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2005 H I G H E R S C H O O L C E R T I F I C AT E E X A M I N AT I O N Information Processes and Technology Total marks 100 Section I General Instructions Reading time 5 minutes Working time 3 hours Write using black or blue pen Draw diagrams using pencil Pages 2 12 20 marks Attempt Questions 1 20 Allow about 40 minutes for this section Section II Pages 13 16 40 marks Attempt Questions 21 24 Allow about 1 hour and 10 minutes for this section Section III Pages 17 20 40 marks Attempt TWO questions from Questions 25 28 Allow about 1 hour and 10 minutes for this section 203 Section I 20 marks Attempt Questions 1 20 Allow about 40 minutes for this section Use the multiple-choice answer sheet. Select the alternative A, B, C or D that best answers the question. Fill in the response oval completely. Sample: 2+4= (A) 2 A (B) 6 (C) 8 B C (D) 9 D If you think you have made a mistake, put a cross through the incorrect answer and fill in the new answer. A B C D If you change your mind and have crossed out what you consider to be the correct answer, then indicate the correct answer by writing the word correct and drawing an arrow as follows. correct A B C 2 D 1 The members of a team working on a project are located in different cities. Which of the following would be the most appropriate technology for the team to use to exchange text and graphical information for editing? (A) Letter (B) Email (C) Facsimile (D) Voice mail 2 The printing of a receipt from an EFTPOS terminal is an example of which information process? (A) Analysing (B) Collecting (C) Displaying (D) Organising 3 Which graphical tool best shows how a project and its subprojects could be completed in a specified timeframe? (A) Gantt chart (B) Decision tree (C) Data flow chart (D) System flow chart 4 Which of the following personnel would allocate file-access rights to users? (A) Programmer (B) System analyst (C) Software trainer (D) Network administrator 3 5 In seeking a site on the internet, a user types the URL into a browser. The message below is displayed. Unable to locate the server Please check the server name and try again. Which of the following actions should the user perform to find the desired site? (A) Use a different browser that is more reliable. (B) Check the URL for typing errors and try again. (C) Email farmclassics webmaster and request further information. (D) Type in the name of the print server for the desired site, and try again. 6 A political party collected data from a large number of 18-year-old people. The data will be analysed to identify patterns that relate to issues affecting young people. Which of the following would be the most effective analysis technique? (A) Data mining (B) Data sorting (C) Data validation (D) Data warehousing 7 Several networked computers share a database that is stored on one computer. Which type of network architecture is this? (A) Parallel (B) Relational (C) Distributed (D) Client server 4 8 Which of the following is an example of metadata? (A) Search engine (B) System prototype (C) Site map for a website (D) Result of an SQL query 9 What would ensure that the restricted area of a website is accessed only by registered users? (A) Internet nanny (B) Username and password (C) Encryption and decryption (D) Uniform Resource Locator 10 A chain of fifty DVD rental outlets proposes a trial of a new information system prior to full implementation. At the beginning of the trial, ten outlets will change over to the new system. What is the name for the conversion method the chain will use? (A) Direct (B) Parallel (C) Phased (D) Pilot 11 The table shows four pairs of statements about the order of arrival and paths of packets through a packet-switching network. In which case are both statements TRUE? Arrival order Path through network (A) Arrive in random order All packets take same path (B) Arrive in random order Packets can take different paths (C) Same order as transmitted All packets take same path (D) Same order as transmitted Packets can take different paths 5 12 A cost-benefit analysis is conducted on two proposed solutions for a new information system. A table from the analysis report is shown. Solution One Solution Two $2000 $3000 $500 $500 Estimated total benefit after two years $1100 $1600 Estimated total benefit after four years $1100 $2200 No Yes Set-up cost Running cost per year Expansion capability Based on the information in the table, which of the following statements is TRUE? (A) Solution Two can be expanded and has lower costs. (B) Solution One would cost less to set up and return higher benefits after four years. (C) Solution Two will return higher benefits after two years even though it is more expensive to set up. (D) Solution One has the same running costs as Solution Two and will return higher benefits after four years. 