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Centre Number Student Number 2003 HI G HER S CHOO L CER T I FI CA T E EXA MINATION Arabic Continuers Total marks 80 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 2 hours and 50 minutes Write using black or blue pen Monolingual and/or bilingual print dictionaries may be used Write your Centre Number and Student Number at the top of this page Section I Pages 2 5 25 marks Attempt Questions 1 8 This section should take approximately 30 minutes Section II Pages 9 15 40 marks This section has two parts, Part A and Part B Allow about 1 hour and 20 minutes for this section Part A 25 marks Attempt Questions 9 10 Part B 15 marks Attempt Question 11 Section III Page 16 15 marks Attempt Questions 12 13 Allow about 1 hour for this section 308X Section I Listening and Responding 25 marks Attempt Questions 1 8 This section should take approximately 30 minutes You will hear EIGHT texts. Each text will be read twice. The question for each text will be read once before the first reading of the text. There will be a pause after the first reading in which you may make notes. However, you may make notes at any time. You will be given adequate time after the second reading to complete your answer. Answer the questions in ENGLISH in the spaces provided. In the case of multiple-choice questions, tick the box that corresponds to the correct response. You may proceed to Section II as soon as you have finished Question 8. In your answers you will be assessed on how well you demonstrate: capacity to understand general and specific aspects of texts by identifying and analysing information capacity to convey the information accurately and appropriately Marks Question 1 (1 mark) Why was Layla at first disappointed with her father s decision? 1 ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. Question 2 (1 mark) 1 What is SOLVOSPEC? (A) A new type of make-up (B) A new type of skin cleanser (C) An anti-ageing cream (D) A type of sun-tan lotion Question 3 (2 marks) 2 Why did Riyad s father buy a new car? ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. 2 Candidate s Notes Marks Question 4 (2 marks) 2 Why did the teacher NOT punish Samir? ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. Question 5 (4 marks) (a) What telephone number should listeners ring? 1 (A) 981 6352 (B) 918 6325 (C) 918 3652 (D) 981 6325 (b) Why might some parents be offended by this book? 3 ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... Question 6 (4 marks) (a) 1 When will Ziad graduate? ..................................................................................................... (b) Why did he feel confident about the result of the interview? ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... 3 3 Candidate s Notes Marks Question 7 (5 marks) (a) 2 What is the aim of the campaign? .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... (b) How does the speaker persuade young people to participate in this campaign? .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... 4 3 Candidate s Notes Marks Question 8 (6 marks) (a) Who is Fadi having a conversation with? 1 (A) His classroom teacher (B) The principal (C) The careers adviser (D) The school counsellor (b) How do the attitudes of both speakers to each other change during this interview? Support your answer with examples from the text. .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... You may now proceed to Section II 5 5 Candidate s Notes BLANK PAGE 6 BLANK PAGE 7 BLANK PAGE 8 Board of Studies NSW 2003 2 0 0 3 H I G H E R S C H O O L C E R T IF I C A T E E X A M I N A T I O N Arabic Continuers Section II Reading and Responding 40 marks Allow about 1 hour and 20 minutes for this section Part A 25 marks Attempt Questions 9 10 Read both texts, then answer the corresponding questions in ENGLISH in the Section II Part A Answer Booklet. In your answers you will be assessed on how well you demonstrate: capacity to understand general and/or specific aspects of texts, through, for example, summarising or evaluating capacity to convey the information accurately and appropriately Question 9 (9 marks) Please turn over 9 309X BLANK PAGE 10 Question 9 (9 marks) wz U U d w ? U?N?