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2003 H I G H E R S C H O O L C E R T I F I C AT E E X A M I N AT I O N Physics Total marks 100 General Instructions Reading time 5 minutes Working time 3 hours Write using black or blue pen Draw diagrams using pencil Board-approved calculators may be used A data sheet, formulae sheets and Periodic Table are provided at the back of this paper Write your Centre Number and Student Number at the top of pages 13, 17, 21 and 25 Section I Pages 2 28 75 marks This section has two parts, Part A and Part B Part A 15 marks Attempt Questions 1 15 Allow about 30 minutes for this part Part B 60 marks Attempt Questions 16 27 Allow about 1 hour and 45 minutes for this part Section II Pages 29 42 25 marks Attempt ONE question from Questions 28 32 Allow about 45 minutes for this section 433 Section I 75 marks Part A 15 marks Attempt Questions 1 15 Allow about 30 minutes for this part Use the multiple-choice answer sheet. Select the alternative A, B, C or D that best answers the question. Fill in the response oval completely. Sample: 2+4= (A) 2 A (B) 6 (C) 8 B C (D) 9 D If you think you have made a mistake, put a cross through the incorrect answer and fill in the new answer. A B C D If you change your mind and have crossed out what you consider to be the correct answer, then indicate the correct answer by writing the word correct and drawing an arrow as follows. correct A B C 2 D 1 1 The weight of an astronaut on the Moon is of her weight on Earth. 6 What is the acceleration due to gravity on the Moon? 6 (A) m s 2 9.8 (B) 9.8 m s 2 6 (C) 9.8 m s 2 (D) (9.8 6) m s 2 2 A satellite moves in uniform circular motion around Earth. The following table shows the symbols used in the diagrams below. These diagrams are NOT drawn to scale. Key F net force on satellite v velocity of satellite Which diagram shows the direction of F and v at the position indicated? Satellite (A) F v F v Earth Earth Satellite (C) Satellite (B) Satellite (D) F v v F Earth Earth 3 3 For a satellite moving in uniform circular motion around Earth, the centripetal force is provided by the gravitational force. The mass of Earth is ME . The mass of the satellite is MS . The distance of the satellite from the centre of Earth is d . Which of the following equations should be used to calculate the speed of this satellite? GME d (A) v= (B) v= GME d (C) v= GME d (D) 4 v= 2 GME MS d Two planets, X and Y, travel around a star in the same direction, in circular orbits. Planet X completes one revolution about the star in time T. The radii of the orbits are in the ratio 1 : 4. Y 4r r X How many revolutions does planet Y make about the star in the same time T ? 1 (A) revolution 8 1 (B) revolution 2 (C) 2 revolutions (D) 8 revolutions 4 5 An astronaut set out in a spaceship from Earth orbit to travel to a distant star in our galaxy. The spaceship travelled at a speed of 0.8 c. When the spaceship reached the star the on-board clock showed the astronaut that the journey took 10 years. An identical clock remained on Earth. What time in years had elapsed on this clock when seen from the astronaut s spaceship? (A) 3.6 (B) 6.0 (C) 10.0 (D) 16.7 The diagram shows a DC generator connected to a cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO). N S CRO What output voltage would be observed for this generator on the CRO? 0 Time (s) (C) Voltage (V) (B) 0 Time (s) 0 Time (s) (D) 0 Time (s) 5 Voltage (V) Voltage (V) (A) Voltage (V) 6 7 A non-magnetic metal disk is balanced on a support as shown in the diagram below. The disk is initially stationary. A magnet is moved in a circular path just above the surface of the disk, without touching it. Path S N Disk As a result of this movement the disk begins to rotate in the same direction as the magnet. The observed effect demonstrates the principle most applicable to the operation of the (A) DC motor. (B) galvanometer. (C) generator. (D) induction motor. 