6 Use the following information to answer Questions 13 and 14. Below is part of the data dictionary of a travel agent s database. Only the metadata for the Travel table is shown. Field name Date type Field width Description Customer_Code 4 Unique customer identification Tour_Destination Text 30 Main country of tour Tour_Duration_Days Number 2 Length of tour Departure_Date Date 8 Departure date of tour Cost Number 8 Charges for travel Booking_Date 13 Text Date 8 Date of booking The travel agent does not allow bookings to be made close to the date of departure of a tour. Which of the following would be the most appropriate range check to prevent the entry of bookings within 14 days of the departure date? (A) Tour_Duration_Days < 14 (B) Departure_Date > 14 (C) Booking_Date + 14 > = Departure_Date (D) Booking_Date + 14 < = Departure_Date 14 Which of the following SQL commands would display the codes of the customers travelling to China on tours of more than 10 days duration? (A) SELECT Customer_Code FROM Travel WHERE Tour_Destination = China AND Tour_Duration_Days > 10; (B) SELECT Customer_Code FROM Travel WHERE Tour_Destination = China AND Tour_Duration_Days > = 10 ; (C) SELECT Customer_Code FROM Travel WHERE Tour_Destination = China OR Tour_Duration_Days > = 10; (D) SELECT Customer_Code FROM Travel WHERE Tour_Destination = China OR Tour_Duration_Days > 10; 7 15 The context diagram represents the purchase of airline tickets through a travel agent. Customer payment record and travel confirmation customer s details and travel request Ticket Purchasing System payment details transaction receipt Bank Which information process is necessary for the flow of data from a customer to the Ticket Purchasing System? (A) Analysing (B) Collecting (C) Displaying (D) Processing 8 16 The following data flow diagram is a refinement of the context diagram in Question 15. Customer customer s details and travel request Make booking travel request payment record and travel confirmation selected flight Process payment transaction receipt Flight availability customer s details and selected flight payment details Bank Which of the following is a correct interpretation of how the purchase of an airline ticket is represented in the data flow diagram? (A) Stored data is accessed to make a booking. (B) Payment details are accessed to make a booking. (C) The customer provides payment details to the bank. (D) The customer receives a transaction receipt from the bank. 9 17 The diagram represents some components of a random access storage device. A, B, C, D and E represent different blocks on the medium. C A Read/write head E B D The table below contains information about the medium this device uses and the sequence in which the device would access data. In which row is all the information correct? Medium Sequence of data access (A) Could be accessed in any sequence (B) Magnetic tape Must be accessed in the sequence A, B, C, D, E (C) Magnetic disk Could be accessed in the sequence E, D, C, B, A (D) 18 Flash memory Optical disk Must be accessed in the sequence A, D, B, E, C Data flow diagrams and system flow charts are graphical tools used in documenting and designing information systems. What is the major difference between these two tools? (A) Data flow diagrams can be converted to decision trees or decision tables, unlike system flow charts. (B) System flow charts are for a proposed information system, while data flow diagrams are for an existing information system. (C) Data flow diagrams have more symbols available than system flow charts, enabling the designer to convey more ideas. (D) Data flow diagrams represent the movement of data through a system, while system flow charts focus on the physical aspects of information flow. 10 19 The table describes the characteristics of optic fibre cable, copper cable and wireless transmission media, but not necessarily in sequence. Medium 1 Medium 2 Does not require Installation characteristics cable installation Medium 3 Relatively inexpensive Can be difficult to join High range Transmission frequencies Middle range Low range Risks High potential for interception Can be affected by Brittle, easily electromagnetic damaged interference Which one of the following alternatives shows the most appropriate uses for Medium 1, Medium 2 and Medium 3? Medium 1 Medium 2 Medium 3 (A) Satellite television A company intranet Connecting a printer to a home computer (B) Remote telephone services A cordless telephone Cabling the links between computers connected