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Centre Number Student Number 2002 HI G HER S CHOO L CER T I FI CA T E EXA MINATION Arabic Beginners Listening Skills General Instructions You may NOT open the examination paper until instructed to do so on the examination cassette Write using black or blue pen You may make notes in the column headed Candidate s Notes Write your Centre Number and Student Number at the top of this page 305 Total marks 35 Attempt Questions 1 10 Total marks 35 Attempt Questions 1 10 You will hear TEN texts. Each text will be read twice. The question for each text will be read once before the first reading of the text. There will be a pause after the first reading in which you may make notes. However, you may make notes at any time. You will be given adequate time after the second reading to complete your answer. Answer the question in ENGLISH in the spaces provided. In the case of multiple-choice questions, tick the box that corresponds to the correct response. Marks Question 1 (1 mark) 1 Where does this conversation take place? (A) At a school (B) At an employment agency (C) At a clinic (D) At a travel agency Question 2 (2 marks) (a) Why did Hanaa ask Leila to return her call? 1 (A) To explain to her in detail what is happening with the excursion (B) To ask her a question about the computer course (C) To check on her health (D) To invite her for dinner (b) Why has the excursion been postponed? .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... 2 1 Candidate s Notes Marks Question 3 (3 marks) (a) 1 When will the discount end? (A) At the beginning of the next month (B) At the end of next month (C) At the end of the first week (D) At the end of this month (b) What incentives are being offered to attract the customers? 2 .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... Question 4 (3 marks) (a) Why did Manal choose those two particular venues? 1 .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... (b) 2 Complete the table. Describe the weather forecast. Time of day Forecast On Sunday morning On Sunday afternoon 3 Candidate s Notes Marks Question 5 (3 marks) (a) Where will Samira and Adel spend New Year s Eve? 1 .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... (b) 2 What will be Adel s contribution? .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... Question 6 (4 marks) (a) What has the United Nations declared the year 2003 to be? 1 (A) The International Year of Children (B) The International Year of Fresh Water (C) The International Year of Fighting Pollution (D) The International Year of Peace (b) Why would the United Nations make such a choice? .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... 4 3 Candidate s Notes Marks Question 7 (4 marks) Why would parents send their children to El-Najah school? Justify your answer with details from the text. 4 ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. Question 8 (4 marks) 4 Why is the father concerned about Dina? ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. 5 Candidate s Notes Marks Question 9 (5 marks) (a) Where is this conversation taking place? 1 (A) In the school canteen (B) In a school classroom (C) In the assembly hall (D) On the school oval (b) Why would Rana and Waleed like to swap parents? .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... 6 4 Candidate s Notes Marks Question 10 (6 marks) (a) What indication is given by the news item of the importance of the occasion? 1 .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... (b) How are the values of mutual respect and understanding promoted by the two speakers? .