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2004 H I G H E R S C H O O L C E R T I F I C AT E E X A M I N AT I O N Ancient History Total marks 100 Section I Pages 2 5 Personalities in Their Times 25 marks Attempt ONE question from Questions 1 12 Allow about 45 minutes for this section Section II General Instructions Reading time 5 minutes Working time 3 hours Write using black or blue pen Pages 9 22 Ancient Societies 25 marks Attempt ONE question from Questions 13 25 Allow about 45 minutes for this section Section III Pages 25 31 Historical Periods 25 marks Attempt ONE question from Questions 26 44 Allow about 45 minutes for this section Section IV Pages 33 45 Additional Historical Period OR Additional Ancient Society 25 marks Attempt ONE question from Questions 45 63 OR ONE question from Questions 64 76 Choose a different Ancient Society from the one you chose in Section II, or a different Historical Period from the one you chose in Section III Allow about 45 minutes for this section 104 Section I Personalities in Their Times 25 marks Attempt ONE question from Questions 1 12 Allow about 45 minutes for this section Answer the question in a writing booklet. Extra writing booklets are available. Page Question 1 Option A Egypt: Hatshepsut ................................................................. 3 Question 2 Option B Egypt: Akhenaten .................................................................. 3 Question 3 Option C Egypt: Ramesses II ................................................................ 3 Question 4 Option D Near East: Sennacherib ............................................................... 3 Question 5 Option E Near East: Jezebel ....................................................................... 4 Question 6 Option F Near East: Xerxes ........................................................................ 4 Question 7 Option G Greece: Pericles ....................................................................... 4 Question 8 Option H Greece: Alexander the Great ................................................... 4 Question 9 Option I Greece: Cleopatra VII ............................................................. 4 Question 10 Option J Rome: Scipio Africanus ........................................................ 5 Question 11 Option K Rome: Julius Caesar .............................................................. 5 Question 12 Option L Rome: Agrippina the Younger ............................................... 5 2 Marks Question 1 Option A Egypt: Hatshepsut (25 marks) 5 (a) Briefly outline Hatshepsut s rise to prominence. (b) Explain Hatshepsut s relationship with Thutmosis III. 10 (c) With reference to sources, evaluate the influence of Hatshepsut in her lifetime. 10 Question 2 Option B Egypt: Akhenaten (25 marks) (a) Briefly outline Akhenaten s rise to prominence. 5 (b) Explain Akhenaten s relationship with Nefertiti. 10 (c) With reference to sources, evaluate the influence of Akhenaten in his lifetime. 10 Question 3 Option C Egypt: Ramesses II (25 marks) 5 (a) Briefly outline Ramesses II s rise to prominence. (b) Explain the religious policies of Ramesses II. 10 (c) With reference to sources, evaluate the influence of Ramesses II in his lifetime. 10 Question 4 Option D Near East: Sennacherib (25 marks) (a) Briefly outline Sennacherib s rise to prominence. (b) Explain the religious policies of Sennacherib. 10 (c) With reference to sources, evaluate the influence of Sennacherib in his lifetime. 10 3 5 Marks Question 5 Option E Near East: Jezebel (25 marks) 5 (a) Briefly outline Jezebel s rise to prominence. (b) Explain Jezebel s promotion of Ba al priests and prophets. 10 (c) With reference to sources, evaluate the influence of Jezebel in her lifetime. 10 Question 6 Option F Near East: Xerxes (25 marks) 5 (a) Briefly outline Xerxes rise to prominence. (b) Explain Xerxes invasion of the Greek mainland. 10 (c) With reference to sources, evaluate the influence of Xerxes in his lifetime. 10 Question 7 Option G Greece: Pericles (25 marks) 5 (a) Briefly outline Pericles rise to prominence. (b) Explain Pericles political alliances and rivalries. 10 (c) With reference to sources, evaluate the influence of Pericles in his lifetime. 10 Question 8 Option H Greece: Alexander the Great (25 marks) 5 (a) Briefly outline Alexander the Great s rise to prominence. (b) Explain Alexander the Great s relationship with his army and generals. 10 (c) With reference to sources, evaluate the influence of Alexander the Great in his lifetime. 10 Question 9 Option I Greece: Cleopatra VII (25 marks) (a) Briefly outline Cleopatra VII s rise to prominence. (b) Explain the significance of the Battle of Actium to Cleopatra VII. 10 (c) With reference to sources, evaluate the influence of Cleopatra VII in her lifetime. 