to the internet (C) Mobile phone A local area network A dedicated link between an organisation and a branch office (D) WAN cabling Connecting a modem to a home computer A link between telephone exchanges 11 20 The analysis of criteria to choose suitable computer hardware for an organisation resulted in this decision table. Conditions Rules Processor speed >=2 GHz Hard disk storage >100 GB Flat screen Includes a sound card and speakers Price > $1500 and < $4000 Suitable for an office system Suitable for a multimedia system Suitable for an EFTPOS terminal Actions Which of the following would be the minimal conditions (requirements) for a system suitable for both an office system AND an EFTPOS terminal? (A) A processor speed of 2 GHz and a flat screen (B) A flat screen and a price between $1500 and $4000 (C) A processor speed of 2 GHz and a price between $1500 and $4000 (D) A processor speed of 2 GHz, a flat screen and a price between $1500 and $4000 12 Section II 40 marks Attempt Questions 21 24 Allow about 1 hour and 10 minutes for this section Answer each question in a SEPARATE writing booklet. Extra writing booklets are available. If you include diagrams in your answer, ensure that they are clearly labelled. Marks Question 21 (10 marks) Use a SEPARATE writing booklet. (a) Define communication protocol and give an example of a communication protocol. 3 (b) The Board of Studies NSW has made the syllabus for Information Processes and Technology available at the following URL: 3 If a student did not know the above URL, he or she could find the document using a search engine. However, inputting just IPT into a search engine will generate many unwanted matches, including pages about Insurance Protection Tax and a Brazilian website for Instituto de Pesguisa Technoligas Outline THREE distinct strategies which you could use to refine the search to eliminate many unwanted matches. Include an example for each refinement. (c) A university has developed an improved search engine for its website. Propose and justify ONE appropriate method of testing and ONE method of implementing the improved search engine. 13 4 Marks Question 22 (9 marks) Use a SEPARATE writing booklet. Susan is responsible for administering the loan of items to various faculties in a school. She has allocated a unique number to each piece of equipment. To keep track of records, Susan has set up an electronic flat-file database. A portion of this database is shown. Item Item number Borrower s first name Borrower s surname Laser printer #1 001 John Jones Video camera 008 John Video camera 008 Multimedia projector Faculty Date borrowed Date returned Science 31-Jan-05 2-Feb-05 Jones Science 7-Feb-05 12-Feb-05 Mary Green Mathematics 14-Feb-05 005 John Jones Science 21-Feb-05 06-Jun-05 Digital camera 003 Jack Smith English 04-Apr-05 08-Apr-05 Laser printer #2 002 Mary Green Mathematics 05-Apr-05 09-Apr-05 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Multimedia projector 005 Mary Green . . . . . . . . . . . . Mathematics 15-Sep-05 22-Sep-05 (a) With reference to the above database, identify an example of data redundancy, and describe TWO problems that could arise with this database structure. 3 (b) Normalise this flat-file structure into three tables. Indicate all necessary relationships, and label all primary and foreign keys. 3 (c) Susan wants to present a report at the end of the year, showing the usage of the multimedia projector by the different faculties. 3 The report should show: who has used the projector; how long they borrowed the projector for each time; and summary information. Sketch and label the features of an appropriate report layout. 14 Marks Question 23 (12 marks) Use a SEPARATE writing booklet. Use the information to answer parts (a) (c). IT Today Rural towns seek skilled city slickers as jobs rise Diana Thorp Employment REGIONAL IT jobs are increasing, Icon Recruitment noting a 70 per cent growth in the number of jobs in regional Victoria compared with three years ago. The rise is prompting recruiters to encourage city-based IT professionals to take up these jobs. We ve definitely seen a huge growth in Victoria and there has been some growth in NSW in areas such as Wollongong, Icon Recruitment recruitment consultant Jill Noble said. August 2004 In Victoria, Geelong and Bendigo seem to be really buzzing. Everything was pretty quiet three years ago, Ms Noble said. Skills in demand include network support, data managers, operational staff, helpdesk staff, software developers and analyst programmers. Ms Noble said the IT market generally had picked up. It s stabilising and becoming more mature. Salaries are evening out so regional companies