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Centre Number Student Number 2010 H I G H E R S C H O O L C E R T I F I C AT E E X A M I N AT I O N Arabic Continuers Total marks 80 Section I General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 2 hours and 50 minutes Write using black or blue pen Monolingual and/or bilingual print dictionaries may be used Write your Centre Number and Student Number at the top of this page Pages 2 4 25 marks Attempt Questions 1 8 This section should take approximately 30 minutes Section II Pages 5 11 40 marks This section has two parts, Part A and Part B Allow about 1 hour and 20 minutes for this section Part A 25 marks Attempt Questions 9 10 Part B 15 marks Attempt Question 11 Section III Page 12 15 marks Attempt Questions 12 13 Allow about 1 hour for this section 3035 Section I Listening and Responding 25 marks Attempt Questions 1 8 This section should take approximately 30 minutes You will hear EIGHT texts. Each text will be read twice. The question for each text will be read once before the first reading of the text. There will be a pause after the first reading in which you may make notes. However, you may make notes at any time. You will be given adequate time after the second reading to complete your answer. Answer the questions in ENGLISH in the spaces provided. These spaces provide guidance for the expected length of response. In the case of multiple-choice questions, tick the box that corresponds to the correct response. You may proceed to Section II as soon as you have finished Question 8. Question 1 (2 marks) Candidate s Notes Why is Laila surprised? 2 ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... Question 2 (2 marks) Why does Walid s suggestion appeal to Amal? 2 ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... Question 3 (3 marks) Why does this advertisement appeal to the target audience? ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... 2 3 Question 4 (3 marks) Candidate s Notes What is the purpose of this announcement? 3 ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... Question 5 (1 mark) What are Hanan and Salim discussing? 1 (A) Their daily difficulties getting to work (B) Their reactions to the day s transport problems (C) The problems for tourists getting around the city (D) The increasing number of bus and train strikes in the city Question 6 (4 marks) How do Nada s feelings change during this conversation? Support your answer with evidence from the text. ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... 3 4 Question 7 (5 marks) Candidate s Notes What dilemma are Farid and Nadine faced with? Support your answer with evidence from the text. 5 ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... Question 8 (5 marks) How will Janine s father s new job affect him and his family? ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... You may now proceed to Section II 4 Board of Studies NSW 2010 5 2 010 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFIC ATE EXAMINATION Arabic Continuers Section II Reading and Responding 40 marks Allow about 1 hour and 20 minutes for this section Part A 25 marks Attempt Questions 9 10 Read both texts, then answer the corresponding questions in ENGLISH in the Section II Part A Answer Booklet. Question 9 (9 marks) Please turn over 3036 5 Question 9 (9 marks) pp o n or ? G pU Q r e GC nS : nF dG a n r dG J dG ror on n r l m np rp p o n o z gh L d J{ H Q u e - Y O U : n H on p np msnn n n p nr .I dG gnGC GP VG e d YGCo GC pU re WnGC rc n o o onr o o n np r pr e c O Y LG j dG c dG p cnGCh f r f G Y n HGCo nGC M{ ...z QhO M G{ n p l n lnn o p o s n p nr n nr n n pr r n rn n nB r pnnr o .z dG e S dG q pr o n kn rn op o p p Q dG d HnGC M c n e , bhn G e dG c n e r j , nF dG , f r f G oS J o pr o r k sn n k n r n p rC n p p n m .AG S M Y Q u dGh xn n o p nr n o n n s n nn r npn p p p r rp j S H c pGE O r dG G g I M J dh , nF dG OG anGC e k G j L k GO ra J dG H d nn r or n rnn o pn m mn o r o nn pp rp p p nr p rn o n IQ b nGC PGEp .I dG J r nSn d sU N a rZ J dG rV a . d S YG dG H rVh n nro s r o n n o qp on m pr n nn p rn n ro n roo r pp o n p pt ns p pn u p t n p rC n fnGCn d d . f r f G n T n e r j gh gO hnGC H j H d r d H J gn G o r n pnp . p r dG Y e rVh H ,R dG G H A N G H - f c o o n rn p p r np p p r p nnp m rn p n nr mmn pp HGh sdG Y J nGC H J dGh R r dG M Q J dG W d a ,i NoGC M f e rn r nn sn r mnp rp n n p u n r n on r nnn s o r p rp Y JG gn G Y dG r dG j dG g J dG rS eR h L rVh dh . pF dG o u p rC ns or on s no x pn n m nr n n n s nnn ps p L M Y Y j J rJ G gh . n T T enGC nj W Y S S dG gO hnGC G j d u n o r np p n u n n op o l n nn n pp n m nm n or ron kp FGO dh j r dG d ch . s dG Y FGO jGCrQ V p j dG nGC q J dG c dG p o o pr n pnn n p n k p on n o rn n nr s n nn s p p nr p nn . dG Y t n dG nn s p C p r n nn .I n rSo G OG anGC rH IGh dG V p j e hG L rVh GEp or o rn mnsn o n p n n n s pp : FQ dG i MGE r n nSQnGC e G gh or nn r k . n S 15 Y , r S HQ rSEG ro o n pn u p n sC k p snn pj FGOh ,I c c e Q r e , r d H , J dG n FGO oe JnGC t o k p n m n n n p n on n . r dG d rjh e N a s dG NnGC p n r nnro o n n n n o o Cr n n o . n bnGC nGC dGEp n j hnGC dG H d j , eG rS QhO j e rY o pr r sn o ro r o nr pp op o pp rp rn o n n p 6 BLANK PAGE Please turn over 7 Question 10 (16 marks) n n n p Cn n r p p p p m o o n o , jQ oj eRh YQ hO . n r eh n L nj M Y J I c I na f . M I a e f H S L a rZ) : G n tpo l n n l p p nrnn r n t pn nn m n m n on .IQ u dG n rJh (I oH n Jh n rJ I na f nUh o on ms p o ron o o m p o r n p r n p n nr n n p p n r no r n r o p p ro oZGCo HG j fnGCh . r dG Y A dG nVh H j gPpGE , f !! o nS fnGC h rj r nr s n : n G C p n r p nnp q m n nrn r nn o o o p qn J nGC d rb f j g ( GkO s e fp GEp G oL n n jn g n rHnhn , r nU Io n ran) ... p r a e I a dG no o Cn s kr . n T po ? HnGC j f nGC j g ( k nW e) n s n nn r op rp r n :A nS po prn n oZGCo A nS j fnGCh ? e J nGC j J Y (Amh oHp kFp b fp n fn p n rjn , p p n HrG GD oS kg n e) ro ro n n s n nn r o o q n : G C pp n r p nnp q . r a e I a dG ... d b A nS O J Y onrn o t nn q n p : f ks nr o n . hnGC fnGC nS GP e pYnGC nGC jQoGC dh . K J nGC j J fnGC nS f nrro spnn nu n n r o o s o rp rnn : G C p o rp s on rro . J n