10 4 5 Marks Question 10 Option J Rome: Scipio Africanus (25 marks) 5 (a) Briefly outline Scipio Africanus rise to prominence. (b) Explain the manner and impact of Scipio Africanus retirement . 10 (c) With reference to sources, evaluate the influence of Scipio Africanus in his lifetime. 10 Question 11 Option K Rome: Julius Caesar (25 marks) (a) Briefly outline Julius Caesar s rise to prominence. 5 (b) Explain the manner and impact of Julius Caesar s death. 10 (c) With reference to sources, evaluate the influence of Julius Caesar in his lifetime. 10 Question 12 Option L Rome: Agrippina the Younger (25 marks) (a) Briefly outline Agrippina the Younger s rise to prominence. (b) Explain Agrippina the Younger s relationship with Seneca, Burrus and imperial freedmen. 10 (c) With reference to sources, evaluate the influence of Agrippina the Younger in her lifetime. 10 5 5 BLANK PAGE 6 BLANK PAGE 7 BLANK PAGE 8 Board of Studies NSW 2004 2 004 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFIC ATE EXAMINATION Ancient History Section II Ancient Societies 25 marks Attempt ONE question from Questions 13 25 If you are answering two questions on Ancient Societies, you must answer on one society in Section II, and a different society in Section IV Allow about 45 minutes for this section Answer the question in the Section II Answer Booklet. Page Question 13 Option A Egypt: Society in Old Kingdom Egypt, Dynasties III VI ...................................................... 10 Question 14 Option B Egypt: Society in Middle Kingdom Egypt, Dynasties XI XII ..................................................... 11 Question 15 Option C Egypt: Society in New Kingdom Egypt during the Ramesside Period, Dynasties XIX XX ............ 12 Question 16 Option D Near East: Assyrian Society in the Sargonid Period from Sargon II to Ashurbanipal ............................... 13 Question 17 Option E Near East: Society in Israel from Jeroboam I to the Fall of Samaria .................................................. 14 Question 18 Option F Near East: Persian Society in the time of Darius and Xerxes ............................................................... 15 Question 19 Option G Greece: Question 20 Option H Greece: Bronze Age Society Mycenaean Society ............. 17 Question 21 Option I Greece: Spartan Society to the Battle of Leuctra 371 BC .... 18 Question 22 Option J Greece: Athenian Society in the time of Pericles ................. 19 Question 23 Option K Rome: Roman Society in the time of Cicero ...................... 20 Question 24 Option L Rome: Society in Rome from Augustus to Titus ................ 21 Question 25 Option M Rome: 104a Bronze Age Society Minoan Society ................... 16 Roman Society in the Fourth Century AD .............. 22 9 Section II Ancient Societies 25 marks Attempt ONE question from Questions 13 25 Allow about 45 minutes for this section Answer the question in the Section II Answer Booklet. Marks Question 13 Option A Egypt: Society in Old Kingdom Egypt, Dynasties III VI (25 marks) (a) Name TWO kings in this period. 2 (b) Who was Re (Ra)? 2 (c) Outline the roles of a vizier in Old Kingdom society. 5 (d) Describe the main features of the economy in Old Kingdom society. 6 (e) With reference to Source 1 and other evidence, explain the significance of pyramid complexes in Old Kingdom Egypt. Source 1: Reconstruction of a Fifth Dynasty pyramid complex (Abusir) Drawing by Martin Weaver after Borchardt. From The Egyptians by Cyril Aldred, 3rd edition, revised and updated by Aidan Dodon, Thames and Hudson Ltd., London. 10 10 Question 14 Option B Egypt: Society in Middle Kingdom Egypt, Dynasties XI XII (25 marks) Marks (a) Name TWO kings in this period. 2 (b) What was the corvee system? 2 (c) Outline the roles of women in Middle Kingdom society. 5 (d) Describe the main features of literature in this period. 6 (e) With reference to Source 2 and other evidence, explain the significance of funerary customs in Middle Kingdom Egypt. Awaiting Copyright Clearance 11 10 Question 15 Option C Egypt: Society in New Kingdom Egypt during the Ramesside Period, Dynasties XIX XX (25 marks) Marks (a) Name TWO significant buildings of the Ramesside period. 2 (b) What was the Valley of the Kings? 2 (c) Outline the features of the imperial bureaucracy during the Ramesside period. 5 (d) Describe the importance of the army in the Ramesside period. 6 (e) With reference to Source 3 and other evidence, explain the significance of burial practices in the Ramesside period. Awaiting Copyright Clearance 12 10 Question 16 Option D Near East: Assyrian Society in the Sargonid Period from Sargon II to Ashurbanipal (25 marks) Marks (a) Name TWO Assyrian kings in the Sargonid period. 2 (b) Who was Marduk of Babylon? 2 (c) Outline the administrative features of the Assyrian empire. 5 (d) Describe the treatment of conquered peoples in this period. 