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2003 H I G H E R S C H O O L C E R T I F I C AT E E X A M I N AT I O N Information Processes and Technology Total marks 100 Section I General Instructions Reading time 5 minutes Working time 3 hours Write using black or blue pen Draw diagrams using pencil Pages 2 12 20 marks Attempt Questions 1 20 Allow about 40 minutes for this section Section II Pages 13 16 40 marks Attempt Questions 21 24 Allow about 1 hour and 10 minutes for this section Section III Pages 17 25 40 marks Attempt TWO questions from Questions 25 28 Allow about 1 hour and 10 minutes for this section 203 Section I 20 marks Attempt Questions 1 20 Allow about 40 minutes for this section Use the multiple-choice answer sheet. Select the alternative A, B, C or D that best answers the question. Fill in the response oval completely. Sample: 2+4= (A) 2 A (B) 6 (C) 8 B C (D) 9 D If you think you have made a mistake, put a cross through the incorrect answer and fill in the new answer. A B C D If you change your mind and have crossed out what you consider to be the correct answer, then indicate the correct answer by writing the word correct and drawing an arrow as follows. correct A B C 2 D 1 What type of information process is capturing data from a person requesting cash from an EFTPOS terminal? (A) Analysing (B) Collecting (C) Organising (D) Processing 2 At what stage of a project would a system be measured against its design specifications? (A) Designing (B) Evaluating (C) Prototyping (D) Implementing 3 A website displays the following definition, and each underlined word is a link to another definition. A storage area network (SAN) is a high-speed special-purpose network that interconnects different kinds of storage devices with associated servers. Typically, a storage area network is part of the overall network of computing resources for an organisation. What is the name given to this method of data organisation? (A) HTML (B) Metadata (C) Hypertext (D) Relational 3 4 Which of the following would be most appropriate to demonstrate screen design to users? (A) Prototype (B) Context diagram (C) System flowchart (D) Schematic diagram 5 Which of the following describes the nature of communication in teleconferencing? (A) Same-time, same-place (B) Same-time, different-place (C) Different-time, same-place (D) Different-time, different-place 6 Which terms are used to describe the structure of data stored in a database? (A) Character, field, record, file (B) Field name, size, type, attribute (C) Direct, sequential, indexed sequential, random (D) Relational, hierarchical, hypertext, hypermedia 7 Why is it important to involve users in the development of an information system? (A) Users are best at designing systems. (B) Users need to ensure that the development stays on track. (C) Users always have an in-depth knowledge of the technology. (D) Users are more likely to accept a system to which they have contributed. 4 8 Which pair of the following diagrams illustrates a bus network topology and a star network topology? Star Bus (A) (B) (C) (D) 5 9 Wright Books has ten shops connected by a network. Each shop maintains and stores its own data about the books it sells and its business transactions. The DBMS makes this data available to all the shops on the network. What type of database is being used? (A) Localised (B) Centralised (C) Distributed (D) Decentralised 10 Kerry attempted to send Joanne a copy of her r sum as an attachment to an email. This is the email that Joanne received: Dear Joanne, Please find attached my r sum in a word-processed document. Regards, Kerry. What is the most likely explanation for the r sum file not being received by Joanne? (A) The file was incorrectly saved. (B) The file was in the wrong format. (C) The file was incorrectly compressed. (D) The file was not attached to the email. 6 11 A company uses a relational database to store data about employees. Which of the following would be an example of data redundancy in that database? (A) Storing unsorted data in a table (B) Storing inaccurate data about an employee in a table (C) Storing data not needed for reporting in different tables (D) Storing the same details about an employee in different tables 12 Printer Personal computer Personal computer Wireless network server Laptop computer Internet server The Internet Personal computer KEY Cable Radio signal For which connection in the diagram would a broadband connection be MOST advantageous? (A) Between the Internet server and the Internet (B) Between the personal computer and the printer (C) Between the laptop and the wireless network server (D) Between each personal computer and the wireless network server 7 13 The data flow diagram represents part of a booking system. Destination, fare Print ticket Passenger Ticket details Ticket 1 3 Seat Allocation 4 2 In order, what do the symbols 1, 2, 3 and 4 represent? (A) Process, decision, link, online display (B) External entity, process, data flow, data store (C) Data store, process, data flow, external entity (D) Process, direct access storage, link, paper document 14 A car dealership uses a relational database. The data dictionary for one of the database tables is as follows: Field name Type Size Description VIN Text 20 Vehicle identification number Make Text 10 Vehicle manufacturer Model Text 10 Model name Price Currency 6 Cost in whole dollars If there were 100 records in this table, which calculation would give the approximate size (in kilobytes) for the data stored in the table? (A) 20 + 10 + 10 + 6 1024 (B) (20 + 10 + 10 + 6) 100 8 1024 (C) (20 + 10 + 10 + 6) 1024 100 (D) (20 + 10 + 10 + 6) 100 1024 8 15 Which of the following is a difference between an intranet and the Internet? (A) An intranet can only be used by people within an organisation; the Internet can be used by the world community. (B) An intranet can be used by the local community; the Internet can only be used by people within an organisation. (C) An intranet can only be used by suppliers and customers of an organisation; the Internet can be used by the world community. (D) An intranet can only be used by people within an organisation; the Internet can only be used by suppliers and customers of an organisation. An analogue signal is sampled once every second to convert it to a digital signal. The signal has a maximum height of 4. 