8 A neon sign requires a 6000 V supply for its operation. A transformer allows the neon sign to operate from a 240 V supply. What is the ratio of the number of secondary turns to the number of primary turns for the transformer? (A) 1 : 40 (B) 1 : 25 (C) 25 : 1 (D) 40 : 1 6 9 A current of 5.0 A flows in a wire that is placed in a magnetic field of 0.5 T. The wire is 0.7 m long and is at an angle of 60 to the field. B = 0.5 T 0.7 m I = 5.0 A 60 What is the approximate magnitude of the force on the wire? (A) 0N (B) 0.9 N (C) 1.5 N (D) 1.8 N 7 10 A flexible wire loop is lying on a frictionless table made from an insulating material. The wire can slide around horizontally on the table and change shape freely, but it cannot move vertically. The loop is connected to a power supply, a switch and two terminals fixed to the table as shown. Wire loop Switch When the switch is closed, a current I flows around the loop. Which of the following diagrams most closely represents the final shape of the loop after the switch is closed? (A) (B) I I (C) (D) I I 8 11 Which of the following did the Braggs investigate using X-ray diffraction? (A) Cathode rays (B) Crystal structure (C) Photoelectric effect (D) Superconductivity 12 In a first-hand investigation that you performed, you used a discharge tube containing a Maltese Cross. You would have observed an image similar to the one shown below. Which of the following statements is a valid conclusion from the observations made in this Maltese Cross investigation? (A) Cathode rays pass through glass. (B) Cathode rays pass through metals. (C) Cathode rays are charged particles. (D) Cathode rays travel in straight lines. 9 13 An n-type semiconductor is produced when silicon crystal is doped with small quantities of phosphorus. How will this doping change the crystal s electrical conductivity? (A) The conductivity will decrease because there are fewer holes in the valence band. (B) The conductivity will increase because there are more holes in the valence band. (C) The conductivity will decrease because there are fewer electrons in the conduction band. (D) The conductivity will increase because there are more electrons in the conduction band. 14 Heinrich Hertz used a set-up similar to the one shown below to investigate the production and detection of electromagnetic radiation. Transmitter Receiver High voltage source of radio waves A glass sheet was placed between the transmitter and receiver. Which of the following observations is consistent with the photoelectric effect that Hertz produced? (A) Radio waves were blocked when the glass sheet was in place. (B) Ultraviolet waves were blocked when the glass sheet was in place. (C) The maximum spark length was longer when the glass sheet was in place. (D) The maximum spark length was shorter when the glass sheet was in place. 10 15 A positively-charged ion travelling at 250 m s 1 is fired between two parallel charged plates, M and N. There is also a magnetic field present in the region between the two plates. The direction of the magnetic field is into the page as shown. The ion is travelling perpendicular to both the electric and the magnetic fields. M N The electric field between the plates has a magnitude of 200 V m 1. The magnetic field is adjusted so that the ion passes through undeflected. What is the magnitude of the adjusted magnetic field, and the polarity of the M terminal relative to the N terminal? Magnitude of magnetic field (teslas) Polarity of M relative to N (A) 0.8 positive (B) 0.8 negative (C) 1.25 positive (D) 1.25 negative 11 BLANK PAGE 12 Board of Studies NSW 2003 2003 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFIC ATE EXAMINATION Physics Centre Number Section I (continued) Part B 60 marks Attempt Questions 16 27 Allow about 1 hour and 45 minutes for this part Answer the questions in the spaces provided. Show all relevant working in questions involving calculations. Question 16 (6 marks) Please turn over 434 13 Student Number Marks Question 16 (6 marks) A student performed a first-hand investigation to examine projectile motion. A ball resting on a horizontal table was given an initial push at X, resulting in the ball following the path XYZ as shown. Motion sensor X Y NOT TO SCALE Z Range A data logger used the motion sensor to measure the horizontal distance to the ball. When the ball was at position Y, a distance of 1.50 m from the motion sensor, it left the edge of the table. In the first trial, the range was 0.60 m. The graph below was obtained from the data logger. 2.0 Distance (m) 1.5 1.0 Linear fit: y = mx + b m (slope): 1.85 b (y-intercept): 0.512 Correlation: 1.00 0.5 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Time (s) 0.8 Question 16 continues on page 15 14 Marks Question 16 (continued) (a) For this trial, determine the horizontal speed of the ball as it left the edge of the table. 