6 (e) With reference to Source 4 and other evidence, explain the significance of royal cities in the Sargonid period. Awaiting Copyright Clearance 13 10 Marks Question 17 Option E Near East: Society in Israel from Jeroboam I to the Fall of Samaria (25 marks) (a) Name TWO fortified palace settlements in ancient Israel. 2 (b) What was Judah? 2 (c) Outline the roles of women in ancient Israel. 5 (d) Describe the main features of trade with Phoenicia in this period. 6 (e) With reference to Source 5 and other evidence, explain the significance of conflicting religious beliefs and practices in Israelite society. Source 5: Stela of the Ba al of Lightning Reproduced with the permission of F. Thomas Wilson, M.D. 14 10 Question 18 Option F Near East: Persian Society in the time of Darius and Xerxes (25 marks) Marks (a) Name TWO Persian provinces. 2 (b) What was the Royal Road? 2 (c) Outline the features of ONE significant Persian building. 5 (d) Describe the main features of the Persian army during this period. 6 (e) With reference to Source 6 and other evidence, explain the significance of religion in Persia and the empire. Awaiting Copyright Clearance 15 10 Marks Question 19 Option G Greece: Bronze Age Society Minoan Society (25 marks) (a) Name TWO geographical features of Minoan Crete. 2 (b) What was Gournia? 2 (c) Outline the main occupations in Minoan society. 5 (d) Describe the main features of Minoan frescoes. 6 (e) With reference to Source 7 and other evidence, explain the significance of the palace economy in Minoan society. Source 7: Western storage rooms (Palace of Knossos) Dr Gae Callender, reproduced with permission. 16 10 Marks Question 20 Option H Greece: Bronze Age Society Mycenaean Society (25 marks) (a) Name TWO architectural features of palaces of this period. 2 (b) Who was the wanax? 2 (c) Outline the main forms of art in Mycenaean society. 5 (d) Describe the main features of warfare in Mycenaean society. 6 (e) With reference to Source 8 and other evidence, explain the significance of the palace economy in Mycenaean society. Source 8: Linear B Tablet, Thirteenth Century BC (Pylos) Linear B Tablet, Thirteen Century BC, (Pylos), Paul Cartledge, 1998, The Cambridge Illustrated history of Ancient Greece, 2nd edition. Reproduced with the permission of Cambridge University Press, Melbourne. 17 10 Marks Question 21 Option I Greece: Spartan Society to the Battle of Leuctra 371 BC (25 marks) (a) Name TWO Spartan festivals. 2 (b) Who were the military elite? 2 (c) Outline the main features of Spartan land ownership and inheritance. 5 (d) Describe the roles and privileges of the Spartan kings. 6 (e) With reference to Source 9 and other evidence, explain the significance of the Spartan educational system. And instead of their clothes serving to make them delicate, Lycurgus required them to become used to a single garment all year round, the idea being that thereby they would be better prepared for both cold and heat. On the other hand, while he did not allow them to take what they required effortlessly, to prevent them suffering from hunger he did permit them to engage in some stealing in order to ward off starvation. Source 9: Xenophon, Constitution of the Spartans (Chapter 2) Page 169 from PLUTARCH ON SPARTA translated with an introduction and notes by Richard J.A. Talbert (Penguin Classics, 1988). Translation, Introduction and Notes Copyright Richard J. A. Talbert, 1988. 18 10 Marks Question 22 Option J Greece: Athenian Society in the time of Pericles (25 marks) (a) Name TWO Greek industries in Periclean Athens. 2 (b) What was the Piraeus? 2 (c) Outline the roles of metics in Athenian society. 5 (d) Describe the main features of Athenian architecture. 6 (e) With reference to Source 10 and other evidence, explain the significance of the agora in Athenian society during the time of Pericles. Source 10: An impression of the Stoa of Zeus, Fifth Century BC (Athenian agora) American School of Classical Studies at Athens: Agora Excavations 19 10 Question 23 Option K Rome: Roman Society in the time of Cicero (25 marks) Marks (a) Name TWO social groups in Roman society during the time of Cicero. 2 (b) What was a province? 2 (c) Outline Roman funerary customs in the time of Cicero. 5 (d) Describe the main features of Roman housing. 6 (e) With reference to Source 11 and other evidence, explain the significance of the Roman Forum in this period. Awaiting Copyright Clearance 20 10 Marks Question 24 Option L Rome: Society in Rome from Augustus to Titus (25 marks) (a) Name TWO features of Roman government in this time. 2 (b) What was Ostia? 2 (c) Outline the roles of the military in this period. 5 (d) Describe the leisure activities in Rome during this period. 