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Centre Number Student Number 2003 HI G HER S CHOO L CER T I FI CA T E EXA MINATION Arabic Beginners Listening Skills General Instructions You may NOT open the examination paper until instructed to do so on the examination cassette Write using black or blue pen You may make notes in the column headed Candidate s Notes Write your Centre Number and Student Number at the top of this page 305 Total marks 35 Attempt Questions 1 9 Total marks 35 Attempt Questions 1 9 You will hear NINE texts. Each text will be read twice. The question for each text will be read once before the first reading of the text. There will be a pause after the first reading in which you may make notes. However, you may make notes at any time. You will be given adequate time after the second reading to complete your answer. Answer the questions in ENGLISH in the spaces provided. In the case of multiple-choice questions, tick the box that corresponds to the correct response. Marks Question 1 (2 marks) (a) Where is this conversation taking place? 1 (A) In the school canteen (B) In the classroom (C) In the school playground (D) At Alaa s house (b) 1 Why is Alaa so happy? .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... Question 2 (2 marks) (a) When did Galal read the advertisement? 1 .................................................................................................... (b) What is the purpose of this phone message? .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... 2 1 Candidate s Notes Marks Question 3 (3 marks) (a) 1 What is the reason for the invitation? .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... (b) 2 Why is she unable to accept the offer? .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... Question 4 (4 marks) (a) For whom is the last announcement made? 1 .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... (b) Complete in ENGLISH the table below. Flight destination Aeroplane s speed Wind direction 3 3 Candidate s Notes Marks Question 5 (5 marks) (a) 1 What is Salma experienced in? (A) Bargaining (B) Shopping (C) Selling (D) Investing (b) 2 What does Youssef want to buy? .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... (c) Why does Salma say that Parramatta shopping centre is the best? .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... 4 2 Candidate s Notes Marks Question 6 (5 marks) (a) 2 Why did Samer go to the doctor? .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... (b) Why does the doctor not prescribe any medication for him? 3 .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... Question 7 (4 marks) What do you think the student will do as a result of this interview? ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. 5 4 Candidate s Notes Marks Question 8 (5 marks) (a) In what building is the speech taking place? 1 .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... (b) How does the speaker seek to persuade his audience to form a soccer team? 4 .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... Question 9 (5 marks) 5 Make a list of what Khalil has to do. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. End of paper 6 Candidate s Notes BLANK PAGE 7 BLANK PAGE 8 Board of Studies NSW 2003 2003 HI G HER S CHOO L CER T I FI CA T E EXA MINATION Arabic Beginners Listening Skills Transcript Familiarisation Text 5L=K F L W d w UN { d F q C _ s U W u]K c q L U vL K lO??L? l?OD ? w? UM U??N? { d? r? ]d W? L=K F? ? w M X K? b? I w U UN b UA D d J M UB U vLK V F]K s c?O? d U? M l M b I? r F D L V? U UM W M? UN] ? w U r I c w Question 1 U dO) U WO U p U nO WO U U dO) U X t]K bL( dO U WO U n u UF uO d F dO U U p UF V U WO U UM bL bOF w o bI u s WO U W b L r F D U UM cO b l ]b t] n]B v q b d ] d q t O K ]d F wM U O ` U 2 Question 2 w u??A M L ? U?? ?]B c d? w r d? ? _ W?]O u? ]B W U? =d c? r J d WHO u c v ^b I] ^ w U ^ uO U B UN M b d ] b w bO? WF U? w fOL) U?F _ w u ^u ?] ] U