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2006 H I G H E R S C H O O L C E R T I F I C AT E E X A M I N AT I O N Physics Total marks 100 General Instructions Reading time 5 minutes Working time 3 hours Write using black or blue pen Draw diagrams using pencil Board-approved calculators may be used A data sheet, formulae sheets and Periodic Table are provided at the back of this paper Write your Centre Number and Student Number at the top of pages 13, 17, 19, 23, 25 and 27 S ection I Pages 2 28 75 marks This section has two parts, Part A and Part B Part A 15 marks Attempt Questions 1 15 Allow about 30 minutes for this part Part B 60 marks Attempt Questions 16 27 Allow about 1 hour and 45 minutes for this part S ection II Pages 29 44 25 marks Attempt ONE question from Questions 28 32 Allow about 45 minutes for this section 433 Section I 75 marks Part A 15 marks Attempt Questions 1 15 Allow about 30 minutes for this part Use the multiple-choice answer sheet. Select the alternative A, B, C or D that best answers the question. Fill in the response oval completely. Sample: 2+4= (A) 2 A (B) 6 (C) 8 B C (D) 9 D If you think you have made a mistake, put a cross through the incorrect answer and fill in the new answer. A B C D If you change your mind and have crossed out what you consider to be the correct answer, then indicate the correct answer by writing the word correct and drawing an arrow as follows. correct A B C 2 D 1 Given that G is the universal gravitational constant, and g is the magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity, which statement is true? (A) The values of G and g depend on location. (B) The values of G and g are independent of location. (C) G is the same everywhere in the universe, but g is not. (D) g is the same everywhere in the universe, but G is not. 2 A mass attached to a length of string is moving in a circular path around a central point, O, on a flat, horizontal, frictionless table. This is depicted in the diagram below. The string breaks as the mass passes point X. B A Direction of motion C String O X D Which line best depicts the subsequent path of the mass? (A) Line A (B) Line B (C) Line C (D) Line D 3 What is the main reason why the Michelson-Morley experiment is considered important? (A) It shows the existence of the aether. (B) It suggests that light is an electromagnetic wave. (C) It indicates that light can exhibit interference effects. (D) It provides experimental support for the theory of relativity. 3 4 A stone is thrown horizontally from the top of a cliff and falls onto the beach below. Which acceleration time graph best describes the motion of the stone? a (A) 0 a (B) t 0 a (C) 0 5 a (D) 0 t t t Two satellites, X and Y, are in circular orbits around Earth. Their masses are identical and their orbital radii are R and 16R, respectively. What is the ratio of their orbital periods, TX : TY? (A) 1 : 4 (B) 1 : 16 (C) 1 : 32 (D) 1 : 64 4 6 The diagram shows a magnet standing on the bottom of a dish filled with a conducting solution. A copper wire is suspended freely from a point above the magnet with its tip in the conducting solution. It is held in the position shown. Switch Pivot Copper wire N S Conducting solution The switch is closed and the wire released. Which of the following will be observed? (A) The wire will rotate about the magnet. (B) The wire will be attracted to the magnet. (C) The magnet will rotate about its vertical axis. (D) The solution in the dish will rotate about the magnet. 5 Dish 7 A current-carrying conductor passes through a square region of magnetic field, magnitude 0.5 T, as shown in the diagram. The magnetic field is directed into the page. I=3A B 0.4 0.4 m 45 45 What is the magnitude of the magnetic force on the conductor? (A) 0.170 N (B) 0.424 N (C) 0.600 N (D) 0.849 N 6 A square loop of wire, in a uniform magnetic field, is rotating at a constant rate about an axis as shown. The magnetic field is directed out of the plane of the page. At time t = 0 the plane of the loop is perpendicular to the magnetic field and side XY is moving out of the page. Axis B X Y 0 t 0 (D) t 0 7 t Flux 0 (C) (B) Flux (A) Flux Which graph best represents the variation of the magnetic flux through the loop with time? Flux 8 t 9 Early electric generators were often very simple. A hand-operated version is depicted below. Metal disc Handle Brush X Globe Wire N S Brush Y Brush X touches the metal axle