6 (e) With reference to Source 12 and other evidence, explain the significance of the family in this period. [Augustus] assessed heavier taxes on unmarried men and women without husbands, and by contrast offered awards for marriage and childbearing. And since there were more males than females among the nobility, he permitted anyone who wished (except for senators) to marry freedwomen, and decreed that children of such marriages be legitimate. Source 12: Dio Cassius, Roman History (Book 54.16. 1 2) Reproduced with the permission of Duckworth Publishers. 21 10 Question 25 Option M Rome: Roman Society in the Fourth Century AD (25 marks) Marks (a) Name TWO Roman emperors in this period. 2 (b) What was Constantinople? 2 (c) Outline the roles of imperial women. 5 (d) Describe Christian funerary customs at this time. 6 (e) With reference to Source 13 and other evidence, explain the significance of the imperial bureaucracy in the fourth century AD. Awaiting Copyright Clearance 22 10 BLANK PAGE 23 BLANK PAGE 24 Board of Studies NSW 2004 2 004 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFIC ATE EXAMINATION Ancient History Section III Historical Periods 25 marks Attempt ONE question from Questions 26 44 If you are answering two questions on Historical Periods, you must answer on one period in Section III, and a different period in Section IV Allow about 45 minutes for this section Answer the question in a SEPARATE writing booklet. Extra writing booklets are available. Page Question 26 Option A Egypt: Question 27 Option B Egypt: Question 28 Option C Egypt: Question 29 Option D Egypt: Question 30 Option E Near East: Question 31 Option F Near East: Question 32 Option G Near East: Question 33 Option H Near East: Question 34 Option I Greece: Question 35 Option J Greece: Question 36 Option K Greece: Question 37 Option L Greece: Question 38 Option M Greece: Question 39 Question 40 Question 41 Question 42 Question 43 Question 44 105 Option N Rome: Option O Rome: Option P Rome: Option Q Rome: Option R Rome: Option S Rome: From Unification to the end of Dynasty VI ............ 26 Middle Kingdom Egypt, Dynasty XI to Dynasty XII ............................................................. 26 New Kingdom Egypt to the death of Thutmosis IV ........................................................... 26 New Kingdom Egypt from Amenhotep III to the death of Ramesses II ..................................... 27 Assyria from Tiglath-Pileser I to Tiglath-Pileser III, 1115 727 BC ............................ 27 Assyria from Sargon II to the Fall of Nineveh 721 609 BC .............................................. 27 Israel and Judah from the death of Solomon to the Fall of Jerusalem ............................ 27 Persia from Cyrus II to the death of Darius III ................................................................. 28 The Development of the Greek World 800 500 BC ............................................................. 28 The Greek World 500 440 BC ............................... 28 The Greek World 446 399 BC ............................... 29 Fourth Century Greece to the death of Alexander the Great ................................................. 29 The Hellenistic Period from the death of Alexander the Great to Cleopatra VII ..................... 29 Rome s Wars of Expansion 264 133 BC ................ 29 Political Revolution in Rome 133 78 BC ............... 30 The Fall of the Roman Republic 78 28 BC ........... 30 Augustus and the Julio Claudians .......................... 30 The Roman Empire AD 68 235 ............................. 31 The Later Roman Empire AD 235 410 .................. 31 25 In your answer you will be assessed on how well you: present a sustained, logical, and well-structured answer to the question use relevant sources to support your argument use historical terms and concepts appropriately Marks Question 26 Option A Egypt: From Unification to the end of Dynasty VI (25 marks) (a) Assess the achievements and impact of the kings of Dynasty IV on the development of Old Kingdom Egypt. 25 OR (b) Assess the importance of military expeditions and foreign contacts in Old Kingdom Egypt. 25 Question 27 Option B Egypt: Middle Kingdom Egypt, Dynasty XI to Dynasty XII (25 marks) (a) Assess the achievements and impact of the kings of Dynasty XI on the development of Middle Kingdom Egypt. 25 OR (b) Assess the significance of Egypt s diplomatic relations with its neighbours during this period. 25 Question 28 Option C Egypt: New Kingdom Egypt to the death of Thutmosis IV (25 marks) (a) Explain the political significance of building programs in Egypt during this period. 25 OR (b) Evaluate the military campaigns of the Thutmosids. 26 25 Marks Question 29 Option D Egypt: New Kingdom Egypt from Amenhotep III to the death of Ramesses II (25 marks) (a) Explain the significance of the Amarna period. 25 OR (b) Evaluate the achievements and impact of Seti (Sety) I. 25 Question 30 Option E Near East: Assyria from Tiglath-Pileser I to Tiglath-Pileser III, 1115 727 BC (25 marks) (a) Assess the achievements and impact of Assurnasirpal (Ashurnasirpal) II. 25 OR (b) Explain the political role of imperial capitals and building programs during this period. 