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Centre Number Student Number 2009 H I G H E R S C H O O L C E R T I F I C AT E E X A M I N AT I O N Arabic Continuers Total marks 80 S ection I General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 2 hours and 50 minutes Write using black or blue pen Monolingual and/or bilingual print dictionaries may be used Write your Centre Number and Student Number at the top of this page Pages 2 4 25 marks Attempt Questions 1 7 This section should take approximately 30 minutes S ection II Pages 5 11 40 marks This section has two parts, Part A and Part B Allow about 1 hour and 20 minutes for this section Part A 25 marks Attempt Questions 8 9 Part B 15 marks Attempt Question 10 S ection III Page 12 15 marks Attempt Questions 11 12 Allow about 1 hour for this section 308 Section I Listening and Responding 25 marks Attempt Questions 1 7 This section should take approximately 30 minutes You will hear SEVEN texts. Each text will be read twice. The question for each text will be read once before the first reading of the text. There will be a pause after the first reading in which you may make notes. However, you may make notes at any time. You will be given adequate time after the second reading to complete your answer. Answer the questions in ENGLISH in the spaces provided. In the case of multiple-choice questions, tick the box that corresponds to the correct response. You may proceed to Section II as soon as you have finished Question 7. In your answers you will be assessed on how well you demonstrate: capacity to understand general and specific aspects of texts by identifying and analysing information capacity to convey the information accurately and appropriately Question 1 (3 marks) (a) What is Light of the Future ? 2 ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... (b) What number should you ring? 1 ..................................................................................................... Question 2 (3 marks) (a) 1 Why are the doctors unhappy? ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... (b) What actions are the doctors planning for the future? ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... 2 2 Candidate s Notes Question 3 (3 marks) Candidate s Notes What are Walid and Amani discussing? 3 ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... Question 4 (4 marks) Imagine you are the interviewer. 4 Complete the following survey for the man who has just been interviewed. Age Income 16 20 years 21 25 years 26 35 years Less than $5000 $5000 $10 000 $10 000 $20 000 Viewing habits 5 10 hours 11 15 hours Over 15 hours Preferences Violent movies Historical films Comedy shows Question 5 (4 marks) Explain Elissa s decision to work in the circus. ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... 3 4 Question 6 (1 mark) Which career is Ziad most likely to choose? 1 (A) An architect (B) A maths teacher (C) A banker (D) A chef Question 7 (7 marks) (a) Why is Mrs Dalal such a suitable guest for this program? 2 ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... (b) What makes this interview effective in terms of the individual s ambition? Support your response with evidence from the text. ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... You may now proceed to Section II 4 Board of Studies NSW 2009 5 Candidate s Notes 2 009 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFIC ATE EXAMINATION Arabic Continuers Section II Reading and Responding 40 marks Allow about 1 hour and 20 minutes for this section Part A 25 marks Attempt Questions 8 9 Read both texts, then answer the corresponding questions in ENGLISH in the Section II Part A Answer Booklet. In your answers you will be assessed on how well you demonstrate: capacity to understand general and/or specific aspects of texts, through, for example, summarising or evaluating capacity to convey the information accurately and appropriately Question 8 (9 marks) Please turn over 309 5 Question 8 (9 marks) on : J M c n r nnn , L M re n nn prn n n nr p n p rUGCn cQ T c , n dG cQ ToGC GCn r n fh ! O e Y L j r n f d r o nn pp n o n rnn n nn . J M MG e n pp n oo pp p r n n ppn p p p p rnrn ps s . dG F b rUGCn e , s dG g , H rSG fGCn n T gh c rM aG dGh dG I n r dG rJ GEp dGh s dG e c rH rb n p nr n p r np l o r n n o n pnp q n pn nr p n n p p o o on p . sdG oX jh A u dG O rH Y O pj bG s dG n n qn t n pn pspp r p nr p orn r snn rn dG a . j dG f G G g H , S e dG I d H H JGCn d n nrn r n nr o rnn p s p pr p Cr n p n n p r n S dG d H . Y A H nZ r dG b aQ .A b rU Gh e dG e qn o o p pr p p p Cn n p rnr n p o r n p s p n p p n s o p n p r p n o r n n r s Cn p n s p n o r o r a n d nj dG I n r dG g c e dG Y fG f d H o r TGCn c o pnn or nn pn rn . r dG f GEp MG qdG O YGCn dGh , H rb r Y dG e G s n p n o o p s p n Cn p nn pr p j nU fGCn , G pS LGCn na , c eh e g Y G MGCn n NoGC c L H fGCn n o rn kn pr rn mn p rp r n onp n o n n . QG rSGCn J ch dG M n Question 8 continues on page 7 6 Question 8 (continued) o n n rn : J L H LGCn p r n p n n p r n n r n p Cr n n n s G f c g a udG GCn M eGCn . n f d J . JOh Y b S dG d M GCn h rj on s prn n p p p o r p p r Ep p r n n q n n n n p s p n s p o p p n n p n GEp n re Gh a j GCn f e H d jh , g dG nU r dG g Y fh p j rn . dGh J r dGh Y L G dG dG nH , dG rShGC p u n p s psp p r pn n p n p on n prnnn e t dG r J rc GPGEp . pgGCn rH J fGCnh r G G g GP d A JGCn n prn o o n rp n ns n pn n p o n . rdGEp O Yh dG H ah , g r G d M n p r n rn un ppn p o pn npn o rp p op ro v n r n ? dP a j M g M j dh n r pnn kp : nF b M OQ n rsn kn ? dG G g GEp pS b J GCn Y rS H rc n r ppn p p n n unr n p o rn n uo rp onr p s p o ro pa nJ MhQh dG ShGC n L nGC M J dGCn . rb c e ZQGCn r d H ns np p n n n n o n n s o n o r Ep p s o p n r o o p s p n r p n p . Y e M j dG M dG f G fGCn YGCn rc . dG bG s dG A nS End of Question 8 7 Question 9 (16 marks) n n rn nn o rn p nn p H pgh . s dG g M f fE G p n nT Y p n p rSC G H a i g n f r rp n o r n n n p o nrn p n or :i n r dG G g NG dG or n ,I j dG J u S nn nn n on n or , u dG J j Y pnp r p e dG b e p r n Y n SGCn GCr b n p n pr o nn e dG b aQ n q pp r o rn p H . h dp G n G dG S Y H L G OhGC p D o n n n Ep t n r pE hC p nn p . a s pn p p G dh , dG J r s p p Q e Y h NGCn s n no rn r n n h , f nr p ln nGCh ,I MGh X n n . H S f n l n pl n .i dG G g Q o n nror n n p TGC GC j r opr o g T FGQ H JGCo dR e f a , op o rp Cn n J g n SGCn rn p p n p o pr Gh H H S r Y . p m n p k p o n n n e r s p dG SGQO np e eCGn . j f dG q p s p n q SGQO N F L n p n p x prp fGCo GCn e a , N r r o n B n p Cn G G p D d H s j t p o nnn Y j e G g op o n h H SGQO n mtnnp n p . MGCo dG dG s p n r Y Y tp m n n n p dG r Y dh n Question 9 continues on page 9 8 Question 9 (continued) nq n , na I dG J j Y n ? G dG G g e ? L f fnGC g lp orn n , na I q dG GEp p pr r n NoGC nGC e H e g dG noonn r Ep p . rY dG