4 3 Height 16 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 Time (seconds) 4 5 What would be the digital signal generated for samples at 2, 3 and 4 seconds? (A) 010 011 100 (B) 010 100 001 (C) 010 011 001 (D) 010 100 100 9 Use the following decision table to answer Questions 17 and 18. This decision table is used to assess insurance claims. Conditions Rules Loss is under $300 Police report submitted Claim accepted Claim rejected Actions 17 Which statement is always TRUE? (A) A claim is accepted if the loss is $250. (B) A claim is accepted if a police report is submitted. (C) A claim is accepted if the loss is $300 and a police report is submitted. (D) A claim is accepted if the loss is $250 and a police report is submitted. 10 18 Which decision tree is equivalent to the decision table? Loss is under $300 Police report submitted Action N Loss is under $300 Accept Reject Y (A) Y N Y Reject N Reject Police report submitted Action N Loss is under $300 Accept Accept Y (B) Y N Y Accept N Reject Police report submitted Action N Loss is under $300 Reject Reject Y (C) Y N Y Accept N Reject Police report submitted Action N Reject Accept Y (D) Y N Y Accept N Reject 11 Use the following schema to answer Questions 19 and 20. STUDENT ENROL SUBJECT Stu_ID Stu_ID Subj_No Stu_FirstName Subj_No Subj_Name Stu_LastName Date_Commenced Department Phone_Number Result Fees_Paid 19 What keys would be used in the schema to relate the tables for students enrolled in subjects? Primary keys Foreign keys (A) ENROL.Stu_ID and ENROL.Subj_No STUDENT.Stu_ID and SUBJECT.Subj_No (B) ENROL.Subj_No and ENROL.Stu_ID SUBJECT.Subj_No and ENROL.Subj_No (C) SUBJECT.Subj_No and STUDENT.Stu_ID (D) STUDENT.Stu_ID and SUBJECT.Subj_No 20 ENROL.Stu_ID STUDENT.Stu_ID and ENROL.Subj_No and ENROL.Subj_No A sample record in the table ENROL is s1234567 1602 29/01/2001 76 Y How would each field be BEST defined in a data dictionary for the table ENROL? (A) Text, numeric, date, text, text (B) Text, text, date, numeric, Boolean (C) Numeric, text, date, numeric, text (D) Numeric, numeric, date, text, Boolean 12 Section II 40 marks Attempt Questions 21 24 Allow about 1 hour and 10 minutes for this section Answer each question in a SEPARATE writing booklet. Extra writing booklets are available. If you include diagrams in your answer, ensure that they are clearly labelled. Marks Question 21 (11 marks) Use a SEPARATE writing booklet. A group of students want to stay in contact with each other after completing their Higher School Certificate examinations. They expect that members of their group will move to locations all over Australia for employment or tertiary education. They are considering developing a website that would include the following: access to a database of contact information such as names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses; latest news about members of the group; a diary of upcoming social events; photos and video clips from previous social events. (a) Identify information technology (hardware, software and communications) that would be required to support the website. 3 (b) Identify appropriate security measures, and describe how they would be implemented to prevent unauthorised access to data stored on the website. 3 (c) Describe FOUR different aspects that the group should consider regarding the feasibility of the proposed website. 5 13 Marks Question 22 (9 marks) Use a SEPARATE writing booklet. Micky wants a personal information system for storing details of friends. The data dictionary for the table FRIENDS is as follows. Field name Field type Size Description Friend_Id Text 5 Primary key Last_name Text 25 Last name of friend First_name Text 25 First name of friend Home_phone Text 12 Home phone number including area code, eg (02)62003000 Mobile_phone Text 10 Mobile phone number eg 0405550000 Street_address Text 30 Street address eg 117 Clarence Street Suburb Text 20 Town or Suburb State Text 3 State where friend lives. State must be NSW, VIC, TAS, QLD, ACT, NT, SA or WA Postcode Text 4 Postcode Date_of_birth Date 10 Date of birth in DD/MM/YYYY format Photo Image Comment Text Colour photograph of friend 256 Comment about friend (a) Design an input screen for the system, and identify TWO major features of your design. 3 (b) Construct an SQL query to display a list in alphabetical order by last name of all the friends living in NSW. Show only first names, last names and home phone numbers in the list. 3 (c) Several of Micky s friends have requested that he email them the database once it has been completed. Outline the ethical and technical issues arising from these requests. 