) An observer notices that the distance between the particles in flight first decreases, then increases. 3 Show that the distance between the particles in flight is smallest when t= a cos 1 sin and that this smallest distance is a . 2V (1 sin ) 2 (iii) Show that the smallest distance between the two particles in flight occurs while Particle 1 is ascending if V > 1 ag cos . 2sin (1 sin ) (b) In an endurance event, the probability that a competitor will complete the course is p and the probability that a competitor will not complete the course is q = 1 p . Teams consist of either two or four competitors. A team scores points if at least half its members complete the course. (i) Show that the probability that a four-member team will have at least three of its members not complete the course is 4pq3 + q4. 1 (ii) Hence, or otherwise, find an expression in terms of q only for the probability that a four-member team will score points. 2 (iii) Find an expression in terms of q only for the probability that a two-member team will score points. 1 (iv) Hence, or otherwise, find the range of values of q for which a two-member team is more likely than a four-member team to score points. 2 End of Question 6 13 Marks Question 7 (12 marks) Use a SEPARATE writing booklet. A gutter is to be formed by bending a long rectangular metal strip of width w so that the cross-section is an arc of a circle. Let r be the radius of the arc and 2 the angle at the centre, O, so that the cross-sectional area, A, of the gutter is the area of the shaded region in the diagram on the right. O B CROSS-SECTION 2 C r r Gutter B C w (a) Show that, when 0 < , the cross-sectional area is 2 A = r 2 ( si cos (b) 2 ). The formula in part (a) for A is true for 0 < < . (Do NOT prove this.) By first expressing r in terms of w and , and then differentiating, show that dA d = w 2 cos (sin cos ) 2 3 for 0 < < . Question 7 continues on page 15 14 3 Marks Question 7 (continued) (c) Let g ( ) = sin cos . 3 By considering g ( ) , show that g ( ) > 0 for 0 < < . (d) Show that there is exactly one value of in the interval 0 < < for which 2 dA = 0. d (e) Show that the value of for which dA = 0 gives the maximum cross-sectional d area. Find this area in terms of w. End of paper 15 2 STANDARD INTEGRALS n x dx = 1 x dx = ln x, x > 0 ax e dx = 1 ax e , a 0 a cos ax dx = 1 sin ax, a 0 a sin ax dx 1 = cos ax, a 0 a 2 sec ax dx = 1 tan ax, a 0 a sec ax tan ax dx = 1 sec ax, a 0 a 1 dx 2 a + x2 = 1 x tan 1 , a 0 a a 1 dx 2 a x2 x = sin 1 , a > 0, a < x < a a 1 dx 2 x a2 = ln x + x 2 a 2 , x > a > 0 1 dx 2 x + a2 = ln x + x 2 + a 2 1 n +1 x , n 1; x 0, if n < 0 n +1 ( ) ( ) NOTE : ln x = loge x, x>0 16 Board of Studies NSW 2006

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Additional Info : New South Wales Higher School Certificate Mathematics Extension-1 2006
Tags : new south wales higher school certificate mathematics (extension-1) 2006, nsw hsc online mathematics extension-1, nsw hsc maths, nsw hsc mathematics extension-1 syllabus, nsw hsc maths model exam papers, mathematics sample papers, mathematics course, nsw hsc maths solved paper., australia new south wales, nsw hsc online, nsw hsc past papers, nsw hsc papers, nsw hsc syllabus, nsw board of studies, higher school certificate new south wales, nsw australia, hsc syllabus, nsw hsc exams, nsw hsc question papers, nsw hsc solved question papers, nsw hsc previous exam papers, nsw university.  

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