25 Question 31 Option F Near East: Assyria from Sargon II to the Fall of Nineveh 721 609 BC (25 marks) (a) Assess the achievements and impact of Sargon II. 25 OR (b) Explain the role of Babylon in Assyrian affairs during this period. 25 Question 32 Option G Near East: Israel and Judah from the death of Solomon to the Fall of Jerusalem (25 marks) (a) Explain the changing relationship between the two kingdoms in this period. 25 OR (b) Assess the achievements and impact of Hezekiah as king of Judah. 27 25 In your answer you will be assessed on how well you: present a sustained, logical, and well-structured answer to the question use relevant sources to support your argument use historical terms and concepts appropriately Marks Question 33 Option H Near East: Persia from Cyrus II to the death of Darius III (25 marks) (a) Assess the achievements and impact of Darius I (the Great). 25 OR (b) Assess the role and impact of the Persian army during this period. 25 Question 34 Option I Greece: The Development of the Greek World 800 500 BC (25 marks) (a) Explain the significance of Greek colonisation during this period. 25 OR (b) Assess the impact of the reforms of Solon on Athens during this period. 25 Question 35 Option J Greece: The Greek World 500 440 BC (25 marks) (a) Explain the reasons for the defeat of Persia in 490 BC and 480 479 BC. 25 OR (b) Explain the development and impact of the Athenian empire. 28 25 Marks Question 36 Option K Greece: The Greek World 446 399 BC (25 marks) (a) Explain the role of Athens in the outbreak of the Great Peloponnesian War (431 404 BC). 25 OR (b) Explain the reasons for the defeat of Athens in the Great Peloponnesian War (431 404 BC). 25 Question 37 Option L Greece: Fourth Century Greece to the death of Alexander the Great (25 marks) (a) Explain the Theban hegemony and its significance during this period. 25 OR (b) Explain the rise of Philip of Macedon and its significance during this period. 25 Question 38 Option M Greece: The Hellenistic Period from the death of Alexander the Great to Cleopatra VII (25 marks) (a) Assess the achievements and impact of the Antigonids during this period. 25 OR (b) Explain the significance of the foundation of cities during this period. 25 Question 39 Option N Rome: Rome s Wars of Expansion 264 133 BC (25 marks) (a) Explain the causes and consequences of Rome s wars of expansion during this period. 25 OR (b) Explain the defeat of Carthage in the Second Punic War. 29 25 In your answer you will be assessed on how well you: present a sustained, logical, and well-structured answer to the question use relevant sources to support your argument use historical terms and concepts appropriately Marks Question 40 Option O Rome: Political Revolution in Rome 133 78 BC (25 marks) (a) Assess the use of the tribunate by the Gracchi during this period. 25 OR (b) Evaluate the significance of Sulla s dictatorship in this period. 25 Question 41 Option P Rome: The Fall of the Roman Republic 78 28 BC (25 marks) (a) Explain the reasons for the formation and breakdown of the First Triumvirate . 25 OR (b) Assess the achievements and impact of EITHER Mark Antony OR Cicero during this period. 25 Question 42 Option Q Rome: Augustus and the Julio Claudians (25 marks) (a) Explain how Augustus consolidated and administered the Roman Empire during this period. 25 OR (b) Assess the achievements and impact of Tiberius as princeps. 30 25 Marks Question 43 Option R Rome: The Roman Empire AD 68 235 (25 marks) (a) Assess the achievements and impact of Trajan on Rome and the empire. 25 OR (b) Explain Romanisation and the spread of Roman citizenship during this period. 25 Question 44 Option S Rome: The Later Roman Empire AD 235 410 (25 marks) (a) Explain the causes and course of the Third Century Crisis. 25 OR (b) Explain the significance of the division of the Roman Empire into East and West. 31 25 BLANK PAGE 32 Board of Studies NSW 2004 2 004 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFIC ATE EXAMINATION Ancient History Section IV Additional Historical Period or Additional Ancient Society 25 marks Attempt ONE question from Questions 45 63 OR ONE question from Questions 64 76 You must choose a Historical Period OR an Ancient Society Allow about 45 minutes for this section Answer the question in a SEPARATE writing booklet. Extra writing booklets are available. Historical Periods Page Questions 45 63 refer to Historical Periods You must choose a different Historical Period from the one you chose in Section III Question 45 Option A Egypt: Question 46 Option B Egypt: Question 47 Option C Egypt: Question 48 Option D Egypt: Question 49 Option E Near East: Question 50 Option F Near East: Question 51 Option G Near East: Question 52 Option H Near East: Question 53 Option I Greece: Question 54 Option J Greece: Question 55 Option K Greece: Question 56 Option L Greece: Question 57 Option M Greece: Question 58 Question 59 Question 60 Question 61 Question 62 Question 63 106a Option N Rome: Option O Rome: Option P Rome: Option Q Rome: Option R Rome: Option S Rome: From Unification to the end of Dynasty VI ............ 