^L d?O ? U? ? _ u? M L U U s u? d? F r J] b? I? ? s J b d? wL? u M d? A? s d? ? c M u U??O? vK e? F b? b? I? W?]O? JO? ?J vI??O? u?L? K b l z c ] UI U w M VK t s t b? U u UO b d? C d L s W? F U w X M 5 = c J wM L=K F b? X Q U J ? C? t b u? w e? w X F? L t? O K e? F r]K F U t c b ]V bI W b L v U =c q u ]q w l ]d L b t F X u c N X F L r U C u d?O? J w d ? J W F? U? w U? U U? b I vI?O? u?L K U? L=K F b w? d C? u _ W UN WK D w W]O IO u W d l U e F nOD U?A? w U??L? N? K U? F? s? d? b? t ? H? u??C? b w ` L? d? ? U? b M > b u lOL ]V s wM F M L c s J W]O JO J ? vIO uL e V UG w vK t? e >w ?F? s U?L vK U? U? uJ b l ? L? L t] vI?O u?L u UO W d w `O? w u u >rN d l b? d V X M u UL U O? u ]d L wM] ] UL s m K q UI d _ H d _ w UN UL U O IODM t b w e F s F UO H ] d _ w U ^r r J zUG vK r J d J 11 Question 10 (16 marks) W I=O W K UI U? Y b =w d? F _U W?]L ? N? L UL? W]K ? w W]O? U?I] R?^A =d ? Y b t? F d UD oO ] d? N L V _ X I b? O U U? b=O] = d ? N L qOL s = dO _ t u w UD o O u s wB??B? u M d? A? c M? W?]B? I? d? F? =A V ? >w d? q s yw d?? ? s u?? U UO l s u Q w U ?I l C p UJ S q qO?L ? s = ? b b p ? s d] R ? Y b ? d ? W ]B I u w X w? ] h B I q C s UN] b? I u O v ? X U q C w W?]B I c U UJ d?O? w q U?O d? ? w j I? f O _ q u? { X H D b? d?? ? N? L lO?L? vK v M L 5 U?F? L W?]O F? L? U? J U s W? ? L U 5 ? L? X B]B? b? c XO d vK q L F c X ]u b wK uK F H r UF w U J d J H K w d J o u ] U s R q s W d G? U { d X LK] v ? s O u s d? i L r t ?]O=L yu D] l U v W d W? L? d? U { d? X O?]I K U?L? l u?] l ]D ]o U? K D d?O U? dO? w d? A r d lOD b w H M UN L d l { u wM] _ X C d W] eOKJ W G K w HM UJ W =d c U V p d u U X U?? b? U Q? ^r _ V ?] ? U?L W?]B? I K w ?? 'U?F? W? I d e?]O? L? L w? uK b? I? ? ] UO d? w U J s b? t O wM I ? r q J A W =d c w d N u?{ u U dO w Question 10 continues on page 13 12 Question 10 (continued) W ]B I U O B s U b WO? B ? U UF w N? u b _ W U?F d J H U U?O w s U?L _ ] ] r K Q?] W b?B U b w b b ? d U?NL U?N ^d L w ] ? q d L ? u ] VO?? ]D? d U?? W? ]B? I w s O? ? ?]O? ? Oz]d s O? ? ?]O? B? ? ]A? ?? s p d?? i ]d W E ]K c M U?O d? ? Q d? N? U?L ? uK F W? L=KF? U ? V K I? d Q =w? UB? ? d F d uL u N w ]O B f J F d U l u U w bO UD v UNO w ] t H M t I d ^o A n O W? UE?]M U?? =b? F? ? U?? ? ? w U b c U?? N vK W? d? L? w d X? KL?? b?? W]O= D W]O UL U b W L]E M L d O] W d VO d] p d= H n O d E ]M K U H K U W B I s dO _ r I c J d? O? s w e?OL? w ] W?]B I W? U ? w w ? u? d? N r ? I c w = tM w wK d d U? gOF n O 5E UL N d vK W M d A? l d b F _ t ^w zUN=M s u t] Q UF M I b b q C? U?N M w? c?O? ?] U? UN=K E U?N? I d U?N? F? gO?F ^ _ s u U?L? U ? U? _ UN W U uF n O s J q C W] =d q C W b L U D oO n A s b U t u n A yw V =q J U? J d? F?^A d?O U?A L ? d wI? d W b w wM] `O? ? w ? H M w ? H X F M b? I ]s J W? U?? J w w u?K vK f O? W U?? J K w? ? vK d? O? ? d? O Q r N? U?? b?? d? F d=JH? e]O? L V Q? w d? N U? ? w q C? H UL? N U? W U J vK w? d U ? w u? U End of Question 10 13 Section II (continued) Part B 15 marks Attempt Question 11 Answer the question in a writing booklet. Extra writing booklets are available. In your answer you will be assessed on how well you demonstrate: capacity to understand general and specific aspects of a text by identifying, analysing and responding to information relevance of ideas, information or opinions accuracy of vocabulary and sentence structures variety of vocabulary and sentence structures Question 11 (15 marks) Answer the following question by writing 150 200 words in ARABIC. You receive this email from your friend. Write an appropriate reply in which you respond to questions asked and/or comments made in the email. Question 11 continues on page 15 14 Question 11 (continued) U M s v UM L u { u L w b b? UO? vK ]u F b? w uJ u d? H vK U? u ? v C s J r W? =bK W M ]b? L U? v? d? H?] U d?? ] Q U d? d? O N b I p=L XO w? W U X KC WF? U w U UM U M J b? q