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... End of paper 7 5 Candidate s Notes BLANK PAGE 8 Board of Studies NSW 2002 2002 HI G HER S CHOO L CER T I FI CA T E EXA MINATION Arabic Beginners Listening Skills Transcript Familiarisation Text UM W]O d uFO q d H d w U UN] S * U b z d ' lO U M] w b=O U n c d H d s b _ vK d O o zU f L b F t] U = = w =w d F p M s d I U 5L O v Question 1 q s UM v X O q w b F w b b r Q d F UM v b d U U Q v _ ]d * w c p M U uK F L i F wzUD U ]d V U U d W? I D M w s J W M? d? A? w U?L d? L? ? U wL? W u U d]A W b w UE U f K q]C H U uK F L c vK p d J 2 Question 2 ^ p U? c] ` ]d b F? X M] b? p ?] uJ v M? L UM U vK O u lOD ? w J UI u ? _ v X K] Q b =w d? F d F? L v W K =d ] p L K ^ w _ UA F b F w wK B] r N U U UN b F UNO W UA L d UF =n]B d J d uO L J ] U s R p Q Question 3 W { d F L W UC? =q vK W L U 5 L iOH s W MO L U? d H L W d s K F w U d N]A s dO _ u _ s b UN b 5F s b d H d d 5 UL W s b d W] l UF W U 5 L s O s b f W e ] _ u _ w s d Q d A s =q J 5 W LOI W] b UI d N]A d w d F c wN M r J uH W d H u b u d 3 Question 4 UM U b _ u 5K F H U dOL U e UM? s 5 U??I U?L b d?? t? ? u? w L? u? b? I UM W]O d _ U u O v ^d F] u r N] _ U u O W I b X M K b? I? w ? I b?? U u? O c w? U u? O? ? W? I b? U e p? ? B dOL w d e UD j I b _ u U? UL zU uJ O f I]D ] W d N^E b F d u U? ? f I]D U? U? e e?? U U?F?^ u?] c U?? =b? U UM d U mM b w UL _ u U r N O K d Q uI UL b _ UF L U uC I v M L UI=K v e d J 4 dOL UM Question 5 U U W M] W K H ( U UJ e q dOL W]O K O]K u]M w U UJ UM o r t] _ e l D r n U W? UM L c? N U?F q H? M U? b _ u? ]d? b I wI b? U Q dOL s u b L ] X X O w b M W]O d F U u K u Q * i F wF d C Q u ]b c vK d J U W]O d F vIO u * W d i F UC p F d C p M J L d J dOL e K U ]q W K= L d=C _ d U b b M u Q UM U Question 6 W c F UO L K W]O *UF W M] W c F UO L K W]O *UF W M] w s O H W M] ] b ] L r _ u O X M K s d?O? J u? d? _ UA? v ] W? c F U?O? L W]K ] U? =b X ? b? I? W cF U?O L W]K ] U?C U =b c X ? { UL d?OI H b K ? w UH _ ^b c s O d U s V w q s q? L? F? ^u K] W K J? A? L? U?L? r? U?F? b K lO??L? b? ?] ? L r? _ X c ] 5 Question 7 d]A W w F L wz e b? L D W?]O d F W? G^K rOK F? W?]O zU? u?H? U ? ? s U ]M W? b? s K F W]O d F r N G 5 w 5 d w U _ W] u U W]O z b U u L W?] UJ uH dO u W]O d F W G?^K u w UNOL=K F d UM ? b U L d uO L J UL F U d d U d N s ] _ w qO ] b r n UN U UB= v d U uK F L s b e L K 6 Question 8 UM U U U c M W d G s w d r b u d b W] u U UN A U U b u ] w U r K F UL UM p M J? L W? d? ? K W? U?? p? L? ? ] _ p ? ] ? ? vK o K w?M]M J p? r K b u W K u ]bL W =b vK eO d] w U d ]w K s J UM ]b? L w A? L U w? u?I? s O? ? U?? ]q W? =b s wH??] u? q C? _ s b u w U?FD w? UM p O K U?L? e?O? d?] U?A]M b?O?F? ? ? ? o zU? f L? ] t u H UC s dO J vK u V ]b bO u p OB vK d J w U p U Q 7 UM Question 9 bO U X M s v UF]D UM d Q b l zU U c N W b L V F K w ]d L X M bO V F s e p] d N E p U v wM] 5L K F UL J u U?O V ` b wM] _ b U ? U v U r F bO U? X K? W b?L W? U w U?I X U? w ] U?H ? w U? X M vIO uL ] U w W O U d O c UL rOE c v w J U? ?O? U?? ? ` ? w b? d w Q? d J? H c U??{ U??F? w w ] _ bO s dO? J w s= R W M N L c ] uI u q L? F s t t ? J r K UL U? U? L z X M b? u U??I ] U? ^V U Q? b?O U d? _ c d? U? v Q w ` L? U? vK X K? B =n]B W? d? w W]O? u UI U?A? UM L U W O U ` wL K o=I v U p L K 5I=I U * bO W M N? L c ] b? I? ? F u? N? t K? ? U? ?O? W? U? ` ? w? b d b ] _ v wM UM U d UM K J A ^q c N wK s c Q p K wMOD F u v U p U 8 bO Question 10 U _ d A r J =b r JO O 5F L * wz e W? L U? t d? C? =w M u U? ? u W ? UM L w b?O? W M b? w d?O ? U?H ? rO? W H K L UO U s uK= L W uJ w u R eK U uO W g O? F r U??H?] W? ]O? =L vK U??N?O? ]b? W? L K q? _ W?]O UM? ^K W? L? U?? X I b? UN K? UF d W?] U UN? d s X? ]b UL? 5O d ? _ 5M u L s? O d A? L 5O K _ UJ^ U UN UL U _ UL _ U O M n K s 5M u L l d? UN?O W? =u M d D u? O c? N UH? b? L W? O d] d U? t ? L K w r U?H] vK b? U w ] W?]O b? L Z d vK e?] ^D w U U?NO d? A W?]O=M U M s O 9 Board of Studies NSW 2002 Centre Number Student Number 2002 HI G HER S CHOO L CER T I FI CA T E EXA MINATION Arabic Beginners Written Examination Total marks 55 General Instructions Reading time 5 minutes Working time 2 hours Write using black or blue pen Write your Centre Number and Student Number at the top of this page and page 17 306 Section I Pages 2 14 45 marks Attempt Questions 1 