dG onnn nn Y j dGhh KG M e op o p n n n oro osprn os nrnr o c , pSQ dG F X dG :I Y Q eGCo n sp m osprnn p ch , e dG U dG O UG p no p p r s f c e Yh . r d OG S G rn nrpn p n n pp rpr k p oop o ro FGO LGCn c , e n r e LG J lp o po o n Y jh , Y o j H H n nt n s n o un on rop pn n o LG e Y b a . Y dG n o p r Co n n p nr pns p nn p p r n ns u np dG dG I n rN Y p dG H mrn u bh nGC Gk HnGC Gk HnGC YnGC d ,I n T dG n n r n r rn p p n dG I n r N nGC YnGC . bh G e p n n n p s o p n r p rC n p p rn pr p kn nn k po r n n p . b dG Q d Shh s e f c rJ n , Y Y dG e H c GPGEp r Ep p n or nn n o n o e dh . H MnGCh M S Y GC r pnn pp o pn r n ot p Cn m n n u o o o np ? dG G g Y G U na g n np pnn e b Y b dG SGCn G nr nB q nnn n n o rp nr l U ,A T . K G p rnnr pp nr p nr n r o nr n n nn H o TnGC H n j nGC j MGC o nn m nn mn n rp Q eo G H Jh . neh H JQ e oC r n o u n oC n rn r n n uo d GkOO ne , f Y f M a n fnCG o TnGC . f dG A T G n rn n n n n rC s nr ... f ? L f fGCn g rn nn l p . eGCnh H dG n n m nnp q n s nS Q f u n o n pnp on I M , G b ,I F dG Y nn . e h nrnr o n j W O jR End of Question 9 9 Section II (continued) Part B 15 marks Attempt Question 10 Answer the question in a writing booklet. Extra writing booklets are available. In your answer you will be assessed on how well you demonstrate: capacity to understand general and specific aspects of a text by identifying, analysing and responding to information relevance of ideas, information or opinions accuracy of vocabulary and sentence structures variety of vocabulary and sentence structures Question 10 (15 marks) Answer the following question by writing 150 200 words in ARABIC. You post the diary entry shown on page 11 as a blog on the internet at the beginning of the holidays hoping Walid reads it. He does, and posts a response on the same internet site. Write Walid s response in the form of an electronic diary or blog. Question 10 continues on page 11 10 Question 10 (continued) 2009/12/ 24 M G nC , d dG J e np nuno ! CGo HCGn jCGn e QOGCn r d nr nr r p r o n f fE G n T Y e dG H bGnC CGn dh Y p bnCG nGC nY c HQ rr pnn r n p rnr p r n p n r n n o nr s s n n so p n n nn r ps . a Q f CGn IO G u e e nW dG jQ dG d o n o q p n n s p q p r np pn pp nn pn p p H d a IOQG dG e dG Y YnC S fnGC j nU Yh rc , jG dG o rn n o o pn p rnr n opnr n s nn r pnn p r n p r n pn r pn m rn Gk f , dh . dG A fpGE h pS dG Q t dG H j gh , U N H prnp o n non x pp r r p n rC n p F YEG pEG Q p rVG , r pV dG rY S G N e n n M dG c rd pn or o n r n s pp np . p dG Y fCnG Y e , d f c e dG rnr n n os k p s o orsn n p u rs n nn LG dG H a p dG pSGh jQ dG SQ e CGn H Y Z ! a d j rn n p p nr u op pn rnr o p q n uno s . g sdG nen G G g n cG e Y r oSh , fh dE Gh H dG jQ dG n p n pn rnr ps p q n psp rC n n nr n k n n o n p r p n s n s o r r r r n Y Gk pU f YCGn u a . G G g pEG Y nS dG IOQ GCn nYCGn cCGn d nr r o no n un n k n n r n p rn t dG Y eGh e Gk dh n ZnGC e G gh . pgnCG GEp rJ nSQnCGh dG nn p ns p n n nnr n q r nn r dG G g re JnCG d fGnC h . dGh T d GkO e O j , s J EGph , e n n p n s nn rn n p p n p u p s n o o n n nn r n pn n . s dG e Y YCGn nS fGCn j c a .GkO e nn s n o u s opnrn n nn ron u n o ,I nj dG J n e n Gk dh dh . peC G H u dG NGCo CGn j , d dG g JGCn GCn nY n s pnn rn p n n p n n or np r r o p n nn r p p n q n n r s n . Y H r j f d e a S m n m r o p o n n o s Cn n n o o o rnn p p np q n pn n c ? b G G g d G d dGh , a dG j U nVh c ! dEGp j n rn p prn n n o r n n rn s s