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2004 H I G H E R S C H O O L C E R T I F I C AT E E X A M I N AT I O N Information Technology Total marks 80 Section I General Instructions Reading time 5 minutes Working time 2 hours Write using black or blue pen Board-approved calculators may be used Write your Centre Number and Student Number at the top of pages 9, 13 and 17 Pages 2 6 15 marks Attempt Questions 1 15 Allow about 15 minutes for this section Section II Pages 9 19 35 marks Attempt Questions 16 20 Allow about 45 minutes for this section Section III Pages 21 22 30 marks Attempt TWO questions from Questions 21 23 Allow about 1 hour for this section 379 Section I 15 marks Attempt Questions 1 15 Allow about 15 minutes for this section Use the multiple-choice answer sheet. Select the alternative A, B, C or D that best answers the question. Fill in the response oval completely. Sample: 2+4= (A) 2 A (B) 6 (C) 8 B C (D) 9 D If you think you have made a mistake, put a cross through the incorrect answer and fill in the new answer. A B C D If you change your mind and have crossed out what you consider to be the correct answer, then indicate the correct answer by writing the word correct and drawing an arrow as follows. correct A B C 2 D 1 The electrical extension cord for a data projector has been laid across a hallway. In what way is this a major occupational health and safety (OHS) risk? (A) Fire hazard (B) Tripping hazard (C) May damage the data projector (D) Potential to cause occupational overuse injury 2 In terms of anti-discrimination, which of the following is NOT a reason for refusing employment? (A) Lack of qualifications (B) Insufficient experience (C) Lack of union membership (D) Inability to demonstrate the required skills 3 Which of the following is most likely to be included in a workplace mission statement? (A) Reduce the number of supervisors. (B) Reduce the number of help-desk calls. (C) Strengthen the company s reputation with clients. (D) Improve the safety conditions around workstations for staff. 4 Which of the following email features are appropriate for external business communication? (A) Not written in business style, identity of the sender is not disguised, unusual file formats used for attachments, text has been spell checked (B) Written in business style, identity of the sender is not disguised, common file formats used for attachments, text has been spell checked (C) Written in business style, identity of the sender is disguised, common file formats used for attachments, text has been spell checked (D) Written in business style, identity of the sender is not disguised, common file formats used for attachments, text has not been spell checked 3 5 Which of the following is the best reason for making a written record of all phone messages from clients? (A) As a reminder of the message content (B) To identify whether it was a male or female caller (C) To increase delivery time, and to have a record of the time and date of the message (D) As a record of the time and date of the message, and as a reminder of the message content 6 Which of the following is the most appropriate source of information about maintenance requirements for a peripheral device? (A) Strategic plan (B) Computer magazine (C) Policy and procedures manual (D) Device manufacturer s manual 7 At a large public meeting you need to display your business plan (including graphs and charts) for expanding a company. Which application package allows you to provide the most comprehensive display? (A) Database (B) Presentation (C) Spreadsheet (D) Word processor 8 Which of the following documents should be stored with restricted access? (A) The names and addresses of employees (B) The list of the phone numbers for the help-desk (C) The financial data from last year s annual report (D) The addresses and phone numbers of the organisation s branch offices 4 9 What is listed in a print queue ? (A) Users who have access to one printer (B) Printers that have printed one document (C) Documents waiting to be printed on one printer (D) Models of printers with currently available device drivers 10 The System Administrator should log off after using a workstation, to prevent unauthorised people from accessing the network. Which of these is the most serious problem unauthorised users could cause? (A) Accessing backup logs (B) Changing their access to printers (C) Changing their desktop background (D) Changing the System Administrator s password 11 Which of the following does a standard retail software licence allow the licensee to do? (A) Buy an upgrade of the software (B) Sell a copy of the software to someone else (C) Make numerous backup copies of the software (D) Incorporate that software into another product for sale 12 Why are data files stored separately from application software installation files? (A) It reduces the risk of file corruption. (B) This is the only way to load installation files. (C) It maintains the security of the installation files. (D) To simplify setup and management of the daily backup. 