wM d ] 5K]L? ? n? O? UM ? vK d?] R? X D U?? w ] W? H?O? J uK^ U?? ? U?M K UO d w n O]B =d b F UM d U v X d?F q W] e?OKJ W? G^K U ^b? ^q q W?]O F? U? U?O? s U? ] b U b V ? ? rN? ?H wM?MJ t? ? K zU?? s b? ?O? F? gO?? F U?? vK V? F? ]B s? t] ] ] p UG w r N? ^r ? N s M p ? pO?? p= v?K wI K I p? O K r=K ? UM lO??L? wMOK d w M p u wF L p H M w L p UO WO H UN UL UJ L s d w N W]O d J q zU ]d wK L F ] UI=K v UM End of Question 11 Please turn over 15 Section III Writing in Arabic 15 marks Attempt Questions 12 13 Allow about 1 hour for this section Answer each question in a SEPARATE writing booklet. Extra writing booklets are available. In your answers you will be assessed on how well you demonstrate: relevance of the treatment of ideas, information or opinions accuracy of vocabulary and sentence structures variety of vocabulary and sentence structures capacity to structure and sequence responses Marks Question 12 (6 marks) Answer ONE of the following questions. Write 100 150 words in ARABIC. (a) You have just remembered that today is your mother s birthday but you have exams on at school. Leave a note for your brother asking him to organise a small party for tonight. 6 OR (b) You are on holidays at a beach. You have been sick for the last five days. Write a postcard to your friend describing what has been happening. 6 Question 13 (9 marks) Answer ONE of the following questions. Write 100 150 words in ARABIC. (a) Write a speech, addressed to your classmates, in which you try to convince them that it is too difficult to bridge the gap between youth and parents today. 9 OR (b) Members of your family have been discussing your plans for the future with you. They are concerned about some of the decisions you have made. Write a diary entry reflecting on what has happened and what you now intend to do. End of paper 16 Board of Studies NSW 2003 9 2003 HI G HER S CHOO L CER T I FI CA T E EXA MINATION Arabic Continuers (Section I Listening and Responding) Transcript Familiarisation Text 5L=K FL W d w UN { d F q C _ s U W u]K c q L U vL K lO??L? l?OD ? w? UM U??N? { d? r? ]d W? L=KF? ? w M X K? b? I w U UN b UA D d J M UB U vLK VFK] s c?O? d U? M lM b I? r F D L V? U UM W M? UN] ? w U r I c w Question 1 u K v W M] c V c M _ u K WM qOK p=L s U W K H uC u W UD W U UM K b I rF _ W]O UL]A T u]A b vK W KD F w C L V X M WM _ c J b? L b s s? O u? ? q ? u? K s u?FM w ? M U p O K _ W U = bO]BK w UJ X u UM b uJ O 2 Question 2 w U w b=O u _ v pO H u b b U d C e s p U W d s K F t=K c s ]r _ ]s J U?N? = d t? u d A s? f L]A U q e d? C? ? ? L c b K q F U? L s O M O F ? r H u t u b?O U wH? t] u d O s e?=O L c] UN U vK k U U K p N Question 3 b b ' r J U O w q U U W KOL U O s UN U vL K u c M w U d b I vL K U q U d L _ u]K ^V t] d U u vLK d A q u s cM t O K ^` K X U? w ]s J w I b U `O c U dO u]K c ^V w N d L b b U O UN V=O q s t U vLK XK ]DF U?L]K w? b ? M w U?O]K w d? s V F w vL? K U l u U ] U d? u eH K? W U? U d? N? t] UN? KL s b zU? w U?N U O? = U 3 Question 4 vL K U UM b U r K F L b dOL d vLK p b n O rKFL w d? UD U?? e d? ? ? J c? ? U M W? ? b? ? ^ X U?? Q? ? W U? D U V? F K U?? vLK V F K L b d n O rKFL U G U U d b d W U vK l u t K X] U H zU i d U vLK V F K L n]E M w J R L d r rKFL w V r K p q F H t Q vLK U??I? s t? O?H? J U? U t?]M J U? c? O? ?] V U?? W U?? c q ? w d O t] t]K d J A 4 rKFL Question 5 e _ UMOF L u M?F u? o?O? u? V d? ?] R? ? b? c?] U?? ? J u? ? u? O? UM? ? I K? b UM U U? F? { lL? ? ? L w r N K A? v R? w ] U? ? _ U? ?]A q U?A? U? J Z U?F r _ w UJ X u uD F W K u U U uK L F s c] q _ v K u]K u{ u L c N r J UD r ]d vK UB= v d W d? u?D F s c] q? _ W? O? d W? I d b? I? M V U?J ] v U?? ? X H K? ^V ]= tO u W d r _ W I K D L UMOF L d J r J U *UJ UE U u N vK s 5 Question 6 U U W F U v f u Q r UL v s d?N? b?F? ? W?]OM u UM W? d? w? nO u?] d b? l W K? U?I? w X M U 5L KF UL U UL F U b M N ]d W K UI L X U n O v d b L W UD U W d U d F U U d s J U J d X M W b w U UL L]K J U L v UJ Q V d b L ] d F WO K I L w U uL w U u s ] U UM U w p U O UJ s p Q r v w zU M d U b I w I b U ] U W O ]M d F v v WHO u c vK w uB s o U Q X W Q UN] U 6 Question 7 u =q W I D M U U e U q F? H M K UM M b? w u N ^u K U?N O q w ] d?OD W ]b p u?L K F q I L U U r J q C W O UL { d D c b UM UD U W UF W? U dO A WK L? w W L U L K UA W]L s? r J b U =q J r u p c ] UM=O w s d? A? L ? c U? w rJ O K b? L? ? F? UM^K q ? I? ? ? L q r? U? ?]A U?N^ b? U ? L r J M V K p c t? O K r=L? B w = oOI? lOD ? U? ]A ] b?