1 ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (b) The experiment was repeated with the ball leaving the table at different speeds. Graph the relationship between the range and the horizontal speed at Y. Identify on your graph the results from the first trial. 3 0 (c) The apparatus described in this first-hand investigation was used to carry out an identical experiment on another planet where the acceleration due to gravity is less than that on Earth. The horizontal speed of the ball as it left the table on the planet was the same as in part (a). Compare the range of the ball on the planet to that on Earth. Explain your answer. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... End of Question 16 15 2 Marks Question 17 (6 marks) A satellite of mass 150 kg is launched from Earth s surface into a uniform circular orbit of radius 7.5 106 m. (a) Calculate the magnitude of the gravitational potential energy Ep of the satellite. 1 ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (b) 3 From this uniform circular orbit, the satellite can escape Earth s gravitational field when its kinetic energy is equal to the magnitude of the gravitational potential energy. Use this relationship to calculate the escape velocity of the satellite. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (c) Discuss the effect of Earth s rotational motion on the launch of this satellite. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... 16 Board of Studies NSW 2003 2 2003 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFIC ATE EXAMINATION Physics Centre Number Section I Part B (continued) Student Number Marks Question 18 (6 marks) Michelson and Morley set up an experiment to measure the velocity of Earth relative to the aether. (a) Outline TWO features of the aether model for the transmission of light. 2 ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (b) Recount the Michelson and Morley experiment, which attempted to measure the relative velocity of Earth through the aether, and describe the results they anticipated. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... 435 17 4 Marks Question 19 (3 marks) Two straight copper wires are suspended so that their lower ends dip into a conducting salt solution in a beaker as shown. The length of the straight section of each wire above the conducting salt solution is 35 cm and they are placed 1.5 cm apart. The ends of the wire do not touch the bottom of the beaker. The two wires are connected to a DC power supply. 1.5 cm 35 cm NOT TO SCALE Conducting salt solution A current of 2 amperes flows from the battery. Calculate the magnitude and direction of the initial force on each wire. ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... 18 3 Marks Question 20 (4 marks) Two solenoids (coils) with hollow cores are suspended using string so that they are hanging in the positions shown below. The solenoids are free to move in a pendulum motion. Support Support Copper wire A B A N Figure 1 First investigation S B N S Figure 2 Second investigation In the first investigation shown in Figure 1, a strong bar magnet is moved towards the solenoid until the north end of the magnet enters the solenoid and then the motion of the magnet is stopped. In the second investigation, shown in Figure 2, a thick copper wire is connected between the two terminals, A and B, at the ends of the solenoid. The motion of the magnet is repeated exactly in this second investigation. Explain the effect of the motion of the magnet on the solenoid in the two investigations. ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... 19 4 BLANK PAGE 20 Board of Studies NSW 2003 2003 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFIC ATE EXAMINATION Physics Centre Number Section I Part B (continued) Student Number Marks Question 21 (5 marks) (a) Explain the relationship between the current in the primary coil and the current in the secondary coil of an ideal step-down transformer in relation to the conservation of energy. 3 ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (b) Explain why a transformer will work in an AC circuit but not in a DC circuit. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... 