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2006 H I G H E R S C H O O L C E R T I F I C AT E E X A M I N AT I O N Information Technology Total marks 80 S ection I General Instructions Reading time 5 minutes Working time 2 hours Write using black or blue pen Board-approved calculators may be used Write your Centre Number and Student Number at the top of pages 9, 17 and 21 Pages 2 7 15 marks Attempt Questions 1 15 Allow about 15 minutes for this section S ection II Pages 9 21 35 marks Attempt Questions 16 19 Allow about 45 minutes for this section S ection III Page 23 26 30 marks Attempt TWO questions from Questions 20 22 Allow about 1 hour for this section 379 Section I 15 marks Attempt Questions 1 15 Allow about 15 minutes for this section Use the multiple-choice answer sheet. Select the alternative A, B, C or D that best answers the question. Fill in the response oval completely. Sample: 2+4= (A) 2 A (B) 6 (C) 8 B C (D) 9 D If you think you have made a mistake, put a cross through the incorrect answer and fill in the new answer. A B C D If you change your mind and have crossed out what you consider to be the correct answer, then indicate the correct answer by writing the word correct and drawing an arrow as follows. correct A B C 2 D 1 What is the software installation option you would choose if you wanted to disable some functions of the software? (A) Full (B) Typical (C) Custom (D) Portable 2 What is the primary source of information about specifications for a hardware device? (A) The manufacturer s manual (B) The occupational health and safety legislation (C) The organisation s policy and systems manual (D) The requirements on the hardware purchase order 3 What are the advantages of registering your software? (A) You receive free mouse mats and cheap updates. (B) You receive special offers and the assurance of free technical support 24 / 7. (C) You receive patches and the assurance of free software upgrades. (D) You receive patches and the assurance that copyright laws have not been breached. 4 Which of the following is an INCORRECT statement about occupational health and safety when using a computer? (A) Chairs should be adjustable and the user s feet should be supported. (B) To improve readability the light source should be directed at the monitor. (C) Keyboard height should ensure that the forearms are parallel to the floor and the wrists are not bent. (D) Job rotation and incorporating breaks and exercise into work routines can reduce the risk of repetitive strain injury. 3 5 Which of the following shows how temporary files and clipboard contents are stored? Storage Temporary files Clipboard contents (A) RAM Hard disk (B) Hard disk RAM (C) Hard disk CPU (D) CPU Hard disk Refer to the following diagram to answer Questions 6, 7 and 8. A B COMPANY NAME SALES ($ '000) 3 YEAR C D E F 1 2 4 **** 5 Month January February March April May 2006 6 7 8 9 10 11 June 12 July 13 August 14 September 15 October 16 November 17 December 18 Sydney Newcastle Wollongong 15 13 9 14 11 9 13 11 8 9 9 7 8 8 8 15 8 7 12 7 6 11 7 5 10 9 7 15 8 8 14 10 9 20 12 12 **** 19 TOTAL SALES 20 HIGHEST SALES 6 TOTAL 47 43 40 33 31 35 30 29 33 40 42 55 156 20 113 13 95 12 What has been typed into the cells indicated by arrows? (A) Formula, label, value (B) Column, row, value (C) Column, range, row (D) Formula, label, row 4 458 55 G 7 Which formula was used in cell C20? (A) = Max (C6 : 17) (B) = Max (C6 : C17) (C) = (Max C6 : C17) (D) = (Max : C6 : C17) 8 A template was used to generate this spreadsheet. Which cells would have had information entered in this template? (A) A1 : B3, A5 : E17, B5 : E5 (B) A1 : B3, A5 : A20, B5 : E5 (C) A1 : A20, B19 : E20, B5 : E5 (D) A1 : B17, A19 : A20, B5 : E20 9 You are responsible for repairing hardware in the organisation shown below. Organisation chart IT Manager Software Purchasing Supervisor IT Support Supervisor Helpdesk Supervisor Contracts Supervisor Database Administrator Who is the person most likely to be your immediate supervisor? (A) IT Manager (B) Helpdesk Supervisor (C) IT Support Supervisor (D) Hardware Purchasing Supervisor 5 Hardware Purchasing Supervisor 10 Which of the following statements correctly describes connectors type of cable used? (A) (B) (C) (D) 11 and and the is an A connector, is a B connector, and the cable is Cat5E. is an A connector, is a B connector, and the cable is USB. is a B connector, is an A connector, and the cable is Cat5E. is a B connector, is an A connector, and the cable is USB. Part-time pay claims for Saturday 26/8/2006 were rejected with the message 26/8/05 WAS A FRIDAY WEEKEND PENALTY RATES DO NOT APPLY . All other pay claims were accepted. What is the most likely cause of this error? (A) There was a hardware failure. (B) The CPU speed was wrong. (C) There was a power failure in the server room. (D) An incorrect backup tape was used to restore data after a disk failure. 