and Brush Y touches the rim of the disc. If the metal disc is rotated uniformly as shown, which statement about the current through the globe is correct? (A) No current flows. (B) A direct current flows from Y to X. (C) A direct current flows from X to Y. (D) An alternating current flows between X and Y. 8 10 The apparatus shown is designed to investigate the operation of a transformer. Switch Coil X (100 turns) Computer monitor Data logger Iron core Coil Y (200 turns) A student closes the switch for a short time, then opens it. The data logger records values of voltage for both coils for the duration of the investigation. The data logger software displays the results as a pair of voltage time graphs on a computer monitor. Which pair of graphs best depicts the student s results? (A) V 0 V V Y V 0 V (D) V X X t Y 0 t 0 V 0 t 0 (C) (B) X t X 0 t Y V 0 t 9 t Y t 11 Lawrence and William Bragg used X-rays to determine the crystal structure of materials. Which property of waves was the basis of their technique? (A) Diffraction (B) Dispersion (C) Polarisation (D) Rarefaction 12 A charged non-magnetic particle is moving in a magnetic field. What would NOT affect the magnetic force on the particle? (A) The strength of the magnetic field (B) The magnitude of the charge on the particle (C) The velocity component parallel to the magnetic field direction (D) The velocity component perpendicular to the magnetic field direction 13 The temperature of a metal is reduced. Which statement correctly identifies the change in its electrical resistance and the reason for this change? Electrical resistance (A) Increases Metal freezes (B) Decreases More free electrons available (C) Increases Electrons move more slowly (D) 14 Reason Decreases Reduced metal lattice vibrations A potential difference of 50 V is applied between two identical, parallel aluminium plates which are separated by a distance of 10 mm. In order to double this electric field strength, which new arrangement should be used? Separation (mm) Potential difference (V) Plates (A) 20 100 Aluminium (B) 5 50 Perspex (C) 10 100 Copper (D) 20 50 Aluminium 10 When electromagnetic radiation shines on metals, photoelectrons may be emitted. The maximum kinetic energy of emitted photoelectrons is plotted against radiation frequency for four metals as shown in the graph. 8 Ca 7 Al Fe Be 6 Maximum KE (eV) 15 5 4 3 2 1 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 Frequency (1015 Hz) Electromagnetic radiation of wavelength 187 nm shines upon an unknown metal and the maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons is found to be 2.5 eV. Based on this information, what is the unknown metal? (A) Al (B) Be (C) Ca (D) Fe 11 BLANK PAGE 12 Board of Studies NSW 2006 2 006 HIGHER SCHOOL CER TIFIC A TE EXAMINA TION Physics Centre Number Section I (continued) Part B 60 marks Attempt Questions 16 27 Allow about 1 hour and 45 minutes for this part Answer the questions in the spaces provided. Show all relevant working in questions involving calculations. Question 16 (6 marks) Please turn over 434 13 Student Number Marks Question 16 (6 marks) A projectile leaves the ground at point A with velocity components as shown in the diagram. It follows the path given by the dotted line and lands at point B. uy = 40 m/s A (a) ux = 45 m/s B State the horizontal component of the projectile s velocity when it lands. 1 ............................................................................................................................... (b) Find the magnitude of the initial velocity of the projectile. 1 ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (c) Calculate the maximum height attained by the projectile. 2 ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (d) Calculate the range of the projectile, if it lands level with its starting position. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... 14 2 Marks Question 17 (6 marks) Parts of a space mission involve a spacecraft spending time in geostationary orbit, and then returning safely to Earth. Analyse the forces acting on this spacecraft during these parts of the mission. ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... 