34 Middle Kingdom Egypt, Dynasty XI to Dynasty XII ............................................................. 34 New Kingdom Egypt to the death of Thutmosis IV ........................................................... 34 New Kingdom Egypt from Amenhotep III to the death of Ramesses II ..................................... 35 Assyria from Tiglath-Pileser I to Tiglath-Pileser III, 1115 727 BC ............................ 35 Assyria from Sargon II to the Fall of Nineveh 721 609 BC .............................................. 35 Israel and Judah from the death of Solomon to the Fall of Jerusalem ............................ 35 Persia from Cyrus II to the death of Darius III ................................................................. 36 The Development of the Greek World 800 500 BC ............................................................. 36 The Greek World 500 440 BC ............................... 36 The Greek World 446 399 BC ............................... 37 Fourth Century Greece to the death of Alexander the Great ................................................. 37 The Hellenistic Period from the death of Alexander the Great to Cleopatra VII ..................... 37 Rome s Wars of Expansion 264 133 BC ................ 37 Political Revolution in Rome 133 78 BC ............... 38 The Fall of the Roman Republic 78 28 BC ........... 38 Augustus and the Julio Claudians .......................... 38 The Roman Empire AD 68 235 ............................. 39 The Later Roman Empire AD 235 410 .................. 39 33 In your answer you will be assessed on how well you: present a sustained, logical, and well-structured answer to the question use relevant sources to support your answer use historical terms and concepts appropriately Marks Question 45 Option A Egypt: From Unification to the end of Dynasty VI (25 marks) (a) Assess the achievements and impact of the kings of Dynasty V on the development of Old Kingdom Egypt. 25 OR (b) Explain the decline of Old Kingdom Egypt. 25 Question 46 Option B Egypt: Middle Kingdom Egypt, Dynasty XI to Dynasty XII (25 marks) (a) Assess the achievements and impact of Mentuhotep I on the development of Middle Kingdom Egypt. 25 OR (b) Explain the significance of building programs in Middle Kingdom Egypt. 25 Question 47 Option C Egypt: New Kingdom Egypt to the death of Thutmosis IV (25 marks) (a) Explain the Warrior Pharaoh image and its significance during this period. 25 OR (b) Explain the administration of the Egyptian empire and its significance during this period. 34 25 Marks Question 48 Option D Egypt: New Kingdom Egypt from Amenhotep III to the death of Ramesses II (25 marks) (a) Assess the achievements and impact of Amenhotep III on Egypt during this period. 25 OR (b) Assess the significance of the military campaigns and battles of the Ramesside kings during this period. 25 Question 49 Option E Near East: Assyria from Tiglath-Pileser I to Tiglath-Pileser III, 1115 727 BC (25 marks) (a) Assess the achievements and the impact of Tiglath-Pileser III. 25 OR (b) Explain the significance of the Assyrian empire s expansion during this period. 25 Question 50 Option F Near East: Assyria from Sargon II to the Fall of Nineveh 721 609 BC (25 marks) (a) Assess the achievements and impact of Assurbanipal (Ashurbanipal). 25 OR (b) Explain the decline and fall of the Assyrian Empire. 25 Question 51 Option G Near East: Israel and Judah from the death of Solomon to the Fall of Jerusalem (25 marks) (a) Explain the division of the kingdoms and the significance of this during this period. 25 OR (b) Explain the revival of Assyria and the destruction of the Kingdom of Israel. 35 25 In your answer you will be assessed on how well you: present a sustained, logical, and well-structured answer to the question use relevant sources to support your answer use historical terms and concepts appropriately Marks Question 52 Option H Near East: Persia from Cyrus II to the death of Darius III (25 marks) (a) Explain the administrative structure of the Persian empire and its significance during this period. 25 OR (b) Explain the overthrow of the Persian empire and the significance of the Macedonian invasion. 25 Question 53 Option I Greece: The Development of the Greek World 800 500 BC (25 marks) (a) Explain the causes and nature of tyrannies during this period. 25 OR (b) Assess the impact and significance of the reforms of Cleisthenes of Athens. 