can attract people, and so on, she said. The other thing is that a lot of those regional companies are small to medium enterprises home-grown companies. . . . City workers who relocate are paid equivalent salaries to the city, but have lower living costs. . . . Ms Noble said professionals were often willing to move to regional areas, especially if they had a family because instantly you reduce your cost of living . Diana Thorp One company that has taken advantage of relocating workers to regional areas allows staff to work from home. Staff use technology to communicate with co-workers in their homes and in head office. (a) Identify the technologies (hardware, software and communications) that would be needed for regionally-based employees to communicate with co-workers. 3 (b) Identify the advantages and disadvantages for employers of having staff located in regional areas. 4 (c) Describe project management strategies that would assist members of a software development project team based in multiple locations (including regional and city) to work together effectively. 5 15 Marks Question 24 (9 marks) Use a SEPARATE writing booklet. Bakersville Hospital has a new technological solution to assist high-quality care for patients. A wireless Local Area Network is implemented in the hospital wards. Each member of the medical staff in the wards has been issued with a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) that has a wireless capability to link via the network to a database of patient records. Medical staff can access and update patient records while at the patient s bedside. The wireless system allows medical staff to: order blood tests from the pathology department; arrange for X-rays with the radiography department; check a patient s diet with the kitchen; and update accounts. To ensure seamless access to data, the hospital administrators have installed a distributed database system that has data stored locally in the relevant departments. The diagram below represents the architecture of the system. Hospital wards Accounts department (local server) Hospital (main server) PDA (local server) Accounts database PDA Patient records PDA PDA Kitchen (local server) Menus and inventory database Pathology department (local server) Radiography department (local server) Pathology results database X-ray results database (a) Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the distributed database system for medical staff and the hospital administrators. 4 (b) Discuss the technical issues related to the use of wireless communications in the hospital. 5 16 Section III 40 marks Attempt TWO questions from Questions 25 28 Allow about 1 hour and 10 minutes for this section Answer each question in a SEPARATE writing booklet. Extra writing booklets are available. If you include diagrams in your answer, ensure that they are clearly labelled. Marks Question 25 Transaction Processing Systems (20 marks) Use a SEPARATE writing booklet. (a) (i) Define batch processing and give an example. 3 (ii) Define MICR and give an example of its use. 3 Use the following information to answer parts (b) (c). A cinema allows customers to purchase movie tickets via the internet. Using a web browser, customers select the movie session they wish to see and submit credit card details. The system provides the customer with an image of a ticket which contains a unique bar code. The customer prints the image and brings the hard copy to the cinema. Entry to the movie is via a turnstile capable of reading that bar code. (b) Design a suitable web-based data entry screen for the customer to submit data about their choice of movie session, and their credit card details. Indicate clearly what screen elements are being used to input the data (eg, text field, pull-down menu, radio buttons), and justify your choices. 4 (ii) (c) (i) Describe the sequence in which this real-time transaction processing occurs, and identify the main information technology required at each stage. 4 The cinema company wishes to implement a system where customers can purchase tickets via their mobile phones. The customers send a text message containing the movie session they wish to see. An image of the ticket, with a barcode, is downloaded to the customer s phone. The cost of the ticket is added to their phone bill. At the cinema turnstile, the customer displays the image of the ticket and waves the phone over the barcode reader. 6 Identify and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the mobile phone system, the web-browser system, and a conventional system where tickets are bought at the cinema. 