12 Which method of storage is used in the device shown? (A) USB (B) Optical (C) Magnetic (D) Non-volatile 6 13 An IEEE1394 cable is backward compatible with an IEEE1394 device. What does this statement mean? (A) An IEEE1394 cable can never transmit data from an IEEE1394 device. (B) An IEEE1394 cable will transmit data from an IEEE1394 device at IEEE1394A speed. (C) An IEEE1394 cable will transmit data from an IEEE1394 device at IEEE1394 speed. (D) An IEEE1394 cable will transmit data from an IEEE1394A device at IEEE1394 speed. 14 What is the primary reason for organisations keeping copies of email and email attachments even after both the sender and the receiver have deleted these messages? (A) To assist in resolving legal disputes (B) To form a log to track computer activity (C) To train employees in workplace communication skills (D) To track viruses which are delivered as email attachments 15 What distinguishes a template from a wizard? (A) A template saves time and implements standards for the layout of documents. A wizard performs a process automatically. (B) A template saves time and implements standards for the layout of documents. A wizard automatically corrects spelling and grammatical errors. (C) A template is a file designed for repeated use. A wizard is a series of dialogue boxes which guides users through a process by presenting choices. (D) A template is a temporary file which is designed to be overwritten. A wizard is a series of dialogue boxes which guides users through a process by presenting choices. 7 BLANK PAGE 8 Board of Studies NSW 2006 2 006 HIGHER SCHOOL CER TIFIC A TE EXAMINA T ION Information Technology Centre Number Section II 35 marks Attempt Questions 16 19 Allow about 45 minutes for this section Student Number Answer the questions in the spaces provided. Question 16 (7 marks) Please turn over 380 9 Question 16 (7 marks) The procedure on page 11 is used by an organisation to assist IT support staff by specifying the tasks undertaken when obtaining and installing software applications. Undertaking these tasks in this order ensures that system integrity is maintained and that software installation follows best practice. These seven tasks are missing: Determine compatibility of required software with client workstation Report on completion of installation made to supervisor Backup copy made of client workstation Software budget checked for available funds Configure new software to client and organisation requirements Approve purchase, obtain quotes and prepare Purchase Order Appointment made for installation on client workstation to minimise disruption to client and to organisation Question 16 continues on page 11 10 Marks Question 16 (continued) Place the seven tasks in their correct position on this list by writing the task number in the space provided. Guidelines to obtaining and installing client software applications Personnel 1 IT staff 2 IT staff 3 Task Client software requirements determined and documented IT staff 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Supervisor informed of client requirements and compatibility Compatibility of software with network and IT supervisor organisational guidelines checked IT supervisor Licensing requirements checked IT supervisor IT supervisor IT supervisor Sends Purchase Order to nominated supplier IT staff Delivery received and checked against Purchase Order IT supervisor Media and manuals recorded in Asset Register Software licence number recorded in organisation s IT staff Licence Control database Backup copies of software disks made and stored IT staff safely if permitted under licence IT staff Central software installation completed if applicable IT staff At arranged time, client workstation checked for IT staff viruses, illegal software and operating system patches 16 IT staff Hard disk on client workstation defragmented if necessary 17 18 19 20 Install new software on client workstation Test basic functionality IT staff IT staff IT staff IT staff 21 IT staff 22 IT staff 23 IT staff Client tests new software and changes made to configuration as required Client approves installation Location of new software recorded on Licence Control Database 24 IT staff 25 IT supervisor Invoice paid End of