25 Question 54 Option J Greece: The Greek World 500 440 BC (25 marks) (a) Assess the contributions and impact of Sparta and its leaders during the Persian Wars. 25 OR (b) Explain the development and nature of Athenian democracy during the period. 36 25 Marks Question 55 Option K Greece: The Greek World 446 399 BC (25 marks) (a) Assess the impact of ONE significant military event on the course of the Great Peloponnesian War (431 404 BC). 25 OR (b) Explain the functioning of Athenian democracy during the Great Peloponnesian War. 25 Question 56 Option L Greece: Fourth Century Greece to the death of Alexander the Great (25 marks) (a) Explain the Spartan hegemony and its significance during this period. 25 OR (b) Explain the conquests of Alexander the Great and their significance in this period. 25 Question 57 Option M Greece: The Hellenistic Period from the death of Alexander the Great to Cleopatra VII (25 marks) (a) Assess the achievements and impact of the Attalids during this period. 25 OR (b) Explain the nature of the Maccabees Revolt and its significance during this period. 25 Question 58 Option N Rome: Rome s Wars of Expansion 264 133 BC (25 marks) (a) Assess the achievements and impact of Macedonian and Greek leaders during this period. 25 OR (b) Explain the achievements and impact of Roman leaders in the course of the Punic Wars. 37 25 In your answer you will be assessed on how well you: present a sustained, logical, and well-structured answer to the question use relevant sources to support your answer use historical terms and concepts appropriately Marks Question 59 Option O Rome: Political Revolution in Rome 133 78 BC (25 marks) (a) Assess the role of political violence during this period. 25 OR (b) Explain the use of the army for political purposes and its significance during this period. 25 Question 60 Option P Rome: The Fall of the Roman Republic 78 28 BC (25 marks) (a) Explain the role of the Senate in the fall of the Roman Republic. 25 OR (b) Assess the achievements and impact of Octavian during this period. 25 Question 61 Option Q Rome: Augustus and the Julio Claudians (25 marks) (a) Explain the reform programs of Augustus and their significance during this period. 25 OR (b) Explain the problems of succession and their significance during this period. 38 25 Marks Question 62 Option R Rome: The Roman Empire AD 68 235 (25 marks) (a) Assess the achievements and impact of the Flavian dynasty on Rome and the empire. 25 OR (b) Explain the development of the principate during this period. 25 Question 63 Option S Rome: The Later Roman Empire AD 235 410 (25 marks) (a) Assess the achievements and impact of Diocletian on Rome and the empire. 25 OR (b) Assess the militarisation of the Later Roman Empire. 39 25 BLANK PAGE 40 Board of Studies NSW 2004 2 004 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFIC ATE EXAMINATION Ancient History Section IV Additional Historical Period or Additional Ancient Society (continued) Ancient Societies Page Questions 64 76 refer to Ancient Societies You must choose a different Ancient Society from the one you chose in Section II Question 64 Option A Egypt: Society in Old Kingdom Egypt, Dynasties III VI ...................................................... 42 Question 65 Option B Egypt: Society in Middle Kingdom Egypt, Dynasties XI XII ..................................................... 42 Question 66 Option C Egypt: Society in New Kingdom Egypt during the Ramesside Period, Dynasties XIX XX ............ 42 Question 67 Option D Near East: Assyrian Society in the Sargonid Period from Sargon II to Ashurbanipal ............................... 43 Question 68 Option E Near East: Society in Israel from Jeroboam I to the Fall of Samaria .................................................. 43 Question 69 Option F Near East: Persian Society in the time of Darius and Xerxes ................................................................43 Question 70 Option G Greece: Question 71 Option H Greece: Bronze Age Society Mycenaean Society ............. 44 Question 72 Option I Greece: Spartan Society to the Battle of Leuctra 371 BC .... 44 Question 73 Option J Greece: Athenian Society in the time of Pericles ................. 45 Question 74 Option K Rome: Roman Society in the time of Cicero ...................... 45 Question 75 Option L Rome: Society in Rome from Augustus to Titus ................ 45 Question 76 Option M Rome: 106b Bronze Age Society Minoan Society ................... 44 Roman Society in the Fourth Century AD .............. 45 41 In your answer you will be assessed on how well you: present a sustained, logical, and well-structured answer to the question use relevant sources to support your answer use historical terms and concepts appropriately Marks Question 64 Option A Egypt: Society in Old Kingdom Egypt, Dynasties III VI (25 marks) (a) Explain what relevant evidence reveals about death and burial during the Old Kingdom period. 