a fGEp ... d b ( k ep g Ko u john p pNoCG ep p n j) n p : f p . aG nG SnG ?I a dG j nG c Mn j g ? e J GP d n u n Co r C o n r C n n p q n p r o r C o p n C o p r o r n p n n n : G C nn k r ... rb b g ... s J (Im s Hp kFp b p pNoGC GEp sKo) ... p r dG rJ Z rf ( kFp b p HCGn EGp p n rjn ) o o rn o p nr p n on n p : f !! G M n rSG nB p r n uno o rn ? fnGC A Hn G e f nGC ( fp GEp ndrG k L ne) ? J GP e ? n j GP e ( s p n nHp ) uo n n r p rC n p m rn t : G C p n r nr n p m n nn p o p n n pnn o q n nn n n n G f c pV j udG dG e b d SQ f n rSG d . J c rd !!.. H H u p nn n o p p kn o onrnr on o uDo nrnn nn mn p mn p a rZ dG d en j g Hh , a I MGh n d a j e O jGEp r nYh . g nSGQ d o om no :A S pn s p p n . n dG c e ( r nU) ? pV j udG dG SQ nS g ? g SQ nS GP eh n s u o orn r n n o o orn s Question 10 continues on page 9 8 : G C Question 10 (continued) p k ro ... e r n T b ...!! f ( NCGn EGp k nL n n e) uo :A S p ls nrn l n p s p np rC h G dn G Q TGCo c IQ dG d fnGC h j . M u d pSQ e re fpGE ! H H C o nro s nn os n pnrn p n p : f fnGC r a , n dG MnGC e a s dG Q JnGC NQ f e LnGC nGC j dh ... eO dG o snn pn s p n rn p n n o n n k n k n n p r o p n r pn p np ... nGC A Sh n k s m n r o m n n n r r r pn n r n n nr p r k q o n r n . hnGC n e Y Y n MG dh OQnGC GPGEp p r dG oJGCo ... M nS j e fnGC HG rd rnn : G C . GhR hO p r dG o rJ e fnGC HG h ...( p p n HrG n fn p n rjn) nr ro m n n n nr o n r n . dG ShGCo G f f !! H H nB o n o rn :A S dG ShGoC pGE rL d . rY q dG j d Jh GO Y f rY dh , c d H ( k W e) n p r p n n p Cr n p p o p rnn n ns o pro l nn l : G C n n r p q n n n n r k n on n uD r np o r nn n o pnn ? dG GO oJ G gnGC , n anGC I M d enhGCo d M ch r Jh n pn u p wpo l . rdGEp r d H e V e G g ! H H rn n p : f kp k n n . ZQ a e c c ( kFRp g) : G C kqpp r o nGC jh , e A cP o cnGC fpGE , e dG nSGQO H J nGC j J A nS . bGh c , H H r opron qp k n nr s nspp r n p np o r o o o p : f kn n np o . W r J l nom . r e ( n nHp ) : G C n o n nn n n o n .IR e W uc G f c . h fh jQ G Q fh e J ln ro x o os o o n nn n n p : f o ( Im s o Hp n rJohn n rJo Im nap f r nU) ... G dG o o o nr : G C . pen H r a LQnGC rC p un n p : f oon o n n r n k n n o rn n unr n on c MnGC r j g . r e bnGC d dG G g GEp p nS fnGC pYnGC rc d ( j n T n nHp ) s o r o o rn m : G C ?I a dG p j nGC nnp q n ro r End of Question 10 9 Section II (continued) Part B 15 marks Attempt Question 11 Answer the question in a writing booklet. Extra writing booklets are available. In your answer you will be assessed on how well you: respond to the stimulus text with relevant information and ideas write text appropriate to context, purpose and audience structure and sequence information and ideas demonstrate control of a range of language structures and vocabulary in Arabic Question 11 (15 marks) Read both text on page 11 and answer the following question by writing approximately 200 words in ARABIC. You are Leila. Write your reply to Mona accepting the invitation. Question 11 continues on page 11 10 Question 11 (continued) : e rp : GEp I YO : V G nrn rn 2010/12/20 S e o n rd nn , rd j nU YpGE r o p rnp w p n l n jO s n G Y d a rJ rj