Question 16 11 7 Question 17 (10 marks) The following tables are part of a library database. Book Table Book_No Book_Title Author Publisher ISBN 001.567/9 Information Technology Koreneff & Sims-McLean Pascal Press 1741251176 303.483 Information Technology Hartles & Kelly Heinemann 1740811119 001.3123/3 Webster s Computer Dictionary Pfaffenberger Wiley 076452478X 001.3124/7 Dictionary of Computing Collin Bloomsbury 0747566224 343.123 OBOS Board of Studies 1740994116 I.T. Curriculum Framework Borrower Table Borrower_ID Title F_Name L_Name Address Phone_No 1011 Ms Kim Pine 17 York St Sydney 2000 92123451 1012 Mr Ti Huon 19 Clarence St Sydney 2000 92343467 1013 Mrs Frieda Pharos 25 Miller St Nth Sydney 2060 92562134 1014 Miss Angela Webster 333 Bourke St Darlinghurst 2010 92897129 1015 Mr Lech Gowitzer 256 George St Sydney 2000 92787896 1016 Ms Jane Wayne 186 Phillip St Sydney 2000 92698508 1017 Mr Heath Wayne 186 Phillip St Sydney 2000 92698508 Loan Table Book_No Borrower_ID Date_Due Loan_ID 343.123 1012 28/9/06 100056 001.3123/3 1015 30/9/06 100057 001.567/9 1011 26/9/06 100058 303.483 1014 25/9/06 100059 Question 17 continues on page 13 12 Marks Question 17 (continued) (a) (i) How many fields are in the Book Table? 1 ................................................................................................................... (ii) How many records from the Borrower Table on page 12 are displayed? 1 ................................................................................................................... (b) SELECT : Date_Due, F_Name, Phone_No Book_Title FROM : Loan, Borrower, Book WHERE : Date_Due < = 27/9/2006 ORDER BY : Date_Due Write the report generated by this SQL statement when it is applied to the tables on page 12. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... Question 17 continues on page 14 13 3 Marks Question 17 (continued) (c) This form letter is to be used by the library in a mail merge to advise a borrower about an overdue book. When the mail merge is attempted using the tables on page 12, the letter does not accurately reflect the data. 4 <Title> <L_Name>, <Address>, <Suburb> <Postcode>, Dear <F_Name> OVERDUE LOAN We wish to bring to your attention that the following book is now overdue: <Book_Title> <Author> <Date_Due> Please return the above book as soon as possible. Yours sincerely Librarian Describe how to modify the database on page 12 so that it is compatible with the form letter above. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (d) The library wants speedier recovery of overdue books and is investigating the use of email. Suggest a modification to the database to enable the sending of email notifications. ............................................................................................................................... End of Question 17 14 1 BLANK PAGE 15 BLANK PAGE 16 Board of Studies NSW 2006 2 006 HIGHER SCHOOL CER TIFIC A TE EXAMINA T ION Information Technology Centre Number Section II (continued) Student Number Marks Question 18 (12 marks) Kim works in the IT Department and has discovered that the IT printer needs a new toner cartridge. The organisation has in place the following procedure for ordering consumables. (a) Check with the Stock Controller in case item is in stock If none in stock obtain quotes from three suppliers Select a supplier Complete Stock Order Form Attach quotes to Stock Order Form Take Stock Order Form to your supervisor for signature Take Stock Order Form to the Finance Controller for signature Take Stock Order Form to Stock Controller for signature, purchasing and filing The Stock Controller fills in the Purchase Order and files all documents On delivery the person ordering goods will be contacted by the Stock Controller to collect items (i) According to the procedure above, identify the people who must sign the Stock Order Form before the order is placed. 