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2004 H I G H E R S C H O O L C E R T I F I C AT E E X A M I N AT I O N English (ESL) Paper 1 Language Study within an Area of Study Total marks 45 Section I General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes 1 Working time 1 hours 2 Write using black or blue pen Pages 2 6 25 marks Attempt Question 1 Allow about 50 minutes for this section Section II Pages 7 8 20 marks Attempt Question 2 Allow about 40 minutes for this section 356 Section I 25 marks Attempt Question 1 Allow about 50 minutes for this section Answer each question in a SEPARATE writing booklet. Extra writing booklets are available. In this section you will be assessed on how well you: demonstrate understanding of the ways language shapes and expresses perceptions Question 1 (25 marks) Examine Texts one, two and three carefully and then answer the questions on page 6. Text one Autobiographical extract 5 10 15 20 My family moved to Australia and, luckily, I was sent to a place called Timbertop in Victoria. When I was fifteen, my schoolmates and I had permission to explore the Victorian Alps around Mount Buller every weekend. Come Friday afternoon, we would get our packs ready, having submitted a hiking plan which was modified if it was too adventurous or too outrageous. If everything was okay, we d head out the school gate until Sunday evening when we were expected back. Climbing hills is a great teacher. Being young and wanting to prove myself, I typically loaded up with as much gear as I could carry. I discovered that was a dumb thing for an unfit boy to do. I had a sore back, aching legs and lungs and wanted to give up there and then. But you have to persevere if you ve got to get to camp. You can t turn back, so you discover you have much more strength than you gave yourself credit for when things first got tough. learn to look after yourself. When I finally took up mountaineering that is, 30 technical climbing at university, my parents urged me to be careful and not do anything stupid. It must have been quite a difficult thing for them to come to terms with, but they never discouraged me. 35 My theory is that people have always found mountains to be attractive. From a geographic perspective, mountains have a profound impact on the country surrounding them. They attract water and 40 are the source of most rivers and often the fertile plains below. Mountain weather is fascinating it s wild and unpredictable. Indeed, it s the weather that I fear most in the mountains; it s the factor which causes 45 most accidents and has nearly caused my demise on several occasions [. . .] Once you get above the snow line, it s almost like stepping out of the world as we know it into another sort altogether. 50 Because of its newness in your range of 25 You learn to manage adversity, to cope experiences, this environment of glaciers with difficult tasks by breaking them and snow is very exciting. The view you down to more manageable chunks. You get, the lofty situation you re in, that Question 1 continues on page 3 2 Question 1 (continued) top-of-the-world feeling is exhilarating. 55 You can see a photo of a mountain and say it s really beautiful, an incredible scene, breathtaking, but it s just nothing compared with being there. When you 85 look at the sun rising over the icy flutings 60 of a peak, or stand on a really airy ridge with a huge amount of exposure and jagged peaks all around, it s a thrill. The sheer architecture of mountains is 90 spectacular. 65 I suppose the other exciting aspect of it is There is also inner space to conquer. When people go on treks through the foothills of Nepal, or wherever, it is often a seminal* experience. They start to find that their direction in life has changed and that their priorities might not be the same as they were before they left. I think it s healthy to continue to strive. To be wholly content with one s life is to stagnate because it s no longer a situation where you are learning, and one of the exciting things in life is to keep growing. In terms of travel, I would never go and look at a town of the future. I m far more fascinated by where we came from because that s where I can learn about myself. I think the greatest mistake we can make is to ignore the past because it is only by understanding our past that we can arm ourselves with what s necessary to progress [. . .] the adventure: the challenge of finding a safe way through to wherever you want to 95 go usually the summit. It s really a case of breaking it down into manageable 70 sections. Because you have to take so many factors into consideration, it becomes a totally absorbing