15 6 BLANK PAGE 16 Board of Studies NSW 2006 2 006 HIGHER SCHOOL CER TIFIC A TE EXAMINA TION Physics Centre Number Section I Part B (continued) Student Number Marks Question 18 (3 marks) An object is stationary in space and located at a distance 10 000 km from the centre of a certain planet. It is found that 1.0 MJ of work needs to be done to move the object to a stationary point 20 000 km from the centre of the planet. Calculate how much more work needs to be done to move the object to a stationary point 80 000 km from the centre of the planet. ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... 435a 17 3 Marks Question 19 (3 marks) The diagram shows the structure of a typical galvanometer. Scale Pointer Spring N Current-carrying coil S Soft iron core Describe how the galvanometer operates as an application of the motor effect. ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... 18 Board of Studies NSW 2006 3 2 006 HIGHER SCHOOL CER TIFIC A TE EXAMINA TION Physics Centre Number Section I Part B (continued) Student Number Question 20 (8 marks) Please turn over 435b 19 Marks Question 20 (8 marks) A balance was used to investigate the relationship between current and force. The balance was set up with one copper rod fixed to it and a second rod fixed above it, as shown in the diagram. Each rod was connected to a source of current. The diagram is not to scale. Copper rod Copper rod Electronic balance 2.6 1.3 1.3 m The copper rods were rigid, each was 2.6 m long, and they were parallel. The current in the upper rod was kept constant at 50 A. Different currents were passed through the lower rod and the balance reading recorded for each current. The readings are given in the table below. Current in lower rod (A) 2.8 0.5485 8.0 0.5480 12.2 0.5474 16.8 0.5470 20.0 (a) Balance reading (kg) 0.5465 Identify the relative directions of the currents in both rods, and justify your answer. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... Question 20 continues on page 21 20 2 Marks Question 20 (continued) (b) Plot the data from the table onto the graph, using the scales and axes as indicated, and add the line of best fit (trend line). 2 0.5495 Balance reading (kg) 0.5490 0.5485 0.5480 0.5475 0.5470 0.5465 0.5460 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Current in lower rod (A) (c) Find the mass of the copper rod on the balance. 1 ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (d) Calculate the distance between the two copper rods. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... End of Question 20 21 3 Marks Question 21 (6 marks) Assess the impact on society and the environment of the potential applications of superconductors. ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... 22 Board of Studies NSW 2006 6 2 006 HIGHER SCHOOL CER TIFIC A TE EXAMINA TION Physics Centre Number Section I Part B (continued) Student Number Marks Question 22 (5 marks) A student drops a bar magnet onto a large block of copper resting on the floor. The magnet falls towards the copper, slowing down as it comes close, then landing gently. (a) Explain the physics responsible for this observation. 3 ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (b) Predict what will happen if the experiment is repeated with a copper block cooled to approximately 50 C. Justify your prediction. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... 436a 23 2 Marks Question 23 (6 marks) (a) Draw labelled diagrams of the band structures of an insulator, a semiconductor, and a conductor. 2 (b) With reference to your diagrams, describe the differences in electrical resistance between insulators, semiconductors and conductors. 2 ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (c) Explain how the addition of trace amounts of certain elements, such as phosphorus, can change the electrical resistance of semiconductors at a given temperature. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... 24 Board of Studies NSW 2006 2 2 006 HIGHER SCHOOL CER TIFIC A TE EXAMINA TION Physics Centre Number Section I Part B (continued) Student Number Marks Question 24 (3 marks) Discuss the origins of unwanted heat production in transformers and ways in which these can be overcome. ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... Please turn over 436b 25 3 Marks Question 25 (6 marks) A simplified cathode ray oscilloscope is depicted below. Awaiting Copyright Clearance (a) Outline the roles of the deflection plates and the electrodes in the electron gun. 2 ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (b) In a special investigation, the voltage between the cathode and the anode is increased so that an electron gains a velocity of 0.60 c, where c is the speed of light. The electron starts from rest at the cathode. 