pp n o n D or ? n LG e Y oh LCGn End of Question 10 Please turn over 11 Section III Writing in Arabic 15 marks Attempt Questions 11 12 Allow about 1 hour for this section Answer each question in a SEPARATE writing booklet. Extra writing booklets are available. In your answers you will be assessed on how well you demonstrate: relevance of the treatment of ideas, information or opinions accuracy of vocabulary and sentence structures variety of vocabulary and sentence structures capacity to structure and sequence responses Question 11 (5 marks) Answer ONE of the following questions. Write 50 100 words in ARABIC. (a) You are on holiday in one of the Arabic capital cities and send a postcard to your parents. In your message tell them why you chose this postcard. 5 OR (b) You are at a party and have to leave suddenly. You cannot find your host. Write a message of apology to your host. 5 Question 12 (10 marks) Answer ONE of the following questions. Write 150 200 words in ARABIC. (a) Write an article to an Arabic youth magazine in which you reflect on the importance of having some free time as a student. 10 OR (b) You went with your friend to celebrate the end of the HSC examinations. You expected to have a good time but were disappointed. Write a diary entry reflecting on this. End of paper 12 Board of Studies NSW 2009 10 2009 H I G H E R S C H O O L C E R T I F I C AT E E X A M I N AT I O N Arabic Continuers (Section I Listening and Responding) Transcript Familiarisation Text . j e j M r e kn : e S .AG dG cQ T J , e S j gGC kr n nr r p r s nn : j e n n r n n p n s n p k r n n u o Cn n n k ?i r G Hh n dG e Uh RQ G e L LO o f d jGCrQ e .Qh S H m o u op n r n rn p o n : e S . n dG e bh G dG e b i S cGB d fGC , e S j s n p k nn u pr n p rs n p knrp p no rn : j e p rn rnn ? j G g gh : e S . e FG Z e f JGCn fGE , e S j G nn ksn o kq p k p o ps s : j e por n pp n p ? fRh e rJ GC j j J eG Z c ch ok rn n ns nn . K dG dG M : e S ? a c S G g GCn j J gh kp o nn n s n pnrn r n n : e S : j e Question 1 n pnrnr or n nrn r o o . c ? dG J CnG j J GP e n J g r rn r n . f ? pb fCGn g nn l n n r r n p n r n n n rn Z J dG dG u e Y J CGn j z dG Y AG rVCGn { V e GEp J PEGp o n r n s p n p r p n n o n n s n n n r n o p r o n r n r r r n pr ppn p r dG g UGn C GpE I n T e d H dPh , SQ e k n o p t n s p n pn n pn n o 97356120 : dG J dG b nH J G L rj e dG e j rd q p p r pr p o u rnr n p p n p op 2 Question 2 : dG n dG G g rdEGp I n r dG g j f upu nnr n ro n p s ppn pn p . p JGhQ J e dG nS pS Y V p e JGO Y b r s dG W dG A W G bnCG n r o rp p p p sp p p nr rn pn or p nn o q p Cn n n r r pp n p : dG bh o u n nor n n pn pn nsp q nr p n n o p n k nrn o p n J M r r dG f dG J e N b fh , r e G rVpE G q r nS G dh ! c p rn q n p n n or S . d dG p p nr Question 3 n o r p o p r o r n ? U N Q e GEp q dG f L M u J n CG j g ! eGCn n p onn m uno x : dh n n r n p p t p p t n n r n s o n o p n r n n npn . dP dG g FG dG s dG p H Q d H dG ZQ GCn dh j YGCn , f o n s n o p q p : eGC ?i No GC rSGCn e g rdhCGn rp n o n nn rm : dh . dG A KGnC p c nMh p W f e j J dG A oD g i d a d a , r d H p rs n r r pn n n r p n r p o n p t p n n on s n p s p : eCG pp op r p t p n n t O L H PGpE ? dG I M Y U G Q dG o n j dG p dG Y GP eh . CGr dG aGhGCo n n s p op o unor o u o s n nr p n : dh n p p r u o n o s n ro nrn pp q . gQG SCnG c Y p j H FG dG p nr n n o s n nn n r s s pnn p t p s pW dG L j dG dh , dG pU N Y Gk N dP n j b f o n n n n pn o u