intellectual 100 challenge. I ve never played chess, but it seems so dull compared to the option of 75 going out on a mountain and being able to from Mountain highs exercise your mind in the same way. The by TIM MACARTNEY-SNAPE planning involved, foreseeing problems which might eventuate if you take a *seminal life-changing certain path . . . all that makes it very 80 complex [. . .] Places in the Heart: Thirty prominent Australians reveal their special corners of the world, edited and compiled by Susan Kurosawa, Hoddler Headline Australia, Ltd, 1997 Question 1 continues on page 4 3 Text two Webpage Awaiting Copyright Clearance Question 1 continues on page 5 4 Text three Photograph Portrait of drover* Ronald Kerr, wife Mavis and baby Johnny, ca. 1955 56 by JEFF CARTER, National Library of Australia Image used with permission of Mr Jeff Carter *drover a person whose job is to move large numbers of cattle or sheep over long distances Question 1 continues on page 6 5 In this section you will be assessed on how well you: demonstrate understanding of the ways language shapes and expresses perceptions Marks Question 1 (continued) Text one Autobiographical extract (a) (b) Climbing hills is a great teacher. (line 13) What did Tim learn? 1 (i) Give ONE example of descriptive language Tim uses. 1 (ii) Why does he use this language? Refer to your example. 2 (c) Identify the tone of this passage. 1 (d) Apart from tone and descriptive language, explain ONE other way Tim engages the reader. 2 Text two Webpage (e) One of the purposes of text two is to persuade people to take this journey. 4 Explain how language features AND layout achieve this purpose. Give ONE example of each. Text three Photograph (f) Imagine you are Jeff Carter. What journeys were you trying to show in your photograph? Explain how you attempted to communicate ideas about journeys. 6 Texts one, two and three (g) You are writing an introduction for a collection of resources called Australian Journeys. In your introduction, compare the Australian journeys depicted in texts one, two and three. End of Question 1 6 8 Section II 20 marks Attempt Question 2 Allow about 40 minutes for this section Answer the question in a SEPARATE writing booklet. Extra writing booklets are available. In your answer you will be assessed on how well you: demonstrate understanding of the ways language shapes and expresses perceptions organise, develop and express ideas using language appropriate to audience, purpose and context Question 2 (20 marks) Journeys provide opportunities for people to extend and challenge themselves, physically, emotionally and intellectually. Describe the different types of journeys presented in the texts you have studied. Compare how the composers have communicated these journeys. In your answer, refer to your TWO prescribed texts, ONE text from the prescribed stimulus booklet, Journeys, and at least ONE other related text of your own choosing. The prescribed texts are: Prose Fiction Allan Baillie, The China Coin or Brian Caswell and David Phu An Chiem, Only the Heart or Peter Goldsworthy, Maestro Drama Brian Clark, Whose Life is it Anyway? or Scott Rankin and Leah Purcell, Box the Pony Question 2 continues on page 8 7 Question 2 (continued) Poetry Ken Watson (ed.), Imagined Corners * Sujata Bhatt, The One Who Goes Away * Ivan Lalic, Of Eurydice * Gwyneth Lewis, Fax X * Mudrooroo, A Righteous Day * J nos Pilinszky, The French Prisoner * Vittorio Sereni, A Dream * Xuan Quynh, Worried Over the Days Past or Peter Skrzynecki, Immigrant Chronicle * Immigrants at Central Station, 1951 * Feliks Skrzynecki * Crossing the Red Sea * Leaving home * Migrant hostel * A drive in the country * Post card Media William Fitzwater, Through Australian Eyes * China * India * Greece Film Phillip Noyce, Rabbit-Proof Fence End of paper 8 Board of Studies NSW 2004

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Additional Info : New South Wales Higher School Certificate English (English as a Second Language) Paper 1 - 2004.
Tags : new south wales higher school certificate english (English as a Second Language) Paper 1 - 2004, nsw english syllabus, nsw english modules, nsw english curriculum, nsw english ESL programs, nsw hsc english previous exam papers, nsw hsc english ESL sample papers,HSC English Area of Study., australia new south wales, nsw hsc online, nsw hsc past papers, nsw hsc papers, nsw hsc syllabus, nsw board of studies, higher school certificate new south wales, nsw australia, hsc syllabus, nsw hsc exams, nsw hsc question papers, nsw hsc solved question papers, nsw hsc previous exam papers, nsw university.  

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