yw F U? V U U Q n UN vK U w d dJ UI 5M _ u q w UB= u Q wH U r wL Question 3 dOL u XH p U nO XH dOL W K zUF U U X d O U XH p e M UM s X O N q p b N d O lOL ' dOL w U?AF v X ? u r J u u p w U?B= V ] ]u?B wN U XH b b ' XO U q H 5 M cM d r d? H? s UL? w u b? u? t UI X ? u dOL ] UD* vK UE U UM FO?L uJM WM U W? U bM qB t d zU b b' XO U p U M W K I * U _ w d M s J WH 3 Question 4 w U w b O 5 5?M W? ? w? U?L? r W K d w? W?]O? d? F W] =u? uD? s ? vK r? J = s d v W N] u L W? ? =X W? d?? U? b? 5?F W? ? W? ] ? U??H vK? s W U U d uKO d H=B X W] u U ^X d ( b U U) w f I]D W U w d uKO 5 5F 5 U UN d W]O d W]O uM U =d UM W? u d W e? _ UI v d p c W?]O z u N U? D L i F UM N u? l] u 5 b] s v t?^ u? d?O v s d? U? ? L vK s d? ? UD v? UM u? b M t] s K F d?O? ] W L r W u 4 Question 5 U n O vL K U U d n u n u U vLK b M X? Q? U?? U?? ? i F d??A u??^ ? v wF?? w ? c p M J? L q n u ^u ] w d X ] UN M p U UL d A L W uG A U u O U W H vLK V c M u = v w w u s J U M n u d A b d U vLK U O bO W UM L vK O UM I b B W] b W]O M D I UO= i F n u U b? N K W? ? d?O? ? ? ? t?O?H? q C? _ u? U U? U u? ] ^s vLK W uI F UF Q lO UI=K v S U U X ] UN o u w n u W ] l vLK 5 Question 6 d U U u O p U W O ]D U W c M u]M l D r dO wM * R w d U w u O p MO s OK w d U M W O D b M U?? U? ? n B M W? U? W? U? b? M d?H s W? u?F? B i N d U wzU?? b? l r^K J?] w d? c * w? ? d? v V? X O? v w? u? q O]K s d= Q W U v p XO d d UA F W UM v W O D d U?F W F? U W? U w u? UO? _ V K w u U? d F U? b M d U O s U?L?] U?L p? n u V d? U? U r ? K b? yd? C? t K F? H U? W O D = _ W U X X Q V W]O {U =d 6 Question 7 d UF =n]B W UN b F W b L d p] X L K d b* U w W?] U ]w K W F? uJ W UI W?]O =b u M] ] ^s rF cOLK ] U O {U =d v U c? b d ]b ^V p?] b?= Q? ? U yw j?O?A? c?O? L K p?]M J d b* q C q I p uJ O W F U ]d B n O r K X e M L w w b U s UM f O s J r F cOLK o ? K W? b? L ? w U? O? {U =d U?? ? s b? U?? ? L V K D p? M J L d b* d? H ? U? w p=H? U?? l b p M J L? U?L? W?]O? zU? ? u??H? B d? c? Q v M L p? ? H M W? I b M W] u? V U? uJ? p O K bF U w t O K b M b=O d _U d=J Q d b L d C d J cOLK 7 Question 8 ^D 5L=K F L d C u K U d? =c s dO? J U?NO? w w ] W 1b I w ? b wM] _ b? d ? U W UI c w w U l UN d C w ] W b L U UL w W] U dO? J U?B d E b? I d J UO d? o d? w V wM] r J M b b F? d F U O *U U I d UM U UM I]I w ] U U? v X K 5L?=K F? L lO? ? A q C? H b? I d? V F b c?O?L? K X M U? b M t O K U?L? t] _ b? d? o d?? nO Q u u? O? w ? b? w J? wM ? w ] U?? ? _ s W F^K c N 5 u u cO r J M O ] X L K w s? J W? I? D M L ? c w j? I? f O? d?? _ b?? L ? ]b? { V F? K O? ? o d?? H? c ] d _ U u w I d _ o UM L U d w ] o d]D vK dO 5 U 5 ? =d U I d u = R r b d w ] r U?F K uM d uFOD ? W {U =d =w L=K F l r UF r J K ? UN O K U ]M U L z uI=I W b L c s 5 =d L b I q I L UM O q L U d M o d H c n= R u UF 8 Question 9 W U?? N? W K D? w b v? r J b? l V yd D? C? ? w wzU?? ? ? ? U _ W K zUF UM O K V c UNO W C d L r J U U e u _ d? U??N] _ b?=O? W? I? d D u? ]d? B? u? r J ]b? l? r b? u u?I? ? ? _ ZO ]C ^V u U? w U? dO?G?]B pO? vL K d? G?^B p Q? ]r N p? O K qOK U _ w U??N U??I?O? l ` ? ? d? N^E b? F X ? ] u vL K? c? vL? K ^h U? U ?O? b?O? W K H? d? C ? U? U?N? ? I b? X O v U?N? I? U? ? L v c? Q? f M b? _ U?? ? b? I d? U?? ? t b K? U?? u?? X O v t u b F t { d V J b] Q V F K L X ?] U? ? X O? VO d w r J ]b? b? U? U? F?O?L r? J O K =r N? L s _ uD H b F u??F U?? b M u?? ? d U?? d? A? wH J U?? U??L s r? JOD Q? U?? C U t u c] r F D L v V c M UM] Q r b 9 Board of Studies NSW 2003 _ Centre Number Student Number 2003 HI G HER S CHOO L CER T I FI CA T E EXA MINATION Arabic Beginners Written Examination Total marks 55 General Instructions Reading time 5 minutes Working time 2 hours Write using black or blue pen Write your Centre Number and Student Number at the top of this page and page 17 306 Section I Pages 2 13 45 marks Attempt Questions 1 6 Allow about 1 hour and 35 minutes for this section Section II Pages 17 18 10 marks Attempt ONE question from Questions 7 9 Allow about 25 minutes for this section Section I Reading Skills 45 marks Attempt Questions 