Y WG r d p J nGC j p r dG S L t o j rn n p o p n ro r os nr r ospr n n enGC nU r dG d N J j W pV jQ j r J n p mrn p n o o on p o o m n x e pV j u dG dn G H cQ r d dG np ps p rC p n p pnn o p p nr ppr g e A dh ,i dG dnGC GEp c s dGh M u dG p r npn p n p pn . dG Sho G pV j udG Cn . T g - V j udG S re r onn pn p n C o rn Y q dG e 2011/1/20 Mn G j n pp pn q .A e n e dG Mh M nU pS dG k n p p r qnnk VhnGC d d e G Y e L p r p r np m sp m n o o r n . jO s n dG n nr : dG nr : e sdG : dG nnr GQ hO 7 h j TG d GQ hO 10 : N dG rSQ ton .O h d C po on p n n r qnn n jG H J nGC JnGC ? rd j d M rc nn jnGC . u n eh e jG H pSQ dG n dG n r kn o n knpro kn p ps nrnr p r o or pYnGC ? dG G g s dG SGCrQ n rd nS p n n n n rn n pn ln n k p pn . j Z FGO jQ e nGC k G L n s un k n k rn re j W e j nS fnGC p YGCo s po r pnn ro aG dG Mn G j dPh pV j udG z T g{ p p or p n C n rn n pn n u r . j j/ dG f c p n T e j r dG qp pn r rp n p fnGC H Y LG f fpGE pV jQ j fGEp s so w p p r w p r w p l rn os ppnp n v k kk r k p r n popro H J e fkGC k G c nS psp , e nS oe S j nU . dG u dG nn o n p po pV j udG g H g r nS fnGCh c sn n nq np n o n n po sn G g f H g j j dG dG Sh G Co np rp os n r r osp r n p n r n n s p rn j p r dG S L rdpGE YO dG dG g Sh dG Y aQ ... Q T ... J n r p n p rs p n ru n r p . jO s n rd ih e O j H n o p Cr n p Ep p . jO s n dG VhnGC d n or p r p r np o nr n . dG j nU ppnp opr k p n nr s psp r E pn neGB I Y dG fh d G d S udG H aQGCo pn o . Q M End of Question 11 p on j nU e o Please turn over 11 Section III Writing in Arabic 15 marks Attempt Questions 12 13 Allow about 1 hour for this section Answer each question in a SEPARATE writing booklet. Extra writing booklets are available. In your answers you will be assessed on how well you: demonstrate the relevance of information, opinions and ideas write text appropriate to context, purpose and audience structure and sequence information, opinions and ideas demonstrate control of a range of language structures and vocabulary in Arabic Question 12 (5 marks) Answer the following question by writing approximately 75 words in ARABIC. Write a message to your parents explaining why you have spent the $100 they gave you, to do the grocery shopping, on something else. 5 Question 13 (10 marks) Answer ONE of the following questions. Write approximately 200 words in ARABIC. (a) You have just returned from a week-long camp, where you were allowed no access to mobile phones, computers or television. 10 Write the script of your speech to the school reflecting on your experience. OR (b) Your local council has asked you to take part in a celebration of multicultural Australia. You have been invited to speak to the local community reflecting on the importance of the Arabic heritage in your life. Write the script of this speech. End of paper 12 Board of Studies NSW 2010 10 Centre Number Student Number 2010 H I G H E R S C H O O L C E R T I F I C AT E E X A M I N AT I O N Arabic Continuers Section II Part A Answer Booklet Instructions Answer Questions 9 10 in this answer booklet Write your Centre Number and Student Number at the top of this page 3037 Section II Reading and Responding Part A 25 marks Attempt Questions 9 10 Read the texts on pages 6 9 of the question paper, then answer the corresponding questions in ENGLISH in the spaces provided. These spaces provide guidance for the expected length of response. Question 9 (9 marks) (a) Who is Sadek Atta? 2 ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (b) Explain how Rouba s letter supports Sadek Atta s article. 