436 21 2 Marks Question 22 (5 marks) Describe a first-hand investigation to demonstrate the effect on a generated electric current when the strength of the magnet is varied. In your description, include: a labelled sketch of the experimental set-up; how you varied the magnetic field strength; how other variables were controlled. ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... 22 5 Marks Question 23 (6 marks) (a) The following image shows a magnet hovering above a superconducting disk. 3 Explain why the magnet is able to hover above the superconductor. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (b) Compare the model for the conduction of electricity in metals at room temperature with the model for conduction of electricity in superconductors below the critical temperature. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... 23 3 BLANK PAGE 24 Board of Studies NSW 2003 2003 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFIC ATE EXAMINATION Physics Centre Number Section I Part B (continued) Student Number Marks Question 24 (4 marks) Outline Thomson s experiment to measure the charge/mass ratio of an electron. ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... 437 25 4 Marks Question 25 (5 marks) A physics student was conducting an investigation on the photoelectric effect. The student used an infrared laser with a wavelength of 1.55 10 6 m for this investigation. (a) Calculate the energy of a photon from this laser. 2 ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (b) When the laser light was shone onto a photo-cell, no current was detected. The student increased the intensity of the light but still detected no current. Explain this observation. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... 26 3 Marks Question 26 (6 marks) Describe Einstein s contributions to Special Relativity and to Quantum Theory and how these contributions changed the direction of scientific thinking in the Twentieth Century. ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... 27 6 Marks Question 27 (4 marks) In a particle accelerator called a synchrotron, magnetic fields are used to control the motion of an electron so that it follows a circular path of fixed radius. Describe the changes required in the magnetic field to accelerate an electron to near the speed of light. Support your answer with appropriate mathematical relationships. ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... 28 Board of Studies NSW 2003 4 2003 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFIC ATE EXAMINATION Physics Section II 25 marks Attempt ONE question from Questions 28 32 Allow about 45 minutes for this section Answer the question in a writing booklet. Extra writing booklets are available. Show all relevant working in questions involving calculations. Pages Question 28 Question 29 Medical Physics ................................................................... 34 35 Question 30 Astrophysics ......................................................................... 36 38 Question 31 From Quanta to Quarks ....................................................... 39 40 Question 32 438 Geophysics ........................................................................... 31 33 The Age of Silicon ............................................................... 41 42 29 BLANK PAGE 30 Marks Question 28 Geophysics (25 marks) (b) (c) (i) Identify THREE principal methods used by geophysicists to investigate the structure of Earth and the properties of Earth materials. 1 (ii) (a) Describe the role that geophysicists play in the monitoring of nuclear test-ban treaties. 2 Summarise the geophysical evidence that supports the theory of plate tectonics. 3 (i) Describe how absorption and reflection of radiation can provide information about a reflecting surface. 2 (ii) The picture below shows a satellite image of a bushfire burning in a forested area. Images such as the one below can be used as a part of the process of monitoring changes in vegetation. 