17 Marks Question 26 Decision Support Systems (20 marks) Use a SEPARATE writing booklet. (i) Describe how displaying data in a graph or chart would assist decision making. 3 (ii) (a) Define an intelligent agent and give an example. 3 Use the following information to answer parts (b) (c). The table describes information used in an expert system to identify some whale species. Did the whale have flukes (tail fins)? Did the whale have a dorsal fin? What was the size of the whale? Was the blow aimed forward? Were one or two blows visible at the same time? The whale is a . . . Yes Yes Very large Blue whale Yes Yes Medium Yes Sperm whale Yes Yes Medium No Humpback whale Yes No Medium One Gray whale Yes No Medium Two Right whale Yes No Large Bowhead whale Yes No Very small Narwhal whale No No Beluga whale (c) (i) Draw a decision tree to describe the data in the table. 5 (ii) (b) Write a rule, that would appear in the knowledge base, to identify a Gray whale. 3 A neural network could also be used to identify whales. Compare the ways a neural network and an expert system would identify whales by discussing: 6 processing methods user interfaces data formats. 18 Marks Question 27 Automated Manufacturing Systems (20 marks) Use a SEPARATE writing booklet. (i) Describe a barcode and the operation of a barcode reader. 3 (ii) (a) Describe a situation in an automated manufacturing system where it is necessary to convert a digital signal to an analogue signal. 3 Use the following information to answer parts (b) (c). CMN is a large company that manufactures many cars per week using assembly-line production. A car consists of many different parts that need to be assembled at different points on the assembly line, using computerised control as well as human workers. A simple block diagram for the manufacture of a car is shown. Assemble parts Car parts (b) (i) Complete car Refine the block diagram to show more detail of human and computer-controlled tasks, including: 4 fitting and adjusting engines welding body spray painting. (ii) (c) Identify the type of processing used at CMN as batch, discrete, or continuous, and justify your answer. 4 CMN wants to introduce mass customisation, which will enable it to manufacture cars according to customer requirements. Features of the car that can be customised are seat width, interior fabric and colour, exterior paint colour and window tint. 6 Discuss the issues of introducing mass customisation at CMN. Include in your answer: nature of work information technologies. Please turn over 19 Marks Question 28 Multimedia Systems (20 marks) Use a SEPARATE writing booklet. (i) Define morphing and provide an example of its use. 3 (ii) (a) Define sampling rate and describe how it is used to represent audio data. 3 Use this image of the home page of the ABC Online website to answer parts (b) (c). ABC News ABC Radio Kids Youth ABC TV Public Affairs Science Arts & Culture Rural Asia Pacific Education Indigenous Sport ABC In your Area ABCBroadcasting Corporation Online Australian Australia s leading source of information and entertainment Latest news Search ABC Online SEARCH Thu 31 Mar updated 4:16pm Online Specials Black Friday Four Corners: Secrets and Lies More specials Discuss Tech Talk Talk digital technology Relief efforts hampered RollerCoaster TV Zimbabwe polls open 5pm weekdays on ABC TV Join Elliot Spencer as he takes you on a RollerCoaster ride on RollerCoaster TV. Elliot keeps you in the loop with the latest shows, competitions, and things you shouldn't miss! More discussion More from RollerCoaster TV Video-on-demand Get on it! 4 Minute Wonders RollerCoaster, the place for all your favourite TV shows, games, computer tricks and really cool competitions. 4 new clips for local bands from emerging Victorian digital filmmakers. Media Watch More videos Listen Radio Australia Australia's overseas broadcaster More from triple j More from RollerCoaster World Australia Business Broadband SMS NewsMail Regional languages Weather Enter an Australian region's name or its postcode GO ABC Radio Listen from your computer: Radio Australia (RA) Radio National Classic FM triple j Copyright ABC (b) Identify and describe FOUR different multimedia elements, or links to them, on the website. 3 (ii) (c) (i) Identify the types of software that you would use to design and create a website such as ABC Online. Justify your selection of each type of software. 5 The ABC Online website is an example of the merging of many different media on one website. 6 Identify the developments in hardware and telecommunications that have enabled the integration of media, and discuss the issues and implications of this integration. End of paper 20 Board of Studies NSW 2005

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