13 Which of the following features would be most useful when creating a document which is to be printed double-sided and then bound? (A) Custom tab (B) A3 page size (C) Mirror margins (D) Print layout view 5 14 You are working in a document when you accidentally turn Caps Lock to ON. Which character will appear on the screen when you press the following key? @ 2 (A) @ (B) 2 (C) Subscript 2 (D) Superscript 2 15 Which of the following would provide the best assistance to a new user who is experiencing basic difficulties using the features within an application? (A) Help screen (B) Style sheet (C) Template (D) Wizard 6 BLANK PAGE 7 BLANK PAGE 8 Board of Studies NSW 2004 2 004 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFIC ATE EXAMINATION Information Technology Centre Number Section II 35 marks Attempt Questions 16 20 Allow about 45 minutes for this section Student Number Answer the questions in the spaces provided. Marks Question 16 (6 marks) The XYZ company employs Charlie to set up computers, repair computers and install software at head office. Mary is employed as an IT professional. She works on the phone, answering questions and solving problems with computers from all head office staff, staff from branch offices and clients. Lin works for On Line All the Time . He comes to XYZ one day a week to maintain the fileserver and check the network. Clare works for a hardware company that sells monitors to XYZ. Joe is the secretary to the Managing Director at XYZ and frequently rings Mary with computer problems. Eric also rings Mary but he works for one of XYZ s clients and reports problems with the software they purchased from XYZ. Identify the person most closely associated with the following roles by completing the table. Role Name of person Help desk Internal client ............................................................................................... Contractor ............................................................................................... External client ............................................................................................... Computing support ............................................................................................... Supplier 380 ............................................................................................... ............................................................................................... 9 6 Question 17 (7 marks) Use the following transcript of a telephone conversation between Mr Lee and an employee of the ABC Computer Company to answer parts (a) (c). 1 ABC ABC 2 LEE Hello hello. Is that the computer company? 3 ABC ABC 4 LEE Is that the computer company that sells Dodgem? 5 ABC Yes. 6 LEE What? 7 ABC Yes. 8 LEE I need to talk to Kylee. 9 ABC What? 10 LEE I need to talk to Kylee. I spoke to her yesterday. 11 ABC Which Kylee? We have got five Kylees here. 12 LEE The one I spoke to yesterday. 13 ABC I wasn t here yesterday. How would I know? What does she do? 14 LEE She is getting me a price. I want to buy 1000 copies of Dodgem. She is organising a discount for me. 15 ABC So you want Kylee in Software Sales do you? I ll put you through. [Long wait] 16 ABC Are you there? 17 LEE Yes. 18 ABC She s not in today. Who else can help you? 19 LEE I don t know. I only talked to Kylee. 20 ABC Well you will have to try again tomorrow. Question 17 continues on page 11 10 Marks Question 17 (continued) (a) 1 For this conversation, identify: the sender .............................................................................................................. the medium ........................................................................................................... the receiver ........................................................................................................... (b) Rewrite each of the following responses by the ABC Computer Company employee to demonstrate appropriate customer service skills. (i) Line 9 ........................................................................................................ 1 ................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................... (ii) Line 13 ...................................................................................................... 1 ................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................... (iii) Line 20 ...................................................................................................... 1 ................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................... (c) Line 14 suggests that this could be an important software order for ABC. Outline the actions Kylee, the software sales representative, should have taken to keep the client informed of the process and progress of this enquiry. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... End of Question 17 11 3 BLANK PAGE 12 Board of Studies NSW 2004 2 004 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFIC ATE EXAMINATION Information Technology Centre Number Section II (continued) Student Number Question 18 (9 marks) Please turn over 381 13 Question 18 (9 marks) Use the information in the extract below to answer parts (a) (d). ABK Computer Company Extract of audit log file for server number 3 101 User Charlie Login Profile\Users\Profiles\Charlie 102 User Bravo Login Profile\Users\Profiles\Bravo 103 DB-Table = "Customers" open for Read+Write for use of Charlie 104 User Delta Login Profile\Users\Profiles\Delta 105 DB-Table = "Customers"\Record = 04 locked for user Charlie 106 User Alpha Login Profile\Users\Profiles\Alpha 107 User Alpha Open file Employees\Users\Datafiles\Charlie\file123 Access denied Error 1258 108 DB-Table = "Customers"\Record = 04 written 109 DB-Table = "Customers"\Record = 04 unlocked 110 DB-Table = "Customers"\Record = 14 locked for user Charlie 111 User Alpha Open file Employees\Users\Datafiles\Charlie\file145 Access denied Error 1258 112 User Foxtrot open o/s file "solitaire" 113 DB-Table = "Customers"\Record = 14 written 114 DB-Table = "Customers"\Record = 14 unlocked 115 User Alpha Open file Employees\Users\Datafiles\Charlie\file275 Access denied Error 1258 116 User Foxtrot Open file Employees\Users\Datafiles\Foxtrot\file7561 117 User Alpha Excessive file access violation errors 118 User Alpha Excessive file access violation errors Account disabled 119 User Alpha Logout Profile\Users\Profiles\Alpha 120 User Foxtrot Open file Application\MS\Excel.exe by association from file7561 121 User Alpha Excessive file access violation errors System Admin email generated 122 User Delta Logout Profile\Users\Profiles\Delta 123 User Foxtrot Logout Profile\Users\Profiles\Foxtrot 124 DB-Table = "Customers" closed 125 User Charlie Logout Profile\Users\Profiles\Charlie Question 18 continues on page 15 14 Marks Question 18 (continued) (a) Why is User Alpha unable to open file123 (line 107)? 1 ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (b) One user had their account disabled. Identify the user and explain why the account was disabled. 2 ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (c) The audit log file has entries showing database records being locked, written to and unlocked. Why are these actions carried out? (i) Locked ...................................................................................................... 1 ................................................................................................................... (ii) Written ..................................................................................................... 1 ................................................................................................................... (iii) Unlocked ................................................................................................... 1 ................................................................................................................... (d) ABK Computer Company has a policy that work computers are to be used for business purposes only. (i) Identify the user who is violating this policy. 1 ................................................................................................................... (ii) Describe the consequences of this action. ................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................... End of Question 18 15 2 BLANK PAGE 16 Board of Studies NSW 2004 2 004 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFIC ATE EXAMINATION Information Technology Centre Number Section II (continued) Student Number Marks Question 19 (7 marks) (a) Identify the technical features that distinguish between the removable storage media in the table below. CD-ROM Floppy disk 6 Tape Access method Capacity (b) Identify ONE disadvantage of using a floppy disk as a removable storage medium. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... 382 17 1 Question 20 (6 marks) Use the following extract from a Licence Agreement to answer parts (a) (c). USER LICENCE AGREEMENT FOR WORDPROCESSOR VERSION 7 READ THIS AGREEMENT CAREFULLY: This User Licence Agreement (ULA) is a legal document between you, the SOFTWARE PURCHASER (either an individual or a single legal entity) and WORDPROCESSOR PTY LTD, the manufacturer of the SOFTWARE you have purchased (identified above). GRANT OF LICENCE. This ULA grants you the following rights: Installation and use of Software. Except as described in other sections of this ULA you may install and use only one (1) copy of the software on one (1) computer. Backup Copy. If your supplier has not provided you with a backup copy of the SOFTWARE you may make a single backup copy of the SOFTWARE. You must store this backup copy as an archive copy and use it solely for backup purposes. Single COMPUTER. The SOFTWARE is to be used on a single computer only and is to be licensed as a unit with that hardware. Renting. This SOFTWARE must not be rented, leased or lent to another individual or single legal entity. Single ULA. The packaging for the SOFTWARE may contain multiple versions of this ULA either as translations in multiple languages and/or on different media. The package also may contain multiple versions of the SOFTWARE and/or documentation either as translations in multiple languages and/or as copies on different media