3 ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (c) What claims does Sadek Atta make in this article? ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... 2 4 Question 10 (16 marks) (a) Describe the setting for this scene. 2 ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (b) Why are Sana and Nidal whispering? 2 ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (c) Comment on the significance of these sentences. 3 zI a dG p j nGC c Mn j g{ zI a dG oZGCo{ r nnp q n ro r op nC o pro r n nnp q ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (d) Summarise the issues explored in this text. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... Question 10 continues on page 4 3 4 Question 10 (continued) (e) Compare the personalities of the father and his children. In your response, refer to both tone and content. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... End of Question 10 4 Board of Studies NSW 2010 5 2010 H I G H E R S C H O O L C E R T I F I C AT E E X A M I N AT I O N . j e j M e knr : e S kr .AG dG cQ T s J , e S j gCG n nr r p r nn : j e n n r n n p n s n p k r n n u o n n k ?i r G Hh n dG e Uh RQCn G e L LO o f d jCGr Q e .Qh S H n r n r n p o n m o u o p : e S no rn . n s dG e bh r G sdG e b i pS cGB d fGC , e S j np k nn u p n pr np nrp : j e p r n r n n ? j G g gh : e S . e FG Z e f JGnC fGE , e S j G n n k s n o k q p k p o p s s : j e p o r n o k p p n p ? fRh e r J GC j j J eG Z c ch r n n ns nn . K dG dG M : e S ? a c S G g nCG j J gh kp o nn n s n pn rn r n n : e S : j e n p n n u n r o n r n p p n n p r o p o p n n r n r n n s p . dP UGoC nCG SGnC fCn a . jO f j U S Y Q d g J d fnGC e S j S o r p n : d p n n . O e Y n M GP e kG L a p J fnC a , b n J nCG r n Y u n n r n p r n u o r p n p : e S k r n o s n r n n o n o r o n n s p n n f MCnG . n Y p V Z dR e fnGC UGoC fCn a . g dG n Yh s dG j U dh n r p n s o u n r n k : d . r f nGC n Y j n r r n o o n p u n o t o n p n r n r n n s C k o o r p n q n r n n o p o f g a jO f o J e a . O e Y n M p f fn A r e dR e fCn a c p : e S . W G Y bG n H J fEGp . o S r Yh s p r E o n n p n p t n r n n p n p n r n r n n m n m . e S j d H JC L a d ! j Z Q o T e d j r p o n o p : d r n k n n n r n ? eCn G e , j M j J ! enGC M e n r n o r : dh n p n n r n k r m n p n p s n L H fnCGh Q dG n W SQOnGC r c a , s d H r Tn CG fnCG dG . dh g nGC o o r o o r n n p n p o o : e nCG p r p r p .A N S d ? q dG GpE A dG G g e J J GP d n n n r n n n Cr n p : dh n k p nn n . FGO HB dG p j anC d Q NG .kG o T o r n p r o o p r r : eCG p p rnn p nor p un or pn o r p n l n w . eGEp O Y j d s dG dG d H eh j L p r e r a fpEG .I s dG g rd n l os p nr ppn n n : dh n . L Q N fGnC YnCG !! BG l u n l n o s o p n r p : eGn C p J nCG J fnGC H .I e k GQ NnGC o NC nSh , V r dG A H rb dG r d k GPGpE p n np r p p ro n p nr prn n n rnr rn r n q p o p s so k n o : dh n p p r nC n r .A b U G Q NnCG . dG A e o fn n S ! Y r n r k n n p n r C l n : eCG p s n p . eoC Gh A HB G EGp m n s o p s o r n r o o p o r n ? n rd c dG J rj g p r o n p r o o r n n r n ? n dG N cO hnGC o r j g ? dG N S G J g p n o n p n r p r n q p o r n p o n n r n n o n r n p dG G rH Y j p dG nMQ N dP c d enD J zO H r u dG{ c p n a z f{ G dG c GPpGE r n r p o n p s r n r p r p n p n p n s o r o n o u o p u n n o r p n r . S dG HnC G k r n p r u o s o . e j 20 nM dG I e - l s o p s o n n . eDn e dG Lh - . q e X e G r Tp E Hh O hnC d eBG W f n p n p r p l n p l n n r o n s n o p - p m r n o p n n o p n . j p TG q d d F Shh H e n - . a VEp G d J . jQ dG L n j b dG K n n p s p n r n n o s n n p n p o n n - . c eCn G p M G YQ S r n p r o p p - . d n d W dG IQh d H cQ dG dG GpE p t s p p s p n n r p n r s p n p o r p t n r o n o s n n n o s p r o u n o . c penCG h e b e cG r TG Y aG dG d SQ r J , M nU k G Z , r nY L j fnC H c oc f n p n n o r p n p o n k r o r n r p k n s n o r o p p p n o r p n n n n p r n u p o r n n r n j r J u p P dG rVhh bG dG dG cQ dG J rj nGC Y t p '' H j '' dG ShoC G d n dG n c r e nCG c r p t s n n s n o n n n o r o n p r o r n q n . cQ dG j na EGph k n n p o r p t p s n n n snnn r M dG e o f G dh . nSQ e J fnCG Gh c Jh ,kG nS M cQ dG d f n o p n r n p o r n n p n r o n n r n n u n o r o s p n r s n p p .IQh dG N p f G Y dGh dG r n n p r n p t ? dG G g k G L k GQ f r n eCnG g ! S j p r dG A e n n r r n o n n r n n n r n r n u n : M n nY c , dG dG c p n T G rVpEG n H . dG G g X e k G HnGC cGnC d . M j c p rs p p p n p n r n r n k r n n r o r n o n s n s n n p p r n s n n n n b J dG dG U Hh GQ d a , e b Y k G r n S r e O YCn Gh e Gp E gPnGC nCG o p n n n r n r n s n n p p r s o n o n n r r : S n p n r p p r n r n , dP e dG Y , fnGC enGC . j dG e d r e e j c d ,G H GCr s dG aGhGoC q p n n r n p p k p o k r n n r n n n p n n o p : M pn nr p p . j dG QG n T f dG MOR H n J e G gh , dG Y uc p p r p p r p n s n n n p n n p n k o p k p r o n o r r n n p p r p p o s n n r p s n p n n r p n r p p dGh . j dG n dG c eCn G cG e r J PGEp t d c e k GQ f r n enCG a o s n n n n p n p o r o p r o .Q dG f e rY g g f nCG j p pr eR e a . g J dG d e b JGnC cCnG d ?IQ dG I L dG g e ! f M e lnn o n n r n n r n n p p n n s p p r n n n n o r s n n r o r n o n q o nC n o r p p n :i f n n n r n o n p r n r r n l n . J U d N SCn G d j W m p m r n p o p p n o r r n o s m r p p p n n n n s t p n o n o r n p r , n bGQ n M Q d YOCnG c p JnGC .QG r S H e t dG MCoGh n s dG J enGC fnCG : f n p o n n ? jGCr Q a m rn p op n M Q d Y J fnC a ! b NnCG n d j .kG L J aQ . FGQ I n a e d j rn n r n n p r p np q p o p r o n o n r p m n p m r p r p n :i f p n p r r p n r p p r . b dG p pS A Z e Z tdG Y c n p p n n r n r o r n r n n . dG dG p enCG fGnC n J c . J eCnG j k G L I nU n r e g dh q p l n l p o n o r p n n n : f n p . b H K aOnC n a p enC d J .G g n aoGC nGC n Y c k G L p SBG fCn G !! GB n p n