3 14 Marks Question 23 (9 marks) Use a SEPARATE writing booklet. Site Seeing Ltd is a Sydney-based company that creates websites for people and businesses all over Australia. Site Seeing Ltd uses a system that totally replaces face-to-face communication between the employees and the clients. The initial contact with the client is through telephone, fax and email. After the design specifications for the client s new website are established, a range of communication technologies are used to support the work of the Site Seeing Ltd project team and communication between Site Seeing Ltd and the client until the project is completed. These technologies include: email; web-based file storage, retrieval and document sharing; Internet online discussion and chat facilities; teleconferencing and video-conferencing. (a) Identify and describe TWO transmission error-checking methods that could be used to help check for errors in Site Seeing Ltd s communication links. 3 (b) Discuss the issues associated with the use of TWO of the above listed technologies for interpersonal relationships between the employees and the clients. 3 (c) Describe how TWO of the technologies listed can be used to support the work of the project team. 3 15 Marks Question 24 (11 marks) Use a SEPARATE writing booklet. Eight businesses, each specialising in delivering freshly cooked pet food, have agreed to cooperate under the brand name Gourmet Bytes. Currently each business receives its orders by phone and uses its own manual systems to process orders. The new Gourmet Bytes plans to use an integrated information system. It will have a head office that takes phone orders and enters them into the new information system. The existing eight businesses will operate as eight branches. Once a delivery order is processed in the head office it will be electronically transmitted to the closest branch for delivery. (a) Describe TWO advantages that this new computerised record keeping system has over the existing manual systems. 3 (b) As part of the project plan, the following tasks have been identified for the development of the new information system. 3 Reference number Task description Duration (weeks) 1 Creation of system specification 3 2 Purchase, customisation and testing of software (This can only start after system specification.) 4 3 Purchase and installation of equipment (This can only start after system specification.) 4 4 Software installation and system testing (This can only start after equipment is installed.) 2 5 Training of staff (This can occur at the same time as software installation and system testing.) 1 Draw a Gantt chart to show how the tasks can be completed in the minimum number of weeks. (c) An implementation plan needs to be developed that should include strategies for converting the existing manual systems to the computerised system proposed. Briefly describe FOUR conversion methods. Recommend and justify an appropriate conversion method for this organisation. 16 5 Section III 40 marks Attempt TWO questions from Questions 25 28 Allow about 1 hour and 10 minutes for this section Answer each question in a SEPARATE writing booklet. Extra writing booklets are available. If you include diagrams in your answer, ensure that they are clearly labelled. Question 25 Transaction Processing Systems (20 marks) Please turn over 17 Marks Question 25 Transaction Processing Systems (20 marks) Use a SEPARATE writing booklet. (i) Define real-time processing, and briefly describe a situation where real-time processing is appropriate. 3 (ii) (a) Describe bias in data collection, and provide an example. 3 Use the following information to answer parts (b) and (c). Quality Fish Farm (QFF) sells fresh fish to restaurants throughout Australia from its farm in Tasmania. All fish are shipped by express freight in special protective boxes to ensure freshness on arrival. QFF has a transaction processing system (TPS) that processes sales and tracks shipments. This system includes a web-based facility used by restaurants to accept shipments. When a shipment is delivered to a restaurant the chef inspects the shipment for freshness. The chef then accesses QFF s website, logs onto the sales TPS, and enters the shipment number (taken from the box). The system then displays the items of the shipment. The chef accepts or rejects each item. When an item is rejected, the chef is required to enter a reason. The system uses this information to update the restaurant s bill for the shipment. The transaction processing system also allows orders to be entered and bills to be paid online. (b) With reference to the information system diagram on page 19, describe the following components and their relationship in the context of Quality Fish Farm s information system: purpose; participants; data/information; information technology; collecting; storing and retrieving; processing. Question 25 continues on page 19 18 6 Marks Question 25 (continued) Information System Diagram Environment Purpose Who it is for Need(s) they have Information system Information processes collecting storing and retrieving processing Participants (c) Data/information Information technology (i) Describe measures that can assist accurate data entry by the restaurant employees. 3 (ii) Discuss the impact of the use of this information system on the employees of Quality Fish Farm and the restaurants. 