o r n n n ppsp o n p n n o p . e f Y a rd 3 : eGC Question 4 p p n n rn n n n r r t n n n rSC G H r nY nWCnG CGn OhCGn h , j r p dG g H s j rS H bCGn fEGp ! M re q r p p op o nnn m r p p o s nn :I dG . f e e j d j d GPpEG m p r p n rnn r on rn . d f e dh .G L r e fCGn dG r pnn v p l n pn nr s nn n p : dG knn ?35 h 26 hGC 25 h 21 hCnG 20 h 16 H eGnC ? fnCG p dG e nM e jGnC ! M n rn n r r o n p m n r n p s n n n r :I dG pnp q p n r n f dG nM G : dG m p rn rp tn no rn ? GB n N e bnGC g g ? s dG oNO g c n n r n n o r n :I dG npn ? dP p J GCn Qh s dG e g np rn rn r u p : dG ?Q hO 20000 h 10000 hGCn Q hO 10000 h 5000 rH e g GCn , e dP c GPEpG n n n o r k p r o n p n n m n n r :I d k p orp . d W dR e f a , M n J fCGn H Cn n n r n p s s o : dG prn np kp Y SGC j m dG I g e b dG e J c q pnn o p ro rn :I dG m . Y S p r dG G M YGCn n n opnr : dG ? g g J dG eG dG f e o p o s p p n o rn :I dG n h J dG aC Gh , FGO a S dG J j dG aC G cCGn fC a . j dG j o q o n n n s n r n o n r n n o r s o o r n rn s n r n k p p r npk dG a G MCGo fCGn h , nah e HG H S e sc rd dG d dG . V dG e n b s n r Cn t p n l n n l n pr p n m B n o o n n n rn on .I n dG g J n rpr pp n o p rn : dG 4 Question 5 . dG S e f K d H J dG Q f dCGn dG r f t p r r n mnp mnr n p o n s n rn o n n : j G . S nY jOGQ dCn H nSh gnGC p kr n k r r nr r .Gk o T : dGCn ?Q f dGnC g e np rn : j G ns p pF dG I dG GCn c , e EGp e e dGh G e dGh S dG MoCG . H nY f a n nr s n m n m n r p n tns n p n or n n q t p lsp n ln qn : dGnC p p o p Dr . H ehCGo e gCGn g tn np pn rn ? dG d j GP e : j G H bCGn rc , j dG . d H I e I Mh ,I M fpEG , Y e o cGnC dG p onp o oo q n s p l Dn r n l n n l n o s m n n r p n r o : dGCn g eCGn .I Mh YC rH pGE O YGCn , QhO e fGC e rYh . L dG n r n dG nr n p n p n p q p o q kn n n n o n or rn r p o o k n o nn . nU G gh , Y nF Y dG j . e a nn ln n l p o l p orn no n ? q dG QhO g eh : j G p n Ep p p mn n r p o snnn n k n no o n r p n . Vh rd NoCG j e EGp j e e JC a ; u e YCGn , V r dG QhO GEp a V H o p o u n mn n rn : dCGn m n x n n m n m rn u o r n n pnn or n q n s n p o n p l nn os . j L J j L V Y c eh . aR dGh dG e dG a Y fEGp 5 Question 6 ps pspn q pn ? e dG j f dG IO u dG e A f G H aCGn CnG nY GP e A nS j QOGCn n p p p r n r n n n r r s n r o :O jR pk pno o p p s p l r o n r Cn n . G Hp G Jh , pV j udG IO H R e f a ? re S r e s J O jR j GP d n nn o p n rE t p o n p q :A S pr . dG f r e L dG hnCG , U N G G g Y Y j b G gh n n n op o rn n n p rs n r n k nrn o p t ns p p n .. j pK rUGoC GnC MCoG dh , pV j udG MoGC a fC a . dP e KGh r d fCGn spnn p q v n np r t p t p k rp n npn r p k p o n :O jR m rn o n rn rn n o n r p n n p e J d jCGrQ e hGCn . p Y S r dG f GPEpG dG e dG o a J S r dG o p n o r n n n p r n p n n u n o o n n n r :A S k n p r o n k n n m n n o p r n r n n x p p . H eh I c U J a , Q J ppn rp t g e eGCn fCGnh ,Q dG G W dG AGQh S dG s J X dG g dh , M Y fEGp p nrnr n n n o r o n nn nn n pp n r pnn x n n p s np sn :O jR ppn n rn n n r n n n k r o p g G eC Gh G HEp Gh r G jGnC LGCn fC g W YCGn nGC aGCo fEpG ... Y H I dG sn k p n n r r ou n s m n ro p p n r pn pr . dG r sdG W dG nY dh , nF dG G eC G H j j dG g Y dG UCnG I dG pr n onn r n r p n n p q n r n n n r n n s r o p p n r o r o t :A S p n p p r p n . rSC G j f n Y h p pn p p rp kn h q p j gC a dP GEp a VEpG . j G g ! rSC G j f n Y j ??GP e n n nrn n pp o rnn npn op ro . Y h dG S pEGh , e dG SGQO H JCoG c nY q n n r n r n n r n n s n n s p p r n p n p r n s n 