2 Calculate the mass of this electron in the laboratory frame of reference. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (c) The distance between the anode and the screen, as measured in the electron s frame of reference, is 0.24 m. Calculate this distance as measured in the laboratory frame of reference. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... 26 Board of Studies NSW 2006 2 2 006 HIGHER SCHOOL CER TIFIC A TE EXAMINA TION Physics Centre Number Section I Part B (continued) Student Number Marks Question 26 (4 marks) Beginning in the late 19th century, observations and experiments on black body radiation and the photoelectric effect led physicists to revise their existing model of light. Use the above as an example to explain how scientists test and validate models. ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... 437 27 4 Marks Question 27 (4 marks) J. Pl cker was the first to observe cathode rays within gas discharge tubes. He inferred that the rays were a form of electromagnetic radiation. (a) Describe ONE subsequent observation that led other scientists to argue that cathode rays were charged particles. 2 ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (b) Identify ONE potential hazard associated with performing discharge tube investigations, and outline ONE safe work practice which addresses this hazard. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... 28 Board of Studies NSW 2006 2 2 006 HIGHER SCHOOL CER TIFIC A TE EXAMINA TION Physics Section II 25 marks Attempt ONE question from Questions 28 32 Allow about 45 minutes for this section Answer the question in a writing booklet. Extra writing booklets are available. Show all relevant working in questions involving calculations. Pages Question 28 Question 29 Medical Physics ................................................................... 35 36 Question 30 Astrophysics ......................................................................... 37 38 Question 31 From Quanta to Quarks ....................................................... 39 40 Question 32 438 Geophysics ........................................................................... 30 34 The Age of Silicon ............................................................... 41 44 29 Question 28 Geophysics (25 marks) Gravimetric surveys collect raw gravity data which must be further processed by the application of a number of corrections. The following data table, map, and cross-section are the result of a small-scale gravimetric survey. Station Gravitational reading (raw data) (mgal) A (datum station) 979158.1 B 979161.6 C 979174.2 Map of survey area A B C 0 North Elevation above sea level (m) (a) 10 km 20 Cross-section of survey area B 100 50 A C 0 Question 28 continues on page 31 30 South Marks Question 28 (continued) Gravity data reduction involves the application of the following corrections: Quantity Correction Application comment Latitude correction 0.8 mgal/km Subtract a correction for each kilometre south of datum Free air correction 0.3 mgal/m Add a correction for each elevation metre above sea-level Bouguer correction 0.1 mgal/m Subtract a correction for each metre above the datum station The data for station A, the datum station, has been processed as below: Correction or calculation item Station A (datum) Latitude correction (0 0.8) Free air correction +(50 0.3) Bouguer correction (0 0.1) Total correction +15.0 Observed g at station 979158.1 Corrected g at station 979173.1 Corrected g at datum station 979173.1 Gravity anomaly at station (corrected g corrected datum g) 0 (i) Outline the role of the Bouguer correction in the reduction of gravity data. 1 (ii) Using a table format and the information provided, reduce the gravity data for stations B and C, and draw an inference about the geology of the survey data. 4 Question 28 continues on page 32 31 Marks Question 28 (continued) (b) (i) During your study of geophysics you carried out a first-hand investigation to model the principles of reflection and refraction of seismic waves. 2 Describe how you ensured that the data obtained in your investigation were reliable. (ii) The diagram shows the path of seismic waves through Earth. 