3 Burnt land Smoke Explain how remote-sensing techniques can be used to monitor the spread of a bushfire, and the regrowth of vegetation in regions affected by a bushfire. Question 28 continues on page 32 31 Marks Question 28 (continued) (d) (i) Outline the structure and function of a geophone. (ii) The method of seismic refraction is depicted in the diagram below. A series of eight geophones, G1 to G8, are arranged in a straight line along level ground. They are each separated by a distance of 10 m. At a distance of 20 m from the first geophone, a hammer is used to strike the ground to produce seismic waves. The geophones are attached to a seismograph that records the time of arrival of the waves after the hammer strikes the ground. Geophones Hammer G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 20 m 10 m Soft rock Hard rock The data from the geophones are analysed and the arrival times of the direct and refracted waves that reach each geophone are recorded. These data are shown in the graph on page 33. On the graph, a circle represents the arrival of the first wave to reach a geophone, and a square represents the arrival time of the second wave to reach a geophone. The points on the graph associated with the direct seismic wave and the refracted seismic wave are shown. Question 28 continues on page 33 32 2 Marks Question 28 (continued) Time after hammer impact (second) 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 10 20 G1 30 40 50 60 70 80 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 Distance to geophones (metres) 90 G8 Legend Time of arrival of first wave at geophone Time of arrival of second wave at geophone Refracted wave Direct wave (1) Explain why the line for the refracted wave crosses the line for the direct wave on the graph. (2) From the graph, calculate the speed of the direct wave in the soft rock layer. (e) 2 2 Outline the application of Newton s theory of universal gravitation to the field of geophysics, and discuss how information obtained from gravity surveys has led to a greater understanding of the structure of Earth. 8 End of Question 28 33 Marks Question 29 Medical Physics (25 marks) (i) Identify the property of the hydrogen nucleus that makes it useful in magnetic resonance imaging. 1 (ii) Describe how X-rays are produced when electrons strike the anode in an X-ray tube. 2 (b) Outline the production of gamma rays and their use in the diagnostic procedure of positron emission tomography (PET). 3 (c) This question refers to the bone scan of a person with cancer, and a chest X-ray of a healthy person. (a) Awaiting Copyright Clearance Awaiting Copyright Clearance Bone-scan image X-ray image (i) Compare how radiation is used to produce a bone scan image and an X-ray image. 3 (ii) Describe how a bone scan is able to provide information that an X-ray cannot provide. 2 Question 29 continues on page 35 34 Marks Question 29 (continued) (d) The table below shows the speed of sound in, and density of, several different tissues. Speed of sound in tissue (m s 1) Density (kg m 3) Fat 1450 952 Blood 1570 1025 Kidney 1560 1038 Liver 1550 1065 Muscle 1580 1076 Tissue (i) 1 (ii) Ultrasound travelling through kidney tissue in the body encounters a different type of tissue. Identify the type of tissue that will result in the greatest proportion of the incident pulse being reflected at the boundary between the kidney and the other tissue. Justify your choice. 2 (iii) (e) Calculate the acoustic impedance of kidney tissue. Describe the properties of ultrasound that led to its use in the measurement of bone density. 3 An understanding of the properties of electrons, and our ability to control their behaviour, have played key roles in the development of CAT scans and positron emission tomography imaging technologies. 8 Justify this statement with reference to the production and display of images used for medical diagnosis. End of Question 29 35 Marks Question 30 Astrophysics (25 marks) Define the term resolution of a telescope. 1 Describe ONE method by which the resolution of a ground-based system can be improved. 2 An H-R diagram for the globular cluster M3 is shown below. 12 14 Apparent magnitude (b) (i) (ii) (a) Lyrae Gap 16 18 20 10 000 7 500 5 000 Temperature (K) The stars in the Lyrae gap have an absolute magnitude of 0.6. Use this information and their position on the H-R diagram to determine the distance of M3 from Earth. Question 30 continues on page 37 36 3 Marks Question 30 (continued) (c) The diagram below is a comparison of the spectrum of quasar 3C 273 and a spectrum from a light source on Earth. Awaiting Copyright Clearance (i) From this comparison, identify the feature of the quasar spectrum that is representative of the spectra produced by quasars. (ii) 1 The spectra above are both examples of absorption spectra. (1) Account for the production of a star s absorption spectrum. 