1 6 Allow about 1 hour and 35 minutes for this section Answer the questions in ENGLISH in the spaces provided. Question 1 (5 marks) Read the text, then answer the questions that follow. u VO U U v s O u c M t O K UM I H] UL d= b wM ? F p M u? d UM? zU b? l U?N?O? u? ? U?C? I U? ]e U? ? v UM b? I? s U? W ? w u b? F vK X O? U? H? b? ? a D L w t? U?F w UM K J d L u U X =w U _ U U?L b M u ]q W? U? n B ]b?L pF? wA? L? O w c? Q p M u? d UM] U?L? p vK =u F u N U W U W U wI K v e d J bO W K zU s Question 1 continues on page 3 2 Marks Question 1 (continued) (a) Where did Walid s family leave the key? (A) Under the pot of roses (C) Next to the front door (D) (b) Near the mailbox (B) 1 In the dog s kennel Why did Walid s family go to the Blue Mountains? 2 .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. (c) 2 What is George being asked to do? .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. End of Question 1 3 Question 2 (6 marks) Read the text, then answer the questions that follow. XO d _ W J ? s W H?]B c vK d= u? b b R? W O U W? d D L w U qI M = e vK jG? C u t K F H? p O K U ^q =w d? F U ?]A 5 UN? ]O? F V? p O w U _ ]V d N n O?]B q B? w =w U?O?= r u? L W b l u? _ v b b? w U? _ c X e W]O d? F b z d ? L d A b? I W]O d F w U? _ r]K w v _ W d? L X]K U?? ( U?L? K vK >w U?? q J? A U? F? ] u? X I]K W? d D L c ?? H? s U ?? b b UNO U t=K =w d F r? UF W d D X ? UL] v _ UM W d D b? F r R W O? U W d D L W]O d F W]O U D L =q vK l q J A d A M UNO U Q Question 2 continues on page 5 4 Marks Question 2 (continued) (a) (A) In a magazine (B) In the newspaper (C) In a webpage (D) (b) 1 Where would you read this extract? In an advertisement 1 When were the new songs released? .............................................................................................................................. (c) How do we know that Samia Fouad is successful? .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. End of Question 2 5 4 Question 3 (6 marks) Read the text, then answer the questions that follow. W] u U U ]M W b uO u d e a U d UF n]B w u r W]O b L U F W UD t? ? ? ? M? W] e? ?OK?J V ? J s? d? ?O? ? ? ? d? ? I p O? K W] eOKJ W G^K W]O z _ i F V ? J d?? l U a? U?? U?? w U?? ? ? L? p? ? ? ?O? ? ] a U ] U L b z d W]O U =q w? d U?? U?? O? ? {U =d ] U?? w b? ? N? ? ? ? ? c? ?O? L? K U O {U =d U b=O W K _ d I p O K s J W]O U q zU L W U? J d? I ? w W?] U? U? ? L? p ? ?O? ] _ p =M W]O d F W G^K W]O d F W G^K w U u vK k U jOA p] _ d b L W E UMO UN p d H UM K F c U L p uK W O U p zU a U d b L lO u d U rOK Question 3 continues on page 7 6 Marks Question 3 (continued) (a) In what subject is the student achieving the least? (A) English (C) History (D) (b) Mathematics (B) 1 Arabic How does the Principal summarise this student s achievement? 2 .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. (c) According to this report, what should the student do to further improve his results? .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. End of Question 3 7 3 Question 4 (9 marks) Read the text, then answer the questions that follow. w d J b d _ b M d b v U oO u s b M H w W d e u { u L d b L w b=O w U?? vK d p K? C? s u?? b M H ? w r b M U W ? W? O? C? L? W? d? e? ? b?? I d= u L U UA]M W U s U uK F L b e W]O d J oO u U o O u b O =] v _ b M d b s b M H w W d e u { u L oO u b=O ? p =b? I U? L l? b d d? r W? d? G p U e? ? b M H v b? _ U? ? q B W U? = p M J L U?L p U ? vK F b? G UF U b M H ? U vK U?A F uD H p ? U U U b M H ` w U UA]M Z U d u c o z b W 1b I U UM u _ vK ]d F? b W M b q U U W u s O M s W? O U? uJ ? d?? d? N^E b? F W? F d v ? U? U?? ? W? F? U? s W?] U?F s D I s W HOH U UO f K q C _ W? F? U? W? U?? s U??L _ U d?]L? W 1b? W d? vK ]d? F? ? U?? ? ? v W K U d u B] W f M u B UI p M J L Y O O W F U v U U w W U? = u p F? VK q C _ s? UL ? d? v W?]O UL? W K UF _ UD L v U c Q W U U d UI=K v d b L Question 4 continues on page 9 8 Marks Question 4 (continued) (a) 2 Give details about the information wanted by Toufiq. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. (b) 3 What is the deal offered by the hotel? .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. (c) 4 Complete the table. Day Activity To see shops, old building and public parks Monday Tuesday Wednesday Purpose Trip to the mountains To relax End of Question 4 9 Recommendation Question 5 (9 marks) Read the text, then answer the questions that follow. wz e u{ u? L c q I ? L w r J K L r J ? s u O UL? w r J =b X ? t O r d E X H ^V r JOL=K F r J K ^r N UL dO wM^L N W? b? L u? d? b? F r J ? UM c] q L? F b? r? J O K V F?]B s ` ? b? I >b? uK? L? F q ? I? ? ? L w u? uJ b d U?? U?? ? r? J O K V ? p c t IOI r J U?? u??L=E M? r J ? w b?? N? ? r J O K F? W?? F? U?? v U? =c r W F U w t u c] d H w W =bK r J K R w ] U F vK uK B b? V b w u ? d s N? L U? s d?O? J ] UL U? W M N? r^K F r w M N b N F w W K]C H L r J M N u b ] r J O K UL b?] Q? r? J O K F? q U? b q? L? F r J O K d? >wz e? b uK L? F r? M U? q I L w r J K r J d U e W d H r J b ] q L F c u r J] w t? u?? u?? I r J? M J L? U?? c w? ? L? K w ` { q? J A r? J O K d? ? X U?? UO w r J UF r J uI=I t O u u q s uK L F q I L Question 5 continues on page 11 10 Marks Question 5 (continued) (a) 1 To whom is this speech being made? (A) (B) A group of university students (C) A group of students and parents (D) (b) A group of school students A group of teachers and students 3 What options are being presented? .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. (c) How successful is the speaker in getting his point of view across? .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. End of Question 5 11 5 Question 6 (10 marks) Read the text, then answer the questions that follow. c W]O d F W O U ' w U U M U =M l UI W K K d L W]K w d A M w b w W UM UM W d W U l UN d w ] W K UI L ^h p H s OK U M d p M J L q U O W d O U s W? ? U? w X M? U? b M U?O d?? ? v w K zU?? d? U b? UM? w b U?N] ] e M L W?] U?N] r d? w U? U? ? U U?L? q b U? d? L? UO w b U o=I _ U L z wM F] U d U U ^h w ] W M N L c N U O V U = q ]d s O? d? ] U??L? _ =q? J u?I? lOD ? d? L? ] X d L p K L w s b L F U vK vK U? wM K F? w w w s U?N c? w ] f H]M U W? I? vK ] = U M l W K UF L w b B vK U O U U M w UL p U M d U UM q U Q ]u? q L F W?] ? dO J q?^L vK d ?]B W]L? N L U? _ s dO wK L o A Question 6 continues on page 13 12 Marks Question 6 (continued) (a) Why is Hiam interviewed by this magazine? 2 .............................................................................................................................. (b) 3 What do we learn about her? .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. (c) What led Hiam to become who she is now? .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. End of Question 6 13 5 BLANK PAGE 14 BLANK PAGE 15 BLANK PAGE 16 Board of Studies NSW 2003 2 0 0 3 H I G H E R S C H O O L C E R T IF I C A T E E X A M I N A T I O N Arabic Beginners Centre Number Section II Writing Skills 10 marks Attempt ONE question from Questions 7 9 Allow about 25 minutes for this section Student Number Answer the question in the space provided. Write approximately 100 words in MODERN STANDARD ARABIC. Question 7 (10 marks) Write a letter to a friend who lives outside Sydney to inform him/her of how well you ve performed in your exams and to let him/her know how you are going to celebrate. OR Question 8 (10 marks) You are planning to work during the holidays to save enough money to travel overseas. You approach one of your parents to inform them of your plans. Write the dialogue that takes place between the two of you. OR Question 9 (10 marks) Write a story to go with the following picture. Question continues on page 18 17 307 Question attempted ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... End of paper 18 Board of Studies NSW 2003

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Additional Info : New South Wales Higher School Certificate Arabic Beginners 2003
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