4 Account for the curved path followed by all the waves, and justify why the S-type wave stops at the outer core and the P-type wave does not. O S P and S Crust Mantle Outer core Inner core Key S = S-type wave P = P-type wave O = epicentre P (c) Our understanding of Earth has changed as a result of developments in geophysics. Discuss this statement with reference to the geophysical methods you have studied. Question 28 continues on page 33 32 7 Marks Question 28 (continued) (d) (i) The map below shows a pattern of magnetic anomalies recorded in the rocks of the seabed. The stripes represent areas of positive and negative magnetic anomaly. 135 130 125 50 50 45 45 40 135 130 Explain the formation of these paleomagnetic patterns. Question 28 continues on page 34 33 125 40 4 Marks Question 28 (continued) (ii) The spreading rate of an ocean can be calculated using paleomagnetic data as shown. Use the information provided to calculate the spreading rate of the ocean, in units of mm/yr. Age (Myr) 0 1.0 Normal Reversed Boundary 0.73 0.90 0.97 1.67 Magnetic polarity time scale B ( tesla) 1.0 km from centre of ridge 1.0 Magnetic anomaly profile across the mid-ocean ridge This diagram is to scale. mm 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 1 mm = 1 km End of Question 28 34 80 90 100 3 Marks Question 29 Medical Physics (25 marks) (a) The acoustic impedance and density of a number of different types of body tissue, ultrasound gel and air are shown in the table: Acoustic impedance (kg m 2 s 1 106) Density (kg m 3) Fat 1.38 9.25 102 Skin 1.52 1.00 103 Ultrasound gel 1.54 1.01 103 0.0004 1.3 Material Air (i) Calculate the velocity of sound in fat tissue. 2 (ii) Ultrasound gel is used to overcome the excessive reflection from the skin during a scan. 3 Explain why this is necessary, justifying your response with calculations. (b) During your study of Medical Physics you identified data sources, and gathered, processed and presented information to explain why MRI scans can be used to detect abnormalities in the body. (i) 3 (ii) (c) Describe the criteria you would use to determine the reliability of a data source for this purpose. Explain why MRI scans can be used to detect cancerous tissues. 3 Advances in our understanding of the electromagnetic spectrum have allowed scientists to investigate the human body in more detail. 7 Assess the impact of these advances on the development of medical technologies. Question 29 continues on page 36 35 Marks Question 29 (continued) (d) Bones can be viewed with a range of different medical imaging techniques. The images shown below were obtained using three different techniques. A (i) B C The images shown above are an X-ray, a CAT scan and a bone scan (in no particular order). 1 Identify the images labelled A, B and C. (ii) Compare the advantages and disadvantages of CAT scans to X-ray images. 3 (iii) Contrast the information provided by bone scans with that obtained by CAT scans and X-ray images. 3 End of Question 29 36 Marks Question 30 Astrophysics (25 marks) Describe the spectroscopic observations that would determine whether a particular star is really a binary star system. 2 The graph represents the variation in brightness of a binary star system. 3 Brightness (i) (ii) (a) 0 7 14 21 28 Time (days) 35 42 Given that the mass of the system is determined to be 6 1032 kg, calculate the average distance between the stars within the system. (b) During your study of Astrophysics you performed a first-hand investigation into the spectra produced by different objects under different conditions. (i) 2 (ii) (c) Explain how you determined that the data you obtained were reliable. Explain how the absorption spectrum of a star is produced, and how it can be used to determine the star s composition. 4 Astronomers employ a range of instruments and techniques to observe celestial objects. 7 Assess the impact of technological advances on our understanding of the cosmos. Question 30 continues on page 38 37 Marks Question 30 (continued) (d) The Hertsprung-Russell (H-R) diagram depicts a possible life cycle path of a known star. Awaiting Copyright Clearance (i) Describe the reactions that occur in stars at the points marked A, B and C in its life cycle. 