2 (2) Describe how a spectrum from a star can provide information on the surface temperature of that star. Give a specific example to illustrate your answer. 2 Question 30 continues on page 38 37 Marks Question 30 (continued) (d) The H-R diagram for a cluster is shown below. 10 1 000 000 5 Cluster 100 0 Star X Main s eque nce 1 +5 Star Z 0.01 +10 +15 0.0001 0. 000 001 Apparent magnitude Luminosity (Sun = 1) 10 000 O B A F Spectral class G K M +20 (i) Why is the cluster considered young? (ii) Stars X and Z are both part of the same cluster but have different main sequence nuclear reactions and different evolutionary pathways. 1 (1) Contrast the fusion reactions in star X and star Z. (2) Predict TWO possible evolutionary pathways for star X. (e) 2 3 Evaluate the impact of studying the visible spectrum of light on our understanding of celestial objects. End of Question 30 38 8 Marks Question 31 From Quanta to Quarks (25 marks) (b) (i) Identify the structure of the Rutherford model of the atom. 1 (ii) (a) Describe how Bohr refined Rutherford s model of the hydrogen atom. 2 The table below shows the different types of quarks and their charge. Quark 3 Charge Up 2 + e 3 Down 1 e 3 Strange 1 e 3 Charm 2 + e 3 Bottom 1 e 3 Top 2 + e 3 The standard model of matter says that protons and neutrons are composed of up and down quarks. There are three quarks in each particle. Compare protons and neutrons in terms of their quark composition. (c) The equations shown below describe three different types of transmutation reactions involving uranium. (1) 238 92 U (2) 238 92 U (3) 235 92 U + 1 0 1 0 n n 239 92 U + 234 90 Th + 4 2 141 56 Ba + 92 Kr 36 He + 3 1n 0 (i) Identify which reaction is naturally occurring, and justify your answer. 2 (ii) Identify ONE transmutation reaction above that has a practical application, and describe the application. 3 Question 31 continues on page 40 39 Marks Question 31 (continued) (d) The two graphs below show the gravitational and electrostatic forces acting between two protons in the nucleus of an atom. F ( 10 34 N) Gravitational force 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 Nucleon distance d ( 10 15 m) 1 2 3 4 Electrostatic force 1000 F (N) 800 600 400 200 0 0 1 2 3 15 Nucleon distance d ( 10 m) 4 (i) 2 (ii) Explain why these two forces cannot explain the stability of the nucleus, and why there is a need for the strong nuclear force. 2 (iii) (e) If the distance between protons in a nucleus is 1.0 10 15 m, determine both the gravitational and the electrostatic force at this distance. Describe TWO properties of the strong nuclear force. 2 Describe the requirements for a nuclear fission explosion, and describe how these are controlled in a nuclear reactor. End of Question 31 40 8 Marks Question 32 The Age of Silicon (25 marks) (i) Identify ONE electronic system that is digital, and ONE electronic system that is analogue. 1 (ii) Use diagrams to describe the variation between digital and analogue voltage outputs with time. 2 Construct a truth table showing the outputs at P, Q and R for each of the possible input states of A and B in the following circuit. 3 (a) (b) Gate 3 A Gate 1 Gate 2 R P Q B The graph below shows how the density of transistors on a silicon chip has increased over the last 30 years. 108 Transistor density (cm 2) (c) Gate 1 Inverter Gate 2 OR Gate 3 AND 107 106 105 104 103 1970 1980 1990 Year 2000 2010 (i) Use the data in the graph to predict the change in computer performance from 1970 to 2005. Justify your answer. 3 (ii) Discuss the validity of using the graph to predict computer performance up to 2060. 2 Question 32 continues on page 42 41 Marks Question 32 (continued) (d) The circuit below uses a thermistor as a temperature sensor to control the operation of a relay. The relay will close when the voltage across the relay coil is greater than 6 volts. The resistance of the thermistor, RTHERM , is given in the graph. +12 V R 22 k 100 k A + Thermistor Relay coil 3.0 RTHERM (k ) 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Temperature ( C) (i) 3 (ii) (e) Calculate the voltage at point A at a temperature of 15 C. Neglect the effect of the 100 k resistor and the operational amplifier on the voltage at point A. Determine the value of R so that the relay will close only when the temperature falls below 15 C. 3 Describe and compare the physical principles underlying the operation of input and output transducers. Use an analogue ammeter and a solar cell as examples. 