6 Allow about 1 hour and 35 minutes for this section Section II Pages 17 18 10 marks Attempt ONE question from Questions 7 9 Allow about 25 minutes for this section Section I Reading Skills 45 marks Attempt Questions 1 6 Allow about 1 hour and 35 minutes for this section Answer the questions in ENGLISH in the spaces provided. Question 1 (3 marks) Read the text, then answer the questions that follow. d U r U d U d D L tO U b =b I UO d w j I w b O w U K H d _ w O W M U W U q d U O v _ W K H W UD d F w U?O]K r F D w ? O W? F? U? W? U q d? U ?O W? O U? W K H? W]O ]c d UH UA F l W UD d F r n U U F e K Question 1 continues on page 3 2 Marks Question 1 (continued) (a) (A) A magician (B) A musician (C) A singer (D) (b) 1 Who is visiting Sydney? A dancer What are the venues for the two events? .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. End of Question 1 Please turn over 3 2 Question 2 (5 marks) Read the text, then answer the questions that follow. b b d b L UL? O K b=O] b b? d b L K U ? I W K H? U J U W I? D M w q I ? L b N F? U w U _ s dO b uL=K F L ^D U d C U?N? I?]I w? ] Z zU? ]M U t U? ? s d? lO?L? U?NO? d J? W L K? b b? d b? L vI b N F L K w U _ UN =b I w ] b U L U w{UL w b N F L W? {U =d d u??O? ?LJ q ? b b?? ] u? U?O? ? vK ^D? b b? d b? L l?] ? U?L? vK q L? F O b b? d uO? L U?N s d? A d A u?I O? t] Q r b h ]d W?]O b q C Z zU oOI r N qON Question 2 continues on page 5 4 Marks Question 2 (continued) (a) 1 What was the occasion? .............................................................................................................................. (b) According to Mr Suleiman, what are the strengths of the college? 2 .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. (c) What did the principal promise the students? .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. End of Question 2 Please turn over 5 2 Question 3 (7 marks) Read the text, then answer the questions that follow. W HO s n O]B r u w UN b q L F K n] u L UN U s _ W I b b M s K F w U W? ? L? ? O d? A? W U??( v ? d? N^E b? F W? ? U? s q L? F U?? U? u _ n O]B q B w ^D V UM ` d q L ^u U L d W uK D L d^A W M d A W F U d A W U 5 U =b I L d L uJ b M H s zU U I s W] eOKJ W]O d F s O G^K r]K J d uO L J UL F vK b I t b uJ W]O U UL _ i F s f UH r vK w U b=O] v r N U K U W HO u w 5 d vK Question 3 continues on page 7 6 Marks Question 3 (continued) (a) (A) A gardener at the hotel (B) A receptionist at the hotel (C) An accountant at the hotel (D) (b) 1 What vacancy is being advertised? A tourist guide at the hotel What are the working hours for the position advertised? 1 .............................................................................................................................. (c) 2 Why would this job suit students? .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. (d) List the duties included in the job description. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. End of Question 3 7 3 Question 4 (9 marks) Read the text, then answer the questions that follow. U X ? U b M w?M N? w ] U u?F^B s 5?M W] u U w X ]b? u O b? b?OF? U W? H?O?F? { X U? W?] e?OKJ w ? G ] r N d? ? u M l c M U?O d?? ? v d? F s ] b w J V V s v r K s r W b w b u U d F X M w D X? ? ? v ? u ]q U?N? ? U? w ] W? O? U?I? U? b?] s? U?C r N d? ? W L L qO? UH s wF? u ]b w b? W UN w d? ^D o]H U? b M u ? X M r t u c] V b] UM W] u U v W UI U =e v V U q D W K UI L W] u U c w b b]A UM UL w Q? U UF L U d? u O c U W L L w w U??O? s w ? K zU? s U?? uK F? W? d? F? L UM U??L? ? X E W K ? _ d? ? ? wFO u vK uB W]O B ]A Question 4 continues on page 9 8 Marks Question 4 (continued) (a) 2 Who is Imad Kassem? .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. (b) What are the difficulties that Imad had to overcome? 3 .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. (c) Compare the reaction of the students in each school. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. End of Question 4 9 4 Question 5 (9 marks) Read the text, then answer the questions that follow. n O]B c d U s v UO d w d e d? d e v V c? p M J L UO d? w W?]O H O?]B W K D F U?C b eM u q U W F z d v u]A U l L W]O d _ W K L F q L F p M J L UM UO d U w b?O s? b F? w ] d? G?L w U? W M b w W? K D F U?C I U? ? L W? d? UM U ^V X? M W?] U?? W? F z W M b?? U? d?? O W? U? s d?? A? b? W? U? ? U?N?O? U? q L? W M n w u? q ? W?]O d? W M b? w gO?F p] Q? d? F? A UM W?]O d? F W]O d F u?D F d F w ] L U? O] UN K b w ] W I?=O]C u]A = bOK I] =w d G L UF]D U l L UM d u L uN A L W]O d G L U F bOF W K p v M L W]O UO= R^A =d Question 5 continues on page 11 10 Marks Question 5 (continued) (a) How long does it take to travel to Morocco? 1 .............................................................................................................................. (b) Why would one choose Fraser Island as a holiday destination? 2 .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. (c) List TWO traditional goods sold in Fez shops. (i) 2 .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. (ii) .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. (d) Who would choose Fez as a holiday destination? Justify your answer. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. End of Question 5 11 4 Question 6 (12 marks) Read the text, then answer the questions that follow. yq W K J A =q J U =d b O] b F W =O W]O ]q b M b q w K J A p O K d _ W U =d c p O V c M U?O d? v w? K zU d? U UM w b? d L? s d? A W? M U w U? ? U w K zU d lOL W M w w u s O d J U u M d A w ? l U W? O U U? ? vK X K B? w{U?L UF W?] u U w ? X O? N b d b ]s J q I L w W O U ` W uH^D r K o=I _ w bO W F U w vK k U w J? u M l w d J c] w L? s s ] e _ UM v t F? w c Q s wM F M L s? ]e ] d b u? W K zU?F q L? l L W?]O d? F U b?O U?I UM U? U? A wI? W?]O? F? U? w ? wN q ? ]e b ? U U? W? =b l U wM UM c] t F d H] s l M b V C w U uL w v q q F U d ]B UH p OB d E wM] uK Question 6 continues on page 13 12 Question 6 (continued) u K w e e U d w ] W I d]D U p UF p ? b d p^ t] ]p c] b n u r N wM] q d?=J H p B wM]M J W K zU?F w d J X M ? p] W U p ? K zUF p W ? UM ] U O zUN d c Q p H u t w ={ u d b N b l u{ u L wA UM p O K oO u] p v M L Marks (a) 1 Why does Salwa write to Dalal? (A) (B) To ask for a solution to her problems (C) To ask for a job as a lawyer (D) (b) To complain about her studies To inform her of her marriage How old was Salwa when she migrated to Australia with her family? Give details. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. Question 6 continues on page 14 13 2 Marks Question 6 (continued) (c) What factors are affecting the father s thinking regarding Salwa s future? 4 .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. (d) What do you think Salwa will decide to do? Justify your answer. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. End of Question 6 14 5 BLANK PAGE 15 BLANK PAGE 16 Board of Studies NSW 2002 2 0 0 2 H I G H E R S C H O O L C E R T I F I C A T E E X A M I N AT I O N Arabic Beginners Centre Number Section II Writing Skills 10 marks Attempt ONE question from Questions 7 9 Allow about 25 minutes for this section Student Number Answer the question in the space provided. Write approximately 100 words in MODERN STANDARD ARABIC. Question 7 (10 marks) Write a letter to a friend or relative overseas inviting him/her to come to Australia and spend one term with your family and attend school with you. OR Question 8 (10 marks) You are not feeling well. Write the dialogue which occurs between you and your doctor at his/her surgery. OR Question 9 (10 marks) Write a story to go with the following picture. Question continues on page 18 17 307 Question attempted ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... End of paper 18 Board of Studies NSW 2002

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Additional Info : New South Wales Higher School Certificate Arabic Beginners 2002
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