3 (ii) Explain what type and mass of star is most likely to be formed at point A. 2 (iii) Compare the life cycle of a star that has a mass greater than 10 solar masses with the one depicted at point A. 2 End of Question 30 38 Marks Question 31 From Quanta to Quarks (25 marks) (a) The Bohr picture of the atom explains the energy of the photons emitted when an electron falls from an initial orbit ni to find an orbit of nf . The various energies depend upon the quantity this term are given in the table. for values of ni and nf from 1 to 6 Table of values of ni and the values for 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 0.7500 0.8889 0.9375 0.9600 0.9722 2 0.1389 0.1875 0.2100 0.2222 3 0.0486 0.0711 0.0833 4 0.0225 0.0347 5 0.0122 6 nf (i) Identify the physical reason for about one-half of the table appearing blank. 1 (ii) Calculate the energy of the photon emitted when an electron falls from ni = 4 to nf = 3. 4 (b) You have gathered, processed and analysed information related to the development of atomic theory. (i) Describe how you ensured that the information you gathered was reliable. 2 (ii) The atomic theory changed as a result of the contributions of both Heisenberg and Pauli. 4 Analyse how the work of both scientists modified the atomic theory at that time. Question 31 continues on page 40 39 Marks Question 31 (continued) (c) Australia has a large supply of uranium which may be used in fission reactors to create energy. The equation describes the relevant transmutation reaction: 235 92 U + 1 0n 141 56 Ba + 92 36 Kr 7 + 31 n 0 Analyse how the process described in this equation has been developed into a technology which produces a sustained and controlled amount of energy. (d) The cyclotron, invented in 1932, accelerates charged particles to a very high speed. The diagram shows the basic design of a cyclotron. The Dees provide a strong magnetic field into the plane of the page. Target Dee Dee Path of charged particle Charged particle source Supply of high frequency alternating voltage (i) Explain the physical principles involved in the design of the cyclotron. 3 (ii) Account for the use of the cyclotron (or other accelerator) in the development of our understanding of matter. 2 (iii) Quarks are an important part of the Standard Model of Matter. The table shows the six types of quark and their charge (in units of e, the charge on an electron). 2 Quark Up Down Strange Charm Bottom Top Charge 2 + e 3 1 e 3 1 e 3 2 + e 3 1 e 3 2 + e 3 Identify the quark composition of the proton and the neutron. End of Question 31 40 Marks Question 32 The Age of Silicon (25 marks) (a) Lately, traffic control authorities in NSW have been replacing the incandescent bulbs in traffic lights with arrays of light emitting diodes (LEDs). (i) Describe the structure and operation of an LED. (ii) Explain why LEDs are preferable to ordinary light bulbs when used in traffic lights. (b) 2 3 (i) 3 During your study of the Age of Silicon you identified data sources, and gathered, processed and analysed information to outline the rapid development of electronics. Describe the criteria you would use to determine the reliability of a data source for this purpose. (ii) Circuits containing logic gates are an integral part of modern electronics. An example of such a circuit is given below. 3 1 A B 2 3 Q C Identify each gate labelled 1 , 2 and 3 and, using a truth table, determine the value of Q when A = 0, B = 1 and C = 1. (c) Computer developments since World War II (1945) have been characterised by increasing performance at decreasing cost. This trend may or may not continue in the future. Assess this statement. Question 32 continues on page 42 41 7 Marks Question 32 (continued) The resistance of a thermistor as a function of temperature is as shown. 12 11 10 9 Resistance, R (k ) (d) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Temperature ( C) (i) Deduce the sign of the temperature coefficient of the thermistor. Explain your answer. Question 32 continues on page 43 42 1 Marks Question 32 (continued) A potential divider sensor circuit using this thermistor and a fixed resistor is built as shown. Thermistor + 12 V Resistor Output A chamber temperature of +20 C is required. On connecting a resistor, the sensor output voltage as a function of temperature is measured and plotted as below. Determine the approximate sensitivity of the potential divider sensor in the temperature range 6 C to 20 C. 12 11 10 Sensor output voltage (V) (ii) 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 20 0 20 40 60 Temperature ( C) Question 32 continues on page 44 43 80 100 120 2 Marks Question 32 (continued) (iii) The output of the potential divider sensor is to be converted to give a 10.0 V signal