8 End of paper 42 BLANK PAGE 43 BLANK PAGE 44 Board of Studies NSW 2003 2003 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFIC ATE EXAMINATION Physics DATA SHEET Charge on electron, qe 1.602 10 19 C Mass of electron, me 9.109 10 31 kg Mass of neutron, mn 1.675 10 27 kg Mass of proton, mp 1.673 10 27 kg Speed of sound in air 340 m s 1 Earth s gravitational acceleration, g 9.8 m s 2 Speed of light, c 3.00 108 m s 1 Magnetic force constant, k 0 2 2.0 10 7 N A 2 Universal gravitational constant, G 6.67 10 11 N m2 kg 2 Mass of Earth 6.0 1024 kg Planck constant, h 6.626 10 34 J s Rydberg constant, R (hydrogen) 1.097 107 m 1 Atomic mass unit, u 1.661 10 27 kg 931.5 MeV/ c 2 1 eV Density of water, 1.00 103 kg m 3 Specific heat capacity of water 439 1.602 10 19 J 4.18 103 J kg 1 K 1 45 FORMULAE SHEET v = f I m1 m2 r Ep = G 1 F = mg d2 v1 sin i = v2 sin r v x 2 = ux 2 v = u + at E= F q v y 2 = uy 2 + 2 ay y R= V I x = ux t P = VI 1 2 y = uy t + ay t 2 Energy = VIt r3 T vav = aav r t 2 = F= v v u therefore aav = = t t GM 4 2 Gm1 m2 d2 E = mc 2 F = ma F= Ek = v2 lv = l0 1 mv 2 r tv = 12 mv 2 t0 1 W = Fs mv = p = mv v2 c2 m0 1 Impulse = Ft 46 c2 v2 c2 FORMULAE SHEET F l I1 I2 =k 1 p d= d F = BIl sin d M = m 5 log 10 = Fd IA IB = nBIA cos Vp Vs = (mB mA ) m1 + m2 = np 4 2 r 3 1 1 1 = R 2 2 n f ni V d = h mv E = hf c = f A0 = Vout Z = v Vin Ir I0 GT 2 ns F = qvB sin E= = 100 [ Z2 Z1 ] 2 = [ Z2 + Z1 ] 2 47 Vout Vin = Rf Ri 5 48 Yttrium 57 71 Strontium 56 Ba 137.3 Barium 88 Ra [226.0] Radium Rubidium 55 Cs 132.9 Caesium 87 Fr [223.0] Francium Rutherfordium 104 Rf [261.1] Hafnium 72 Hf 178.5 Zirconium 90 Th 232.0 Thorium Actinides 89 Ac [227.0] Actinium Protactinium 91 Pa 231.0 Praseodymium 59 Pr 140.9 Dubnium 105 Db [262.1] Tantalum 73 Ta 180.9 Niobium 41 Nb 92.91 Vanadium Uranium 92 U 238.0 Neodymium 60 Nd 144.2 Seaborgium 106 Sg [263.1] Tungsten 74 W 183.8 Molybdenum 42 Mo 95.94 Chromium Neptunium 93 Np [237.0] Promethium 61 Pm [146.9] Bohrium 107 Bh [264.1] Rhenium 75 Re 186.2 Technetium 43 Tc [98.91] Manganese Platinum 78 Pt 195.1 Palladium 46 Pd 106.4 Nickel Plutonium 94 Pu [239.1] Samarium Americium 95 Am [241.1] Europium Curium 96 Cm [244.1] Gadolinium 64 Gd 157.3 Meitnerium Hassium 63 Eu 152.0 Ununnilium 109 Mt [268] 108 Hs [265.1] 62 Sm 150.4 110 Uun Iridium 77 Ir 192.2 Rhodium 45 Rh 102.9 Cobalt Osmium 76 Os 190.2 Ruthenium 44 Ru 101.1 Iron 28 Ni 58.69 Berkelium 97 Bk [249.1] Terbium 65 Tb 158.9 Unununium 111 Uuu Gold 79 Au 197.0 Silver 47 Ag 107.9 Copper Californium 98 Cf [252.1] Dysprosium 66 Dy 162.5 Ununbium 112 Uub Mercury 80 Hg 200.6 Cadmium 48 Cd 112.4 Zinc Einsteinium 99 Es [252.1] Holmium 67 Ho 164.9 113 Thallium 81 Tl 204.4 Indium 49 In 114.8 Gallium 31 Ga 69.72 Fermium 100 Fm [257.1] Erbium 68 Er 167.3 Ununquadium 114 Uuq Lead 82 Pb 207.2 Tin 50 Sn 118.7 Germanium 32 Ge 72.61 Silicon 14 Si 28.09 Carbon 6 C 12.01 9 F 19.00 Sulfur Phosphorus Mendelevium 101 Md [258.1] Thulium 69 Tm 168.9 115 Bismuth 83 Bi 209.0 Antimony 51 Sb 121.8 Arsenic Nobelium 102 No [259.1] Ytterbium 70 Yb 173.0 Ununhexium 116 Uuh Polonium 84 Po [210.0] Tellurium 52 Te 127.6 Selenium 34 Se 78.96 16 S 32.07 15 P 30.97 33 As 74.92 Oxygen Nitrogen Lawrencium 103 Lr [262.1] Lutetium 71 Lu 175.0 117 Astatine 85 At [210.0] Iodine 53 I 126.9 Bromine 35 Br 79.90 Chlorine 17 Cl 35.45 Fluorine 8 O 16.00 7 N 14.01 Where the atomic weight is not known, the relative atomic mass of the most common radioactive isotope is shown in brackets. The atomic weights of Np and Tc are given for the isotopes 237Np and 99Tc. Cerium Lanthanum Lanthanides 57 58 La Ce 138.9 140.1 Actinides 89 103 Lanthanides 39 Y 88.91 38 Sr 87.62 40 Zr 91.22 Titanium Scandium Calcium 27 Co 58.93 30 Zn 65.39 37 Rb 85.47 26 Fe 55.85 29 Cu 63.55 Potassium 25 Mn 54.94 Aluminium 24 Cr 52.00 20 Ca 40.08 19 K 39.10 23 V 50.94 Magnesium Sodium 22 Ti 47.87 13 Al 26.98 Boron 12 Mg 24.31 Name of element 11 Na 22.99 Atomic Weight Gold Beryllium Symbol of element Lithium 21 Sc 44.96 5 B 10.81 79 Au 197.0 3 Li 6.941 Atomic Number KEY 4 Be 9.012 PERIODIC TABLE OF THE ELEMENTS Hydrogen 1 H 1.008 Ununoctium 118 Uuo Radon 86 Rn [222.0] Xenon 54 Xe 131.3 Krypton 36 Kr 83.80 Argon 18 Ar 39.95 Neon 10 Ne 20.18 Helium 2 He 4.003

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