versions. If this is the case you are licensed to use only one copy of the SOFTWARE. The agreement terms and conditions which are presented on a printed, paper copy of the ULA override the terms and conditions on any electric copy of the ULA which may be found on any media packaged with the SOFTWARE. Transfer of SOFTWARE. You may only transfer all of your rights under this ULA if you do not retain any copies of the SOFTWARE and if you transfer all of the SOFTWARE as a single unit. Such a transfer must include all parts of the SOFTWARE all media, all components and documentation, the ULA, the accompanying Certificates of Originality and all printed material. The person or legal entity to which the SOFTWARE is transferred must agree to the Terms and Conditions of this ULA. If the SOFTWARE product includes an upgrade then all components of all the previous versions of the SOFTWARE which supported the purchase of the upgrade must also be transferred and the ULA for all versions of the upgrade must be agreed to by the new owner. Question 20 continues on page 19 18 Marks Question 20 (continued) With reference to the Licence Agreement, assess the appropriateness of the actions described in the scenarios below. (a) Scenario 1 2 Joan uses this software product at work but also works from home. She has loaded a copy of the software product on her home computer as well as on her work computer. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (b) Scenario 2 2 Tom has this software product installed on his laptop computer. He uses this software product at work and at home for work purposes. Tom has made two copies of the software product for backup purposes. He keeps one at home and one at work. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (c) Scenario 3 2 Hadad has sold his old computer with this software product installed. He kept the documentation and the old disks for this software product in case he needed it again. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... End of Question 20 19 BLANK PAGE 20 Board of Studies NSW 2004 2 004 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFIC ATE EXAMINATION Information Technology Section III 30 marks Attempt TWO questions from Questions 21 23 Allow about 1 hour for this section Answer each question in a SEPARATE writing booklet. Extra writing booklets are available. In your answers you will be assessed on how well you: demonstrate relevant knowledge and understanding communicate ideas and information, using precise industry terminology and appropriate workplace examples organise information in a well-reasoned and cohesive response solve proposed issues or problems Question 21 (15 marks) A company that sells vitamins by mail order has licences for only three application packages: a word processor package, a spreadsheet package and a database package. This company routinely: creates and maintains client contact lists; prepares meeting agenda and memos; produces and analyses budgets; sends personalised copies of standard letters to clients at regular intervals using bulk mailing; produces an annual report. Write a report to recommend and justify the application package(s), from the three licences held, that most efficiently carry out each of these FIVE routine tasks. In your report you may not recommend the purchase of additional application packages. Please turn over 383 21 In your answers you will be assessed on how well you: demonstrate relevant knowledge and understanding communicate ideas and information, using precise industry terminology and appropriate workplace examples organise information in a well-reasoned and cohesive response solve proposed issues or problems Question 22 (15 marks) An important part of the technical role of IT support is the purchase, installation and upgrade of software applications. Write a report to analyse the issues that need to be addressed to: determine software or upgrade requirements; undertake research to find suitable software; purchase software or upgrade; install software or upgrade; update the records of the organisation. Question 23 (15 marks) You belong to a team setting up a new office. Furniture and power are in place and the position of each workstation is obvious. Computer equipment for each workstation has been delivered. Your team must carry out the following five tasks: unpack the hardware; install and connect the system unit, monitor, keyboard and mouse; test each new system; process documents, store software and store any unused items in case they are needed in the future; enter details for the new systems on the organisation s register of assets. Write a report to identify and evaluate the procedures required for your team to set up the new workstations. Your report must include procedures for each of the FIVE tasks identified. Ensure that all procedures are undertaken in a manner consistent with OHS principles. End of paper 22 Board of Studies NSW 2004

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Additional Info : New South Wales Higher School Certificate Information Technology 2004
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