at 20 C. Design a suitable feedback amplifier to achieve this conversion. Base your circuit on an operational amplifier and assume a 15 V power supply. Show, using a fully labelled diagram, how your circuit should be connected to the temperature sensor. End of paper 44 Board of Studies NSW 2006 4 2 006 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFIC ATE EXAMINATION Physics DATA SHEET Charge on electron, qe 1.602 10 19 C Mass of electron, me 9.109 10 31 kg Mass of neutron, mn 1.675 10 27 kg Mass of proton, mp 1.673 10 27 kg Speed of sound in air 340 m s 1 Earth s gravitational acceleration, g 9.8 m s 2 Speed of light, c 3.00 108 m s 1 Magnetic force constant, k 0 2 2.0 10 7 N A 2 Universal gravitational constant, G 6.67 10 11 N m2 kg 2 Mass of Earth 6.0 1024 kg Planck constant, h 6.626 10 34 J s Rydberg constant, R (hydrogen) 1.097 107 m 1 Atomic mass unit, u 1.661 10 27 kg 931.5 MeV/ c 2 1 eV Density of water, 1.00 103 kg m 3 Specific heat capacity of water 439 1.602 10 19 J 4.18 103 J kg 1 K 1 45 FORMULAE SHEET v = f I m1 m2 r Ep = G 1 F = mg d 2 v1 sin i = v2 sin r v 2 = ux 2 x v = u + at E= F q vy 2 = uy 2 + 2 ay y R= V I x = ux t P = VI 1 2 y = uy t + ay t 2 Energy = VIt r 3 T vav = aav r t 2 = F= v v u = therefore aav = t t GM 4 2 Gm1 m 2 d 2 E = mc 2 F = ma F= Ek = v 2 lv = l0 1 m v 2 r tv = 1 2 mv 2 t0 1 W = Fs mv = p = mv 2 v c 2 m0 1 Impulse = Ft 46 2 c 2 v c 2 FORMULAE SHEET F l I1 I2 =k d = d F = BIl sin 1 p d M = m 5log 10 = Fd IA IB = nBIA cos Vp Vs = (mB mA ) m1 + m2 = np 4 2 r 3 GT 2 ns 1 1 1 = R 2 2 n f ni F = qvB sin E= = 100 V d = h mv E = hf c = f A0 = Vout Z = v Vin Ir I0 [ Z2 Z1 ] 2 = [ Z2 + Z1 ] 2 47 Vout Vin = R f R i 5 48 Yttrium 57 71 Strontium 56 Ba 137.3 Barium 88 Ra [226.0] Radium Rubidium 55 Cs 132.9 Caesium 87 Fr [223.0] Francium Rutherfordium 104 Rf [261.1] Hafnium 72 Hf 178.5 Zirconium 90 Th 232.0 Thorium Actinides 89 Ac [227.0] Actinium Protactinium 91 Pa 231.0 Praseodymium 59 Pr 140.9 Dubnium 105 Db [262.1] Tantalum 73 Ta 180.9 Niobium 41 Nb 92.91 Vanadium Uranium 92 U 238.0 Neodymium 60 Nd 144.2 Seaborgium 106 Sg [266.1] Tungsten 74 W 183.8 Molybdenum 42 Mo 95.94 Chromium Neptunium 93 Np [237.0] Promethium 61 Pm [144.9] Bohrium 107 Bh [264.1] Rhenium 75 Re 186.2 Technetium 43 Tc [97.91] Manganese Platinum 78 Pt 195.1 Palladium 46 Pd 106.4 Nickel 28 Ni 58.69 Plutonium 94 Pu [244.1] Samarium Americium 95 Am [243.1] Europium 63 Eu 152.0 Meitnerium Hassium 62 Sm 150.4 109 Mt [268] 108 Hs [277] 111 Rg [272] Gold 79 Au 197.0 Silver 47 Ag 107.9 Copper 29 Cu 63.55 Curium 96 Cm [247.1] Gadolinium 64 Gd 157.3 Berkelium 97 Bk [247.1] Terbium 65 Tb 158.9 Darmstadtium Roentgenium 110 Ds [271] Iridium 77 Ir 192.2 Rhodium 45 Rh 102.9 Cobalt 27 Co 58.93 Name of element Osmium 76 Os 190.2 Ruthenium 44 Ru 101.1 Iron 26 Fe 55.85 Atomic Weight Symbol of element Californium 98 Cf [251.1] Dysprosium 66 Dy 162.5 Mercury 80 Hg 200.6 Cadmium 48 Cd 112.4 Zinc 30 Zn 65.41 Einsteinium 99 Es [252.1] Holmium 67 Ho 164.9 Thallium 81 Tl 204.4 Indium 49 In 114.8 Gallium 31 Ga 69.72 Aluminium 13 Al 26.98 Boron 5 B 10.81 Fermium 100 Fm [257.1] Erbium 68 Er 167.3 Lead 82 Pb 207.2 Tin 50 Sn 118.7 Germanium 32 Ge 72.64 Silicon 14 Si 28.09 Carbon 6 C 12.01 9 F 19.00 Sulfur Phosphorus Mendelevium 101 Md [258.1] Thulium 69 Tm 168.9 Bismuth 83 Bi 209.0 Antimony 51 Sb 121.8 Arsenic Nobelium 102 No [259.1] Ytterbium 70 Yb 173.0 Polonium 84 Po [209.0] Tellurium 52 Te 127.6 Selenium 34 Se 78.96 16 S 32.07 15 P 30.97 33 As 74.92 Oxygen Nitrogen Lawrencium 103 Lr [262.1] Lutetium 71 Lu 175.0 Astatine 85 At [210.0] Iodine 53 I 126.9 Bromine 35 Br 79.90 Chlorine 17 Cl 35.45 Fluorine 8 O 16.00 7 N 14.01 Where the atomic weight is not known, the relative atomic mass of the most common radioactive isotope is shown in brackets. The atomic weights of Np and Tc are given for the isotopes 237Np and 99Tc. Cerium Lanthanum Lanthanides 57 58 La Ce 138.9 140.1 Actinides 89 103 Lanthanides 39 Y 88.91 38 Sr 87.62 40 Zr 91.22 Titanium Scandium Calcium 37 Rb 85.47 25 Mn 54.94 Potassium 24 Cr 52.00 20 Ca 40.08 19 K 39.10 23 V 50.94 Magnesium Sodium 22 Ti 47.87 12 Mg 24.31 11 Na 22.99 21 Sc 44.96 Beryllium Lithium Gold 79 Au 197.0 3 Li 6.941 Atomic Number KEY 4 Be 9.012 PERIODIC TABLE OF THE ELEMENTS Hydrogen 1 H 1.008 Radon 86 Rn [222.0] Xenon 54 Xe 131.3 Krypton 36 Kr 83.80 Argon 18 Ar 39.95 Neon 10 Ne 20.18 Helium 2 He 4.003

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