6 :O jR Question 7 p qnn n p n n HQh Q dGh Q u dG n j dG e f dG z dGh fCGn { e f H H Sh gGCn nr or n n r p n rn r op k r n n k r o q o s o n rn : j G oprn s J dG O I dG dG g nV . G d dG b Y dG o n u s p n n r p p n o n r p n r o p r n p q n s p np o pp . V G , J W f Y p r a e j NnGC , J S Sh gnCG .I c GkQ Nn CG n rn p n rp pr r nun k r n n k r k n n k p o n ksp , p dG Hh . d p r dG YC H bCGn rc , M nU . s eh JhQ f c nM r dG g r t n rn n p sp nr p rn p o ook r n o n nr ppn p n r s o o r n n s o n o r o n p Cn o n o s n n .I dG M a fCGn r TGCn c .A b rU G QhRCGn h JCGn : O p ?Q t dG G H r n MGCn GP d pp r p n G g J CGn r nYh ,I L J nCG a o r J o J e rY IG r dG GCn j dG C n n snnn r n n k s n n n r n n o n o r n n p n Cn n r s o p n r n n n n r o r s n . bG dG np : j G . dG cQ nV jQ Gk ND e CGr H fCGn pY p sn o p nn p s r n p rnr p o n : j G m n nnr . rSC G G qe HQGCn oSQ eGoC fCnGh , f p p n nn : O prn p n o ppn n p o r ro np p p n ms n p rEp r n ? nV j udG g SQ J GCn , p dG e e G dG n re ,I L ep H g : j G p nr n nn n pn r nr p o n rn p s p rc . s dG Y o NCo nS dh , F b rUGCn o cCGn a c , f d H p J b r d H o o p n p n n p r r pn : O : O ppn n n o o rn n p ro n p n n nnp l nV jQ fC , dP gGCn aQh . nV j udG g nSQ e OQGCn e rY p dG e I n r Y jO G p sn p pn r n n n n .I Nh nU l n n n lnr npp nrn n n n ? dP H M GP eh n : j G e rYh . s e I dG Hh ,I L UCGn h ... G dG eh ... a dG G H G L KC J p v p o rsnn n pn k po o nr r nn n ks n o r n r n o ns p sn n p r s n n nnn p n dpEG O Y G gh . dG rM GEp IO dGh , dG b Q sb , e f rH GEp rSG nn rnr n q n s n o o r n ro p n n o rnn o s rn rnp np r dG j d c GPGpE j J Y C H dG epE H fGCn rd KCGn h , H K o o m nn u np o p p r p os p n p t nr n s n rnn n o : O onu n . dGh r !! Gk o T 7 Board of Studies NSW 2009 : j G Centre Number Student Number 2009 H I G H E R S C H O O L C E R T I F I C AT E E X A M I N AT I O N Arabic Continuers Section II Part A Answer Booklet Instructions Answer Questions 8 9 in this answer booklet Write your Centre Number and Student Number at the top of this page 310 Section II Reading and Responding Part A 25 marks Attempt Questions 8 9 Read the texts on pages 6 9 of the question paper, then answer the corresponding questions in ENGLISH in the spaces provided. Question 8 (9 marks) (a) Why did Hanan initiate this chatroom conversation with her friend? 2 ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (b) What advice does Jenna give Hanan? 3 ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... Question 8 continues on page 3 2 Question 8 (continued) (c) How would you describe Hanan s personality? Support your answer with reference to the text. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... End of Question 8 3 4 Question 9 (16 marks) (a) Why are people writing to Hoda Farah? 3 ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (b) What are the questions that Hoda Farah used in her survey? ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... Question 9 continues on page 5 4 4 Question 9 (continued) (c) How has Nour s father contributed to his success? 4 ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (d) How is Ziad s frustration expressed in his letter? In your answer, refer to both language and content. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... End of Question 9 5 5 BLANK PAGE 6 BLANK PAGE 7 BLANK PAGE 8 Board of Studies NSW 2009

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