25 OR (b) Explain the social structure of Old Kingdom Egypt and its significance in Egyptian society. 25 Question 65 Option B Egypt: Society in Middle Kingdom Egypt, Dynasties XI XII (25 marks) (a) Explain what relevant evidence reveals about death and burial during the Middle Kingdom period. 25 OR (b) Explain the social structure of Middle Kingdom Egypt and its significance in Egyptian society. 25 Question 66 Option C Egypt: Society in New Kingdom Egypt during the Ramesside Period, Dynasties XIX XX (25 marks) (a) Explain what relevant evidence reveals about death and burial during the Ramesside period. 25 OR (b) Explain the social structure of the Ramesside period and its significance in Egyptian society. 42 25 Marks Question 67 Option D Near East: Assyrian Society in the Sargonid Period from Sargon II to Ashurbanipal (25 marks) (a) Explain what relevant evidence reveals about Assyrian religious beliefs and practices. 25 OR (b) Explain the social structure of the Sargonid period and its significance in Assyrian society. 25 Question 68 Option E Near East: Society in Israel from Jeroboam I to the Fall of Samaria (25 marks) (a) Explain the role of the prophets and their significance in Israelite society. 25 OR (b) Explain what relevant evidence reveals about the role of the capitals and their significance in ancient Israel. 25 Question 69 Option F Near East: Persian Society in the time of Darius and Xerxes (25 marks) (a) Explain the main features of the Persian economy and its significance during this period. 25 OR (b) Explain what relevant evidence reveals about Persian art and architecture during this period. 43 25 In your answer you will be assessed on how well you: present a sustained, logical, and well-structured answer to the question use relevant sources to support your answer use historical terms and concepts appropriately Marks Question 70 Option G Greece: Bronze Age Society Minoan Society (25 marks) (a) Explain what relevant evidence reveals about Minoan religious beliefs and practices. 25 OR (b) Explain the social structure of Bronze Age Crete and its significance in Minoan society. 25 Question 71 Option H Greece: Bronze Age Society Mycenaean Society (25 marks) (a) Explain what relevant evidence reveals about Mycenaean religious beliefs and practices. 25 OR (b) Explain the social structure of Bronze Age Mycenae and its significance in Mycenaean society. 25 Question 72 Option I Greece: Spartan Society to the Battle of Leuctra 371 BC (25 marks) (a) Explain what relevant evidence reveals about the Spartan military way of life. 25 OR (b) Explain the social structure of Sparta and its significance in Spartan society. 44 25 Marks Question 73 Option J Greece: Athenian Society in the time of Pericles (25 marks) (a) Explain what relevant evidence reveals about Athenian religious beliefs and practices. 25 OR (b) Explain the social structure of Athens and its significance during the time of Pericles. 25 Question 74 Option K Rome: Roman Society in the time of Cicero (25 marks) (a) Explain what relevant evidence reveals about religious beliefs and practices during the time of Cicero. 25 OR (b) Explain the social structure of Rome and its significance during the time of Cicero. 25 Question 75 Option L Rome: Society in Rome from Augustus to Titus (25 marks) (a) Explain what relevant evidence reveals about Roman religious beliefs and practices during this period. 25 OR (b) Explain the social structure of Rome and its significance during this period. 25 Question 76 Option M Rome: Roman Society in the Fourth Century AD (25 marks) (a) Explain what relevant evidence reveals about religious beliefs and practices in Roman society during the fourth century AD. 25 OR (b) Explain the changing social structure of Roman society and its significance during this period. End of paper 45 25 BLANK PAGE 46 BLANK PAGE 47 BLANK PAGE 48 Board of Studies NSW 2004 Centre Number Student Number 2004 H I G H E R S C H O O L C E R T I F I C AT E E X A M I N AT I O N Question Number Option Ancient History Section II Answer Booklet Instructions Answer ONE question from Questions 13 25 in this answer booklet Write the question number and option attempted in the spaces provided Write your Centre Number and Student Number at the top of this page 104b (a) ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. (b) ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. (c) ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. (d) ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. 2 Part (d) (continued) ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. (e) ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. Part (e) continues on page 4 3 Part (e) (continued) ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. 4 Board of Studies NSW 2004

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