5 End of Question 25 19 Marks Question 26 Decision Support Systems (20 marks) Use a SEPARATE writing booklet. (i) Describe a neural network, and identify a situation where one would be used. 3 (ii) (a) Define forward chaining, and briefly describe a situation where it would be used. 3 Use the following information to answer parts (b) and (c). Petersen Market Research (PMR) has been employed by the Bertsville Local Government to collect data regarding the needs of its 50 000 residents. PMR will survey residents with a questionnaire containing 100 questions, addressing individual, community and global issues. The data from all completed questionnaires is stored on PMR s file server. PMR also has access to the Bertsville Local Government s administration files, including data about residents, and it plans to link all this data so that data-mining can be performed at a later date. Bertsville Local Government decides to use pre-determined criteria to automatically generate recommendations for consideration. For instance, one question in the survey asked Does the town need a new skateboarding facility? If more than 50% of residents above the age of 25 agree, a recommendation is generated. (b) With reference to the information system diagram on page 21, describe the following components and their relationship in the context of Petersen Market Research s information system: purpose; participants; data/information; information technology; organising; analysing; processing. Question 26 continues on page 21 20 6 Marks Question 26 (continued) Information System Diagram Environment Purpose Who it is for Need(s) they have Information system Information processes organising analysing processing Participants (c) Data/information Information technology (i) Discuss the use of pre-determined criteria on decision-making by the Bertsville Local Government. automated 3 (ii) Discuss the responsibilities of Petersen Market Research in relation to the collection and use of survey data, access and use of administration files, and data mining. 5 End of Question 26 21 Marks Question 27 Automated Manufacturing Systems (20 marks) Use a SEPARATE writing booklet. (i) Distinguish between critical damping and overdamping, using an example. 3 (ii) (a) Describe an automated manufacturing batch system, and provide an example. 3 Use the following information to answer parts (b) and (c). Mahogany Tables (MT) is a furniture company that mass produces wooden tables. The tables are designed with the help of a CAD/CAM system. Tables are made to a standard design but the design may be altered to suit the needs of the customer. The CAD system stores the three-dimensional designs of the tables, together with relevant sizes and heights, widths and lengths of the tables. The weight of each table is calculated by the CAD package. This information is made available to a DBMS. Data in the system is used by employees who work in inventory, marketing, production and quality control sections of the company. The CAM system cuts and shapes the wood required for the tables. Tables of standard designs are assembled in computer-controlled processes and others are assembled by hand. (b) With reference to the information system diagram on page 23, describe the following components and their relationship in the context of Mahogany Tables information system: purpose; participants; data/information; information technology; collecting; processing; displaying. Question 27 continues on page 23 22 6 Marks Question 27 (continued) Information System Diagram Environment Purpose Who it is for Need(s) they have Information system Information processes collecting processing displaying Participants (c) Data/information Information technology (i) Describe the impact of automated manufacturing on the nature of work for the employees of Mahogany Tables. 3 (ii) Discuss how the automated manufacturing system at Mahogany Tables affects reliability, quality and safety in the production of tables. 5 End of Question 27 23 Marks Question 28 Multimedia Systems (20 marks) Use a SEPARATE writing booklet. (i) Define a storyboard, and describe its purpose. 3 (ii) (a) Describe the tasks undertaken by technical staff in the development of multimedia applications. 3 Use the following information to answer parts (b) and (c). Anna has applied for a job at a multimedia design company as a designer. The company requires that applicants submit and demonstrate a portfolio of their work at an interview. To showcase her work, Anna plans to develop an interactive multimedia presentation of her work for her portfolio. It will include the best examples of her original computer generated artworks, pencil and charcoal sketches, still photographs, animations and short movie segments with sound tracks. Descriptions of each piece of work will be included to explain the ideas behind her designs. Anna plans to save copies of her multimedia presentation onto CD-ROMs, and will give each member of the interview panel a copy. She will use another copy to demonstrate her work at the interview. Anna has been told that a projector that displays computer output will be available during her interview and demonstration, but she will need to bring her own computer to connect to the projector. (b) With reference to the information system diagram on page 25, describe the following components and their relationship in the context of the creation of Anna s multimedia portfolio: purpose; participants; data/information; information technology; organising; storing and retrieving; displaying. Question 28 continues on page 25 24 6 Marks Question 28 (continued) Information System Diagram Environment Purpose Who it is for Need(s) they have Information system Information processes organising storing and retrieving displaying Participants (c) Data/information Information technology (i) Outline the reasons why copyright is a relevant and important issue for Anna when creating the multimedia portfolio and distributing it to the interview panel. 3 (ii) Describe the different types of media that Anna could use in her multimedia presentation, and discuss factors that may have affected her choice of a multimedia portfolio rather than a paper-based portfolio. 5 End of paper 25 BLANK PAGE 26 BLANK PAGE 27 BLANK PAGE 28 Board of Studies NSW 2003

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