= Q ? W? U?A? L? K r u? b WK L? ? c W?]O?=L r N d? A? =w ( U J vK d?O? U?M l u w o u? L b _ u s d? N^E b? F W F d U? U? d? UF W? U ? s O U p U?NO? U O] U s U O U U u uJ O c] d L uK d N s s d A F l U K b? _ vK d? O?] W?]O z u?N U? ]b U?L? F ? r J M u? UJ? K q ? L UD t FOM B bO vK l D w ] dO UM L l u b M W? UD vK e zU?H q B? ? O? U ?]A s 5? =u D L? UL? v K W? d? I U V ? d? W]O d _ U u b v W]O U d H 7 Question 8 W U?? w `? ? d? ? _ U?? U =b? ? c? v UM? u?? u? b? W? ? I K? U d b* ] UO LOJ U w Y U c c p L=K ]d]D C U W] =b ] U U UN w W W K U U UN= UN] p c d U qO U U w U? c p ?L]K U? b M U? I U? d? _ c UM U? b? I d? ? d b* U =K D ? L lOL r=L? >dL ? q J A b p] U ? wM G]K b F d]A X L]B e K ] UL c w ]d I L d b J c vK o U U X d Q tF r V K]D c c q]C H p w ^o p b d b* ] W? d? w?zUD r J UJ S q? d? _ ` K wM M J? L n O? U? c? u? b? U d A W O U W M] w UO LO J W W F U s s]J L w dO U?L? N p K L? W? ?O? q]L? p O? K d ? V K W? b? F p =d? I M d b* X U 8 Board of Studies NSW 2003 Centre Number Student Number 2003 HI G HER S CHOO L CER T I FI CA T E EXA MINATION Arabic Continuers Section II Part A Answer Booklet Instructions Attempt Questions 9 10 in this answer booklet Write your Centre Number and Student Number at the top of this page 310 Section II Reading and Responding Part A 25 marks Attempt Questions 9 10 Read the texts on pages 9 13 of the question paper, then answer the corresponding questions in ENGLISH in the spaces provided. Marks Question 9 (9 marks) (a) How did Farid first become interested in playing the piano? 2 .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. (b) Why did Farid continue to learn the piano? .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. Question 9 continues on page 3 2 3 Marks Question 9 (continued) (c) How does Farid make his audience feel that this hobby is wonderful ? .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. End of Question 9 3 4 Marks Question 10 (16 marks) (a) 2 Why is Rafiq Atta being interviewed? .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. (b) 2 Describe Rafiq Atta s background. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. (c) How has the book The Beautiful Prison been received so far? 1 (A) It has been read by many on the Internet. (B) It has been very successful in various countries. (C) Many readers in the Arab world have read it. (D) Many doctors and teachers have read it. (d) Why has the book NOT been translated? .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. Question 10 continues on page 5 4 2 Marks Question 10 (continued) (e) Why is his book entitled qOL s ? 4 .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. (f) Describe Rafiq Atta s personality. Support your answer with reference to the text. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. End of Question 10 5 5 BLANK PAGE 6 BLANK PAGE 7 BLANK PAGE 8 Board of Studies NSW 2003

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Additional Info : New South Wales Higher School Certificate Arabic Continuers 2003
Tags : new south wales higher school certificate arabic continuers 2003, nsw hsc online arabic, nsw hsc arabic continuers syllabus, nsw hsc arabic model exam papers, nsw hsc arabic solved sample papers, nsw hsc arabic continuers course, nsw hsc arabic question papers., australia new south wales, nsw hsc online, nsw hsc past papers, nsw hsc papers, nsw hsc syllabus, nsw board of studies, higher school certificate new south wales, nsw australia, hsc syllabus, nsw hsc exams, nsw hsc question papers, nsw hsc solved question papers, nsw hsc previous exam papers, nsw university.  

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