1 (1) .............................................................................................................. (2) .............................................................................................................. (3) .............................................................................................................. (ii) What does Kim need to check before ordering consumables? ................................................................................................................... Question 18 continues on page 18 381 17 1 Question 18 (continued) The printer in IT is manufactured by Intelligent Integrated Products Pty Ltd. It is a black-and-white laser printer Model Number IIP2300LaN with a speed of 20 ppm and resolution of 1200 dpi. Below are quotes for replacement cartridges from three suppliers. Intelligent Integrated Products Pty Ltd 11 Lasering Rd Downtown, NSW 2999 Crystal Clear Integrated Products 51 Ring Rd Uptown, NSW 2901 Ph (02) 9999 5678 Fax (02) 9999 1234 Ph (02) 9999 9999 Fax (02) 8888 8888 Part No CC2000 series Part No 11PE23 B&W Laser Cartridge, model CC2000 B&W Laser Cartridge for IIP2300LaN with cleaning kit Suitable for: IIP 2000, 2100, 2200, 2250N, 2320, 2350, 2400 laser printers and all 2 series Sister Printers Up to 20,000 pages $149.00 Postage & handling (included) Up to 12,000 pages $65.00 Plus postage & handling $15.00 Recycled Cartridges Pty Ltd 1 Inkering Rd Hacville, NSW 2199 Ph (02) 6666 9999 Fax (02) 6666 8888 Part No RL23 B&W Laser Cartridge (re-manufactured) for IIP2300LaN Up to 8,000 pages $99.00 Plus postage & handling $15 (per order) Question 18 continues on page 19 18 Marks Question 18 (continued) (b) Which supplier would you recommend? 3 ............................................................................................................................... Justify your recommendation. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (c) This organisation has a policy of re-ordering five toner cartridges at a time. Outline THREE advantages of this policy. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... Question 18 continues on page 20 19 3 Marks Question 18 (continued) (d) Use the information on pages 17, 18 and 19 to complete the following Stock Order Form ready for Kim s supervisor to check. Stock Order Form S0174 Stock Order Number Supplier details Quotes from 1. 2. 3. Phone Fax Accepted quote Dept requesting Why accepted Person requesting Part No Quantity Description Price Total Post & handling Approvals Total Signature 1 Signature 2 Signature 3 OR VIS ER UP NLY O RS FO USE Purchase Order No Entered in Stock Control DB End of Question 18 20 Board of Studies NSW 2006 4 2 006 HIGHER SCHOOL CER TIFIC A TE EXAMINA T ION Information Technology Centre Number Section II (continued) Student Number Marks Question 19 (6 marks) (a) Compare the use of the telephone and email as internal business communication tools. 2 ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (b) Assess the suitability of using the telephone instead of a fax when informing a job applicant that he/she has been successful. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... 382 21 4 BLANK PAGE 22 Board of Studies NSW 2006 2 006 HIGHER SCHOOL CER TIFIC A TE EXAMINA T ION Information Technology Section III 30 marks Attempt TWO questions from Questions 20 22 Allow about 1 hour for this section Answer each question in a SEPARATE writing booklet. Extra writing booklets are available. In your answers you will be assessed on how well you: demonstrate relevant knowledge and understanding communicate ideas and information, using precise industry terminology and appropriate workplace examples organise information in a well-reasoned and cohesive response solve proposed issues or problems Question 20 (15 marks) You have recently won a contract to produce a CD containing samples of student work in Information Technology. The CD will contain text, copies of handwritten documents, photos, diagrams, video and sound. To prepare content for a CD like this you must spend many hours at the computer. Your workstation is a Pentium IV 2.8 GHz processor with 1 GB of RAM, 120 GB of hard disk space, on-board 256 MB video card, on-board 32 bit sound card, 19 inch LCD monitor, 52 speed CD reader, keyboard and mouse. Write a report to evaluate THREE input devices and THREE output devices which you need to add to this system to create the content and produce a master copy of the CD. Your answer should include the occupational health and safety considerations in setting up your computer workstation to undertake this contract. 