n n o n r n r p r q n r n n n u n s s n n q p l n :i f . r b H AG p T r n Yh a fGn C . r b J d fnCG YnCG n n r n r n p s o p n r p n n p o p n n l n : f n n r r n r n n n n m n n p n n r o n n n n J nU r SnCG d fCn Gh G c H J nGC r J r c ? J eCn H jO Jh H s J G dnGC n p n o n o n n n p :i f .i NCGo I eCnG Y ah gPGEp ? nj W I e re r m n r n r u n n r n r m n m s o o o n p n o n r n r n . dP anCG S J n : f n n p r n p n p n r o n n p n p n p n p n n o n n n r n n c j dGh A dh e s dG SCGr Q n d A Y h J r SCn G d fCn a jO f j k G L p SBG p l n : j a k p . H S JG r n s r r n n p dnCG d .A u dG G d n MCoG c I g L dh M c n J fnCG . n J nCG j ! j a j n p u n r n k n p o r n r n o r n n r n r n r o p n o n : jO f p n p n n n n k t p n n . s dG SCGr Q n r d r n Y r nV n Sh , d e O b N n n Y n n S eGoC EGp s C s n o r n q s r o r p l p n : j a k rp m n uo nS eCoG J , dGh rHh rH A d fCGo nGC h MCGo I se c fnC , pV Z a fCn G os ln n n n t o n s np n n n n n n k p n u n r o p : jO f n p p p r r p x p n r n m r n n o s n p . F d LGnC e M e V Y Q M dGh . H cCn G nGC jh , n F dG OG anCG L Y Sh r o n r n n r o p n n p p p r n n r n n n n n . dGh A d e Jh , j dhn G pF dG Q eCoG J FGO fnC a .QG Y G r o k p n r n p p r s n p p p r p o s n n n n n s p n r C n s p p n n n r n p s r n o n n p r n p . r Y q JnCG dh , j dG HQO aQ fnC a ,Q WE G G g Q eCo G n J ! J n j Y j n n n n : j a r p nr YR dP rbh .IR e p H g Th k G L n j e fnCG eCGo YOG pV dG I s dG r n n n npn n n n m n r r m s p r n p n q p l n s n t r ns pn : jO f r C n r n m n p n s . b J nCG h J fCnG YnCG . d H d r Y fnCG n JGh ,AiQ W m en dEG L H NCn G nCG n u n o r o p o s o p n r n p n p o n n p o s n s n m n p n o n r n q s l p . dP J eCoG nCG KGh fCn G : j a nGC e a . n n J nCG j . bnCG d fnC a . Y bGEp h J . j L r d fn H G dGh j r r p o k u n n n n s C p n p o p n r n r q Ep n r n r o p n n p n r r n n : jO f p n n p p n p k p p q n o . b dG d F f k G M nVnC n S pEGh J M j dhnC G J s n n p n o n p n r n n o p n r n !! H M e : L n l n n p s r n o n k r ? eCn G e . j M fnGC h j ! L gnGC o r : H p p s r p n q p m n n x q n m n n n n n n n . p s dG b d e a N Xh Lh HCn G nC b dG f j Mh I n S s p r n p n l n n n l n : L n . dG G g nj W I n rN j dh e a p n r n l n l p p r n n n l p n o o n r n p n p s o p n r o o p . dG rd re j dGh nCG YCnG rc ! GB n nr prnp m n : H p g p s dG b dGh e eCnG dG Y dGn nGC o r j a . dG G g n j dh , f n n p r s n n o n n n n r n o r n o s p n n r n n n p o s r o n q w p o l r p n p r p o n k p r o o o p n n o t p o m n n p o p p p r p n n n B n p n r n o r s I n r d k G eh e jh j H dG f epE H rUCn G Gh . r dG pGE j dG : L n p s r . p VQCn G I M d oa j e G gh , dG e dG nS fnCG YnCG .kG L IQ a fnCG H ! FGQ G g k n r o n q n o n n p r n p n n n r n o s o p n r p l n n p s s o l p : H n r . n anCG n n p o p o r n n p l p p r n p n o n p p l n n k . g G e r j bh ,kG L n S Qh H gh . H IQ a a fnGC p : L n p l n n p r ? j M fCG GP d ,kGPGE : H p r n o p n r n o n n r n o n n n s . n SQ eh F b rUCn G Y HnCGh dG ShGC r n Sh HO X dG Cn n r n n : L n

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