383 23 In your answers you will be assessed on how well you: demonstrate relevant knowledge and understanding communicate ideas and information, using precise industry terminology and appropriate workplace examples organise information in a well-reasoned and cohesive response solve proposed issues or problems Question 21 (15 marks) UniPrint Pty Ltd prepares course manuals for university students using desktop publishing software. UniPrint has a very high demand at the beginning of each semester in March and July. In July 2006 the high-speed WorkHorse9 printer failed repeatedly and students did not get their manuals on time. The manager at UniPrint has asked for help from the technician at WorkHorse to make sure this does not happen again. Using the information provided, write a report to the manager at UniPrint Pty Ltd which analyses the reasons for the problems with their printer and which proposes short-term and long-term solutions to these problems under the operating conditions at UniPrint Pty Ltd. The manufacturer s recommended maintenance schedule is given below. Recommended maintenance schedule for WorkHorse9 Allow 3 working days for delivery of parts Frequency Indicators Action required 1 Every 150 000 pages The message REPLACE FUSER UNIT appears in the instruction panel. REPLACE FUSER UNIT: Remove old fuser unit Clean fuser unit area with cleaning material (supplied) Insert new fuser unit 2 Every 300 000 pages The message REPLACE PAPER FEED UNIT appears in the instruction panel. REPLACE FUSER UNIT: (see above) REPLACE PAPER FEED UNIT: Remove old paper rollers Clean roller area with cleaning material (supplied) Attach new paper rollers 3 Every 2 000 000 pages The message FULL Ring 1 200 300 to arrange an SERVICE appointment with one of our REQUIRED service engineers appears in the instruction panel. Question 21 continues on page 25 24 Question 21 (continued) The WorkHorse9 is a very expensive, high capacity printer which is networked and connected to the internet. The printer automatically sends an email to the manufacturer s helpdesk to make a record of routine maintenance procedures carried out by UniPrint. Additional maintenance information is also entered manually in this log. SELECTED ENTRIES FROM WORKHORSE9 MAINTENANCE LOG FOR UNIPRINT MACHINE NO.1 Date Call ID Number of pages From Details 9/7/05 155 615 121 Workhorse Technician Service call: Installed new paper feed kit and fuser unit, cleaned 15/7/05 165 760 010 Umar UniPrint Phone call: Copies marked, streaky Service call: Fuser unit replaced and cleaned 30/7/05 173 900 030 Printer Paper feed unit replaced. Fuser unit replaced 4/10/05 183 1 065 050 Printer Fuser unit replaced 6/3/06 190 1 215 000 Printer Fuser unit replaced 7/3/06 193 1 227 000 Catrina UniPrint Phone call: printer won t print 8/3/06 193 1 227 000 Workhorse Technician Service call: Installed paper feed kit, installed new fuser unit. Cleaned 15/3/06 210 1 370 010 Printer Fuser unit replaced 28/3/06 221 1 550 980 Lisa UniPrint URGENT Phone call: printer keeps clogging. Service call: Paper feed kit and fuser replaced, cleaned and adjusted 5/6/06 240 1 658 027 Uho UniPrint Phone call: copies filthy Service call: Replaced fuser unit 2/7/06 252 1 800 235 Printer Fuser unit replaced 2/7/06 253 1 802 305 Mary UniPrint Phone call: Paper jamming and creasing 3/7/06 253 1 802 305 Wo rkhorse Service call: Paper feed kit installed, fuser Technician unit installed and machine cleaned 8/7/06 268 2 110 065 Greg UniPrint Phone call: creased copies, keeps jamming, noisy operation End of Question 21 Please turn over 25 In your answers you will be assessed on how well you: demonstrate relevant knowledge and understanding communicate ideas and information, using precise industry terminology and appropriate workplace examples organise information in a well-reasoned and cohesive response solve proposed issues or problems Question 22 (15 marks) E-Travel Pty Ltd is a small company which publishes an online magazine about holiday travel. It employs professional journalists to write feature articles and accepts contributions from readers about their holiday experiences. Each issue of the online magazine features one destination and has the following sections: Editorial Featured destination History How to get there Things to do Special deals Readers experiences at the featured destination After a few issues it was found that a lot of time was spent converting file formats and formatting the readers contributions, including text, graphics, sound and video. It was difficult to find files submitted about the featured destination and to track the status of articles prior to publication. Write a report to analyse the software requirements and file handling procedures needed to produce the online magazine. Your report should address: software applications; strategies to simplify converting and formatting readers files, and; strategies to locate and track the status of files. End of paper 26 Board of Studies NSW 2006

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Additional Info : New South Wales Higher School Certificate Information Technology 2006
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